This is the log book for the TRICS software ================================================================================ TRGBOOK:TRICS.LBK_V3 Archived Section Of TRICS V3.X notes for 30-JUN-1992 through 11-FEB-1993 ================================================================================ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9-11-FEB-1993 Philippe: MSU - Version change 3.1 - > 4.0 - modify MOD035_HANDLE_LOGFILE.PAS remove flush to logfile from this module (moved to mod_handle_tracing) - modify MOD037_HANDLE_TRACING.PAS Move process block and init routine for flush to logfile to this module (moved from mod_handle_logfile) in order to be able to use the handle_tracing routines. Add to the routine initializing the process flush to logfile code to initialize the event for the exception mailbox. Create routine handle_trc_exc to handle tracing of exception, that is record the exception messages in a data structure Add a flag trc_exc_state to be set during exception handlers. Add a routine set_trc_exc_mode to set/reset the flag and signal the semaphore to ask the flush to logfile process to service the mailbox when the flag is reset. Modify handle_trc_inf, handle_trc_wrn, handle_trc_err, handle_trc_sys, and handle_trc_con these routines now call handle_trc_exc instead of calling display_console and write_logfile when the trc_exc_state flag is set. Add a reminder that the declaration is duplicated as external in other modules for procedures handle_trc_sys, handle_trc_sta Modify the process flush to logfile to (besides waiting for a fixed time interval) also wait for the exception mailbox event. The process flush to logfile will then take control of the screen semaphore, disable process switching, thus preventing other subprocesses from generating new exception messages, and empty the mailbox to the screen and logfile. It calls display_console and write_logfile with a prefix 'X-' The process flush to logfile also resets the trc_exc_state flag when it is found to heve been left set by an exception handler. Add a function handle_exception to be used for checking the exception code in an exception handler. - modify SITE_DEPENDENT.CST Remove option to create process flushing to logfile. This process is always created. Add the parameter to adjust the number of entries in the exception mailbox. Add mail_alert address for error during initialization Add host_trguser_account constant to show trguser account - modify MOD123_INIT_CBUS_CARDS.PAS to use mail_alert variable - modify MOD041_HANDLE_MAIL.PAS Replace use of KER$GQ_HOST_ADDRESS by a call to get_host_address Use the new host_trguser_account Constant instead of repeating pwd - modify TRICS_V40.PAS to call init_flush_to_logfile early in order to create the exception message mailbox early. - modify LOG_SERVER.PAS use error code names in exception handler instead of numeric values - modify MOD207_TST_GET_PARAM.PAS replace the code in the exception handler - modify MOD031_HANDLE_REMCONS.PAS fix external declaration of handle_trc_sta drop obsolete sys_message routine - modify MOD033_HANDLE_CONSOLE.PAS fix external declaration of handle_trc_sta, handle_trc_sys, remove handle_trc_err - modify MOD039_HANDLE_RESULT_FILES.PAS Remove obsolete declaration of KER$GQ_HOST_ADDRESS as external - create LSMLIB.EXT with all the declarations of the FORTRAN code of LSMLIB - modify MOD095_INIT_LSM.PAS Remove obsolete declaration of KER$GQ_HOST_ADDRESS as external Replace external declaration for lsmlib routine with including LSMLIB.EXT - modify MOD202_TST_MISC_UTIL.PAS MOD206_TST_CTFE_PROMS.PAS Replace external declaration for lsmlib routine with including LSMLIB.EXT - modify MOD263_SOFT_CONN_DISPATCH.PAS Add a reminder that the declaration is duplicated as external in other modules for procedure soft_conn_disp Add decoded error returned by excpetion handler in acknowldege message - modify MOD265_SOFT_CONN_CHANNEL.PAS Add a reminder that the declaration is duplicated as external in other modules for procedures create_new_conn_channel, delete_conn_channel Add decoded error returned by excpetion handler in acknowldege message - modify MOD404_HANDLE_MONIT_POOL.PAS Add a reminder that the declaration is duplicated as external in other modules for procedures set_mpool_rate, start_rfrsh_mpool_proc, delete_rfrsh_mpool_proc - modify MOD501_HANDLE_DBLE_BUFF.PAS Remove unused function sys_message. Add a reminder that the declaration is duplicated as external in other modules for procedure synch_double_buffer - modify MOD031_HANDLE_REMCONS.PAS MOD119_HANDLE_TRGTWR.PAS MOD141_HANDLE_BEGIN_END_RUN.PAS MOD205_TST_CTFE_FEND.PAS MOD207_TST_GET_PARAM.PAS MOD209_TST_TASK.PAS MOD263_SOFT_CONN_DISPATCH.PAS MOD265_SOFT_CONN_CHANNEL.PAS MOD501_HANDLE_DBLE_BUFF.PAS TRICS_V40.PAS change the code for the exception handler ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 22-JAN-1993 Philippe: MSU (not propagated to Dzero V3.1, will be in V4.0) - modify INITIALIZE_TIME.PAS Set KER$GQ_HOST_ADDRESS to point to MSUD01 when booted from disk, at MSU only. (Import KER$GT_NODE_NAME to get target node name) - modify TRICS_V31.DAT (at MSU) to use disk booting method, this also requires specifying MSUD04 name and address. - prepare MSUD04 for disk booting method create directory MSUD04::DUA0:[SYS0] and [SYS0.SYSEXE] copy MSUD01::SYS$SYSTEM:VMB.EXE to MSUD04::DUA0:[SYS0.SYSEXE] now the system file needs to be copied to MSUD04::DUA0:[SYS0.SYSEXE]SYSBOOT.EXE - modify COM:TRIGGER_NODE.COM (i.e. $ ELOAD04 command) To copy the system file to MSUD04::DUA0:[SYS0.SYSEXE]SYSBOOT.EXE The command file will do this only at MSU, no change of behavior at Dzero ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 22-JAN-1993 Philippe: MSU - modify MOD141_HANDLE_BEGIN_END_RUN.PAS Understand the very weird behavior of begin/end run where the SYNCHRO message returns a timeout in the COLLECT_DATA phase, with TCC seeming to do nothing for 10 s, untill the timeout message and only then starts reading the scalers and write the file. Other symptoms were that the info logfile messages about executing the commands in the file never appeared. Also, all the wait for begin/end run task logfile messages were appearing twice. The command file was always opened by the time the synchro message came in. The info message "synchronize with..." was appearing even though it should have been suppressed, often twice. C-RCV/CH1% 1:67 %00000C9C WRT_HOST BEG_STOR LOGGER$BRD:TCC_BSTOR_003.INFO %% time: 16-JAN-1993 18:10:15.66 S-BER/TSK% BEGIN_STORE File: LOGGER$BRD:TCC_BSTOR_003.INFO %% time: 16-JAN-1993 18:10:15.79 C-ACK/CH1% 1:44 %000000DB ACKNOW 00000C9C OK INITIATE %% time: 16-JAN-1993 18:10:16.38 S-INI/FIL%bert% Command File Opened DUA0:[TRIGGER]TRICS_FORCE_BUF_UPDATE.DAT %% time: 16-JAN-1993 18:10:16.49 C-RCV/CH1% 1:26 %00000C9D WRT_HOST SYNCHRO %% time: 16-JAN-1993 18:10:16.67 I-BER/TSK% Synchronize with BEGIN_STORE File: LOGGER$BRD:TCC_BSTOR_003.INFO %% time: 16-JAN-1993 18:10:17.08 E-WAI/BER% Wait for Write Begin/End Run Task Timeout %% time: 16-JAN-1993 18:10:26.70 E-BER/TSK% phase=COLLECT_DATA status=1: %% time: 16-JAN-1993 18:10:26.71 C-ACK/CH1% 1:44 %000000DC ACKNOW 00000C9D BAD TIMEOUT %% time: 16-JAN-1993 18:10:26.82 C-RCV/CH1% 1:17 %00000C9E RESUME %% time: 16-JAN-1993 18:10:27.03 E-WAI/BER% Wait for Write Begin/End Run Task Timeout %% time: 16-JAN-1993 18:10:27.08 E-BER/TSK% phase=COLLECT_DATA status=1: %% time: 16-JAN-1993 18:10:27.08 S-PRS/CHK% COOR Lets Framework Resume %% time: 16-JAN-1993 18:10:27.11 S-PRS/CHK% COOR Lets Framework Resume %% time: 16-JAN-1993 18:10:27.21 C-ACK/CH1% 1:44 %000000DD ACKNOW 00000C9E OK DONE %% time: 16-JAN-1993 18:10:27.33 S-INI/FIL%bert% Command File Closed %% time: 16-JAN-1993 18:10:28.04 S-ALL/TIO%bert% Allocating Trigger IO %% time: 16-JAN-1993 18:10:28.11 S-ALL/TIO%bert% Deallocating Trigger IO %% time: 16-JAN-1993 18:10:28.42 S-BER/TSK% BEGIN_STORE File Opened %% time: 16-JAN-1993 18:10:28.92 S-BER/TSK% Done with BEGIN_STORE File %% time: 16-JAN-1993 18:10:30.11 The problem is that init_auxi calls the same soft_conn_disp as the message dispatch/execute task. By the time the begin/end run task tries to execute a command from the command file, the variables describing the action to be taken have been corrupted and make the begin/end run task execute another synchro message. This explains the deadlock untill timeout of both synchro and the duplicate messages. The cure is to grab the dispatcher-not-busy semaphore before opening the command file to guarantee that the synchro message cannot start executing untill the end of the command file, after which the semaphore can be released. The begin/end run task needs to get to the dispatcher-not-busy semaphore before the dispatcher task. This is guaranteed by the higher priority of the begin/end run task. - Modify TRICS_V31.DAT (in fact done on 11-feb) The problem with virtual memory being slowly consumed away is not understood, and not yet correlated with anything. It might be an inherent property of the (simple) VAXELN memory manager and allocation/deallocation algorithm. The patch is to increase the allowed P0 virtual space from 6272 pages to 12032 pages. Also take oportunity to increase Number of jobs from 16 to 20 and Number of subprocess from 48 to 60. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 18-19-JAN-1993 Philippe: MSU - modify MOD225_COOR_SPTRG_EXECUTE.PAS fix coor_sptrg_stdigt, _sptrg_wtchbz, _sptrg_aoreq, and _sptrg_l15term move NEW(filled_list) to before parsing, so that parsing failure may GOTO 'quit..' and call DISPOSE() without causing an access violation. - modify MOD226_COOR_CALTRG_EXECUTE.PAS same for coor_st_vs_em_rs, coor_st_vs_tot_rs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6-JAN-1993 Philippe: MSU - modify MOD073_DEF_PHYSICS_TABLES.PAS modify def_sptrg_table to allocate and zero all 32 triggers, even if only a subset are actually implemented modify def_geosec_table to allocate and zero all 32 geo.sect modify def_trgtwr_table to allocate and zero all trigger towers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5-JAN-1993 Philippe: MSU - modify MOD141_HANDLE_BEGIN_END_RUN.PAS raise process priority of begin/end run task 8 - > 7 add message about file opened and processing done ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 18-DEC-1992 Philippe: MSU - modify MOD101_HANDLE_REGISTERS.PAS, routine update_register - use data passed without masking it with the write_mask - comment out checking that the previous content already was the same - additional variables to hold the dataout_wmasked and datain_rmasked - continued error message for previous data lost with bit masks - continued error message for new data bad with bit masks - modify MOD071_DEF_HARDWARE_TABLES.PAS - mtg tss ch #5 write A/B PAL MTGBit9D has R/W Mask 1+2 - modify MOD123_INIT_CBUS_CARDS.PAS - mtg tss ch #5 write A/B PAL MTGBit9D initialized with 0 - mtg l1.5 mux only intialize 0:7 and 16:17 - add send mail message when error at initialize (update MMS) - modify TRICS_INIT_AUXI.DAT and TRICS_L1_OBEY_L15.DAT to use WriteHDB - modify MOD141_HANDLE_BEGIN_END_RUN.PAS add rcp array SPTRG_PRESCALER_RATIO DESCRIP.MMS already had mod_def_physics_tables for mod_handle_begin_end_run - modify MOD041_HANDLE_MAIL.PAS routine send_mail allow longer (80 char) address longer sender_id does not truncate trics start time ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11-NOV-1992 Philippe: MSU - modify MPOOL_SERVER.PAS Try to save from building the same message n times (once for each copy of TRGMON running concurrently): - Keep track (for each message type) of the collection time of the data read from the pool. - Skip Reading the data from the pool if it hasn't been updated since the last message of its kind. Change the exception handler to recognize INTOVF exceptions early and generate only one message. Also display channel and request type. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10-NOV-1992 Philippe: MSU - modify MPOOL_DATA.TYP fix xsysmon record (missing half of the new 5-byte integers) - modify MPOOL_SERVER.PAS fill the new xsysmon variables. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3-NOV-1992 Philippe: MSU - modify MPOOL_DATA.TYP add section for foreign scalers update xsysmon section for L1.5 data add foreign scalers to snapshot record, with dual description scaler 1..4 (note that they run backwards) and per-bunch per-kind for live X scalers remove the foreign part of the per-bunch scalers from snapshot - modify TABLE_DBLOCK_967.TYP remove dual description for foreign scalers, leave only scaler 1..4 (note that they run backwards) - modify MOD404_HANDLE_MONIT_POOL.PAS fill foreign scalers snapshot remove filling of the live X per-bunch snapshot - modify MPOOL_SERVER.PAS implement message type MP_foreign to read the foreign scaler increments (note that the order reversion is done here) modify the MP_per_bunch reading routine to use the foreign scalers with their alternate definition. - modify MOD123_INIT_CBUS_CARDS.PAS fix comments for zeroing tier #1 cat2 comparators - modify - modify ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 20-OCT-1992 Philippe: MSU - modify MOD071_DEF_HARDWARE_TABLES.PAS to define mtgfwtss Ch # 4 as MTG05 (latch/shift) to define mtgcttss Ch # 5 as MTG06 (latch/shift) to define mtgcttss Ch # 29 as MTG05 (IMLRO latch/shift) to define mtgbusy Ch # 31 as FEBzGS01 (double buffer full) - modify MOD123_INIT_CBUS_CARDS.PAS to initialize mtgbusy Ch # 31 to 0 - modify MOD243_COOR_DISPATCH.PAS extend existing Begin/End Run message to Pause/Resume Run and Begin/End Store add these new message to list for skipping parsing of item list replace calls to individual coor_wrt_begin_run and coor_wrt_end_run with a call to coor_wrt_host_file. - modify MOD223_COOR_GLOBAL_EXECUTE.PAS replace coor_wrt_begin_run and coor_wrt_end_run with coor_wrt_host_file - modify MOD141_HANDLE_BEGIN_END_RUN.PAS replace initiate_begin/end_run with initiate_write_host_file import mod_init_auxi (update DESCRIP.MMS) call init_auxi with force_update_file from begin_end_run - modify SITE_DEPENDENT.CST increment version number 3.0 -> 3.1, run CHANGE_VERSION_NUMBER.COM add force_update_file name - modify MOD202_TST_MISC_UTIL.PAS fix bug in check_cmp_result phi instead of e_pol truncated to 3 characters - modify MOD119_HANDLE_TRGTWR.PAS tighten Find_DAC_byte median requirement quick_search <= 2 -> 1 deep_search <= 1 -> 0 Find_DAC_byte add exception handler to close result file and resignal. - modify MOD129_INIT_AUXI.PAS depart from the auxiliary init file in console messages init_auxi -> "Failure Count Executing Command File is" close_auxi_file -> "Command File Closed" open_auxi_file -> "Command File Opened" "No Command File Found" - modify MOD404_HANDLE_MONIT_POOL.PAS fix bug: ZERO mppol_rec.twr (solve non existing towers appearing excluded) delete area mpool_obj before quitting or after delete task - modify MPOOL_DATA.TYP cosmetic: remind of above necessity to ZERO new record entries - modify MOD101_HANDLE_REGISTERS.PAS update_register compare only read-write bits of previous data - modify MOD039_HANDLE_RESULT_FILES.PAS delete obsolete variable result_directory now replaced by result_directory_name. The non-initialized variable was passed to write the first line of the result file and produced garbage. - modify TABLE_BEGIN_END_RUN.TYP increase write_host_transaction_data record entry file_type to 12 char - modify MOD226_COOR_CALTRG_EXECUTE.PAS to load the proper bvalue in the ct mtg latch shift before find_dac ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29-SEP-1992 Philippe: MSU - modify MOD119_HANDLE_TRGTWR.PAS add function quick_median to routine find_DAC_byte and verify the median isn't far before accepting a DAC value. This is done both before getting into deep search mode and when it thinks it found a value. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8-SEP-1992 Philippe: MSU - modify MOD404_HANDLE_MONIT_POOL.PAS set_trgtwr_simu, and change_trgtwr_simu to remember a failure, complete the whole task, display error message at the end. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2-3-SEP-1992 Philippe: MSU - modify MPOOL_DATA.TYP update per bunch section type and snaphshot for new per-bunch scalers fix the trigger tower section (append general) add twr section to mpool record - modify MOD404_HANDLE_MONIT_POOL.PAS fill the twr field of the mpool record along with the refsets - modify MPOOL_DATA.TYP fill trigger tower message ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9-JUL-1992 Philippe: DZERO - modify MOD226_COOR_CALTRG_EXECUTE.PAS in coor_twr_range, fix the detection of lastphi/eta for max-1 in show_tower_ranges, decode bit for phi 32 by hand BIN(phi_range) for some reason does not return a 1 when p_32 is set This may have been introduced in VAXELN V4.3. } - modify MOD141_HANDLE_BEGIN_END_RUN.PAS fix date RCP entry to say BEGIN/END_RUN_DATE/TIME push the veto scalers to the end of the file. - modify MOD123_INIT_CBUS_CARDS.PAS comment out the lines intializing the missing Pt FMLN (fmln_compute) - modify MOD071_DEF_HARDWARE_TABLES.PAS define register bits for L1.5 control MTG channel #14 - modify MOD095_INIT_LSM.PAS The computation of tree offsets was improperly looping over the whole eta/phi range instead of on first/last eta/phi Export the routine fill_tree_offset to allow recomputation - modify MOD226_COOR_CALTRG_EXECUTE.PAS call fill_tree_offset after changing the tower range. - modify MOD106_HANDLE_FMLN.PAS be overly conservative to allow only increment on Write_RAM during write and on Read_RAM during read. Temporary remove checking the mid-way address on verify. - modify MOD223_COOR_GLOBAL_EXECUTE.PAS reset flag l1_obey_l15 to false during initialize and re-execute coor_L1_obey_l15 when restoring, if needed - modify MOD201_TST_INIT.PAS reset flag l1_obey_l15 to false during initialize - modify TRICS_V30.PAS explicitely initialize to FALSE L1_Obey_l15 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8-JUL-1992 Philippe: DZERO - modify MOD223_COOR_GLOBAL_EXECUTE.PAS add pause/resume around calling the l1_obey/ignore_l15 files - modify MOD141_HANDLE_BEGIN_END_RUN.PAS fix date and time RCP string entry now an array. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7-JUL-1992 Philippe: MSU - modify MOD095_INIT_LSM.PAS replace first/lastetasign with pos_e/neg_e replace first/lastetamagn with e_1/e_20 replace first/lastphibval with phi_1/phi_32 - modify MOD263_SOFT_CONN_DISPATCH.PAS - modify MOD243_COOR_DISPATCH.PAS add messages 'TRIG_TWR' ' RANGE' calling coor_twr_range - modify MOD226_COOR_CALTRG_EXECUTE.PAS add routine coor_twr_range - modify SITE_DEPENDENT.CST set first/lastetamagn to e_1/e_20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7-JUL-1992 Philippe: MSU - modify MOD103_HANDLE_SCALERS.PAS make procedure read_dbsaler read latest slice information (add 128 to fa) - modify TABLE_BEGIN_END_RUN.TYP add entries from_chan and to_chan to SBSC card - modify MOD227_PHAT_EXECUTE.PAS the message defining sbsc for beg/end run now expects 2 more arguments - modify MOD141_HANDLE_BEGIN_END_RUN.PAS manage the 2 new record entries for SBSC, during write to file, use TO or DOWNTO in FOR loop depending on the relative size of from_chan/to_chan - modify TABLE_CBUS_CARDS.TYP modify record dbsc_foreign_card to name channel 0..3 instead of 1..4 - modify MOD071_DEF_HARDWARE_TABLES.PAS propagate change made to dbsc_foreign_card - modify MOD202_TST_MISC_UTIL.PAS fix message string length CONVERT(STRING(3),eta_pol) CONVERT(STRING,eta_magn) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6-JUL-1992 Philippe: MSU - modify MOD171_PARSE_GLOBAL.PAS stop parsing after an exclamation mark - modify MOD245_PHAT_DISPATCH.PAS add messages 'BER_DBSC'/SBSC calling phat_ber_dbsc/sbsc add message 'BER_SHOW' calling phat_ber_show - modify MOD227_PHAT_EXECUTE.PAS add routines phat_ber_dbsc/sbsc calling add_beg_end_run_dbsc/sbsc add routine phat_ber_show calling show_beg_end_run_entries - create TABLE_BEG_END_RUN.TYP define entry for begin/end run list - modify MOD141_HANDLE_BEGIN_END_RUN.PAS include TABLE_BEG_END_RUN.TYP add routines add_beg_end_run_dbsc/sbsc add routine show_beg_end_run_entries read and write to beg/end run file scalers in the list make create_begin_end_run check the beg/end run entry list ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4-JUL-1992 Philippe: MSU - modify MOD404_HANDLE_MONIT_POOL.PAS add missing zeroing of twb and threshold add reminder in MPOOL_DATA.TYP - modify TABLE_CBUS_CARDS.TYP fix range of mtgtwb channel reg [25..31] to [24..31] and solve TWB problem - modify OPEN_3 make OPEN_3 try local disk first, then swith to host until succesful - modify TABLE_CBUS_CARDS.TYP define level 1 and foreing scalers in bottom backplane of M114 - modify MOD071_DEF_HARDWARE_TABLES.PAS define level 1 and foreing scalers in bottom backplane of M114 - modify MOD123_INIT_CBUS_CARDS.PAS move initialization of Level 1 Framework MTG cards to first action taken initialize level 1 and foreing scalers in bottom backplane of M114 - modify MOD141_HANDLE_BEGIN_END_RUN.PAS first attempt write RCP file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3-JUL-1992 Philippe: MSU - modify MOD012_COMMON_GLOBAL_FLAGS.PAS define and export framework_state_type and framework_state to this module - modify MOD071_DEF_HARDWARE_TABLES.PAS quit exporting framework_state_type - modify TABLE_ENUM.TYP quit defining framework_state_type - modify MOD223_COOR_GLOBAL_EXECUTE.PAS quit defining framework_state, instead import from MOD_COMMON_GLOBAL_FLAGS - modify MOD404_HANDLE_MONIT_POOL.PAS propagate/update the origin of framework_state - modify MPOOL_SERVER.PAS import framework_state_type from mod_common_global_flags - modify MOD106_HANDLE_FMLN.PAS use proced_tcs_pause before setting fmln threshold use IF ( framework_state = running ) THEN proced_tcs_resume after - modify MOD106_HANDLE_FMLN.PAS use zero_fmln_thresholds to zero initialize fmln threhsolds at once - modify MOD120_HANDLE_THRESHOLDS.PAS expose the code setting fmln threholds - modify TABLE_SPEC_TRIG.TYP rename enalbe bit aux2 -> beam - modify MOD117_HANDLE_SPTRG.PAS add procedure enable_obeybeam - modify MOD225_COOR_SPTRG_EXECUTE.PAS add procedure coor_sptrg_obeyl2 calling enable_obeybeam - modify MOD243_COOR_DISPATCH.PAS add message SPECTRIG OBEYBEAM calling coor_sptrg_obeyl2 - modify MOD125_INIT_SPTRG.PAS add initialize (default= ignore) and restore enable beam quality veto - modify MOD103_HANDLE_SCALERS.PAS add optional output argument to read_dbscaler to return scaler count as large integer - modify MOD141_HANDLE_BEGIN_END_RUN.PAS use routine get_host_address ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1-2-JUL-1992 Philippe: MSU - modify SITE_DEPENDENT.CST add IO_MTG_L15_oper to identfy LV15_OPERATIONAL channel on special IO MTG split all names into directory and name add L1_Obey_L15_file, L1_Ignore_L15_file increase initial ELNCON channel from 3 to 4 create 2 directory names for lsm, boot, init files local_directory host_directory (without host address) create 2 directory names for result files local_result_directory host_result_directory (without host address) - modify MOD012_COMMON_GLOBAL_FLAGS.PAS add variable boot_directory_name add functions get_host_address, get_host_directory, get_host_result_directory, add BOOLEAN flag l1_obey_l15 - modify TRICS_V30.PAS initialize boot_directory_name to local_directory initialize result_directory_name to local_result_directory use boot_directory_name when calling inti_auxi for boot and init file - modify MOD129_INIT_AUXI.PAS increase file name length for argument to init_auxi from 40 to 80 char use boot_directory_name when inti_auxi is called without filename argument - modify MOD035_HANDLE_LOGFILE.PAS give up on logfile after first 10 s timeout in routines write_logfile and close_logfile - modify OPEN_3.FOR call get_result_directory and open file on host add subrouitne close_3 - modify MOD095_INIT_LSM.PAS use boot_directory_name and toggle to host_directory LSM error and use get_host_address from mod_common_global_flags increase file name length from 40 to 80 char call close_3 - modify MOD039_HANDLE_RESULT_FILES.PAS switch result_directory_name to host_result_directory in case of failure and use get_host_address from mod_common_global_flags - modify MOD223_COOR_GLOBAL_EXECUTE.PAS add routines coor_l1_obey_l15, coor_l1_ignore_l15 to toggle flag L1_obey_l15 and call init_auxi with file name l1_obey_l15_name/l1_ignore_l15_name - modify MOD263_SOFT_CONN_DISPATCH.PAS add message LEVEL_15 - modify MOD243_COOR_DISPATCH.PAS return to calling coor_geos_dgtzoff for DGTZ_OFF message add LEVEL_15 OBEY/IGNORE calling coor_l1_obey_l15/coor_l1_ignore_l15 - modify MOD225_COOR_SPTRG_EXECUTE.PAS automatically call coor_l1_obey_l15 when a sptrg is set to L15_TYPE and the flag l1_obey_l15 isn't yet set. (This is done outside the parsing loop because init_auxi uses some parsing variables) - modify MOD116_HANDLE_GEOSEC.PAS load different values in start digitize MTG depending on l1_obey_l15 flag ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30-JUN-1992 Philippe: MSU - modify MOD071_DEF_HARDWARE_TABLES.PAS fix card address of Level 1.5 SBSCs - mopdify MPOOL_SERVER.PAS fix read_mpool_general, L15_Skip was typecast to an INTEGER instead of a LARGE_INTEGER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~