$! $! Command File to Check the differences between $! two directories of the 68k_Services Program. Rev. 13-JULY-1994 $! $ Set Verify $! $! $ Diff Ser68_Main_1.src 'P1' $ Diff Ser68_Init_Processor_1.src 'P1' $ Diff Ser68_Init_VBD_1.src 'P1' $ Diff Ser68_Init_Ironics_1.src 'P1' $ Diff Ser68_Init_Memory_1.src 'P1' $ Diff Ser68_Init_Data_Structures_1.src 'P1' $! $ Diff Ser68_Orbit_Master_1.src 'P1' $ Diff Ser68_All_DSPs_to_Step_D0_1.src 'P1' $ Diff Ser68_Conclude_VBD_Cycle_1.src 'P1' $ Diff Ser68_Swap_Load_Read_Buffers_1.src 'P1' $ Diff Ser68_Test_for_New_L1_Trig_1.src 'P1' $! $ Diff Ser68_IBS_Processing_1.src 'P1' $ Diff Ser68_IBS_Dump_Event_1.src 'P1' $ Diff Ser68_IBS_Readout_Req_1.src 'P1' $! $ Diff Ser68_Thats_Me_Processing_1.src 'P1' $ Diff Ser68_Thats_Me_Dump_Event_1.src 'P1' $ Diff Ser68_Thats_Me_Readout_Req_1.src 'P1' $! $ Diff Ser68_Load_Code_ISR_1.src 'P1' $ Diff Ser68_Load_Param_ISR_1.src 'P1' $! $ Diff Ser68_Error_Recovery_1.src 'P1' $! $ Diff Ser68_Clear_RC_and_PS_1.include 'P1' $ Diff Ser68_Main_Symbols_1.include 'P1' $! $ Diff Ser68_Revision_Number.src 'P1' $ Diff Ser68_Version_Number.src 'P1' $! $ Diff ASCII_Routines_for_MVME135.src 'P1' $! $ Diff Ser68_1.opt 'P1' $! $ Diff Build_Ser68_1.com 'P1' $ Diff Delete_Lis_Obj.com 'P1' $ Diff Copy_Ser68_1.com 'P1' $ Diff Check_Differences_Ser68_1.com 'P1' $! $! $ Set NoVerify $!