This is the log book for the Sun workstation started 11-JAN-1995 LOGBOOK ------- 31-MAR-1998 Topics: Install Solaris 2.5.1 I installed Solaris 2.5.1 on becane, following the instructions in the installation guide. This was installed as an upgrade installation, and most of the old configuration files remained intact. There is a list of modified files in: /var/sadm/system/data/upgrade_cleanup I restored the file only. I then installed CDE. This required creation of a /etc/dt/config/Xservers file to allow use of multiple screens. The line which started " :0 Local ..." needed to have two screen definitions added to the end: "-dev /dev/cgsix1 -dev/fb" See page 22 of the Solaris CDE Installation Guide. I also installed Solaris power management software (from the Updates CD). I installed the new Mentor software and verified basic correct operation. Note that there was a font problem. I needed to remove the following font directories from the font path: /home/mgc/registry/fonts /home/mgc/pkgs/base/fonts /home/mgc/pkgs/boldbro/fonts (xset fp- And run mkfontdir on the following directory: /home/mgc/shared/registry/fonts And add it to the font path (at the end) via: xset fp+ /home/mgc/shared/registry/fonts -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26-SEP-1997 Topics: Xilinx xc4ke autologic library Recall that to use AutoLogic, targetting a particular FPGA architecture, an "AutoLogic library." These libraries come from Mentor Graphics: I have previously downloaded the xc4k library release 1.2. But now that we are "officially" targetting xc4ke parts, let's go ahead and use the xc4ke library release 1.3 (xc4ke_1.3_tar.Z). Download from Mentor, uncompress, copy the tar file to /home/autologiclib, uncompress "in-situ". Now we have a choice between "xc4k" and "xc4ke" libraries in AutoLogic. Potential concern: the README file for the xc4ke library says that this is an AutoLogic II library. Will need to run AutoLogic to verify that this library works with plain old AutoLogic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-AUG-1997 Topics: Xilinx M1.3 merged release Received Xilinx merged (M1.3) release. This has front and back ends. Install as per instructions in M1.3 release notes. Do same stuff about licensing as noted in 17-APR-1997 entry. For some unknown reason, the install is not entirely successful. Need to add extra files from the cdrom #1 /bin/sol directory. Write a shell script to do it: /home/xilinxm1.3/ Need to add even more files from the CAE Interfaces CD. Write another shell script to do it: /home/xilinxm1.3/ Need to add even more files from the CAE Interfaces CD. Use cp -r /cdrom/cdrom0/mentor /home/xilinxm1.3/mentor This problem reported to Xilinx. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17-APR-1997 Topics: Xilinx merged release Installed Xilinx merged (beta) release. This has no front ends, but all the back-end tools are there. Installed as per instructions in XC4000EX Pre-Release Install and Release Document (January 1997). Glitch with license: uses the same license server as Mentor. So let's put all licenses (Xilinx and Mentor) in the same file (/home/mgc/etc/cust/mgls/mgc.licenses). And Xilinx needs a new version of the daemon, so go ahead and modify /etc/rc2.d/S78mgc (which starts the License Server for Mentor) to use the new version of the lmgrd daemon (from the Xilinx tree, /home/xilinxm1pre/bin/sol/lmgrd). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17-JAN-1997 Topics; Mentor printing Mentor printing just got a whole lot easier. There is only one postscript filter invocation script, and only one postscript model, etc. Different output printers are now selected ONLY in the PET! So the whole machinery of making a Mentor-only version of each printer is now gone. This is wonderful. Also, exporting to a file has now been added. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 16-JAN-1997 Topics: Install 9GB disk Steve installed a new 9GB disk in the Sun. Detailed logs are in paper log book, but it went exactly like every other disk drive installation. Following the installation, Steve did a major file shuffle to make a more organized file system. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 26-AUG-1996 Topics: Install more memory Steve installed a 64MB DSIMM in the Sun. It now has a total of 128 MB of memory, installed as follows: Slot # Bank # DSIMM size ------ ------ ---------- J0201 0 64 MB J0303 1 32 MB J0202 2 32 MB The first 80 MB (banks 0/1) are contiguous in physical memory space. This is only important for SX graphics which we do not have, but it does not hurt to have these blocks contiguous in physical memory. Installation followed the instructions in the Installation Guide which accompanied the memory. After bootup, verified that there really is 128 MB physical memory in the machine (the memory test at power-up says 128 MB, and after starting Xwindows, we have about 64MB more memory than we had before [check using sar -r]). I also ordered a 9GB disk drive (Seagate Barracuda, like what is already in the machine but 9GB vs. 4GB, and full-size vs. 3.5"). It has not yet arrived. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12-AUG-1996 Topics: Free memory The Sun uses a page size of 4096 bytes. With 64MB of memory, that gives a total of 16,384 pages in physical memory. The 'sar -r' command shows how many pages are free in physical memory and swap space. Immediately after a reboot and logging into the console (firing up an OpenWindows session in the process) there are ~7500 pages (~30MB) left. With Steve doing all the normal stuff (session manager from Dirac, some Mentor Graphics stuff up, etc), there are about 1000 pages (~4MB) left, and page fault activity is low (spurts when a new Mentor program is started or stopped). With Steve doing all this, and Dan running Mentor, there are about 200 pages (<1MB) left, and page fault activity is high (spurts whenever Dan or Steve does anything in Mentor). It looks like we need more physical memory, another 64MB would do nicely. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26-FEB-1996 Topics: More on Xterm/decterm OK, one more thing. Whenever connecting to a VMS box using Xterm, use the -name decterm option of xterm. Just change .openwin-menu-programs to get this automatically when spawing a remote shell via the menu. Now I can just have one set of key translations (the decterm*VT100 set) in .Xdefaults to get the good EVE keys. Remove all the VMS stuff from the xterm*VT100 key translations, (keep the button press translations) but add: BackSpace: string (0x7f) \n\ to get the DELETE functionality from the BackSpace key (as well as the Delete key). Also add this mapping to the decterm*VT100 set to get correct DELETE functionality from the BackSpace key (see point (3) from 23-FEB-1996). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23-FEB-1996 Topics: Finally get a real EVE compatible Xterm OK, finally I understand how to make EVE really work on the Sun. (1) Use xmodmap to move the "mod3" functionality from the Num_Lock key to the magic unlabelled key. Add the following to the gross account .login only (after invoking openwin): $OPENWINHOME/bin/xmodmap $HOME/.xmodmaprc Create the file /home2/gross/.xmodmaprc which contains the lines: keycode 0x16 = VoidSymbol clear mod3 add mod3 = VoidSymbol (note: keyCODE 0x16 is the key to the left of F1 that has no label. It also has no keySYM. You can't map a modifier to a keyCODE, only a keySYM, so I mapped the keyCODE 0x16 to the keySYM VoidSymbol) The result of this is that the Num_Lock key generates the Num_Lock keySYM but does not perform the mod3 functionality of toggling Num_Lock mode (and the associated LED). Recall that, for xterm and decterm ONLY, the .Xdefaults file maps the Num_Lock keysym to ESC OP a.k.a. VT100 "PF1" sequence. Recall also that the .Xdefaults file is only read at startup (by xrdb) and also that applications only check the xrdb database when THEY start up. So now, for xterm and decterm, the Num_Lock key works EXACTLY like the PF1/GOLD key (2) Halfway there. Now the 6-key keypad (Find/Insert/Remove/Select...) still are not mapped correctly in xterm/decterm. So, edit the .Xdefaults file to add the following mappings: Insert: string(0x1b) string("[1~") \n\ Home: string(0x1b) string("[2~") \n\ Prior: string(0x1b) string("[3~") \n\ Delete: string(0x1b) string("[4~") \n\ End: string(0x1b) string("[5~") \n\ Next: string(0x1b) string("[6~") \n\ This, for xterm and decterm ONLY, fixes this keypad. The changes only take effect on re-starting openwindows (i.e. running the .login script), but to apply them without restarting openwindows, I run xrdb -merge /home2/gross/.Xdefaults. This does not affect any currently running xterm/decterm. (3) A little more needed. Fix the backspace key so that it acts like the "left arrow" key (not the Rubout key, which I would prefer). This again requires a change in .Xdefaults: BackSpace: string(0x1b) string("[D") \n\ with the same comments as above. Finally! I can use EVE without having to remap keys in my head! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12-FEB-1996 Topics: Install the XC4000E libraries and XACT software Install the XACT XC4000E pre-release software. This includes: - new Mentor Graphics Interface Kit including XC4000E libraries - Xilinx XACT core tools (NOT NeoCAD tools!) There is not enough room in the /opt2 directory for this stuff, so I will install it in /home2/xpre1 (see the pre-release notes). become root put CDROM in drive mkdir /home2/xpre1 cd /home2/xpre1 tar -xvf /cdrom/cdrom0/mn8_sun4/mn8_sn.tar tar -xvf /cdrom/cdrom0/xact_4ke/xact_sn.tar This installs all files in the /home2/xpre1 tree. It does not install or modify any files anywhere else in the file system. These files require about 96MB of disk space. How to manage having 2 separate "trees" of Xilinx software: Make an "invocation script" for each tree (in /home2/gross/com) For the "old" stuff, use /home2/gross/com/dmgr_xc4k which sets the LCA and XACT environment variables to /opt2/xact, and sets the path appropriately as well (/opt2/xact/com/sparc /opt2/xact/bin/sparc, /home/mgc/bin, and /bin, and that's all), and then invokes /opt2/xact/com/sparc/pld_dmgr. For the "new" stuff, use /home2/gross/com/dmgr_xc4ke which sets the LCA and XACT environment variables to /home2/xpre1, and sets the path appropriately as well (/home2/xpre1/com/sparc and /home2/xpre1/bin/sparc, /home/mgc/bin, and /bin, and that's all), and then invokes /home2/xpre1/com/sparc/pld_dmgr. In both cases, the path is deliberately restricted to make it clear which programs will be selected. I don't want to just count on path search order--if a tool is missing in the first path entry, I don't want to just fall through to the second, instead I want to know about it. Leave /home2/gross/.cshrc such that if I just type pld_dmgr, absolutely NOTHING has changed, I get the "old" stuff. I.e. need to do something special to get xc4ke parts. Change the /home2/gross/.openwin-menu-programs to use the 2 different invocation scripts. Note that you can always see what version is being used, whenever a Xilinx-modified tool (pld_xxx) is invoked, the FIRST line it shows is its version: "old": 5. "new": version XC4000E-PRE-1.0.0 Both versions are using the same Mentor Graphics executables but modified by the appropriate (Xilinx-provided) invocation scripts. Neither version can see the libraries of the other. This is not strictly necessary but I am doing it as a reminder that they are separate and NOT interchangeable. Note that you CANNOT just invoke one pld_dmgr and then change the Toolbox to get the other sub-programs (pld_da, etc), the way you can invoke pld_dmgr and then add the "regular" Mentor toolbox (this latter feature still works with both versions of pld_dmgr, however). This would NOT modify the environment variables and path. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6-AUG-1995 Topics: Copy the /home2 file system to the new disk. Now move the /home2 file system to the new disk. First make a copy of the /home2 files on the /home3 disk: cd /home2 tar cf - . | (cd /home3; tar xfBp -) (This pipes the output of the first 'tar' to the input of the second 'tar'. Can't just use cp -r because the ownership, etc. of the files gets munged). Next, enter single-user mode, and dismount the /home2 and /home3 file systems. Remount the CDC Wren drive (c0t2d0s7) as /home3, and the Seagate 4.3 GB drive (c0t0d0s7) as /home2. Edit /etc/vfstab to automatically mount the disks this way in future. init s swap -d /home2/auxswapfile (needed to make /home2 un-busy) umount /home2 umount /home3 mount /dev/dsk/c0t2d0s7 /home3 \ This is a test to verify that > it works. The edit of /etc/vfstab mount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s7 /home2 / makes it "permanent." (swap the names of these disks in /etc/vfstab also) Finally, increase the size of the auxiliary swap file (/home2/auxswapfile). I will eventually make the CDC Wren drive into swap space, but for now let's not fiddle with the files on this drive but instead just crank up the size of the swap space: rm /home2/auxswapfile mkfile 300m /home2/auxswapfile swap -a /home2/auxswapfile (this is just a test. The "permanency" comes from /etc/vfstab) Finally, reboot to verify that all changes were correct. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6-AUG-1995 Topics: Install 4.3 GB SCSI disk Install 4.3 GB SCSI disk (Seagate ST15150N). Needed to make a new mounting platform in PC box for this disk. Basic instructions for shutting down in reconfigure mode are given in the 3-FEB-1995 entry. As root, run format, first to verify that the new disk appears (type format, and see the list of disks). The new disk appears with SCSI-ID 0. Select disk 0, and am told "disk formatted, Disk not labelled. Label it now?" Enter "yes ". Now look at its partitioning. Select "partition" from format's menu (type "partition "). Use the "modify" function to put all of the space (3696 cylinders) on partition 7. Now make a new file system: newfs /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s7 Now make a directory (mount point): mkdir /home3 Now mount the disk: mount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s7 /home3 Now test the disk by making a file...this works. Now need to make the disk mount automagically at boot. Edit /etc/vfstab to add the following line: /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s7 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s7 /home3 ufs 2 yes - Now reboot, everything looks good. No smoke or excessive heat noted. See the inventory at the end of this file for more info about the disk. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12-JUL-1995 Topics: Install Xilinx (NeoCAD) FPGA Foundry Software Installed Xilinx FPGA Foundry software in /opt2/neocad. This was done exactly following instructions in the Installation Guide pp 16-25. The following software was loaded: FPGA Foundry Base System Xilinx XC4000 family (all devices) Mentor Graphics Integration Kit FrameViewer Online Docs FPGA Foundry Tutorial This software uses 232K blocks (118KBytes) of disk space. Attempt to license this software following instructions in Installation Guide pp 26-31. License file must be obtained from Xilinx Boulder. Call David Yakich (303-442-9121 ext 185) with all information: hostid: 72717D60 hostname: becane device key: 80007E5C Xilinx Boulder will FAX the necessary licensing information. Until then I can't run the software. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10-JUL-1995 Topics: Receive Xilinx (NeoCAD) FPGA Foundry Software Received Xilinx (nee NeoCAD) FPGA Foundry software and printed manuals today. See inventory for details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4-JUL-1995 Topics: Mentor A.3-F plotting Mentor plotting has changed with V8.4. V8.2 plotting no longer works. So, I need to redefine the printers for V8.4. Here is what needs to be done (all as root): (1) save the old (V8.2) Mentor configurations and make a new configurations directory mv /usr/spool/mgc/configs /usr/spool/mgc/old_configs mkdir /usr/spool/mgc/configs (2) delete the old (V8.2) Mentor printer from the lp print service lpshut reject mgc_print disable mgc_print lpadmin -xmgc_print (3) Create a startup configuration file for the new printer (call it mgcps) cp /home/mgc/shared/pkgs/ps_filter/templates/ps_filter.template \ /usr/spool/mgc/configs/mgcps (note: this file actually contains no information and I don't think it is really necessary for Postscript. It is necessary for e.g. HPGL, and is referenced in step (5) which is why I am including it here) (4) Create a new filter invocation script (call it ps_fis) cp /home/mgc/pkgs/print_base/examples/fis.template \ /usr/spool/mgc/filters/ps_fis (5) Edit the filter invocation script to include the following lines MGC_HOME=/home/mgc MGLS_LICENSE_FILE=$MGC_HOME/etc/cust/mgls/mgc.licenses FILTER_PATH=$MGC_HOME/pkgs/ps_filter/.lib/ps_filter CONFIG=/usr/spool/mgc/configs/mgcps $FILTER_PATH -verbose -config $CONFIG | /usr/bin/lp -dpostscript Note that the lp device is the real unix destination printer. Also note that this destination printer uses the remote print service on the VAX but this is transparent here. (6) Create an lp model for this printer cp /home/mgc/pkgs/print_base/examples/mgc_only_model.template \ /usr/spool/lp/model/mgc_only_model (7) Edit this model, replacing "path_to_FIS" with the path to the FIS created in steps (4) and (5) (should contain the line: cat "$file" 2>&1 | /usr/spool/mgc/filters/ps_fis) (8) Create the lp definition for mgcps lpshut lpadmin -pmgcps -i/usr/spool/lp/model/mgc_only_model -v/dev/null lpsched accept mgcps enable mgcps (9) At this point, test mgcps using /home/mgc/bin/plot_test. Select plot 8, and accept the defaults for everything except the destination which should be mgcps. OK, but we're still not done. Now we need to create and edit a Plot/ Export Table (pet) so that we can print from Mentor applications. This is new in V8.4. (1) Every user needs to have the environment variable MGC_PLOT_OPTIONS defined (e.g. in their .cshrc file). setenv MGC_PLOT_OPTIONS /usr/spool/mgc (2) As root, invoke $MGC_HOME/bin/filter_setup (3) Select Edit Plot/Export Table (4) Select Plot by App and click on Add (5) Fill out the dialog box: Description for menu: Mentor Graphics Postscript Filter Invocation Script: /usr/spool/mgc/filters/ps_fis System Printer Name: postscript (note: this is the OUTPUT Unix printer...i.e. the real Postscript device. I don't know why it needs to go here, I thought it was taken care of in the filter invocation script?) Job Configuration File: (leave blank) (click OK) (6) Select Save File enter the path to the pet file: /usr/spool/mgc/pet (7) Test from an application: - invoke an application - choose MGC>Setup Printer (note that an application only reads the pet the FIRST time you do this) - select the appropriate configuration - select File>Print - don't change the name of the printer that appears in the dialog box - verify that the plot emerges. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3-JUL-1995 Topics: Mentor A.3-F install work Picked up the Mentor A.3-F CD's from Jackie Carlson at Engineering. The following CD's were picked up: Combined IC Application Software ( 2 CD's ) Board Process Libraries AccuParts Library Application Software (Sun/Solaris 2.x) ( 3 CD's ) First archive the current Mentor tree (/home/mgc) on DAT. Attempt to install new software using the new GUI based Mentor install. End up selecting too much software to fit in the available space. So delete the entire Mentor tree (/home/mgc) and do an install from scratch. Software installs OK, but missing some libraries (i.e. SmartParts). So, delete the new Mentor tree and restore the old Mentor tree from DAT. Get some more space in the /home file system by moving the auxiliary swap file: - mkfile 150m /home2/auxswapfile (create new 150MB swapfile) - /usr/sbin/swap -a /home2/auxswapfile (make this a swap file) - /usr/sbin/swap -d /home/auxswapfile (lose the old swap file) - rm /home/auxswapfile (delete the old swap file) - edit /etc/vfstab -- replace /home/auxswapfile with /home2/auxswapfile. Talk to Jackie about the missing libraries. She claims that I have everything and should just use the old libraries (which I have already restored). Call Mentor and they agree. I also deleted some of the AnswerBook packages that I never use to free up some space on the / file system. Current file system usage (with OLD Mentor tree but moved swapfile and after AnswerBook deletion) is: /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 (/) 66% used 274 Mbytes available /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s7 (/home) 55% used 394 MBytes available /dev/dsk/c0t2d0s7 (/home2) 59% used 203 MBytes available It looks like I should buy some more disk space. Talked to some vendors and choose a Seagate ST15150N 4.3GB disk which sells for about $1300. Still need to find who has them in stock, etc. but with the holiday I will need to wait until Wednesday. Start again with the installation, this time not trying to update libraries. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21-JUN-1995 Topics: Receive Xilinx Interface, Libraries, and FPGA Demo Board Received Xilinx Interface to Mentor Graphics, Libraries, and FPGA Demo Board. See inventory at end of this file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19-JUN-1995 Topics: Create Mentor Graphics "library" user, and understand PCB catalog hierarchy (includes schematic symbols) The Mentor PCB catalog hierarchy looks like: "level" location ------- -------- Mentor $MGC_PCBPARTS/pcb_geom ..._maps ..._libs Company $HOME/pcb_parts/company_geom ..._maps ..._lib Project $HOME/pcb_parts/project_geom ..._maps ..._lib User $HOME/pcb_parts/user_geom ..._maps ..._lib Design "design_path"/design_geom ..._maps ..._lib The Mentor level is read-only and contains the Mentor-supplied components. It should not be edited. The Design level contains the design-specific components which have been extracted from other libraries. No new components should be built in the Design level. So where do we build our own components? In the Company level. But note that the Company directory needs to hang from $HOME and cannot be moved. This means that each user has his own Company directory which is not very smart. So make a "root" Company directory which is maintained by the user "library". Then make a soft link under /home2/gross which points to the root Company directory: ln -s /home2/designs/library/pcb_parts/company_maps /home2/gross/pcb_parts/company_maps (etc.) Finally, define the appropriate links in /home/mgc/pkgs/pcb_base/data/pcb_default_directory_template so that whenever Librarian makes new pcb_parts entries (i.e. for new users) the links will be automatically picked up (see Librarian User's Manual pg 6-15). Only the user "library" has write-access to the Company libraries. Other users have read-only access. Thus only "library" can create/modify Company libraries. What are the various files used for? xxx_lib(s): Contains the schematic symbols xxx_geom: Contains the geometries (i.e. DIP24) xxx_maps: Contains map files and catalog file (map file: logical pins to physical pins) (catalog: associates Comp property to Geometry via Part Number) Note that the company_lib structure can be used to store company-specific schematic symbols. Let's do this: (1) under /home2/designs/library/pcb_parts/company_lib, create the directory our_lib (2) Using Design Manager, copy the symbols that I have already created (in the_card) to our_lib (they were deleted from the_card after I verified that they were OK in our_lib) (3) This is enough for Librarian, our_lib now appears in the company_lib. (4) But let's put our_lib in the Location Map so that we can easily access it. We will call it $OUR_LIB. Recall that the Location Map is stored in /home/mgc/etc/mgc_location_map. This will NOT make the symbols appear in the "MGC Digital Libraries" palette, but they can be referenced as $OUR_LIB/symbol (e.g. $OUR_LIB/TE160F). Again, the schematic symbols can only be edited as the "library" user, but can be read by all users. Nothing special (beyond modifying the Location Map) need be done to allow all users access to these symbols in Design Architect. These symbols can be used in Librarian by virtue of the soft links defined earlier. We now have a home for all of the schematic symbols, catalogs/maps, and geometries that we will need to create. They all will be created by the user "library" and can be accessed by all users. The only thing semi-funny is that the schematic symbols are stored under a directory called "pcb_parts" but there is no harm in that. Note that Mentor does a similar thing for referencing their schematic symbols in Librarian (except they use soft links under their pcb_parts directory, which would buy us nothing except for another layer of indirection). Much of the complexity in this entry derives from Mentor's inflexible requirements on the placement of library files. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24-APR-1995 Topics: Register MicroStation V5 Note that the MicroStation installation placed 2 shell scripts in /usr/bin. ustation will start microstation, and plotfile will start the unixplot utility. /usr/bin is is the default $PATH. Registered MicroStation as follows (see Introducing MicroStation SPARC p. 2-17: - "Your Name" = Trigger - "Organization" = Michigan State University - "Serial Number" = 10000159700137 - "Registration Number" = 278 970 3674 FAXed the form to Bentley. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21-APR-1995 Topics: Receive MicroStation V5 Received MicroStation V5 Academic Edition for SPARC. See inventory at end of this file for listing. Install MicroStation: - insert CDROM - cd /cdrom/ustn_unix/solaris - ./setup.exe - select "Full MicroStation without MDE" - select "/opt2/ustation" as destination directory - do not select any install options Quick test of installation, type "/opt2/ustation/ustation" and MicroStation comes up. I have NOT registered the copy of MicroStation with Bentley, nor have I entered any name in the registration dialog box, which means that we have to wait 30 seconds before MicroStation comes up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4-APR-1995 Topics: More about MG printing Set up the printer "mgc_print" which can only be used to print Mentor Graphics output (e.g Design Architect, Bold Browser) on the Rm. 250 printer in PostScript format. It is NOT possible to print using the standard PostScript printer definition (except in Bold Browser). Mentor wants to go through a very convoluted series of steps between the application and the printer. Here is the chain of events which occurs when a Mentor Graphics application prints a file: (1) User requests a print using e.g. pull-down menu. User must give printer name. As far as I can tell, user CANNOT just say "postscript" (which is the "generic" postscript queue that I have configured. This is because the application doesn't generate straight postscript. Must instead have a special Mentor Graphics queue defined, which I have called "mgc_print". The application uses the standard Solaris 2.x print service (lp) to handle the request (i.e. it effectively does something like: lp -dmgc_print temp_file_to_print ) (2) The lp service knows about the printer called mgc_print (because it has been told). The configuration for mgc_print is in the file /etc/lp/printers/mgc_print/configuration (this is the 100% Solaris 2.x standard way of defining printers to lp). In this file is a line: Interface: /home/mgc/bin/mgc_print_filter This means that lp, rather than sending the data out a serial port (as it would for the HP plotter) or via the remote print request mechanism (as it would for all of the remote VAX printers such as postscript, rm_210, ansi, etc.), gives the file to the Interface program. (i.e. it does something like: /home/mgc/bin/mgc_print_filter temp_file_to_print ) The Interface program is just a shell script which can be examined. (3) The interface program tries to decode what kind of machine it is running on, and a bunch of other stuff. It then calls ANOTHER program called /home/mgc/pkgs/print_base.ss5/.lib/mgc_print_filter This program is in a hidden directory, and is a real executable so I can't just look at it to tell what it does. Yes, it really has the same name as the shell script from step (2). I THINK it does the following: Makes the data into straight postscript Sends it (using lp again) to a postscript printer I believe that it uses a "configuration" file (NOT the configuration file from step (2)) to tell it what to do. By changing configuration files, I could send the postscript data to a different printer, or generate hpgl data. The configuration file is located in: /usr/spool/mgc/configs/mgc_print It has a lot of lines, but the important ones are as follows: print_daemon ps ## select postscript print daemon device generic_ps ## specify output device interface offline ## print to a file file_banners off ## don't print file banners output_printer_name postscript ## which printer to go to Yes, it is confusing to say that we want to print to a file but then specify a printer. What can I say. A block diagram of the flow is: MGC Unix VAX --- ---- --- MGC Appl. \ `----------------. \> lp / .---------' mgc_print_filter lp \ \ \> (to VAX) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28-FEB-1995 Topics: Notes about forest INFORM server Recall that forest typically runs both the INFORM Network Server and the INFORM Resource Server. The "library path" for INFORM on forest is (currently) '/cdrom/mgc_inform/inform_8_2_12.' (includes the period). If forest's INFORM service hangs, it may be possible to start from here (because they don't have any protection). It is not a good idea to play around with forest's INFORM service, though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-FEB-1995 Topics: Understand how to use local INFORM CDROM Mentor Graphics has sent us extra INFORM CD's for use when we can't see Engineering's INFORM CDROM. Note that the file /home/mgc/etc/cust/mgc_net_resource must specify that 'becane' can be used as a Resource server and a Network server. Note also that '' is listed first in this file, so we will try to use forest as the Network and Resource server, and only try to use becane if forest is not available. When this happens, do the following: - put our local CDROM in the drawer (I am using the 8.2_5 CDROM which matches the version of software we are using) - start a BOLD daemon in the background: log in as root and type $MGC_HOME/bin/bold_daemon -n & - start bold_admin, either from the command line or from design_manager - select "Servers > Update Network/Resource Server List", probably no Network or Resource servers will be found. - bring the local library online by selecting "Servers > Bring a Library Online (file or mounted CD)"--this will bring up a dialog box. - choose 'becane' for the Resource server (and if given the choice, also select 'becane' for the Network server) - type in '/cdrom/mgc_inform/inform_8_2_5.' as the Library path - select OK - wait while the Resource server (and possibly the Network server) are started, this will take a minute or so Now bold_browser will run normally using the local CDROM. If this does NOT work, and a Network server was found on forest, then try to force use of the local network server. A way to do this (which is semi-dangerous if one forgets to undo it) is to edit the /home/mgc/etc/cust/mgc_net_resource file to remove any reference to forest, and then re-start bold_admin and update the server list and bring the local library online. Note that I have made two files in /home/mgc/etc/cust...becane_only and becane_and_forest, which can just be copied into mgc_net_resource as needed. To return to using the Engineering INFORM CD, again use bold_admin, but now select "Servers > Shutdown Servers > Shutdown Servers on One Workstation" to stop the Resource and Network Server on becane. DO NOT try to stop the servers on forest. I think that Engineering does NOT have password protection for stopping/starting servers on forest. If the mgc_net_resource file has been changed, be certain to return it to its good usable state (i.e. with knowledge of forest). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24-FEB-1995 Topics: Fix "feature" which turned on the tubes whenever a ^G was received in any window, also track Xwindow startup process Recall that the tubes turn off after 30 minutes (as specified in /etc/power.conf) of no mouse or keyboard activity. They turn on immediately after any mouse or keyboard activity. This all sounds great except that ringing the "warning bell" (i.e. the standard "VT100" response to a ^G) counts as a keyboard event. Thus, whenever I had an xterm logged in to any of the VAXes, and received a ^G (i.e. received D0News or mail which resulted in a ^G being sent to the xterm), the tubes fired up and remained fired up for 30 minutes. I don't know how to make the bell NOT be considered a keyboard event, so instead I shut off the bell in xterm (for all instances of firing up xterm, but ONLY for the gross account). This is done as follows: edit the file /home2/gross/.Xdefaults (this is a "hidden" file, and is the same file that is used to modify some keyboard mappings to make xterm look more like a real VT100). Add the following line xterm*visualBell: true which says that a ^G will cause the xterm to flash (extremely briefly). The flash is not considered to be a keyboard event and does not fire up the tubes. Also add the following lines: xterm*vt100*c132: true xterm*vt100*scrollBar: true to enable 80/132 column switching and the scroll bar. I then edited the file /home2/gross/openwin-menu-programs (where the "custom" Programs menu from the Workspace is stored) to remove the -sb and -132 switches from all of the instances of xterm. Note also that the .Xdefaults file is only read when the X server is started. It is NOT read when the X server is "refreshed" through the Workspace>Utilities>Refresh menu selection. Note also that the program xrdb is used to read the .Xdefaults file when the X server is started. The X server startup (specific example for the gross account) goes like this: - in /home2/gross/.login there is (among other things, including the definition of OPENWINHOME as /usr/openwin): $OPENWINHOME/bin/openwin -dev /dev/cgsix1 -dev /dev/fb this by default starts up $OPENWINHOME/bin/Xsun as the X server and selects (but doesn't start) olwm (the OpenLook window manager) as the window manager. Note the $OPENWINHOME/bin/X is soft-linked to $OPENWINHOME/bin/Xsun. xinit is used to start the X server. If the file $HOME/.xinitrc (recall that HOME is /home2/gross in this case) exists, the xinit uses it as the startup script. In this case, the file does not exist, so xinit uses (by default) $OPENWINHOME/lib/Xinitrc as the startup script. - the startup script fires off xrdb, which reads $OPENWINHOME/lib/Xdefaults. If the file $HOME/.Xdefaults exists (in this case it DOES), then xrdb is run again, with the -merge switch which causes the information in $HOME/.Xdefaults to be added to the setup. xrdb is the "Resource Manager" which all X clients query at startup to look for run-time options like keyboard remapping, etc. - the startup script executes $OPENWINHOME/lib/openwin-sys - openwin-sys looks for $HOME/.OWdefaults (the file which is created by the Workspace>Properties dialog box). If this file exists, xrdb "merges" it into the Resource database - openwin-sys uses xset to set the font path - openwin-sys executes 'cmap_compact init', 'cmap_alloc -allscreens', 'vkbd -nopopup &', 'ds_server_init', 'ttsession -s' which are all "background tasks" or setup stuff that the X server expects to have been performed. - the startup script then starts the Window Manager, either olwm by default or a different window manager if selected. - the startup script then check to see if the file $HOME/.openwin-init (note that this file is created by the Workspace>Utilities>Save Workspace menu option) exists. If it does, it is executed, (in this case it doesn't exist) otherwise the file $OPENWINHOME/lib/openwin-init is executed. - openwin-init sets the LOCALE environment variable - openwin-init starts a cmdtool (as console) and a File Manager window - openwin-init would start a helpviewer, but I have commented that line out because the helpviewer is annoying Note that the Workspace menu contents are stored in $OPENWIN/lib, with file names like openwin-menu*. Also, in /home2/gross, there is a file called .openwin-menu-programs which re-defines the "Programs" submenu from the Workspace menu for the gross account. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17-FEB-1995 Topics: Receive INFORM CDROMs from Mentor First "asynchronous" CRASH of Sun Steve has had several conversations with Sue Drouin from Mentor Graphics about purchase of hardcopy docs. It appears that hardcopy docs are extremely expensive (a minimal set of Idea Station and Board Station Docs would cost about $3K plus monthly "maintenance" fees. This is more than I expected. We have the right (and the ability) to print out selected pages and/or entire manuals from the INFORM online CD-ROM, so this is how we will produce printed documentation. Steve was concerned about access to Engineering's INFORM CD-ROM. On some occasions their CD-ROM was not available (for unknown reasons). Steve tried to get an old INFORM CD-ROM from Jackie Carlson, but had no success. Steve instead was able to get INFORM CDROMs directly from Mentor. See inventory at the bottom of this document. The Sun crashed at 17:07. The cause was unclear, it was shortly (but not immediately) after Steve placed the INFORM V8.2_5 CD-ROM in the drive. The log file /var/adm/messages contained the following lines: Feb 17 17:07:34 becane unix: BAD TRAP: type=9 rp=f099fabc addr=4f4c4348 mmu_fsr=126 rw=1 Feb 17 17:07:34 becane unix: utmpd: Data fault Feb 17 17:07:34 becane unix: kernel read fault at addr=0x4f4c4348, pme=0x0 Feb 17 17:07:34 becane unix: MMU sfsr=126: Invalid Address on supv data fetch at level 1 Feb 17 17:07:34 becane unix: pid=208, pc=0xfc2549c8, sp=0xf099fb08, psr=0x409000c5, context=929 Feb 17 17:07:34 becane unix: g1-g7: 0, 0, f007655c, 360, fc6605b8, 1, fc5c66c0 Feb 17 17:07:34 becane unix: Begin traceback... sp = f099fb08 Feb 17 17:07:34 becane unix: Called from fc252d40, fp=f099fb70, args=f099fc28 fc74b08c f099fcc4 0 fffffffc ffffffff Feb 17 17:07:34 becane unix: Called from f00e024c, fp=f099fe30, args=fc5c37a0 7101 0 fc732328 0 0 Feb 17 17:07:34 becane unix: Called from f00765c8, fp=f099fef0, args=f099ffe0 f099ff50 27 0 fc251000 fc519798 Feb 17 17:07:34 becane unix: Called from f0076aa0, fp=f099ff58, args=27 7101 effffab4 23240 f00dffe4 fc6605b8 Feb 17 17:07:34 becane unix: Called from 11a50, fp=effffcb0, args=27 effffd14 25580 0 ef782e74 ef782e74 Feb 17 17:07:34 becane unix: End traceback... Feb 17 17:07:34 becane unix: panic: Data fault Feb 17 17:07:34 becane unix: syncing file systems... [1] 5 [1] 5 [1] 5 [1] 5 [1] 5 [1] 5 [1] 5 [1] 5 [1] 5 [1] 5 [1] 5 [1] 5 [1] 5 [1] 5 [1] 5 [1] 5 [1] 5 [1] 5 [1] 5 [1] 5 done Which might mean something to someone, but is mostly gibberish to me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8-FEB-1995 Topics: Level 0 ufsdump, check timing Modified the /dumpfs shell script to include the /home2 file system. This file system will now be the first file system on the tape, followed by the /home file system and finally the / file system. The idea is to put the most frequently changed files first on the tape. I have performed a full backup (level 0 ufsdump) to DAT. Here are the statistics: Transfer Rate File System Size Approximate reported by ID (MB) Elapsed Time ufsdump ----------- ---- ------------ ------------- /home2 40.87 1' 22'' 0.558 MB/s /home 703.06 19' 56'' 0.606 MB/s / 634.41 17' 47'' 0.678 MB/s -------------- ------ -------- ---------- (total/average) 1971.88 39' 05'' 0.614 MB/s Note that the transfer rate reported by ufsdump is not the same as the size divided by the approximate elapsed time. This is probably due to my method of recording elapsed time, which undoubtedly includes more than the spinning of the tape. Also note that the average transfer time (calculated by summing the individual rates and dividing by 3) is too heavily influenced by the /home2 file system, which was considerably smaller than the other file systems but equally weighted in my rough average. The current usage of disk space is: / 78% full /home 71% full /home2 8% full I have removed gross's files from /home (they remain on /home2). The directory /home/gross was backed up on the 8-Feb-1995 ufsdump tape. Recall that the auxswapfile is taking up 150 MB (15%) of the /home file system, and could be moved to the / file system if desired. Note the actual capacity of the DAT drive: tape uncompressed compressed length capacity capacity ------ ------------ ---------- 60m 1.3 GByte up to 3.25 GByte 90m 2.0 GByte up to 5.00 GByte Compression is done by the drive (not by the OS) and the compression factor varies depending on the "compressibility" of the data. I do not know what compression algorithm is used. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7-FEB-1995 Topics: Attach terminal and HP plotter to serial ports Attached a VT420 to Serial Port A (/dev/term/a) and the HP7580 plotter to Serial Port B (/dev/term/b). This involved the following things: (1) Make a "splitter" cable to break the single DB-25 connector on the Sun (which contains 2 serial ports) into 2 DB-25 connectors. First verify that the Sun uses pin #2 (and #14) as TxD (i.e. output data from the Sun) while the VT420 cable and also the HP7580 plotter cable both use pin #2 as RxD (i.e. input data). Thus a "straight-through" cable (modulo the two ports crammed onto one connector factor) is required. The Sun has a female connector, as do the VT420 and HP plotter. Note that the pinout of the Sun connector is given in Appendix B of the SunDiag User's Guide. The cable is as follows (all 3 connectors are MALE DB-25): Sun "A/B" Port "A" Port "B" connector signal wire connector connector pin number name color pin number pin number ---------- ------ ----- ---------- ---------- 1 chassis GND wh/rd/bk 1 1 2 TxDa red 2 n/c 3 RxDa blue 3 n/c 7 signal GND white 7 7 14 TxDb red n/c 2 16 RxDb blue n/c 3 (all other pins are not connected) (2) Use RS-232 signalling rather than RS-423 signalling. To do this, need to change jumpers on the SS20 motherboard. Shut system down cleanly, power off pizza box and all peripherals, remove SuperSPARC module (in MBUS slot 0). Jumpers J801 and J802 moved from position "A" to position "B." Replace SuperSPARC, repower, reboot. This is all done following instructions in SPARCstation 20 Installation Guide. (3) Quickly set up both ports as Terminal ports and test the VT420 with both. Looks OK (9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit). (4) Set up Port A as a Terminal using 'admintool.' - select Serial Port Manager - modify Port A - Baud Rate: 9600, Terminal Type: vt100, Service: Enabled, Bidirectional, Software Carrier, NOT Initialize Only, Port Monitor Tag: zsmon, Create utemp entry, NOT Connect on Carrier, Service: /usr/bin/login, Streams Modules: ldterm,ttcompat, Timeout: Never Test this: works. (5) Set up Port B as a printer using 'admintool.' - with Serial Port Manager, Disable the Serial Port Service This is a bad is really disabling the use of this port for either terminals or modems by disconnecting this port from the 'zsmon' process (zsmon ~= getty). It does NOT do anything to the UART. - with Printer Manager, define the printer 'hp' as: Printer Name: hp Printer Port: /dev/term/b Printer Type: hp7550 (note that this is not correct, but it is close, and also is used primarily for the lpfilter package which we don't use) File Contents: ASCII Fault Notification: Write to superuser Print Server OS: System V System default: no Print Banner: Not Required Enable Print Queue: Yes Accept Print Jobs: Yes User Access List: (don't define a list, defaults to all) Test this by copying a random file from the .../mstation/plotting/pltfiles directory (on velo) to becane and using lp -dhp random.file to print. This works. Copying files to /dev/term/b does NOT work because the actual device file (/devices/obio/zs@0,100000:b) is not world-writeable. Note the /dev/term/b is just a link to the actual device file. I quickly did a "copy" test as root and this also works. Also copy the .dgn files on the Intergraph which we would like to save to /home2/velo. This is done using a "take" file which Dan wrote. On becane, from within /home2/velo, type 'ftp velo <000_files.tak' -- you will be prompted for the password for the gross account on velo. I shot one of the files back to velo to verify that it hadn't been munged in the transfer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5-FEB-1995 Topics: Apply file system to 1st external HD Modified the partitioning of the 2nd external HD, and applied a file system. This is done as follows (all as root): - run the 'format' utility (see /var/log/cdc_disk_log) - this gives general information about all hard disks: - select disk 1 (c0t2d0) - note that the disk is already "formatted" - select 'partition', then select 'modify' - choose partition 6 as "free hog" (see Solaris 2.x Handbook for SMCC Peripherals and also the File System Administration manual) - "zero out" all partitions except partition 7, which I gave 1502 cylinders - select 'label' - select 'quit - mkdir /home2 - edit /etc/vfstab to include information about this new disk - mount at boot, as /home2 - copy all of gross's files to /home2/gross - set /home2/gross as gross's default directory - DO NOT delete the /home/gross files. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3-FEB-1995 Topics: Attach 1st external HD (600 MB) to Sun Installed a 600 MB SCSI(-1) drive in a PC case and attached to the Sun. The disk is a CDC WREN-V Model 94181, and I have given it SCSI-ID 2. I have NOT formatted the disk (the Sun 'format' utility claims that the disk is already formatted, which is believable since the disk came from a uVAX-II which also uses 512 byte blocks. Format finds some partitions, but I plan to re-partition the drive after I am certain that things are OK. Adding this drive required a non-trivial amount of work, detailed below, but the advantage now is that we have a "shoebox" with a "good" power supply and room for 2 full-height disks (or more 1/2 height disks), enough power nozzles for 4 disks, and SCSI nozzles for 2 disks. The following work was required: - make a SCSI cable for inside the PC. This has two Centronics 50-pin female connectors (one on each end) and 2 female 0.1"x0.1" AMP-style connectors in the middle. - put a 150W power supply inside the PC. The 60W power supply which was in the PC was not beefy enough to start the CDC drive (which requires 4.5A of +12 at startup). - put a 3.7 ohm 25W resistor on the 5V power supply. This is mounted near the fan in the PC case. This is required because the PC power supply does not provide +12V unless there is a "reasonable" 5V load, and the CDC drive (rightly) is paranoid about power supply checking. This resistor is making 5**2 / 3.7 = 6.75W of heat and provides a 1.35A load to the power supply. The +12V supply then holds 12.00V unloaded, dips to 11.91V at disk startup, and raises back to 11.95V while the disk is stably spinning. - put a DC fan inside the PC, running from 12V. This fan is turning at relatively low speed (and not making much noise) but is moving air. It sucks air through the PC case, and I sealed the PC case to force air to pass over the disk drive - open up the DAT-drive shoebox and install a cable with 3 (male-female- male) 0.1"x0.1" AMP-style connectors. One of these connectors protrudes from the shoebox (I had to trim some of the shoebox edges to make this work). I did this because I didn't have a "mini-D50"- to-Centronics SCSI adapter cable, nor could I get one in short order. - I used the old SCSI cable from the Intergraph, which has a female AMP-style 50-pin connector on one end, and a male Centronics 50-pin connector on the other end. I had to remove the shielding from the AMP connector in order to seat this connector in the connector protruding from the DAT shoebox. - I used the old SCSI terminator from the Intergraph. The system must be shut down in order to install a new SCSI disk, and special steps must be taken at shutdown in order for Solaris to recognize the new device (as a physical device, regardless of what file systems, etc. will be placed on the device). Solaris uses a "dynamically reconfigurable" kernel, i.e. it can "sense" new devices, new memory, new frame buffers, etc. and "automatically" be able to use them. Some other flavors of Unix cannot do this, and require "kernel modifications" of some sort when new devices are added. The kernel must be instructed to dynamically reconfigure, and it can only do so upon booting. To shut the system down (including killing the power), and request reconfiguration at the next boot, do the following: - exit OpenWindows - log in as root - perform the command touch /reconfigure - this creates the file /reconfigure, which is empty but acts as a flag to Solaris upon the next boot - perform the command shutdown -i5 - this request a shutdown to init state 5 (which is powerdown). This will take about 1.5 minutes, and safely shuts the pizza box down. - power off all peripherals I then installed the new disk, applied power to the peripherals, and then applied power to the pizza box. The system booted, and complained about a corrupt label on the new disk (SCSI-ID 2)--"WARNING, bad magic cookie." The other disks appeared fine, I exercised them by running OpenWindows and firing up a few application programs. I then shut the system down to the boot PROM (shutdown -i0), and ran 'probe-scsi' which found the new disk. I then rebooted (seeing the same corrupt label warning). As root, I did the following: - format c0t2d0 - this is the format utility, and I only allowed it to talk to the new disk. It said that the disk was formatted, but not labelled. I labelled it. It was partitioned in some way, but I will re-partition it into one large drive (the same way the "2nd" internal HD is partitioned). I then exercised the disks more, and saw no warning or error messages. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31-JAN-1995 Topics: MG licenses now administered locally Usable Disk SCSI-ID's Received a new license file from Mentor Graphics (via Jackie Carlson) today. To install, I did the following: - edit the mail message: - remove extraneous text - change hostname from "unnamed..." to "becane" - changed path to lmgrd to /etc/mgc/mgls/lib/mgcld - copy the mail message to /home/licenses/mgc - this is for storage purposes, NOT for use - also copy to /home/mgc/etc/cust/mgls/mgc.licenses - edit /etc/rc2.d/S78mgc (see 20-JAN-1995 entry) to start mgls_admin at boot time, and point to the license file mentioned above - edit (for gross only) the .cshrc to use the license file mentioned above as the LM_LICENSE_FILE. - the license files for murray and eecae are STILL on becane, but they are not being used. They could be deleted but I am saving them until local license management is fully understood. - Design Manager and Bold Browser both appear to work as before. Note that the following SCSI-ID's are free for use for external hard disks: 2, 0 (both on controller 0, i.e. the on-board SCSI controller) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30-JAN-1995 Topics: MicroStation order I ordered MicroStation from Appa Business Computers for the Academic Edition price of $190. I wrote a letter for Chip Brock to sign, which I will also send to Appa. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26-JAN-1995 Topics: Printing from becane to the VAX Printing from becane to the VAX cluster is now working. I set up printing using the Administration Tool's Printer Manager. This worked EXCEPT for one parameter in the file /etc/lp/Systems. By default, the entry for the system msupa appeared as (note I actually copied this from pads1): which I changed to (i.e. changed the first "0" to "n"). This changed the "timeout" (presumably the timeout between the issuance of a request from becane and "some" response [either "yes I heard you" or "yes the print job is done"] from the VAX) from 0 minutes to NEVER. This solved the problem, and I have now "attached" to 4 print queues on the VAX: queue on becane queue on VAX types --------------- ------------ ----- ansi RM250_HOLE_P ASCII postscript POSTSCRIPT POSTSCRIPT two_up TWO_UP ASCII rm210 RM210 ASCII cps CPS ASCII I also shared this solution with George Perkins. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25-JAN-1995 Topics: Solaris 2.4 User's, Administrator's, and Reference Manuals arrive . Need more disk space. The Solaris 2.4 User's Doc Set, Administrator's Doc Set, and Reference Doc set arrived today (actually they arrived on the 9th and have been sitting at Physics Stores since then because nobody told me that they had arrived). See inventory at bottom of this document for details of this shipment. It is clear that we need more disk space on becane. We should add at least 2GB and perhaps 4GB. We need to decide how to do this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24-JAN-1995 Topics: Microstation Read on the Bentley WWW site that MicroStation is available for Solaris 2.4, and at an academic price of about $200 (vs. a commercial price of about $3900). Contact Bentley and speak to Erica Von Hoyer (610)-458-6000. It appears that as long as we offer classes in which students are enrolled and in which they use MicroStation, we may purchase MicroStation for the academic price. She gives us the following contacts: Appa Business Computers (in Ann Arbor) ACADEMIC PRICE RETAILER Arno Poerner (313) 769-2727 - call them and speak to Dave Mayer. He will FAX us an application for the academic program and sounded very positive about our ability to qualify. Turnaround time for an order is ~2 weeks. CAD Solutions (in Southfield) FULL PRICE RETAILER ONLY Steve Kuhn (313) 356-8150 Fisher United something (in Troy) FULL PRICE RETAILER ONLY Charley Hess (810) 816-1500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23-JAN-1995 Topics: mgc_location_map Copy the location map template /home/mgc/shared/etc/appl/base/mgc_map_template to the location map /home/mgc/etc/mgc_location_map This is necessary to get the libraries' environment variables defined for Design Architect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20-JAN-1995 Topics: more Mentor Graphics installation, start to split licenses, backup. Talk with Shanblatt and Jackie about splitting licenses. Jackie will arrange with Mary French (at Mentor) to split the licenses: 40 for engineering, 10 for us. Until then, I will continue to use engineering's license server. Chuck Parks' replacement is Brian Wright (wrightb@egr...). I have carbon copied the most recent note about licensing to him and also Shanblatt. Jackie wants CD's returned. I will load libraries today and then return the discs. To load libraries: - become superuser - cd /home/mgc/install8 - ./install - INSTALL> load libraries - master tree is /home/mgc (reply when asked) - select the following libraries: pcb_parts smartparts_lib contains: analog_lib_map, cmos_lib_map, ecl_lib_map, memory_lib_map, misc_lib_map, pld_lib_map, ttl_lib_map gen_lib misc_lib pld_parts ecl_parts contains: ecl100k_lib, ecl10k_lib, ecl_lib ttl_74_parts contains: als_lib, as_lib, f_lib, ls_lib, s_lib, std_lib ac_lib act_lib cmos_lib fct_lib hc_lib hct_lib memory_parts contains: dram_lib, rom_lib, sram_lib passive_lib - select target directory of /home/mgc for all libraries - all libraries were found on the IDEA Series Combined Libraries V8.2_5 (Sep 93) CD, except for: - analog_lib_map, cmos_lib_map, ecl_lib_map, memory_lib_map, misc_lib_map, pld_lib_map, ttl_lib_map on the SmartParts Libraries V8.2 (Feb 93) CD -- note, *_map are the SmartParts Libraries - gen_lib, misc_lib, passive_lib, pcb_parts on Disc 2 of the Application CD (March 94) - note that both hard drives are ~75% full now. There is about 420 MB free space between the two drives. Recall that about 150MB of /home is used up by the auxiliary swap file, and 64 MB of the disk containing / is used as a swap partition. - I also loaded the pcb_boards option using LOAD SERVER OPTION, see /var/log/mgc/mgc_install_pcb_boards_log. - And I loaded autologic, dc_support, ddp, registrar, pcbartsb, and pcbsmartsb. See log file /var/log/mgc/mgc_install_more_options_log - Finally loaded enread (EDIF netlist reader). See log file /var/log/mgc/mgc_install_enread_log - Free space now ~385 MB. - We now have everything that engineering does, except: AutoTherm, SimView_WSI, ic, ic_link, proto_layout, xfx, xns, and we also have fewer libraries. - Steve commented out all of the action in /etc/rc2.d/S78mgc. It was trying to start FlexLM looking at some random license manager file. It will probably need to be re-visited when we split the Mentor licenses. Level 0 ufsdump of /home and / (using dumpfs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19-JAN-1995 Topics: Mentor Graphics installation, first success with licensing. Work on understanding license for Mentor Graphics. Call Mike Shanblatt, he is not in. At 11AM, quit servicing BOLD/INFORM requests...send email to gets fixed (I don't know what was wrong). Jackie suggests trying to use the Mentor Graphics license file from murray, and use murray (and eecae) as license servers. This requires NFS-mounting a file system from murray in order to copy the files. To NFS-mount a remote file system: - verify that the desired server is alive using ping - verify that the server is responding to requests from NFS clients: rpcinfo -u nfs - verify that the server is responding to mount requests: rpcinfo -u mountd - display the server's "sharable file system list": dfshares or showmount -e - as superuser, mount the remote file system: mount -F nfs :/remote/fs /local/fs example: mount -F nfs /export/share mounts murray's /opt2 tree (which contains Engineering's Mentor Graphics software) as becane's /export/share tree. Then I added the two mgc.license files from murray's /opt2 tree to becane's /home/mgc tree: - become superuser - mkdir /home/mgc/etc/cust/mgls/eecae - mkdir /home/mgc/etc/cust/mgls/murray - cp /export/share/mgc/etc/cust/mgls/eecae/mgc.license /home/mgc/etc/cust/mgls/eecae/mgc.license - cp /export/share/mgc/etc/cust/mgls/murray/mgc.license /home/mgc/etc/cust/mgls/murray/mgc.license Then (for gross only), I edited /home/gross/.cshrc to add the following lines: - setenv MGC_WD /home/gross/mgc (this sets the Mentor Graphics working directory for gross) - setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE /home/mgc/etc/cust/mgls/murray/mgc.licenses: /home/mgc/etc/cust/mgls/eecae/mgc.licenses (this allows Mentor Graphics to use both eecae and murray as license servers. I tried to use only one or the other and failed. I don't fully understand why) I was then able to actually run Mentor Graphics locally using the locally installed executables but requesting licenses (and on-line docs) over the network from the Case Center. Note that with murray's /opt2 file system mounted as /export/share, if I do: setenv MGC_HOME /export/share/mgc Then I am running Case Center's Mentor Graphics executables, but they are executing locally on becane (and requesting licenses/docs over the network from the Case Center). This allows me to compare packages and libraries between Physics and Engineering, and will let me try various bits of Mentor without actually installing them locally. According to Jackie Carlson, this latter mode of operation cannot continue for long. They only "opened up" murray's file system for a short time, and have since closed it. Once I dismount murray's file system, I will NOT be able to re-mount it. For the time being, I will not dismount murray's file system, nor will I stop the currently running instance of engineering's Mentor Graphics on becane. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18-JAN-1995 Topics: Continue Mentor Graphics installation Return to installing Mentor Graphics. This time install the options for the master tree. - cd /home/mgc/install8 - ./install (I copied the log file from the "command tool history" to /var/log/mgc/mgc_install_options_log) - at the INSTALL prompt, type load server options - load configuration saved as mgc_master_options_driver - select the following options: hp_plot, postscript_print, system_1076_comp, system_1076_solv, mgc_analog_lib_uw, mgc_digital_lib_uw, ddp, quicksimii, simview_appl - note some of the required packages had already been installed, see log file for details. - note some packages (again see log) not found on media. I will continue with additional media (Application CD #2) - cp /home/mgc/shared/etc/appl/base/mgc_map_template /home/mgc/etc/mgc_location_map - note that printing is not yet enabled, need to execute some shell scripts (see log file /var/log/mgc/mgc_install_options_log) - added /home/mgc/bin to gross's PATH, also defined MGC_HOME to be /home/mgc (again in gross's .cshrc...NOT propagated back to /etc/skel/C/.cshrc yet!) - re-run /home/mgc/bin/mgc_post_install to use as the BOLD/INFORM server (this is the machine used by the CASE Center). The log file for this change is in /var/log/mgc/mgc_post_install_log_2 - note that the BOLD/INFORM server information is stored in the file /home/mgc/etc/cust/mgc_net_resource - Bold Browser does NOT require a license, simply run bold_browser. This provides access to the on-line documentation CDROM which is permanently mounted at the Case Center. Note that a working network is required. - At this point, /home/mgc contains approximately 288 MB of files. - Level 0 ufsdump of / and /home. Note that I made a shellscript /dumpfs which does this task. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17-JAN-1995 Topics: Power Management files, system-wide X configuration modifications. Do NOT succeed in using Direct Xlib (but close) Begin to understand Mentor Graphics installation. The power management software uses the file /etc/power.conf which is read by pmconfig. I have set the workstation to power the screens down after 1800s (30 minutes) of mouse and keyboard inactivity, but to NEVER perform a system-wide auto-shutdown. This is a system-wide configuration. I have also set the OpenWindows screen saver (accessable via Workspace-> Properties->Miscellaneous) to activate after 5 minutes (in the 'gross' account only--this is settable for individual accounts) Edit /usr/openwin/lib/openwin-init to NOT automatically pop up a Help Viewer...this is system-wide. Copy /usr/openwin/lib/Xinitrc to /home/gross/.xinitrc, try to edit /home/gross/.xinitrc to allow Direct Xlib use by gross. This has problems with including a LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the .cshrc file...need to understand more. For now SKIP trying to use Direct Xlib, re-evaluate after playing Mentor Graphics for a while. Delete /home/gross/.xinitrc, use the standard system-wide one. Start to work on Mentor Graphics installation. We will do a "Quick Installation" for the first pass. I am using the March 1994 CDROM (i.e. the newest available, the March update to V8.2_5), with the Installing Mentor Graphics V8.2_5 (September 1993) printed manual. Following the instructions in Chapter 2 of this manual, I do the following: - become superuser - mkdir /home/mgc - note: the /home file system on becane has ~700MB free space, while the / file system has only about ~200MB free. Mentor Graphics will NOT fit on the / file system. - note: /home/mgc is the as referred to in the documentation. - cd /home/mgc - Insert Volume 1 of the Applications CD - tar xfBo /cdrom/mgc/install.ss5 install8 - note: /cdrom/mgc is the directory of the MG CDROM - note: this creates several files and subdirectories under /home/mgc/install8. It uses about 4600 blocks of disk space, mostly in /home/mgc/install8/bin - cd /home/mgc/install8/bin - ./mgc_check_env - note: this is the Mentor Graphics "check installation" script - the following informations was produced (see the file /var/log/mgc/mgc_check_env_log - RAM required 32 MB found 64 MB: OK - Swap space required 80 MB found 64 MB: Insufficient swap space. NOTE: I actually have 64MB in the swap partition, plus 150 MB in /home/auxswapfile. I just verified this by 'swap -l'. The script only counts swap space in the swap parition, but Solaris uses both the swap partition and the auxiliary swapfile. - OS version required 5.2 found 5.4: Unsupported OS version. NOTE: Let's assume that 5.4 is a superset of 5.2 and the installation will actually work. - OS packages: missing LP Print Service (Usr) and OpenWindows Window Drivers. NOTE: this discrepancy is probably explained by using Solaris 2.4 rather than 2.2. The LP Print Service has been divided into Client and Server halves, both of which I have, and I have Xwindows Window Drivers also loaded. - although the script found discrepancies, I will continue with the software load. I don't think that the problems are fatal. - cd /home/mgc/install8 - ./install (I copied the log file from the "command tool history" to /var/log/mgc/mgc_install_log) - install notes that no PKG_DATA file was found, so I loaded it from the CD (following the prompts) - at the INSTALL> prompt, type 'load server' - this starts a "Master Tree" installation - target tree pathname: '/home/mgc' - stations selected: analog.sta, falcon.sta, idea.sta, board_dsnr.sta, print_base.sta (total approx. 267 MB) - save the "driver" file as /home/mgc/install8/site/driver/mgc_master_driver - the actual packages loaded (recall each "station" is one or more "packages") are recorded in the log file /var/log/mgc/mgc_install_log - execute the post-install script /home/mgc/bin/mgc_post_install (log file is /var/log/mgc/mgc_post_install_log) choose to install NCS (mostly using symbolic links), configure BOLD (as serverless), and install MGLS. - reboot -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16-JAN-1995 Topics: Backup system after MODSIM installation Archived the file system in the usual method (Level 0 ufsdump as described in the entry for 13-JAN-1995). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13-JAN-1995 Topics: Backup system. Install MODSIM Archive the file system with compilers BEFORE attempting to install MODSIM. This is done as follows: - become superuser - init s - (enter system password when required) - # ufsdump 0uf /dev/rmt/0n /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s7 - # ufsdump 0uf /dev/rmt/0 /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s0 This puts the /home file system (/dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s7) on the tape first, DOES NOT rewind the tape (due to selecting /dev/rmt/0n rather than /dev/rmt/0 as the destination), and then puts the / file system on the tape as the second file. This type of full backup should only be done in single-user mode, to guarantee that files are not being modified/accessed/opened during the backup (possibly this requirement is too strict--I should check in to this point). It is possible to also perform incremental backups, this can be done automatically by a cron job. I need to work out a good automated incremental backup schedule. I should talk with George or Jackie Carlson (from the CASE center) to understand how to do this. Install MODSIM on becane (as superuser). I choose to install MODSIM in the newly-created /opt2 directory. Sun-supplied software goes in /opt, I will start the directory /opt2 to continue the idea of putting all "extra" software in one place, but still keep it away from the Sun- supplied "extra" software. - mkdir /opt2/modsim1.9 Load the DAT in the drive and do the following (as superuser): - cd /opt2/modsim1.9 - tar xvf /dev/rmt/0 | tee /var/log/modsim_untar_log (Page 8 of the MODSIM II User's Manual says to use of something else, but I know the /dev/rmt/0 refers to the DAT) (this sends the log file to /var/log/modsim_untar_log as well as to the screen) Note that the necessary graphics libraries are NOT in /usr/lib (as assumed by the MODSIM II User's Manual, but rather are in /usr/openwin/lib. The files are tar'ed into a directory tree starting with /opt2/modsim1.9/installModsim1.9.12 Change to the directory /opt2/modsim1.9/installModsim1.9.12/SunOS5.x Set the path environment variable to include /opt/SUNWspro/bin and /usr/ccs/bin (this is necessary to allow the C compiler to work!). Read the installation notes, and then install MODSIM using the installation script: ./INSTALL | tee /var/log/modsim_install_log (note: my responses are not automatically copied to modsim_install_log, I pasted them in by hand later) Choose the following options: - standard installation under a single standalone directory - pathname to directory: /opt2 ( will be installed in /opt2/modsim1.9.12 ) - install both dynamic and static libraries - directory path to OpenLook Xwindows libraires: /usr/openwin/lib - INSTALL could not find libucb.*, asks where it is, answer: /usr/ucblib I copied the list of installed files to /var/log/modsim_install_files I made the changes to my own (and the skeleton) .cshrc files to allow use of MODSIM and also to give man page access. This is adding /opt2/modsim1.9.12/bin to the PATH, and /opt2/modsim1.9.12/man to MANPATH, and adding the line setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt2/modsim1.9.12/lib/modsim I also did catman -M /opt2/modsim1.9.12/man to create windex files. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12-JAN-1995 Topics: Install C, C++, SPARCworks FORTRAN, Pascal Installed and licensed the following software: SPARCcompiler C 3.0.1 SPARCcompiler C++ 4.0.1 SPARCworks 3.0.1 from the SunSoft WorkShop Developer Products CDROM Volume 3 Number 2. First get licensing info for the above products (as well as the FORTRAN 2.0.1 compiler and Pascal 3.0.1 compiler, both found on the SunPor SPARCworks and SPARCcompilers CDROM Volume 1 Number 1). This is done by calling 1-800-872-4786 and providing the necessary information found on the Proof of License Certificates. The licensing information was then e-mailed to Steve in a form which can be directly used later--the installation package can read the email directly. Note that Steve had to edit the files to change the SERVER entry from to simply becane. Steve doesn't know why will not work. The installation proceeds as follows: - log in as root - cd /cdrom/cdrom0 - run spro_install_tool This is a GUI-based installation program - select products to install: SPARCworks 3.0.1 SPARCcompiler C 3.0.1 SPARCcompiler C++ 4.0.1 these are the only products on this disc for which we have licenses NOTE: I believe that selecting the SPARCworks Pro C and C++ is 100% equivalent to selecting the above 3 packages. - select AnswerBooks to install: Install Guide C C++ FORTRAN Pascal SPARCworks Common Tools no licenses are required to install AnswerBooks - select Install License Software (this is FlexLM) - select "Heavy" flavor of AnswerBook Installation - click on "Install" - the installation process takes about 1 hour and is logged both on-screen and in a file in /tmp (which will be deleted at the next reboot--I did not remember to caputure the log file before rebooting) The software will be installed in the /opt partition. Compilers and SPARCworks go in /opt/SUNWspro, while the licensing software goes in /opt/SUNWste. Once the installation is finished, the licenses need to be set up. This is also done via spro_install_tool. - click on "Setup Licenses..." - a new window will appear--verify that the License Server appears as "becane" and the Host ID appears as "72717d60" - click on "License from File..." - all of the license files are in /home/licenses Both C and C++ include licenses for SPARCworks 3.0.1 and 2.0.1 FORTRAN, Pascal, and SPARCworks 2.0.1 are each licensed separately. I have not placed the license file for SPARCworks 2.0.1 in /home/licenses because we are not using it. - select /home/licenses/c and /home/licenses/cpp, which also automatically licenses SPARCworks 3.0.1 and 2.0.1 - click on "Exit--Install Licenses" This creates the license file and starts the license daemon - note that at daemon start-up, there might be a warning about duplicate license information. This is probably because SPARCworks was licensed in both license files. - the merged license file is stored in /etc/opt/licenses/licenses_combined Finally, the patches need to be installed. This is done (after exiting the GUI-based install program) by typing - ./spro_install_patch - select the products for which patches are required (ab cc c++ license sw toolh - no product patches were installed, only OS patches and a new /usr/lib/libC. - this also creates a log which I have copied to /var/log/ In order to use the SPARCworks and SPARCcompiler tools under csh, the following lines must be added manually to each user's .cshrc file (and also to /etc/skel/C/.cshrc): set path = ( /opt/SUNWspro/bin $PATH) setenv MANPATH /opt/SUNWspro/man:/usr/openwin/share/man:/usr/man Next, install SPARCcompiler FORTRAN 2.0.1 and Pascal 3.0.1 (from the SunPro SPARCworks and SPARCcompiler CDROM Volume 1 Number 1): - log in as rood - cd /cdrom/cdrom0/Solaris_2.0 - ./spro_install ab ./spro_install f77 ./spro_install pc - this installs the AnswerBooks, FORTRAN, and Pascal - DO NOT install the license package--will use the licensing package which was delivered on Volume 3 Number 2. Finally, license these packages by returning to the Vol. 3 Num. 2 CDROM and running spro_install_tool, selecting "License..." and "License from File..." as before. Edit the file /opt/SUNWspro/SC2.0.1/SC_LICENSE_FILE to contain the single line: /etc/opt/licenses/licenses_combined And also as root, must run catman to create windex files (must remember to set umask 022 first otherwise the formatted man pages are not readable by anyone except root!). Remember: windex files are required for apropos to work. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes from prior to 12-JAN-1995 are in the paper notebook. Note that some later notes (specifically Mentor Graphics usage notes) are also in the paper notebook. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ****************************************************************************** HARDWARE INFORMATION -------------------- Sun SPARCstation 20 Model 61 Dual TurboGX+ graphics cards, each with a 20" monitor Dual 1.05 GB hard disks + CDC WREN-V 94181 600 MB external disk in IBM-PC cabinet 64 MB RAM 5 GB DAT drive SOFTWARE INFORMATION -------------------- Solaris 2.4 OpenWindows 3.1 C Compiler 3.0.1 C++ Compiler 4.0.1 SPARCworks 3.0.1 .... MODSIM 1.9.12 CONFIGURATION INFORMATION ------------------------- Ethernet hardware address: 08:00:20:71:7D:60 TCP/IP address: node name: SCSI ID's: 1: "2nd" Internal HD (upper bay) 1.05 GB 2: "1st" External HD Seagate ST19171 9GB 3: "1st" Internal HD (lower bay) 1.05 GB 4: external DAT drive 6: internal CDROM drive 0: "2nd" External HD Seagate ST15150 4GB File systems: / = c0t3d0s0 (937 MB) slice 0 of "1st" internal HD swap = c0t3d0s1 (64 MB) slice 1 of "1st" internal HD /opt = c0t1d0s0 (617 MB) slice 0 of "2nd" internal HD swap2 = c0t1d0s1 (384 MB) slice 1 of "2nd" internal HD /home = c0t2d0s7 (9 GB) slice 7 of "1st" external HD /home2 = c0t0d0s7 (4 GB) slice 7 of "2nd" external HD HARDWARE INVENTORY ------------------ Date Description Serial Number ---- ----------- ------------- 20-DEC-1994 Sun GDM-20D10 20" color monitor 0010968-9445FC4384 Sun GDM-20D10 20" color monitor 0010968-9445FC4397 Seagate ST31200WC int. 1.05 GB HD FU257764 Toshiba XM-4101B internal CDROM 4X70014503 Sun 411 DAT drive w/ cables 449G1688 (Archive Python) Sun TurboGXPlus SBUS card no S/N Sun 32MB SIMM for SS-20 no S/N Sun F350-1443-02 cable no S/N Sun F350-2021-01 cable no S/N Sun F350-2020-01 cable no S/N Sun Type 5 keyboard 0039147-9446077205 Sun Type 5 mouse + mouse pad MSC-F0317122 Sun Microphone II no S/N SPARCstation 20 Model 61 450F0046 including: Seagate ST31200WC int. HD 0020772-9445C65030 power supply 0016164-9449201599 SCSI controller 189100 TurboGXplus SBUS card 037365 motherboard 60MHz SS20 035587 8-AUG-1995 Seagate ST15150N disk drive K446438 4.3 GB PRINTED DOCUMENTATION INVENTORY ------------------------------- Date Description Document Number ---- ----------- --------------- 20-DEC-1994 20" Premium Color Monitor Guide 825-1751-01 Rev. B 20" Premium Color Monitor Guide 825-1751-01 Rev. B 1.05 GB Single Connector Disk Drive Installation Manual 801-6560-10 Rev. A SunCD 2Plus Installation and User's Manual 801-5963-10 Rev. A Solaris 2.4 Software and AnswerBook Packages Administration Guide 801-6637-10 Rev. A SPARCstation 20 DSIMM/VSIMM Installation Guide 801-6185-11 Rev. A 5Gbyte 4mm Tape Desktop Backup Pack Installation and User's Manual 801-4538-10 Rev. A Solaris 2.x Handbook for SMCC Peripherals 801-5488-10 Rev. A 5GByte 4mm Tape Desktop Backup Pack Product Note 801-4926-10 Rev. A TurboGX/TurboGXplus Hardware Installation Guide 801-5399-10 Rev. A Workstation Ergonomics 801-3505-11 Rev. B Sun Type 5c Keyboard and Type 5 Mouse Product Notes 800-6802-13 Rev. A Using Your Sun Keyboard 800-6654-12 Rev. A SPARCstation 20 Product Note- 32 Megabyte DSIMMs 801-6102-10 Rev. A SPARCstation 20 Installation Guide 801-6423-11 Rev. A SPARCstation 20 Installation Guide 801-6424-11 Rev. A SPARCstation 20 Installation Guide 801-6425-11 Rev. A Specifications--SPARCstation 20 System 801-6188-11 Rev. A Twisted Pair Ethernet Link Test 801-6184-11 Rev. A Power Cord Note 801-7173-12 Rev. A SPARCstation 20 Product Notes 801-7464-10 Rev. A Litiumbatteri 801-4671-10 Rev. A Solaris 2.4 Latest News 802-2343-10 Rev. A Solaris 2.4 Open Issues and Late-Breaking News 801-6611-11 Rev. A Solaris 2.4 Patch Integration List 802-1564-10 Rev. A Solaris Roadmap 801-7246-10 Rev. A Solaris 2.4 Introduction 801-6610-10 Rev. A Solaris 2.4 Software and AnswerBook Packages Administration Guide 801-6637-10 Rev. A SPARC: Installing Solaris Software 801-6616-10 Rev. A SMCC Open Issues Supplement: Solaris 2.4 Hardware: 11/94 802-2284-10 Rev. A SMCC SPARC Hardware Platform Guide: Solaris 2.4 Hardware: 11/94 802-2277-10 Rev. A Solaris 2.4 Installing and Using Power Management 801-7921-10 Rev. A 5-JAN-1995 SPARC C Compiler 3.0.1 User's 801-7335-10 Guide SPARC C Compiler 3.0.1 Numerical 801-7639-10 Computation Guide 10-JAN-1995 MODSIM II User's Manual MODSIM II Turorial SIMGRAPHICS II User's Manual MODSIM II Reference Manual MODSIM II Course Notes 25-JAN-1995 Solaris 2.4 User's Guide 801-6614-10 Rev. A Solaris 2.4 Advanced User's Guide 801-6615-10 Rev. A Solaris 2.4 OpenBoot Quick 801-7291-10 Rev. A Reference Guide (3 copies) Solaris 2.4 SPARC: Installing 801-6616-10 Rev. A Solaris Software Solaris 2.4 x86: Installing 801-6617-10 Solaris Software Solaris 2.4 File System 801-6631-10 Rev. A Administration Solaris 1.x to Solaris 2.x 801-6638-10 Rev. A Transition Guide Solaris 2.4 User Accounts, 801-6628-10 Rev. A Printers, and Mail Admin. Solaris 2.4 Administration App. 801-7043-10 Rev. A Reference Manual Solaris 2.4 Administration Suppl. 801-7038-10 Rev. A for Solaris Platforms Solaris 2.4 SunDiag User's Guide 801-6627-10 Rev. A Solaris 2.4 Name Services 801-6635-10 Rev. A Configuration Guide Solaris 2.4 Security, Performance, 801-6629-10 Rev. A and Accounting Administration Solaris 2.4 Introduction 801-6610-10 Rev. A Solaris 2.4 Software and AnswerBook 801-6637-10 Rev. A Packages Administration Guide Solaris 2.4 Direct Xlib User's Gd. 801-6687-10 Rev. A Solaris 2.4 NIS+ Transition Guide 801-7041-10 Rev. A Solaris 2.4 NFS Administration Gd. 801-6634-10 Rev. A Solaris 2.4 Common Admin. Tasks 801-7039-10 Rev. A Solaris 2.4 SunSHIELD Basic 801-6636-10 Rev. A Security Module Guide Solaris 2.4 Peripherals Admin. 801-6630-10 Rev. A Solaris 2.4 OpenBoot Command 801-7042-10 Rev. A Reference Manual Solaris 2.4 TCP/IP Network 801-6632-10 Rev. A Administration Guide Solaris 2.4 Name Services 801-6633-10 Rev. A Administration Guide Solaris 2.4 Reference Manual 801-6680-10 Rev. A (10 Volumes with a single part number) Solaris 2.4 OpenWindows Ref. Man. 801-6681-10 Rev. A Sec. 1 (A-M) 801-6680-10 Rev. A Solaris 2.4 Ref. Man. Sec. 1 (N-Z) 801-6680-10 Rev. A Solaris 2.4 Ref. Man. Sec. 1M 801-6680-10 Rev. A 21-APR-1995 Introducing MicroStation SPARC V5 DAA00018J-1/0001 MicroStation Academic Edition Database Guide V5 Sept 1993 MMS00001-0993 MicroStation Academic Edition MMS00002-0993 Development and Support Guide V5 Sept 1993 MicroStation Academic Edition MMS00004-0993 Reference Guide V5 Sept 1993 MicroStation Academic Edition MMS00005-0993 User's Guide V5 Sept 1993 21-JUN-1995 Xilinx XACT Libraries Guide 0401098 01 April, 1994 Xilinx XACT Mentor Version 8 0401135 01 Interface User's Guide April, 1994 Xilinx Help Card-Mentor Design 0401199 01 Architect for FPGA Designs Xilinx Quick Reference Card- 0401198 01 Mentor Design Architect for FPGA Designs Xilinx "The Best of XCELL" 0010159 01 1989-1993 Xilinx Release Document 0401330 01 XACT 5.1.1 Software, Interface, and Libraries for Mentor A.1-F (April 1995) Xilinx XACT Installation Guide 0401195 01 April 1994 Xilinx Design Migration Guide 0401229 01 May 1994 10-JUL-1995 Xilinx XACT FPGA Foundry V7.0 NF1-009-00-700 Installation Guide and Release Notes April 1995 Xilinx XACT FPGA Foundry V7.0 NF1-015-00-700 QuickStart Application Notes Rev. E (April 1995) Xilinx XACT FPGA Foundry V7.0 NF1-005-00-700 Known Problems Xilinx XACT FPGA Foundry V7.0 NF1-003-00-700 Application Notes Rev. K NeoCAD Documentation Guide NF1-022-00-700 Manuals printed by Comtel from on-line docs: XACT FPGA Foundry Documents XACT FPGA Foundry Application Notes XACT FPGA Foundry QuickStart Application Notes XACT FPGA Foundry Tutorial XACT FPGA Foundry EPIC User's Guide XACT FPGA Foundry Mentor Interface Manual XACT FPGA Foundry User's Guide XACT FPGA Foundry XC4000 Architecture Manual SOFTWARE MEDIA INVENTORY ------------------------ Date Description ---- ----------- 20-DEC-1994 Solaris 2.4 CD-ROM Solaris 2.4 Updates: 11/94 CD-ROM WABI 2.0 CD-ROM Sun catalog on CD-ROM 10-JAN-1995 MODSIM II 1.9.12 DAT 17-FEB-1995 Mentor Graphics INFORM CD-ROM V8.2_5 (Sep. 93) Mentor Graphics INFORM CD-ROM Release A.2-F (1/31/95) 21-APR-1995 MicroStation V5 CD-ROM 21-JUN-1995 Xilinx XACT 5.1.1 CD-ROM 10-JUL-1995 Xilinx (NeoCAD) FPGA Foundry 7.0 CD-ROM