This is the log book for the Lookup System Manager Program started 5-DEC-1991 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are still some useful notes in section "nominal LSM file" of orange binder for Lookup System Manager ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1-SEP-1995 Philippe: For Freddie, create the special LSM and LSO files: Experimental version with min Et cut change 1/2 GeV -> xxxx GeV for all PROMs: EM, HD and Px,Py This parameter is set in section TRANSV_ENERGY_CUT L1SIM_ET_CUT_0MEV 0 GeV Cut L1SIM_ET_CUT_250MEV 1/4 L1SIM_ET_CUT_750MEV 3/4 L1SIM_ET_CUT_1000MEV 1 method: $ LSMP - Load file - Update file (cuts only) this also writes out a new file - Rename result to drop the "_0000" appended to the file name - Restart LSM program and reload file - Write LSO Object File LSO files copied to FNALD0:: MSU2:[TMP12.LAURENS.LSM] One cannot simply compare ($ DIFFERENCE) the 0 and 1/4 GeV files, but they must be 100% equivalent. This is because the 1/4 GeV file shows cuts of "1", while the 0 GeV file has "0", but the cuts being inclusive, these two values are equivalent. One test done was to make temporary versions of both files and replace all the cuts of "1" with cuts of "0", then load them and create LSO files, and compare the LSO files. There was only one difference, wich must have been from the section TRANSV_ENERGY_CUT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 18-19-JUL-1994 Philippe: - Cleanup official file names rename OFFICIAL_FILE OLD_L1SIM_FILE (before L1.5CT) rename NEW_D0HTCC_FILE_FOR_L15CT OFFICIAL_FILE (with L1.5CT) delete TEMP_D0HTCC_FILE_L15CT delete LOOKUP_ZERESP_EM_ETA_20 rename 000_TCC_LSM_FILE_HISTORY.TXT to CURRENT_D0HTCC_FILE.LSM and update content create 000_L1SIM_LSM_FILE_HISTORY.TXT - For Amber, create files L1SIM_20_PXPY_MIN_1000MEV_UNI.LSM and LSO Same as L1SIM_20_PXPY_MIN_1000MEV, but with unilateral cut for Px/Py This is done by setting the Px/Py Zero energy response to zero L1SIM_20_PXPY_MIN_3SIGMA7_UNI.LSM and LSO Same as L1SIM_20_PXPY_MIN_3SIGMA7, but with unilateral cut for Px/Py This is done by setting the Px/Py Zero energy response to zero L1SIM_20_PXPY_UNI.LSM and LSO Standard cut thresholds, but Px/Py has sinle sided cuts Starting from the OFFICIAL_FILE This is done by setting the Px/Py Zero energy response to zero L1SIM_16_PXPY_UNI.LSM and LSO Same as above, but additionally limit the Px/Py coverage to eta = 16, This is done by setting the slopes to 0 for |ETA|>16 - Files copied to FNALD0:: abs(TT eta) Threshold Noise other condition 1) 1-20 1000 MeV 2.5 sigma FNALD0::MSU2:[TMP12.LAURENS.LSM]L1SIM_20_PXPY_MIN_1000MEV.LSO 2) 1-20 500 MeV 3.7 sigma FNALD0::MSU2:[TMP12.LAURENS.LSM]L1SIM_20_PXPY_MIN_3SIGMA7.LSO 3) 1-20 500 MeV 2.5 sigma No negative energy FNALD0::MSU2:[TMP12.LAURENS.LSM]L1SIM_20_PXPY_UNI.LSO 4) 1-16 500 MeV 2.5 sigma No negative energy (only Px/Py limited to 16) FNALD0::MSU2:[TMP12.LAURENS.LSM]L1SIM_16_PXPY_UNI.LSO 5) 1-20 1000 MeV 2.5 sigma No negative energy FNALD0::MSU2:[TMP12.LAURENS.LSM]L1SIM_20_PXPY_MIN_1000MEV_UNI.LSO 6) 1-20 500 MeV 3.7 sigma No negative energy FNALD0::MSU2:[TMP12.LAURENS.LSM]L1SIM_20_PXPY_MIN_3SIGMA7_UNI.LSO 7) 1-16 500 MeV 2.5 sigma 17-20 1000 MeV 2.5 sigma 8) 1-16 500 MeV 2.5 sigma 17-20 500 MeV 3.7 sigma ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 14-JUL-1994 Philippe: - For Amber, create files L1SIM_20_PXPY_MIN_1000MEV.LSM and LSO Starting from NEW_D0HTCC_FILE_FOR_L15CT.LSM For Px/Py increase TRANSV_ENERGY_CUT from 0.5 to 1.0 GeV $ LSMP - Load file - Update file (cuts only) - Rename result to drop the "_0000" appended to the file name - Restart LSM program and load file - Write LSO Object File L1SIM_20_PXPY_MIN_3SIGMA7.LSM and LSO Same thing for Px/Py increase ELECT_NOISE_CUT_FACT from 2.5 to 3.7 - The files are copied to FNALD0::MSU2:[TMP12.LAURENS.LSM]L1SIM_20_PXPY_MIN_1000MEV.LSO FNALD0::MSU2:[TMP12.LAURENS.LSM]L1SIM_20_PXPY_MIN_3SIGMA7.LSO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 16-SEP-1993 Philippe: - Make new files that describe the upgrade for L1.5 CT EM lookup. Change all HD PROMs so that Page 8 is no longer a one-to-one page. It is now used to "zero" the contribution of the HD channel and produce EM Et after TOT Et to send to the L1.5 Cal Trigger. We use the same zero energy response as for the other pages, and thus have the same zero energy response for EM Et and TOT Et (also note that the sum of EM+HD zeresp is always even to produce uniform behavior across eta when LSB of 9-bit sum is dropped). The LOOKUP_ZERESP section is updated, and the slope (PROM_TRANSFER_COEFF) of page 8 is EVE-ed to zero for producing a constant output. April 94 update: ---------------- The above statement is wrong, the atempt at having the same EMEt and TOt Et offset failed. Instead we have (cf. D0 Note 2117) The Zero energy response of the EM and Tot Et energy counts seen by the Local DSP processors is given in the following table. Eta 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 EM offset 16 16 17 18 19 18 20 20 21 21 21 20 20 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 TOt offset 16 16 18 20 22 22 24 24 26 26 26 26 26 28 28 28 28 28 28 22 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13-JUL-1993 Philippe: - Modify L1SIM_COVERAGE_THRU_ETA_12.LSM and create LSO file - and L1SIM_COVERAGE_THRU_ETA_8.LSM and create LSO file With same modification of Additionally setting PROM slopes to 0 These files will be used to update D0$LEVEL1$DATA - Unexpected behavior ******** The following 2 sequences produce different (VMS DIFFERENCE) L1SIM_COVERAGE_THRU_ETA_8.LSO files !!!! sequence #1 Read L1SIM_COVERAGE_THRU_ETA_8.LSM Write L1SIM_COVERAGE_THRU_ETA_8.LSO sequence #2 Read L1SIM_COVERAGE_THRU_ETA_12.LSM Write L1SIM_COVERAGE_THRU_ETA_12.LSO Read L1SIM_COVERAGE_THRU_ETA_8.LSM Write L1SIM_COVERAGE_THRU_ETA_8.LSO But it doesn't happen if L1SIM_COVERAGE_THRU_ETA_12.LSO is not written, and the 2 files are loaded in a row. - Create LGTILE_THRESHOLD_TRANSLATION.FOR in L1SIM$LSMLIB This routine translates from GeV to Large Tile Thresholds in count, including offsets. This is the value to load in the CAT2 comparators. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7-JUL-1993 Philippe: - Modify L1SIM_COVERAGE_THRU_ETA_16.LSM and create LSO file Additionally set PROM slopes to 0 for |ETA|>16 The existing file was only setting the analog_input_scaling to 0. But this would not produce the expected result when the input source is TRGR banks. The LSO file has been placed in FNALD0::TRGMGR::[.LSM_DATA] and a message was sent to Amber. Jill Perkins used it successfully. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5-DEC-1991 Philippe: - add the logical names LSMP$ROOT, LSMP$LSMLIB: LSMP$BASE: LSMP$SOURCE: LSMP$DATA: LSMP$TUNING: LSMP$NOISE: LSMP$GEOMETRY: to SYS$LOGIN:TRIGGER_LOGICALS.COM. - The logical OLSMP: is still valid - update the files in LSMP$SOURCE include statements - update the LSMP$BASE:*.COM files. In particular, AUTO_DEF_LOCAL.COM only redefines LSMP$ROOT. LSMP_SETUP.COM uses LSMP$BASE instead of OLSMP. This way, the logical OLSMP, always points at the official version. and LSMP$* point to the work directories. - modify LSMP$SOURCE:LOAD_LSM.FOR, ZEBI_LSM.FOR, ZEBO_LSM.FOR, UPDT_LSM.FOR to accept -1 as a revision number, meaning no revision field. Note that in updt_lsm, the output file will always have a revision field. - modify LSMP$SOURCE:LSMPROG.FOR to use default directory LSMP$DATA, default file name CALORIMETER_TRIGGER, default revision -1 (i.e. no revision field)