This is the log book for the L1SIM simulator started 18-OCT-1991 to do: - add comments to L1DBB_DATA_BLOCK.PARAMS to explain the variables TRG_NUM_SCALER and DBLOCK_NUM_SCALER, and point out the poor choice of names - release updated L1UTIL_TRANSLATE_RS_LINE and L1UTIL_TRANSLATE_L15CTRS_LINE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 17-JAN-1995 Philippe - Jim Linnemann reports a problem with RCP EZPICK/RESET in L1SIM. He made a routine to check and dump the stack of open RCP banks, and reports that L1SIM is fine after the initialization hook, after each event, but has left 2 banks in the stack after the standard summary. (L1_ANDOR_RESOURCE and L15_TERM_RESOURCE) Scanning the code for L1SIM_SSUM doesn't reveal anything. Jim explains the methods, and gives me his new source code: d0msu1::MSU1:[DATA.LINNEMANN.JAN]EZPICK_CHECK_STACK.FOR and EZPICK.FOR compile on DIRAC:: and use the debugger. This is the "new" motif debugger interface with a single window. However it seems pretty buggy. The debugger seems to lose some of the break points that were set earlier (Cancel break/all will still get them out). Also seems to have problems with displaying source code. Maye it is a problem with user table logical names. Set a break point on EZRSET to find the ISTACK variable, and set a WATCH on it. Then the debugger will stop execution every time a routine "picks" a new bank or "resets" it. Also set break points at L1SIM_INI, L1SIM_EVENT, L1SIM_SSUM. Before L1SIM_INI ISTACK = 0 After L1SIM_INI /Before L1SIM_EVENT 0 After L1SIM_EVENT /Before L1SIM_SSUM 1 (*) After L1SIM_SSUM 3 (**) (*) MUSIM_RCP is left on the stack by MU_WAM_CCT (**) L1_ANDOR_RESOURCE is left by L1DMP_SPTRG_DEF line 145 has EZRSET before label 180 CONTINUE and L15_TERM_RESOURCE is left by L1DMP_GET_NEXT_ANDOR_KEY line 39 GOTO 999 skips the EZRSET this only happens when the routine is called to scan the whole list and reaches the end of the list. Other instances call the routine until they find the entry they are looking for, then stop before the end of the list. L1DMP_ANDOR_TERMS would cause the same problem. - Modify L1DMP_SPTRG_DEF.FOR swap the EZRSET to before the label 180 CONTINUE statement - Modify L1DMP_GET_NEXT_ANDOR_KEY.FOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12-DEC-1994 Philippe - Modify L1SIM.RCP add comment entry for earlier modifications ! Updated: ?? by ?? ! Change LSO file to implement clipping @ TT_Eta>16 ! L1SIM_COVERAGE_THRU_ETA_16 [ but this is wrong! ] ! Change L15_CERTIFIED_DEFAULT to TRUE ! to FORCED_ANDOR_TERMS ! add CALNE_PLS(FALSE) ! remove MRBS_LOSS(FALSE) ! to COPIED_ANDOR_TERMS ! add MR_VETO_HIGH ! add MR_VETO_LOW ! remove CALNE_PLS ! remove SCINT_COSMIC ! add MRBS_LOSS Add new comment ! Updated: 8-DEC-1994 Philippe Laurens - MSU L1 Trigger ! Add switch CLIP_L1CT_AT_ETA_16 ! Restore official LSO file CALORIMETER_TRIGGER.LSO ! fix MR_VETO_HIGH and MR_VETO_LOW from ! COPIED_ANDOR_TERMS (no state allowed) - Modify L1C_SIMUL_CTFE.FOR Implement the coverage restriction implemented on 23-JUL-94 in the L1CT hardware. The towers at TT_eta > 16 (eta >3.2) were prevented to contribute to all Global energy sums (EM Et, HD Et, Tot Et, Px, Py, and MPt). The full coverage is still available for EM or Tot (i.e. jet) Reference Sets, Large Tile Reference Sets, and L1.5 CalTrig. - Modify L1_FW_AND_CT_RCP.FOR L1SIM_CONTROL.INC L1SIM_CONTROL.PARAMS Add switch CLIP_L1CT_AT_ETA_16 to enable simulation of clipped coverage at |eta| > 16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 14-SEP-1994 Philippe - Modify PRTRGR_L1_FW_AND_CT_DBLOCK.FOR build the EM Et and Tot Et jet lists that are no longer included in the data block. Do NOT build the Jet Lists in the IQ's because this is the event and it may be saved by D0USER. Build a private copy instead. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 25-AUG-1994 Philippe - copy to L1SIM$SOURCE the new version of the L1UTIL_TRANSLATE_RS_LINE that was written and delivered to Bruce on 11-15-JUN-94 This file needs to be released with LEVEL1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28-JUN-1994 Philippe - LEVEL1 is being updated by Nikos, Leigh M, etc. see [SOURCE_L1SIM.CMS]27-JUN-94.LEVEL1 for my contribution ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4-MAR-1994 Philippe OL1SIM: - Modify L1_FRAMEWORK_SIM.FOR review, reorganize and correct andor and FSTD decision making. add one more option for prescaler mode. PRESCALER_USE_EVENT_DATA lets the simulator look back in the input event data to make the prescaler decision on a specific trigger whose andor fired and is prescaled. If the specific trigger was enabled in the input event, it is allowed to fire, otherwise it is asumed it was disabled by the prescaler. - Modify L1SIM_CONTROL.INC and L1SIM_CONTROL.PARAMS to add PRESCALER_USE_EVENT_DATA_RCPKEY, and PRESCALER_USE_EVENT_DATA - Create L1EXTRACT_ANDOR_FIRED.FOR and L1EXTRACT_SPTRG_ENABLED.FOR to read andor and sptrg fired masks from raw event - propagate to L1DMP_SP_TRIG_DEF.FOR L1_AND_L15_CONTROL_SSUM.FOR L1_CALTRIG_DIALOG.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_RCP.FOR - add to L1SIM.RCP PRESCALER_USE_EVENT_DATA .FALSE. !Override the Prescaler operation and ! follow the Final SpTrg Fired Decision ! as read from the input event. !.TRUE. implies following event data !.FALSE. implies using the ratios ! programmed by COOR !(APPLY_PRESCALER_DEFAULT must be TRUE) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9-DEC-1993 Philippe OL1SIM: - Fix L1_CALTRIG_TOWERS.FOR The energy saturation was applied to the raw energies instead of the Transverse energies. the OLBs in OL1SIM were not updated ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13-JUL-1993 Philippe OL1SIM: - Modify L1_LARGE_TILE_SIM.FOR Read L1SIM_RCP switches (if defined), for example DO_TT_LOW_ENERGY_CUT_FOR_LT .TRUE. DO_BILATERAL_CUT_FOR_LT .FALSE. TT_LOW_ENERGY_CUT_FOR_LT 0.0 ! GeV This implements unilateral or bilateral low energy cut on the energy of each Trigger Tower contributing to each Large Tile. - fix L1DMP_L1EXTRACT.FOR L1SIM_EVENT.FOR L1_COPY_CRATES.FOR for D0flavor/check - add update comments to L1_AND_L15_CONTROL_SSUM.FOR;34 L1_FW_AND_CT_CLEAR.FOR;40 L1_FW_AND_CT_INIT_PROGR.FOR;8 - modify TEST.RELEASE and LEVEL1.RELEASE drop the post-processing commands. The unwanted modules are not part of the object libraries any more, since the OFFICIAL release. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12-JUL-1993 Philippe OL1SIM: - update OL1SIM: using OWORK1: - Modify L1_LARGE_TILE_SIM.FOR add RCP switches to do Uni or Bi-lateral Cut on TT Energy going into LT - Modify L1DBB_DATA_BLOCK.PARAMS Increment version number 2->9 to match 967 ReV C. Add alternate Version Number of 7 for when the Jet Lists are created - Modify L1_FW_AND_CT_FILL.FOR Use alternate version number depending on jet list building ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12-JUL-1993 Philippe OWORK1: - Modify L1_FW_AND_CT_FILL.FOR fix filling of trailer. Put it back next to the filling of data section so that the index PNTR is still valid. - Add switch to turn On/Off the building of the EM and Tot Jet Lists L1SIM.RCP L1SIM_CONTROL.INC L1SIM_CONTROL.PARAMS L1_CALTRIG_DIALOG.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_RCP.FOR L1_AND_L15_CONTROL_SSUM.FOR check this switch before creating the jet lists L1_FW_AND_CT_FILL.FOR - Modify L1_LEVEL0_SIM.FOR Amber pointed out that the Andor Terms should not be forced to display a Vertex at z=0 when the Calorimeter Trigger Lookup System is told to ignore Level 0 Vertex information (FORCE_VERTEX_CENTER in L1SIM_RCP). - Modify L1_FW_AND_CT_INIT_PROGR.FOR bug fix: use EZGETS instead of EZGET to retrieve LT refset file names. bug fix: replace poun sign with reference set number bug fix: make special patch for reading .RS files assign ST_VS_RS instead of PROGRAMMING_MASK and move the loop translating ST_VS_RS into PROGRAMMING_MASK from before the patch to after the patch. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11-JUL-1993 Philippe OWORK1: - Create L1UTIL_LT_JET_LIST_BUILDER.FOR adapted from L1UTIL_JET_LIST_BUILDER.FOR to create Large Tile Jet Lists Entry point L1UTIL_LT_JET_LIST_BUILD_FIRST - Modify L1UTIL_JET_LIST_BUILDER.FOR allow Large Tile option and immediately transfer to L1UTIL_LT_JET_LIST_BUILDER.FOR Entry point L1UTIL_JET_LIST_BUILDER_FIRST calls L1UTIL_LT_JET_LIST_BUILD_FIRST - Modify PRTRGR_L1_FW_AND_CT_DBLOCK.FOR (ZEBRA_UTIL) display Large Tile Jet list by calling L1UTIL_LT_JET_LIST_BUILDER and PRTRGR_JET_LIST_PRINT - Modify GZFIND_CRATE (ZEBRA_UTIL) Add an entry point GZFIND_CRATE_TRAILER_WAS and remove lucky try to find crate as the first in bank so that the crate is always located by its trailer - Modify L1_COPY_CRATES.FOR Call entry GZFIND_CRATE_TRAILER_WAS instead of level 0 routine GZFIND_CRATE_TRAILER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10-JUL-1993 Philippe OWORK1: - Modify L1_FW_AND_CT_INIT_PROGR.FOR extend writing programming mask from TOT_ET_REF_MAX to LT_REF_MAX - Modify L1FW_ANDOR_AND_MISC.INC extend ST_VS_RS for Large Tiles - Modify L1_FW_AND_CT_CLEAR.FOR initialize ST_VS_RS for Large Tile ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9-JUL-1993 Philippe OL1SIM: - copy INC and PARAMS files from OWORK1 to OL1SIM and recompile DEB_LEVEL1.OLB ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9-JUL-1993 Philippe OWORK1: - Create L1DMP_LARGE_TILE_GEV.FOR Dump Ennergies in Large Tile - Modify L1SIM_CONTROL.PARAMS Add flag for dumping Large Tile Energies Rename DMP_MAX_NUM_SECTIONS to DMP_NUM_SECTIONS_SIMU and add new DMP_NUM_SECTIONS_TRGR - Modify L1DMP_SELECT_SECTIONS.FOR Replace DMP_MAX_NUM_SECTIONS with DMP_NUM_SECTIONS_SIMU and use new DMP_NUM_SECTIONS_TRGR instead of (DMP_MAX_NUM_SECTIONS-1) Add Item in Menu for Large Tile in Menu - Modify L1DMP_SP_TRIG_DEF.FOR Add Dump of Large Tile Reference Sets and dump of Large Tile programming vs SpTrg - Modify L1_FW_AND_CT_DUMP.FOR Add dump of Large Tiles energies, call L1DMP_LARGE_TILE_GEV.FOR also update entry L1_FW_AND_CT_DUMP_ENABLE - Modify L1_LARGE_TILE_SIM.FOR Use the Large Tile Offset already prepared and save LT_ENERGY with its offset. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8-JUL-1993 Philippe OWORK1: - Modify LGTILE_THRESHOLD_TRANSLATION.FOR make hardware threshold at 4*8*32+1 - Modify L1DMP_REFSET.FOR add option to display LT ref sets Use a simple approach. "Piggy back" on the work already done. The loops looking for Trigger Tower eta, phi blocks are not modified. Large Tile coordinates are derived each time so that the same comparisons are repeated until a LT boundary is reached. This causes extra work, but no harm. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7-JUL-1993 Philippe OWORK1: - Modify L1_SPECIFIC_TRIGGER.INC extend the variable PROGRAMMING_MASK from (EM_ET_REF_MIN:TOT_ET_REF_MAX) to (EM_ET_REF_MIN:LT_REF_MAX) - Modify L1DBB_DATA_BLOCK_BUILDER.FOR Write the Programming Information for the Large Tile Jet List after the Programming Information for Trigger Tower Jet List. - Modify L1COOR_ST_VS_RS_INIT.FOR Accept new argument value for Large Tile - Modify LGTILE_THRESHOLD_TRANSLATION.FOR use ADC_ZERESP instead of LOOKUP_ZERESP add saturation to 4*8*255 + 1 - Modify L1_FW_AND_CT_INIT_PROGR.FOR Force the Programming Mask to show that all specific triggers depend on all the Large Tile reference sets specified through the patch - Modify L1C_INTERMEDIATE_ENERGY.INC add large tile energy taken from L1C_EVENT.INC - Remove L1C_EVENT.INC This file isn't a modified file anymore. and large tile offset - Modify L1C_INIT_LSM.FOR initialize large tile offset LT_ZERESP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6-JUL-1993 Philippe OWORK1: - Create L1UTIL_TRANSLATE_LTRS_LINE entry of L1UTIL_TRANSLATE_RS_LINE.FOR This is to do syntax checking and translation of Large Tile Ref Sets as used by COOR. The Large Tile Ref Sets need a slightly different checking. The entry point only sets a flag and jumps to the main code body. - Modify L1COOR_REFSET_VERIFY entry of L1COOR_REFSET_INIT.FOR use same flag setting method as above, in order to use a meaningful passed argument. - Modify L1_FW_AND_CT_INIT_PROGR.FOR Add a temporary patch to read in 8 reference set files in the format COOR uses, translating each line before interpretation. Fix the routine name passed to ERRMSG from 'L1_FW_AND_CT_INIT' to 'L1_FW_AND_CT_INIT_PROGR'. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1-2-JUL-1993 Philippe OWORK1: - Debug L1COOR_REFSET_INIT.FOR verifying arnge of LT RS setting threshold with correct ref set variable index and L1_LARGE_TILE_SIM.FOR setting large tile pattern corrupt spectrig_andor_alloc the mistake was using the params in L1DBB_DATA_BLOCK.PARAMS which are for 16 bit item numbers with LVL1_DATA_BLOCK which is a longword array fix andor term name typo compare the Large tile energy to threshold before offset correction use energy+offset with the thresh from LGTILE_THRESHOLD_TRANSLATION save the energy without offset in LT_ENERGY - Modify L1_FW_AND_CT_CLEAR.FOR initialize Large Tile Reference Set to one more than the maximum count out of a Large Tile ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30-JUN-1993 Philippe OWORK1: - Modify L1COOR_PARSER.PARAMS - Modify L1COOR_GET_COMMAND_TYPE.FOR - Modify L1_FW_AND_CT_PROGR.FOR add Large Tile Messages - Modify L1COOR_REFSET_INIT.FOR add code checking range boundary for large tile coverage add code assigning large tile reference sets - Create LGTILE_THRESHOLD_TRANSLATION.FOR Derived from TOWER_THRESHOLD_TRANSLATION.FOR - Modify L1_CALTRIG.PARAMS add large tile reference set numbering (from L1_LARGE_TILE.PARAMS) - modify LEVEL1_LOOKUP.PARAMS add Large Tile Eta and Phi coverage (from L1_LARGE_TILE.PARAMS) - Obsolete L1_LARGE_TILE.PARAMS - modify L1C_EVENT.INC add Large Tile Energies (from L1_LARGE_TILE.INC) - modify L1C_REFSET_AND_COUNT_THRESHOLDS.INC add Large Tile Reference Sets (from L1_LARGE_TILE.INC) and Large Tile Zero Energy Response - modify L1C_GLOBAL_RESULTS.INC add Large Tile GLobal Count Variable (from L1_LARGE_TILE.INC) - Obsolete L1_LARGE_TILE.INC Drop Low Energy Cut parameters and simulation LT_TT_ENERGY_CUT_BILATERAL, LT_TT_ENERGY_CUT_UNILATERAL, LT_TT_ENERGY_CUT_VALUE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29-JUN-1993 Philippe OWORK1: - Modify L1COOR_REFSET_INIT.FOR The code (with one section for assignments skipped) was duplicated as an entry point L1COOR_REFSET_VERIFY. This duplication is now avoided by requiring the entry point to pass an argument value that will skip the assignment. - Modify L1UTIL_TRANSLATE_RS_LINE.FOR modified the call to L1COOR_REFSET_VERIFY. - Modify L1_FW_AND_CT_CLEAR.FOR add zero st_vs_rs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28-JUN-1993 Philippe OWORK1: - Modify L1SIM_EVENT.FOR Call additional subsystem L1_LARGE_TILE_SIM after CalTrig - Create L1_LARGE_TILE_SIM.FOR modified from L1_USER_TERMS_SIM.FOR, add reading Andor Term Names Change single Ref Value to Ref Set Write Large Tile Pattern as in 967 Rev C Change code to Return Terms from Do Loops - Create L1_LARGE_TILE.INC and L1_LARGE_TILE.PARAMS modified from L1_SUPER_TOWER.INC and L1_SUPER_TOWER.PARAMS - Modify L1DBB_DATA_BLOCK.PARAMS Change "Super Tower" variable name to "Large Tile" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 21-22-JUN-1993 Philippe OL1SIM: Jet list would show up in PRTRGR, not in raw dump. This is because the raw dump is using the common blocks for input, and the jet list was direcltly written to the zebra bank, bypassing the common blocks. The choice is made to back annotate the common blocks after writing the jet lists in the TRGR bank. - Modify L1_FW_AND_CT_FILL.FOR back annotation to copy the jet lists and the programmed and fired from the TRGR bank back into the common blocks. - Modify L1UTIL_JET_LIST_BUILDER.FOR fix offset of one fror where the entry L1UTIL_JET_LIST_BUILDER_STMASK writes the programmed+fired masks back in the TRGR bank. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7-JUN-1993 Philippe OL1SIM: - Modify L1_FW_AND_CT_RCP.FOR reading andor term (forced and copied) to skip blank entries and use rename variable RCP_ENTRY insteadof NUM_TERMS_FOUND - modify L1_SPECIAL_TERMS_SIM.FOR add space between 'not found' and ANDOR_TERM_NAME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3-JUN-1993 Philippe - copy from D0UCR2$DKB0:[DATA.BAZIZI.TRIG.L1SIM.NEW] MUSIM.RCP;1 9 12-MAY-1993 16:14:42.63 MU_L15_TABLES_V1.RCP;1 3 12-MAY-1993 16:12:29.80 MU_L15_TABLES_V2.RCP;1 3 12-MAY-1993 16:13:14.45 New MU_OTC_CF_K_15.DAT;1 4096 9-MAY-1993 02:11:34.39 \ MU_OTC_CF_M_15.DAT;1 2048 9-MAY-1993 02:12:19.30 | MU_OTC_WN_K_50.DAT;1 4096 9-MAY-1993 02:18:58.49 | New MU_OTC_WN_M_50.DAT;1 2048 9-MAY-1993 02:19:19.01 | MU_OTC_WS_K_50.DAT;1 4096 9-MAY-1993 02:19:35.66 | MU_OTC_WS_M_50.DAT;1 2048 9-MAY-1993 02:19:53.76 / MU_L15_TAB_INIT.FOR;1 10 12-MAY-1993 16:04:12.67 MU_TRIG_CRATE.FOR;1 27 12-MAY-1993 15:26:53.41 MU_OTC_MGR.FOR;31 27 2-JUN-1993 22:33:10.00 - Modify L1_SPECIAL_TERMS_SIM.FOR replace variable names ANDOR_INDEX and TERM_INDEX with INDEX rename TERM_NUM_SAVE tp ZERO_BIAS_TERM Implement andor terms copied from an existing TRGR bank found in the input event - Modify L1_FW_AND_CT_RCP.FOR Read array of names of copied andor terms copied Read switch to copy L0 crate Fix ERRMSG argument, use L1_FW_AND_CT_RCP instead of L1_READ_L1SIM_RCP - Modify L1_AND_L15_CONTROL_SSUM.FOR show names of copied andor terms show switch specifying whether the L0 crate is cpied - Create L1_COPY_CRATES.FOR to copy L0 Crate from input event to output. - Modify L1SIM_EVENT.FOR Call L1_COPY_CRATES - Modify L1SIM.RCP add array of copied andor term add switch for copied L0 Crate add saturation values for Run Ib - modify L1SIM_CONTROL.INC, L1SIM_CONTROL_STRINGS.INC, L1SIM_CONTROL.PARAMS add variables for copied andor terms, copy L0 crate - Modify L1DBB_DATA_BLOCK_BUILDER.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_FILL.FOR remove call to L1DBB_JET_LIST_BUILDER. Moved to to L1_FW_AND_CT_FILL, and use >official< routine L1UTIL_JET_LIST_BUILDER (same as used by Level 2) - Modify L1UTIL_JET_LIST_BUILDER.FOR add entry point to retrieve the masks of Sptrg fired using each Refset - Delete L1DBB_JET_LIST_BUILDER now obsolete ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28-MAY-1993 Philippe - update L1DMP_L1EXTRACT.FOR using [TRG_HOST.SOURCE_DUMP_TRGR.L1EXTRACT] fix call to match L1EXTRACT_L15_STATUS from ZEBRA_UTIL to add an entry L1DMP_L1EXTRACT_DEFDUMP - fix L1_FW_AND_CT_FILL.FOR using FNALD0::USR$ROOT0:[TRGMGR.COPY_ANDOR] trailer synch word position trailer's first word is whole length, not just trailer - fix L1_LEVEL0_SIM.FOR using FNALD0::USR$ROOT0:[TRGMGR.COPY_ANDOR] center bin andor term had TRUE-TRUE in IF-THEN-ELSE test for L1C_LKP_NEG_Z was on LEVEL_0_NZ instead of PAGE - fix MUSIM.RCP OTC_TAB_FILE_V1 was poining to kamel's dir on FNALD0 - fix CAL_TTOWERS.FOR add SAVE statement - fix L1UTIL_PICK_L1SIM_RCP.FOR remove extra return statement ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3-FEB-1993 Philippe - fix the file MU_WAM_MAC.FOR that had multiple subroutines - modify L1_CALTRIG_ANAL.FOR Fill energy histograms #1011-1013 and #1021-1023 using quantities after PROM lookup, instead of raw ADC counts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2-FEB-1993 Philippe - update the local directories with Kamel's update from 28-JAN and 2-FEB ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8-JAN-1993 Philippe OL1SIM: - copy MU_SUPERVISOR and MU_TRIG_CRATE from Kamel Bazizi D0UCR2$DKB0:[DATA.BAZIZI.TRIG.L1SIM] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 17-DEC-1992 Philippe OL1SIM: - Test L1EXTRACT_L15_STATUS at Dzero. - update L1SIM.DOC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 16-DEC-1992 Philippe OL1SIM: - modify L1DMP_L1EXTRACT to add new argument SKIPPED_L15 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11-DEC-1992 Philippe OL1SIM: - add argument SKIPPED_L15 to L1EXTRACT_L15_STATUS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27-NOV-...10-DEC-1992 Philippe OL1SIM: - copy files from OWORK2: scrutanize the differences. Modify, tune, add comments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2-DEC-1992 Steven, OWORK2: - Simulate new Andor Terms L0_SLOW_Z_GOOD and L0_SLOW_Z_CENTER. Modified: L1_LEVEL0_SIM.FOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 25-NOV-1992 Steven, OWORK2: - Clean-up and cosmetic changes to code. Modified: [.INC]L15_FRAMEWORK.INC [.PARAMS]LCOOR_PARSER.PARAMS L1COOR_GET_COMMAND_TYPE.FOR L1SIM_EVENT.FOR L1_FRAMEWORK_SIM.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_CLEAR.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_PROGR.FOR L1_LEVEL15_NEEDED.FOR L1_SPECIAL_TERMS_SIM.FOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 23-NOV-1992 Steven, OWORK2: - Moved calculation of Level 1.5 Data Block scalers from L1_AND_L15_FW_ANAL to L15_FRAMEWORK_SIM and L1_LEVEL15_NEEDED. Reorganized L1SIM_EVENT so call to analysis routine occurs at more appropriate location. - All COOR messages of type WRT_HOST present and future are ignored by L1SIM, including those yet to be defined. - Changed example of building L1SIM in the documentation to have ZEBSTP=1000000 (million) rather than 600000. - Created new routine L1EXTRACT_L15_STATUS. - Found bug in TRGR_DISP where global quantities were not sign-extended. Created: L1EXTRACT_L15_STATUS.FOR Modified: DUMP_L1EXTRACT.FOR L15_FRAMEWORK_SIM.FOR L1COOR_GET_COMMAND_TYPE.FOR L1DBB_L15_SECTION.FOR L1SIM_EVENT.FOR L1UTIL_TRGR_UNPACK.FOR L1_AND_L15_FW_ANAL.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_PROGR.FOR L1_LEVEL15_NEEDED.FOR L1SIM.DOC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12-NOV-1992 Steven, OWORK2: - Added new Level 0 Andor Term L0_FAST_Z_CENTER, for Bin #0. - Set/Clear the flag in the Data Block indicating whether Level 1.5 was used. Have PRTRGR print its state. - Moved some extract/unpacking routines from TRGMON to be distributed with Level 1 library. - Moved updated PRTRGR_* routines from TRGMON. - If unknown messages are found in programming file, only output a warning. - Fixed bug where some Trigger Masks in the Data Block reflected only the Level 1 state when a Level 1.5 Cycle was performed. Modified: [.DATA]TRIGGER_RESOURCES.RCP L15_FRAMEWORK_SIM.FOR L1DBB_L15_SECTION.FOR L1EXTRACT_LIVEX_SCALERS.FOR L1_CALTRIG_TOWERS.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_PROGR.FOR L1_LEVEL0_SIM.FOR PRTRGR_L1_FW_AND_CT_DBLOCK.FOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28-SEP-1992 Steven, OWORK2: - Interpret COOR messages necessary for a Verification program. - Create new D0USER packages for writing L1EXTRACT_* outputs and a simulated Jet List. - Forced Andor Terms, which specify constant states for Andor Terms not simulated by L1SIM. - Trigger Tower Energy Saturation values Files Created: L1COOR_ALLOC_SPECTRIG.FOR L1COOR_DEALLOC_SPECTRIG.FOR L1COOR_ENABLE_SPECTRIG.FOR L1COOR_FREE_SPECTRIG.FOR L1COOR_INIT_FEBZDIS.FOR L1COOR_INIT_OBEYVETO.FOR L1DBB_L15_SECTION.FOR L1DMP_L1EXTRACT.FOR L1DMP_SIMULATED_JET_LIST.FOR Files Modified: L1COOR_ANDOR_INIT.FOR L1COOR_GET_COMMAND_TYPE.FOR L1COOR_L15TERM_INIT.FOR L1COOR_L15TYPE_INIT.FOR L1COOR_ST_PRESCALER.FOR L1COOR_ST_STARTDGT_INIT.FOR L1COOR_ST_VS_RS_INIT.FOR L1DBB_DATA_BLOCK_BUILDER.FOR L1DMP_SP_TRIG_DEF.FOR L1SIM_EVENT.FOR L1SIM_INI.FOR L1UTIL_TRGR_DISP_INIT.FOR L1_AND_L15_CONTROL_SSUM.FOR L1_AND_L15_FW_ANAL.FOR L1_CALTRIG_TOWERS.FOR L1_FRAMEWORK_SIM.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_CLEAR.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_PROGR.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_RCP.FOR L1_SPECIAL_TERMS_SIM.FOR L15_FRAMEWORK.PARAMS L1COOR_PARSER.PARAMS L1SIM_CONTROL.PARAMS L15_FRAMEWORK.INC L1FW_ANDOR_AND_MISC.INC L1SIM_CONTROL.INC L1SIM_CONTROL_STRINGS.INC L1_SPECIFIC_TRIGGER.INC COOR_TO_TRICS.TXT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3-AUG-1992 Steven, OWORK2: - modify L1_LEVEL0_SIM Use official Andor Term names 'L0_FAST_Z_GOOD' and 'L0_CENTER_1' - Match D0 Note 967 Rev B. Add new scalers and Level 1.5 information: ? Data Block Number Scaler = Beam Crossing Scaler Level 0 Good Scaler Level 1.5 Scalers Level 1.5 ST, Term Answer, Term Done - PRTRGR dumps new scalers etc. L1DBB_DATA_BLOCK_BUILDER.FOR L1DBB_L15_SECTION.FOR L1SIM_EVENT.FOR L1_AND_L15_FW_ANAL.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_CLEAR.FOR L1_LEVEL0_SIM.FOR PRTRGR_L1_FW_AND_CT_DBLOCK.FOR L15_FRAMEWORK.PARAMS L1DBB_DATA_BLOCK.PARAMS L15_FRAMEWORK.INC L1_SPECIFIC_TRIGGER.INC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 16-JUL-1992 Philippe, Ol1SIM: - modify GZFIND_CRATE.FOR in [.ZEBRA_UTIL] increase ZEBCOM_LIMIT to biggest 3 byte integers to still preserve against random data in MSbyte. - add L1ESUMFL.DOC in [.ZEBRA_UTIL] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15-JUL-1992 Philippe, Ol1SIM: - copy all new l1extract routines to [.zebra_util] - move [.SOURCE]L1UTIL_GET_FOREIGN_SCALER.FOR to [.zebra_util] - copy from D0$L2BETA to [.MUON] (new code from Kamel) MUSIM.DOC L15_MUON_SIM.FOR L1_MUON_FILL.FOR L1_MUON_INIT.FOR L1_MUON_SIM.FOR MU_CCT.FOR MU_MAC_INPUT.FOR MU_MAC_SAM.FOR MU_MAC_WAM.FOR MU_MOD_NUM.FOR MU_SUPERVISOR.FOR MU_TRIG_CRATE.FOR MU_TRIG_MON.FOR - copy from D0$L2BETA to [.SOURCE] (new code from Jim) L1UTIL_DISP_TOWER_ENERGY.FOR L1_CALTRIG_TOWERS.FOR - modify L1_CALTRIG_TOWERS.FOR Consider a missing input source a fatal error on first event only, and a warning on subsequent events. Add SUCCESS argument so that L1SIM_EVENT may skip. - modify to remove ESUM filling L1SIM_INI.FOR L1SIM_EVENT.FOR (and also check success of L1_CALTRIG_TOWERS) - copy from OWORK2: new L1DBB_DATA_BLOCK.PARAMS to [.PARAMS] define new l1 data block variables without updating L1SIM data block size. used by new zebra_util basic variables. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JUN-JULY-1992 Steven, OWORK2: - Create routines L1EXTRACT_2ND_LKP_ENERGIES.FOR L1EXTRACT_ACNET_TIME.FOR L1EXTRACT_ANDOR_TERM.FOR L1EXTRACT_BEAMX_SCALER.FOR L1EXTRACT_GLOBAL_TOWER_COUNTS.FOR L1EXTRACT_JET_LIST.FOR L1EXTRACT_L0_FAST_Z_DATA.FOR L1EXTRACT_L0_FAST_Z_SCALERS.FOR L1EXTRACT_L15_SCALERS.FOR L1EXTRACT_L1_FIRED_SCALERS.FOR L1EXTRACT_MOMENTUM.FOR L1EXTRACT_SPTRG_EXPOS_SCALERS.FOR L1EXTRACT_SPTRG_FIRED_SCALERS.FOR L1EXTRACT_TRANSV_ENERGIES.FOR L1EXTRACT_TRGTWR_ADC_ENERGY.FOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 25-MAY-1992 Philippe, OL1SIM: - update L1SIM.DOC change location of COOR_SIM from LEVEL2 to CONFIGS remove note about program_builder being tst released mention new distributed fill COOR_TCC_MESSAGES.DOC mention newly distributed D0_NOTE_967.DOC - update for ESUM modify L1SIM_INI.FOR L1SIM_EVENT.FOR MU_TRIG_MON.FOR - update for ESUM new L1_ESUM_INIT.FOR renamed L1ESUM_INIT.FOR L1_MU_ESUMFL.FOR renamed L1ESUM_FILL_MUON.FOR L1DBB_DATA_ESUMFL.FOR renamed L1ESUM_FILL_GLOBAL.FOR L1DBB_JET_LIST_ESUMFL.FOR renamed L1ESUM_FILL_JET_LIST.FOR - run d0flavor/check, L1ESUM_FILL_JET_LIST.FOR fails. Not fixed. - update L1SIM.PBD (remove D0$MUON_RECO:MURECO_GEANT.OLB/LIBRARY) - update TEST.RELEASE and LEVEL1.RELEASE to move all DOC files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 22-MAY-1992 Philippe, OL1SIM: - fix L1_MUON_SIM.FOR replace C prepare default andor terms. DO ITERM = 1,16 ANDOR_STATES( NUM_ANDOR_USED ) = .FALSE. ENDDO with DO ITERM = 1,16 L1_MUON_BITS ( ITERM ) = .FALSE. ENDDO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 21-MAY-1992 Steven, OL1SIM: - Change L1SIM.DOC to mention the names TRIGGER.RES and TRIGGER.INFO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6-MAY-1992 Philippe, OL1SIM: - copy L1UTIL_JET_LIST_BUILDER.FOR to OL1SIM and update FNLD0 gamma release send note to Rich Astur, and Jim Linnemann. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28-APR-1992 Philippe, OL1SIM: - add routine L1UTIL_GET_FOREIGN_SCALER.FOR to retrieve a given foreign scaler ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 16-APR-1992 Steven, OWORK2: - Added entry point L1UTIL_JET_LIST_BUILDER_FIRST to L1UTIL_JET_LIST_BUILDER. This entry is provided for applications where the Jet List needs to be calculated more than once on events containing the same Trigger Number. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10-APR-1992 Steven, OWORK2: - Renamed JET_LIST_BUILDER.FOR to L1UTIL_JET_LIST_BUILDER.FOR Merged changes made in Philippe's copy (mainly removing machine blocks). Ran extensive tests comparing its output with the output of Sylvain's Jet List builder. Used the following files as input: FNALD0::FNAL$D0_TMP:[D0_TMP.SAMPLE]K_18001_01.GEN Many towers (7-17+/event). FNALD0::D0SF$PRJ9:[MC_DATA.SINGLE_TRACKS]STA_M_ELEC_50GEV.GEN_I Single towers (0-2/event). - Modified the test routines in [.TEST_JET] to use the new argument conventions in L1UTIL_JET_LIST_BUILDER. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 18-MAR-1992 Steven, OWORK2: - [.TEST_JET]TEST_JET_LIST_BUILDER.FOR disapeared. Restored from backup on MSUD01::. This version rejected the jet list builder algorithm. Found that the algorithm was rejected because of a bug common to both the jet list builder routine and the test program. The bug in the jet list builder had been corrected, but the test program had not. TEST_JET_LIST_BUILDER.FOR now accecpts the jet list builder routine. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 17-MAR-1992 Philippe, OL1SIM: - Create directory [.HEAD_BANK] with file L1_DATA_FOR_HEAD_BANK.FOR This file will be part of the level2 software (D0$D0DAQ I believe). This is how L2 will extract data for the event HEAD bank. Use the Level 1 parameter files to help automatic updating of the code when the Level 1 crate data format is modified. Read the header length from the data and not from the parameter files for further decoupling from modifications to crate header. The sacrifice in robustness should be offset by the guarantee that Level 2 code enforces a careful checking of crate header length BEFORE calling this routine. Tested on real data using EXAMINE with IQ( GZFIND_CRATE( 'TRGR', GZTRGR(), 11 ) ) for argument L1_BLOCK - add banner to TRGR_DISP.PBD - send TRGR_DISP.PBD to Serban for D0$PBD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 16-MAR-1992 Philippe, OL1SIM: - update OL1SIM copy of L1SIM_TOOLS.DOC. - update GZFIND_CRATE to remove double space between IMPLICIT and NONE (thank you Mr. Prosper!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 16-MAR-1992 Steven, OWORK2: - Added section about TRGR_DISP tool to L1SIM_TOOLS.DOC. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13-MAR-1992 Philippe OL1SIM: - update bug fix of L1_CALTRIG_TOWERS.FOR, and [.LSMLIB]READ_LSO_MINIMAL.FOR - modify [.ZEBRA_UTIL]PRTRGR_INT_TO_HEX.FOR blowing up in D0flvor/check. %FORT-I-EXTUNDFUNC, Extension to FORTRAN-77: Function or Entry name undefined [PRTRGR_INT_TO_HEX] in module PRTRGR_INT_TO_HEX it is NOT due to CHARACTER and FUNCTION being on the same line. But because D0flavor thinks the return value is never assigned, as it is filled in one character at a time. fixed by adding a SUPERFLUOUS initialization statement. Remove the machine block and declarations for NOT, IAND. - modify [.ZEBRA_UTIL]PRTRGR_SIGN_EXTEND_PT.FOR Remove the machine block and declarations for IOR, BTEST - modify [.ZEBRA_UTIL]PRTRGR_JET_LIST_PRINT.FOR remove machine block and declaration for IAND, JBIT, JBYT, and use IBITS instead. - modify L1UTIL_SCALER_SUBTRACT.FOR Remove the machine block and declarations for IBITS, NOT - refresh OL1SIM copy of L1SIM.DOC and add a few sentences to it - refresh OL1SIM copy of L1SIM_TECH_REF.DOC - add a copy of TRGR_DISP.PBD to OL1SIM: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12-MAR-1992 rewrite jet list builder. REWRITE 30-AUG-1991 Philippe Laurens (MSU) ------- Add arguments for re-building a longer (complete) Jet list in Level 2 nodes. Re-Write necessary to read from ZEBRA bank TRGR Updated 27-FEB-1992 Philippe Laurens, Steven Klocek Various bug fixes. ZI_JET_PATTERN was assigned a value which did not point to the Jet Pattern information. When finding the energy in a tower for a TOT jet list, the EM energy was added twice instead of EM + HD. If a particular Reference Set participated in fired Specific Trigger, towers which cleared only other Reference Sets also contributed to the Jet List (i.e. Towers with a SpTrg Fired mask of 0). FIX: Check to see if a Reference Set contributed to the Trigger decision when generating the mask of 32 towers in PHI. Where the upper 16 bits are stripped from the tower index tags, TOT_ENTRY was used as the number of entries in the jet list. However, if the jet list is saturated TOT_ENTRY itself is NOT the number of entries. Changed so that minimum(TOT_ENTRY, MAX_ENTRY) is used as the number of jet list entries. Later changed to keep saturation flag separate until last statements. The Trigger firing mask was taken from the wrong word in the Crate Header. Removed status messages. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12-MAR-1992 Steven OWORK2: - Copied source files from OL1SIM: to OWORK2:. Temporarily moved OWORK2: files to OWORK2:[.OLD]. - Fixed bug in L1_CALTRIG_TOWERS where CAD banks would not be used for input when they were selected. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10-MAR-1992 Philippe OL1SIM: - run new D0CHECK (from D0SF) L1DMP_ANDOR_TERMS.FOR remove extra coma in WRITE statement WRITE(LUN,300), RCPKEY, TERM_NUM, TF -> WRITE(LUN,300,IOSTAT=ISTAT) RCPKEY, TERM_NUM, TF L1UTIL_TRGR_DISP_DUMP.FOR add empty parenthesis in function declaration L1_FW_AND_CT_DUMP.FOR fix DATA statements order L1UTIL_TRGR_DISP_DEFDUMP.FOR add empty parenthesis in declaration L1DMP_SELECT_SECTIONS.FOR fix DATA statements order fix data type of SELECTIONS LOGICAL -> INTEGER - still fail, but considered ok: L1UTIL_TRANSLATE_RS_LINE.FOR L1UTIL_REPLACE_RS_KEYWORD.FOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10-MAR-1992 Steven OWORK2: - Add section to L1SIM.DOC describing sections of the dump file. - Merge changes made to OL1SIM:L1SIM.DOC with changes made to OWORK2:L1SIM.DOC. OWORK2:L1SIM.DOC now contains all changes. - Verified that the following routines are no longer used by L1SIM and should be moved to [.SPARE] : L1DMP_DBLOCK_BYTE.FOR L1DMP_DBLOCK_WORD.FOR L1DMP_SCALER_UNPACK.FOR - Removed unnecessary call to INZWRK from [.LSMLIB]READ_LSO_MINIMAL.FOR - Worked on L1SIM_TECH_REF.DOC: - Removed section describing L1DMP_DBLOCK_WORD, since this routine is being removed. - Added section describing FADC_BYTE. - Added section describing NUM_SPTRG_* variables (Specific Trigger firing statistics for current event). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8-MAR-1992 Philippe OL1SIM: - rename L1CT_INIT_LSM.FOR -> L1C_INIT_LSM.FOR (for consistency) - propagate name change in L1_FW_AND_CT_INIT.FOR L1UTIL_TRGR_DISP_INIT.FOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8-MAR-1992 Philippe OL1SIM: - modify L1_SPECIFIC_TRIGGER.INC replace single variable FIRED_NUMBER with several variables counting number of specific triggers firing at different stages. INTEGER NUM_SPTRG_PASS_L1SIM INTEGER NUM_SPTRG_PASS_L1 INTEGER NUM_PURE_L1_SPTRG_PASS_L1 INTEGER NUM_L15_SPTRG_PASS_L1 INTEGER NUM_L15_SPTRG_SENT_L15 INTEGER NUM_L15_SPTRG_PASS_L15 - modify L15_FRAMEWORK.INC Remove L15_CONFIRMED variable (Obsolete) - modify L1_FRAMEWORK_SIM.FOR Delete ENTRY point L1FW_NUM_TRG_FIRED(NUM_FIRED) and update variable name FIRED_NUMBER -> NUM_SPTRG_PASS_L1 - modify L1_LEVEL15_NEEDED.FOR Replace global states of Specific Triggers after L1 with explicit number of Specific Triggers that passed Level 1 (2 flavors: pure L1, L15). Remove L15_CONFIRMED variable (Obsolete) - modify L15_FRAMEWORK_SIM.FOR count the number of sptrg pass L1.5 in NUM_L15_SPTRG_PASS_L15 - modify L1SIM_EVENT.FOR compute the number of sptrg survivors after L1.5 in NUM_SPTRG_PASS_L1SIM and use this information to decide on filling the bank. - modify L1_CALTRIG_ANAL.FOR update var name FIRED_NUMBER -> NUM_SPTRG_PASS_L1SIM - modify L1_AND_L15_FW_ANAL.FOR remove L1FW_NUM_TRG_FIRED, L15_CONFIRMED (Obsolete) update to use added NUM_*_SPTRG_* variables - modify L1_CALTRIG_DIALOG.FOR fix force vertex message (was backwards) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3-MAR-1992 Philippe OL1SIM: - update OL1SIM: [.ZEBRA_UTIL]PRTRGR_JET_LIST_PRINT.FOR - update OL1SIM: for latest input bank selection - modify L1UTIL_TRGR_UNPACK.FOR to merge the earlier LTRGR_LEVEL1 updates - modify L1_AND_L15_CONTROL_SSUM.FOR change the force vertex messages - modify L1_CALTRIG_DIALOG.FOR add force vertex dialog - modify L1_CALTRIG_TOWERS.FOR single message about banks found, minor restructure of the IF statements, restore code checking CAD banks exist - modify L1_LEVEL0_SIM.FOR extract Level 0 Vertex from TRGR bank when it is the requested input. Set Level 0 Vertex position to 0 if FORCE_VERTEX_CENTER is TRUE. - modify L1_CALTRIG_DIALOG.FOR, L1_CALTRIG_TOWERS.FOR, L1SIM.RCP add input bank option NONE - move GZTRGR_CRATE.FOR to [.SPARE] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2-MAR-1992 Steven OWORK2: - Added RCP parameter L1SIM_INPUT_SOURCE to select input ZEBRA bank. Wrote code to display (and dump) setting of this parameter Modified L1_CALTRIG_TOWERS to use this parameter for selecting where ADC information comes from. A quick test reveals that this new configuration produces the same results as previous versions of L1SIM. Created routine L1UTIL_ADC_COUNT_UNPACK to unpack ADC bytes from datablock to an array. Replaced code previously performing this function with call to this routine. L1_EXTRACT_ISAJET should not blow up if no ISAJET banks, and should probably still be called to get weight information if it exists even if TRGR bank is used as input. Added File: L1UTIL_ADC_COUNT_UNPACK.FOR Modified Files: [.PARAMS]L1SIM_CONTROL.PARAMS [.INC]L1SIM_CONTROL_STRINGS.INC L1UTIL_TRGR_UNPACK.FOR L1_AND_L15_CONTROL_SSUM.FOR L1_CALTRIG_DIALOG.FOR L1_CALTRIG_TOWERS.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_RCP.FOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2-MAR-1992 Philippe OL1SIM: - GZFIND_CRATE.FOR add return values to GZFIND_CRATE_SET_TRACING - re-arrange comments in L1SIM.RCP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28-FEB-1992 Steven OWORK2: - PRTRGR_JET_LIST_PRINT was conforming to D0 Note 967 definition of the Jet List in that the number of Jet List entries fit into one byte. This does not work with the new Jet List Builder, which can create lists longer than 255. Modified PRTRGR_JET_LIST_PRINT so that it can handle Jet List lengths of up to 32767. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 26-FEB-1992 Steven OWORK2: - Added section to L1SIM.DOC about FORCE_VERTEX_CENTER. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 26-FEB-1992 Philippe Ol1SIM: - update OL1SIM [.ZEBRA_UTIL]PRTRGR*.FOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 25-FEB-1992 Steven OWORK2: - Changed several messages in dump file and summary file to be more descriptive. - Moved much of the TRGR dump out of PRTRGR and into new routines. PRTRGR is now more of a switch routine. - PRTRGR routine now uses GZFIND_CRATE. Added the following files: PRTRGR_L1_FW_AND_CT_DBLOCK.FOR PRTRGR_L1_FW_AND_CT_ADC.FOR Modified the following files: L1DMP_ADC_GEV_UNPACK.FOR L1DMP_ANDOR_TERMS.FOR L1DMP_TOWER_UNPACK.FOR L1UTIL_TRGR_ADC_UNPACK.FOR L1UTIL_TRGR_UNPACK.FOR L1_AND_L15_CONTROL_SSUM.FOR PRTRGR.FOR [.INC]L1SIM_CONTROL.INC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 25-FEB-1992 Philippe OL1SIM: - GZFIND_CRATE.FOR add return negative values for error status ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 24-FEB-1992 Philippe OL1SIM: - GZFIND_CRATE.FOR modify to also check in first crate. add unit number to write tracing information, settable by entry point. remove warning message for crate not found, just return 0. and move file to [.ZEBRA_UTIL] - GZTRGR_CRATE.FOR modify to remove tracing ability. - L1_AND_L15_FW_ANAL.FOR : add a weighted histogram. - check and eventually update all occurences of GZTRGR BKTRGR.FOR remove some obsolete declarations L1SIM_EVENT.FOR no change (extend bank for trailer) L1UTIL_TRGR_ADC_UNPACK.FOR use GZFIND_CRATE (Nobu/ event display) L1UTIL_TRGR_DISP_UNPACK.FOR obsolete, removed from TRGR_DISP.PBD L1UTIL_TRGR_EXTENSION.FOR no change (receives LTRGR) L1UTIL_TRGR_UNPACK.FOR update argument LTRGR - > LTRGR_LEVEL1 L1_FW_AND_CT_DUMP.FOR update, use GZFIND_CRATE L1_FW_AND_CT_FILL.FOR no change, L1SIM always fills 1st crate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 21-FEB-1992 Philippe OL1SIM: - update OL1SIM: with latest changes from OWORK1: - add modification entry in L1SIM.RCP (for modifs since TEST release). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 20-FEB-1992 Philippe OL1SIM: - modify [.ZEBRA_UTIL]GZTRGR_CRATE.FOR - Check the first crate before starting scanning upwards - this makes it faster on the average - and compatible with older L1SIM that has no cable trailer, but level 1 crate comes first. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 14-FEB-1992 Steven Wrote a L1_USER_TERMS_* module to simulate Super Towers. Installed on FNALD0 in [.SUPER_TOWER]. On MSUHEP::OL1SIM: Created directories [.SUPER_TOWER], [.SUPER_TOWER.COOR_SIM]. Placed in [.SUPER_TOWER] : L1SIM.RCP L1SIM_SUPER_TOWER.TXT L1_SUPER_TOWER.INC L1_SUPER_TOWER.PARAMS L1_SUPER_TOWER.INC L1_USER_TERMS_INIT.FOR L1_USER_TERMS_SIM.FOR Placed in [.SUPER_TOWER.COOR_SIM] : SUPER_TOWER.CFG SUPER_TOWER.TRIG TRIG_RESOURCES.CTL In OWORK2: Modified L1SIM_EVENT.FOR so that an empty Data Cable Trailer is added to the end of the TRGR bank after all *_FILL routines have been called. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 14-FEB-1992 Philippe OL1SIM: - create FUNCTION GZTRGR_CRATE ( CRATE_ID ) in [.ZEBRA_UTIL] - also more specialized FUNCTION GZTRGR_LEVEL1 ( ) and more general FUNCTION GZFIND_CRATE( 'TRGR', GZTRGR(), CRATE_ID ) in [.SPARE] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7-FEB-1992 Steven, OWORK2: Added to the programming summary: - Level 1.5 Terms assigned to each Specific Trigger - List of all defined Level 1.5 Terms Modified the following file: L1DMP_SP_TRIG_DEF.FOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6-FEB-1992 Philippe, OWORK2: - create and test L1UTIL_TRGR_ADC_UNPACK.FOR to return EM and HD energy deposits read from TRGR bank. This will be used in the Global Event Display (FNAL::NOBU, Nobuaki OSHIMA) *** NOTE *** For simplicity, the offset (08) and scale (0.25 GeV per count) are hardcoded at the moment, so that no initialization and no LSM file is necesary. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6-FEB-1992 Steven, OWORK2: Fixed problem where 'Previous Event' information was not filled in datablock when no Specific Triggers fire. Changed the following files: L1DBB_JET_LIST_BUILDER.FOR L1SIM_EVENT.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_FILL.FOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5-FEB-1992 Steven, OWORK2: Added the ability to force the use of the center lookup page. The flag to toggle this feature is named FORCE_VERTEX_CENTER. Changed the following files: L1CT_INIT_LSM.FOR L1_AND_L15_CONTROL_SSUM.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_RCP.FOR [.PARAMS]L1SIM_CONTROL.PARAMS [.INC]L1SIM_CONTROL.INC [.INC]L1SIM_CONTROL_STRINGS.INC L1SIM.RCP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4-FEB-1992 Steven, OWORK2: - Replaced call to ABORT with call to D0ABORT in L1COOR_REFSET_INIT. - Start Digitize states now computed at framework simulation time rather than at the time the Datablock is built. - Store the Final Decision in the Datablock Header, but store the Level 1 Decision in the Datablock. - New format for dump file: Sections of file may be toggled on/off from menu or by routine calls. May be used in programs which do not perform simulation. PRTRGR actually dumps contents of Datablock from TRGR bank. - Added crate header and crate trailer declarations to L1DBB_DATA_BLOCK.INC - Split FW and CT initialization routine into several pieces (LSM, Resource file, Programming file) - Moved display of Programming file name from routine which interprets the RCP parameters to the routine which reads the Programming file. added the following files: L1CT_INIT_LSM.FOR L1DMP_ADC_GEV_UNPACK.FOR L1DMP_ANDOR_TERMS.FOR L1DMP_FASTSIMUL.FOR L1DMP_SELECT_SECTIONS.FOR L1FW_INIT_RES.FOR L1UTIL_SCALER_SUBTRACT.FOR L1UTIL_TRGR_DISP_DEFDUMP.FOR L1UTIL_TRGR_DISP_DUMP.FOR L1UTIL_TRGR_DISP_INIT.FOR L1UTIL_TRGR_DISP_UNPACK.FOR L1UTIL_TRGR_UNPACK.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_DEFDUMP.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_INIT_PROGR.FOR PRTRGR.FOR PRTRGR_BINARY_UNPACK.FOR PRTRGR_CRATE_HEADER.FOR PRTRGR_FIRST_BYTE_DECODING.FOR PRTRGR_INT_TO_HEX.FOR PRTRGR_JET_LIST_PRINT.FOR PRTRGR_SCALER_UNPACK.FOR PRTRGR_SIGN_EXTEND_PT.FOR changed the following files (inclusive of changes made by 3-JAN-1991): BKLBLS.FOR L15_FRAMEWORK_SIM.FOR L1COOR_REFSET_INIT.FOR L1DBB_DATA_BLOCK_BUILDER.FOR L1DMP_DBLOCK_UNPACK.FOR L1DMP_SP_TRIG_DEF.FOR L1DMP_TOWER_UNPACK.FOR L1SIM_SSUM.FOR L1UTIL_DISP_TOWER_ENERGY.FOR L1_AND_L15_CONTROL_SSUM.FOR L1_AND_L15_FW_ANAL.FOR L1_CALTRIG_ANAL.FOR L1_CALTRIG_TOWERS.FOR L1_FRAMEWORK_SIM.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_CLEAR.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_DUMP.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_FILL.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_INIT.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_RCP.FOR L1_LEVEL15_NEEDED.FOR [.INC]L1DBB_DATA_BLOCK.INC [.INC]L1FW_ANDOR_AND_MISC.INC [.INC]L1_SPECIFIC_TRIGGER.INC [.PARAMS]L1DBB_DATA_BLOCK.PARAMS [.PARAMS]L1SIM_CONTROL.PARAMS [.PARAMS]L1_FRAMEWORK.PARAMS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3-JAN-1992 Steven, OWORK2: - Work on L1SIM_TECH_REF.DOC - Added paragraph on minimum-bias triggers to L1SIM.DOC - Fixed problem in programming listing where ".GE." is printed with non-threshold Andor Terms. - Removed unused variables from L1_SPECIFIC_TRIGGER.INC (Were used by the SIMUL1 Andor Term simulation). - Fixed spelling error in L1_AND_L15_CONTROL_SSUM.FOR. - Fixed comment in BKLBLS.FOR. - Changed all specific trigger variables to use [0,31] as indices. The following files were changed: L1SIM_TECH_REF.DOC L1SIM.DOC [.INC]L1_SPECIFIC_TRIGGER.INC [.PARAMS]L1DBB_DATA_BLOCK.PARAMS [.PARAMS]L1_FRAMEWORK.PARAMS BKLBLS.FOR L15_FRAMEWORK_SIM.FOR L1DBB_DATA_BLOCK_BUILDER.FOR L1DMP_DBLOCK_UNPACK.FOR L1DMP_SP_TRIG_DEF.FOR L1_AND_L15_CONTROL_SSUM.FOR L1_AND_L15_FW_ANAL.FOR L1_CALTRIG_ANAL.FOR L1_FRAMEWORK_SIM.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_CLEAR.FOR L1_LEVEL15_NEEDED.FOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 26-DEC-1991 Philippe, OWORK2: - Read and work on L1SIM_TEC_REF.DOC, modify structure and add a table of content. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 31-DEC-1991 TEST RELEASE V1.2_01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 24-DEC-1991 Philippe, CMS - make final update of D0$CMS:[LEVEL1], add release notes to INC, PARAMS, LEVEL1, make one more gamma release, and give go ahead for TEST release. - L1SIM_TECH_REF.DOC will NOT be distributed at this time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 23-DEC-1991 Philippe, OL1SIM: - update L1_TRANSLATE_RS, L1UTIL_EXAMPLE_BLS_FILE and L1UTIL_WRITE_BLS_FILE in Ol1SIM. - update RELEASE_NOTES.TXT - run D0FLAVOR/CHECK, make minor fixes to L1DMP_ENERGY_SUM_THRSH.FOR (complains for no reason, random tries, rename some variables to clear problem) L1DMP_SP_TRIG_DEF.FOR L1UTIL_GET_PARAM_DIALOG.FOR L1DMP_ENERGY_SUM_THRSH.FOR L1UTIL_REPLACE_RS_KEYWORD.FOR L1UTIL_WRITE_BLS_FILE.FOR L15_MUON_SIM.FOR L1_MUON_SIM.FOR MU_MAC_OUTPUT.FOR MU_MOD_NUM.FOR (READ_LSO_MINIMAL.FOR was not chnaged, problem from D0$INC:ZEBWRK.INC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 20-DEC-1991 Steven, OWORK2: - updated L1SIM.DOC, including a section on Level 1.5 - created a partial L1SIM_TECH_REF.DOC, containing information on adding subsystems, variables available to other authors, creating a BLS file, and a description of the logical structure of L1SIM. - Changed L1UTIL_EXAMPLE_BLS_FILE and L1UTIL_WRITE_BLS_FILE so that the file name of the created BLS file is an argument rather than a fixed parameter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 19-DEC-1991 Philippe OL1SIM: - update ol1sim, except for L1_TRANSLATE_RS.FOR - add an INTMSG screen message with programming file name (only) in L1_FW_AND_CT_RCP.FOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 18-DEC-1991 Steven OWORK2: - Added routine L1_AND_L15_CONTROL_SSUM, which adds the status of the L1SIM_CONTROL parameters to the standard summary file. This information includes the values of parameters settable from the dialog menu option, and also the file names given for the LSM object file, the TCC message file, and the Trigger Resource file. All logical names in the file names are expanded, if possible. - The message in L15_FRAMEWORK_DIALOG regarding the state of the L15_CERTIFIED flag was changed to match the message in L1_AND_L15_CONTROL_SSUM. - The following files were added: L1UTIL_EXPAND_FILENAME.FOR L1_AND_L15_CONTROL_SSUM.FOR - The following files were modified: L1SIM_SSUM.FOR L15_FRAMEWORK_DIALOG.FOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 17-DEC-1991 Steven OWORK2: - Modified L1UTIL_TRANSLATE_RS_LINE.FOR to convert ASCII TAB to space on output line, remove leading spaces, and convert multiple spaces into a single space. - Investigated the effects on incomplete TCC message lines (those without an actual assignment). They are caught as errors for all messages except those that define Reference Sets. - Modified L1COOR_REFSET_INIT to catch as errors messages which incompletely specify a threshold. If the line is empty, or if coordinate ranges are given without a following threshold, an error is flagged. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 16-DEC-1991 Philippe OL1SIM: - update OL1SIM:L1FW_INIT_ANDOR_SOURCES.FOR for reading COOR's TRIGGER.RES - modify TRIGGER_RESOURCES.RCP to match COOR's format. - fix L1_MUON_SIM to force IER to 0 when some muon terms were found - same for l15_MUON_SIM - modify L15_MUON_SIM to use L15_MUPT_CMP_n correct term name ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 16-DEC-1991 Philippe OL1SIM: - modify L15_MUON_SIM on the request of Kamel. L15_MUON_BITS is made a logical. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 16-DEC-1991 Steven, OWORK2: - Modified L1FW_INIT_ANDOR_SOURCES.FOR to recognize the Andor Term names actually produced by COOR. Also added error messages where Andor Term names are recognized as Calorimeter Trigger terms but which aren't completely syntactically correct. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13-DEC-1991 Philippe, OL1SIM: - rename L1_READ_L1SIM_RCP L1_FW_AND_CT_RCP, move initialization of CAHITS, and read-in of RCP to L1SIM_INI.FOR - move from L1SIM_INI to L1_FW_AND_CT_INIT CALL L1_FW_AND_CT_CLEAR CALL L1_FW_AND_CT_RCP - Modify L1UTIL_PICK_L15RESOURCE_RCP to be a FUNCTION - update OL1SIM for L1.5 and statistics related upgrades - make some (cosmetic only) changes to the following files L15_FRAMEWORK_DIALOG.FOR L15_FRAMEWORK_INIT.FOR L1_AND_L15_FW_ANAL.FOR L1_CALTRIG_ANAL.FOR L1_FRAMEWORK_SIM.FOR L1_LEVEL15_NEEDED.FOR L15_FRAMEWORK.INC L1SIM_CONTROL.PARAMS (keep muon) L1SIM_CONTROL.INC (keep muon) - rearrange the main IF statement in L1_LEVEL15_NEEDED - update dummy L15_USER_TERMS_SIM.FOR. Add arguments, return 0 terms used. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13-DEC-1991 Steven, OWORK2: - Changed name of RCP flag L15_DECISION_CERTIFIED to L15_CERTIFIED_DEFAULT, and unified the naming of related program variables. - The Level 1.5 Trigger states are now determined by the AND of their component terms. - L1SIM_EVENT now calls MUON Level 1.5 subsystem. Added a dummy L15_MUON_SIM to L1_MUON_SIM. - L1_CALTRIG_DIALOG now uses the new routine L1UTIL_GET_PARAM_DIALOG. - Removed unused declarations in L1_FRAMEWORK_SIM, L15_FW_DIALOG - Fixed error messages in L15_FRAMEWORK_SIM, L15_FRAMEWORK_INIT. - Reorganized the analysis routines. Now broken into the routines L1_AND_L15_FW_ANAL and L1_CALTRIG_ANAL. These resulted in modifications to the following files: L15_FRAMEWORK_DIALOG.FOR L15_FRAMEWORK_INIT.FOR L15_FRAMEWORK_SIM.FOR L1SIM_EVENT.FOR L1_CALTRIG_ANAL.FOR L1_CALTRIG_DIALOG.FOR L1_FRAMEWORK_SIM.FOR L1_LEVEL15_NEEDED.FOR [.PARAMS]L1SIM_CONTROL.PARAMS [.INC]L15_FRAMEWORK.INC [.INC]L1SIM_CONTROL.INC The following files were created: L1_AND_L15_FW_ANAL.FOR L1_CALTRIG_ANAL.FOR The following files were removed: L1_FW_AND_CT_ANAL.FOR L15_FRAMEWORK_ANAL.FOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12-DEC-1991 Steven, OWORK2: - Added Level 1.5 Framework simulation. This resulted in the addition of the following files: L15FW_CLEAR_TERMS.FOR L15FW_UNPACK_TERMS.FOR L15_FRAMEWORK_DIALOG.FOR L15_FRAMEWORK_INIT.FOR L1COOR_L15TERM_INIT.FOR L1COOR_L15TYPE_INIT.FOR L1COOR_LIST_OBJ_NO_PAREN.FOR L1UTIL_GET_PARAM_DIALOG.FOR L1UTIL_PICK_L15RESOURCE_RCP.FOR [.PARAMS]L15_FRAMEWORK.PARAMS [.INC]L15_FRAMEWORK.INC It also resulted in the modification of the following files: L15_FRAMEWORK_SIM.FOR L1COOR_GET_COMMAND_TYPE.FOR L1SIM_DIALOG.FOR L1SIM_EVENT.FOR L1SIM_INI.FOR L1_FRAMEWORK_SIM.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_PROGR.FOR L1_LEVEL15_NEEDED.FOR [.PARAMS]L1COOR_PARSER.PARAMS [.PARAMS]L1SIM_CONTROL.PARAMS [.INC]L1SIM_CONTROL.INC - Expanded the Standard Summary to include Trigger Firing statistics. This resulted in the creation of the following additional files: L15_FRAMEWORK_ANAL.FOR L1_AND_L15_RUN_STATS.FOR This also resulted in the modification of the following additional files: L1SIM_SSUM.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_ANAL.FOR [.INC]L1FW_ANDOR_AND_MISC.INC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12-DEC-1991 Philippe, OL1SIM: - find bug in L1_MUON_SIM, not assigning andor_indices after error detection in MUANLZ. - modify L1_MUON_SIM to read standar name for muon terms (L1M_MUCOUNT_CMP_n) - modify L1_MUON_SIM to allow less than 16 andor terms, and to bypass simulation when no andor terms are found existing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11-DEC-1991 Philippe, OL1SIM: - receive code from K.Bazizi L15_MUON_SIM.FOR L1_MUON_FILL.FOR L1_MUON_INIT.FOR L1_MUON_SIM.FOR MU_PROGR.FOR MU_CCT.FOR MU_MAC_INPUT.FOR MU_MAC_OUTPUT.FOR MU_MOD_NUM.FOR MU_SUPERVISOR.FOR MU_TRIGGER.INFO MU_TRIG_CRATE.FOR MU_TRIG_MON.FOR - Sent the new L1SIM.PBD to Serban for D0$PBD (add input MUD1, output MUHT MUOF, library D0$MUON_RECO:MUON_RECO.OLB - add muon programming file to L1SIM.RCP. - add D0$LEVEL1$DATA:EXAMPLE_MU_TRIGGER.INFO - update L1SIM_CONTROL.PARAMS L1SIM_CONTROL_STRINGS.INC L1SIM_CONTROL.INC L1_READ_L1SIM_RCP.FOR - add Muon terms to D0$LEVEL1$DATA:TRIGGER_RESOURCES.RCP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30-NOV-1991 Philippe, OL1SIM: - modify the routine L1_FW_AND_CT_ANAL "TOT" histograms were using only HD, now use EM+HD Energy histogram were in units of ADC counts, now GeV Add HD tower count and HD energy histograms, Reorder to display trigger hit histogram first. - fix L1COOR_ST_VS_RS_INIT fix bug that could wipe out earlier ST_VS_RS programming ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30-NOV-1991 Philippe - propagate the RS_translate changes to OL1SIM: - create directory [.cms] and move all files relevant to CMS work ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29-NOV-1991 Philippe - work on release notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27-NOV-1991 Philippe - propagate the refset and andor changes to OL1SIM: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 26-NOV-1991 Steven - Fixed the printing of Reference Set definitions in the programming dump. - Offsets removed - Correct scale used for TOT Et thresholds - Recognize the default threshold values - Default for Reference Set Threshold values are as given in the new definition for Reference Set files. - These two things resulted in changes in the following files: L1DMP_REFSET.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_CLEAR.FOR [.LSMLIB]TOWER_THRESHOLD_TRANSLATION.FOR - L1SIM no longer complains about multiple Andor Terms with the same term number. Specifically: - No longer complains when two non-CalTrig Andor Terms have the same term number. - No longer complains when a non-CalTrig Andor Term has the same term number as a CalTrig Andor. - DOES complain when two CalTrig Andor Terms have the same term number. - The following file was changed: L1FW_INIT_ANDOR_SOURCES.FOR - These changes currently have only been made to the work copy of L1SIM in OWORK2: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 22-NOV-1991 Steven - Created a set of routines to translate and approve lines from a Reference Set definition file. The file TRANS_AND_APPROVE_RS_LINE.TXT is a specification of the translation performed. - Created a program for testing the operation of this routine. - The following files were created which belong in group SOURCE: L1UTIL_TRANSLATE_RS_LINE.FOR L1UTIL_REPLACE_RS_KEYWORD.FOR L1UTIL_RS_LINE_PATTERN.FOR - The following file was created which belongs in group NO_DISTRIBUTE: L1UTIL_TRANSLATE_RS_TEST.FOR - These changes currently have only been made to the work copy of L1SIM in OWORK2: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 19-NOV-1991 Philippe - latest changes added to OL1SIM: - Send a message to S.Protopopescu to fix D0$PBD:L1SIM.PBD (missing CALOR_OFF/LIB) - Create a TTOWER_DISP.PBD for the new PBD. Send it to Serban. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 19-NOV-1991 Steven - Modified COOR parser to take its input from a string rather than from a file. - Modified initialization routines to pass COOR messages from the programming file to the COOR message parser one line at a time. - These modifications resulted in changes in the following files: L1COOR_BUILD_KEYWORD.FOR L1COOR_BUILD_NUMBER.FOR L1COOR_GET_COMMAND_TYPE.FOR L1COOR_GET_LIST.FOR L1COOR_GET_LIST_PAREN.FOR L1COOR_GET_LIST_RANGE.FOR L1COOR_NEXT_CHAR.FOR L1COOR_REFSET_INIT.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_PROGR.FOR [.PARAMS]L1COOR_PARSER.PARAMS - Changed order of data in Programming Dump. - Specific Trigger definitions and Reference Set definitions come first. - Form feeds added - Changed the following file: L1DMP_SP_TRIG_DEF.FOR - These changes currently have only been made to the work copy of L1SIM in OWORK2: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 17-NOV-1991 Philippe - Programming summary changes have been updated in OL1SIM: - copy an example of D0$LEVEL1:VLEVEL1.FOR, update [AUTHOR]COMPILE.COM to add it to the D0$LEVEL1:LEVEL1.OLB library. - add print of version number of LEVEL1, CALOR_OFF in L1SIM_INI.FOR - rename L1SIM_TOOLS.TXT L1SIM_TOOLS.DOC - rename ADD_SUBSYSTEM.TXT L1SIM_SUBSYSTEM.DOC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 14-NOV-1991 Steven - Made major improvements to the programming listing output file. - All information on each Specific Trigger's definition is grouped together. - All information on each Andor Term's definition is grouped together. - The format of the Reference Set definition listing is slightly changed. - Tree Offset listing now includes ADC counts along with GeV. - The following files were added due to this change: L1DMP_GET_NEXT_ANDOR_KEY.FOR L1DMP_ENERGY_SUM_THRSH.FOR - The following files were modified due to this change: L1DMP_SP_TRIG_DEF.FOR L1DMP_REFSET.FOR - These changes currently have only been made to the work copy of L1SIM in OWORK2: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13-NOV-1991 Philippe - move L1UTIL_VERIFY_WHICH_TRG_TWR.FOR from [.source] to [.no_distribute] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10-NOV-1991 Philippe - work on L1SIM.DOC. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7-NOV-1991 Philippe - cosmetic changes in the following files to replace LV1SIM -> L1SIM in error messages and other things. L1C_LOAD_BLS_FILE.FOR L1SIM_INI.FOR L1UTIL_PICK_L1SIM_RCP.FOR L1UTIL_WRITE_BLS_FILE.FOR L1_CALTRIG_TOWERS.FOR L1_EXTRACT_ISAJET.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_INIT.FOR L1_READ_L1SIM_RCP.FOR L1_USER_TERMS_SIM.FOR PRTRGR.FOR - rename L1SIM.PBD L1SIM.OLD_PBD - rename NEW_L1SIM.PBD L1SIM.PBD - create file @[.AUTHOR]BUILD, with P1=D*0USER/C*ALOR_OFF, P2=""/ALL/LINK - create file @[.AUTHOR]RUN_CALOR_OFF, with P1=D*0USER/C*ALOR_OFF, P2=""/ALL/LINK - modify L1_FW_AND_CT_DUMP.FOR to not use PRTRGR, directly call L1DMP_DBLOCK_UNPACK and L1DMP_TOWER_UNPACK - move [.SOURCE]PRTRG.FOR to [.SPARE] - move RESOURCE.RCP to D0$LEVEL1$DATA, update L1SIM.RCP - rename D0$LEVEL1$DATA:TRIGGER.INFO EXAMPLE_TRIGGER.INFO, update L1SIM.RCP - move L1C_CMS.TXT, VERIFY_WHICH_TRIGGER_TOWER.TXT, L1SIM_RELEASE.TXT, and FIXES.TXT to [.AUTHOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7-NOV-1991 Philippe - fix L1_CT_AND_FW_ANAL.FOR Change histogram name "TRIGGER EFFIC." to "TRIGGER HITS". Fix numbering of sptrg. 0..31 and book only 32 channels. - modify L1_FW_AND_CT_PROGR.FOR to allow unrecognized keyword on first line (without any error message), but generate fatal error for bad keyword on subsequent lines - update [.author] update_procedure.txt - rename USERS_GUIDE.TXT L1SIM.DOC (suggestion from Jim) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7-NOV-1991 Steven - Added subsystem for special purpose Andor Terms. Currently, only the ZERO_BIAS Andor Term is implemented in the software. - Added simulation for the additional Andor Terms which depend on the Level 0 vertex. These changes resulted in the addition of the following file: L1_SPECIAL_TERMS_SIM.FOR And modification of the following files: L1SIM_EVENT.FOR L1_LEVEL0_SIM.FOR - Fixed problem in L1_CALTRIG_DIALOG when user selects BACK when prompted for the default PATH. - COOR message interpreter changes: - Ignores blank lines - Ignores lines with a '!' in column 1 - If a message keyword is not recognized, an error message is printed and the next line is parsed. - If no messages are recognized in a programming file, a fatal error occurs. These changes resulted in the modification of the following files: L1COOR_PARSER.PARAMS L1_FW_AND_CT_PROGR.FOR L1COOR_NEXT_CHAR.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_INIT.FOR - Updated the necessary source files in OL1SIM: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7-NOV-1991 Philippe - update and modify OL1SIM:USERS_GUIDE.TXT - update OL1SIM:L1SIM.RCP - remove [.LSMLIB]ACTUAL_GEOMETRY which needs a different - modify [.SOURCE]L1_CALTRIG_TOWERS.FOR, comment out art_events to allow no distribution of art. event code. - update [.AUTHOR]COMPILE.COM (meant to be called from [-]) - update [.AUTHOR]AUTO_DEF_LOCAL.COM (meant to be called from [-]) add new logicals, display root logical - create [.AUTHOR]MAKE_MAP.COM, .for - update [.AUTHOR]UPDATE_PROCEDURE.TXT - create directory [.SPARE] for L1COOR_LIST_NO_ITEM, and L1COOR_OBJ_HAS_ITEM, now obsolete ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6-NOV-1991 Steven - Updated the official copy in OL1SIM: to reflect the changes made on 5-NOV-1991 in OWORK2: - Created a file in the [.AUTHOR] area of the OL1SIM: directory called UPDATE_PROCEDURE.TXT. This file describes the procedure for updating the files in the official area. - Updated OWORK2:USERS_GUIDE.TXT. Included documentation on the Prescaler option. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5-NOV-1991 Steven - Changed declared name of routine from L1_FW_AND_CT_READ_INIT to L1_FW_AND_CT_INIT in file L1_FW_AND_CT_INIT.FOR - Changed call to L1_FW_AND_CT_INIT in routine L1_FW_AND_CT_READ_INIT.FOR to call L1_FW_AND_CT_PROGR. - Renamed variable CONFIG_STATUS in L1_FW_AND_CT_INIT to PROGR_STATUS, to reflect the changes made in L1_FW_AND_CT_PROGR. - Added Trigger Prescalers. This affected the following files: (Copy in OWORK2:) ADDED: - L1COOR_LIST_OBJ_LE_ONE_ITEM.FOR - L1COOR_ST_PRESCALER_INIT.FOR MODIFIED: - L1DMP_SP_TRIG_DEF.FOR - L1FW_UNPACK_ANDOR.FOR - L1_CALTRIG_DIALOG.FOR - L1_FRAMEWORK_SIM.FOR - L1_FW_AND_CT_CLEAR.FOR - L1_FW_AND_CT_PROGR.FOR - L1_READ_L1SIM_RCP.FOR - L1FW_ANDOR_AND_MISC.INC - L1SIM_CONTROL.PARAMS - L1SIM_CONTROL.INC - L1SIM.RCP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3-NOV-1991 Philippe - in L1_FW_AND_CT_INIT, replace "configuration" with "programming", CONFIG_STATUS with PROGR_STATUS, then rename file to L1_FW_AND_CT_PROGR.FOR - rename L1_FW_AND_CT_READ_PROGRAMMING to L1_FW_AND_CT_INIT, and update L1SIM_INI.FOR - rename L1UTIL_VERIFY_WHICH_TRIG_TOWER to L1UTIL_VERIFY_WHICH_TRG_TWR and place data statements at end of declarations. - rename L1UTIL_CREATE_EXAMPLE_BLS_FILE to L1UTIL_EXAMPLE_BLS_FILE - rename all L1COOR_LIST_OBJECT_* to L1COOR_LIST_OBJ_* - edit all "updated" banners: - add systematic update entry to flag major rework. - remove all details about name change for NEW files - keep all details about name change for OLD files - change subroutine name from TRG_SIMUL_ARTIFICIAL_EVENTS to L1C_ART_EVENTS in file L1C_ART_EVENTS.FOR, propagate in L1_CALTRIG_TOWERS - refresh FILENAME_CHANGES.TXT, L1SIM_CMS.TXT, L1SIM_RELEASE.TXT - re-run through d0flavor/check ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1-NOV-1991 Philippe - notice that the following files didn't make it through d0flafor because their name is too long (%D0FLAVOR-F-NO_INPUT, Can not open input file). D0$DOCS:OFFLINE_STANDARDS says 31 character for routine name, but it looks like D0FLAVOR wants the whole file name shorter than 32 characters. L1COOR_LIST_OBJECT_HAS_ONE_ITEM.FOR L1COOR_LIST_OBJECT_NOT_KEYWORD.FOR L1COOR_LIST_OBJECT_NOT_NEGATED.FOR L1UTIL_CREATE_EXAMPLE_BLS_FILE.FOR L1UTIL_VERIFY_WHICH_TRIG_TOWER.FOR L1_FW_AND_CT_READ_PROGRAMMING.FOR - copy files to hwork1 with different names and run D0flavor. Only VERIFY_WHICH_TRIGGER_TOWER doesn't pass because of DATA statement placing.---> needs to be fixed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 31-OCT-1991 Steven - run D0flavor $ PIPE D0FLAVOR/CHECK *.FOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 25-OCT-1991 Steven: - Changed names of file names, routine names, include and parameter file names as per FILENAME_CHANGES.TXT - Updated documentation files ADD_SUBSYSTEM.TXT, L1SIM_TOOLS.TXT, USERS_GUIDE.TXT to reflect these name changes. - Changed name of Andor Resource RCP bank to L1_ANDOR_RESOURCE, and commented out code previously used for reading the RCP bank listing existing Specific Triggers and Geographic Sections. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 21-OCT-1991 Steven: - Removed ISAJET information extraction from LV1SIM_FILL_TOWERS and moved it to a seperate routine, L1_EXTRACT_ISAJET. - Created L1SIM_CONTROL common for storage of parameters read in from RCP file. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 18-OCT-1991 Philippe: - rename HWORK2:DRAFT_BLANK_COOR.TXT to COOR_SIM_RCP_RESOURCE_FILE.TXT And update LV1_* -> L1_*, only one RCP section for andor, no 1000 for absent. Will (re)send to Bruce when we start in Beta area. - delete DRAFT_USERS_GUIDE.TXT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 17-OCT-1991 Philippe: - modify HWORK2:ADD_SUBSYSTEM.TXT. Add L1_USER_TERMS_* hooks for each of the D0USER hooks. Rename all our corresponding routines L1SIM_*. Emphasize the 2 methods as either using standard LEVEL1.OLB, or modified. ================================================================================ TO DO - replace hardcoded offset in L1UTIL_GET_FOREIGN_SCALER using PARAMS - remove ABORT, use D0_ABORT or ERRMSG - call the entry point L1UTIL_JET_LIST_BUILDER_FIRST before exiting. This will make L1SIM more polite, and leave the environement clean for Level 2 code. (call it directly after the jet list call in L1_FW_AND_CT_FILL.FOR) - fix L1_EXTRACT_ISAJET.FOR GZCAEP, GZCAD1, GZCAD2 and TRULEN are never called - Satisfy FLINT