L15CT Huge Tool Specification --------------------------------- Original Rev. 13-DEC-1995 Most Recent Rev. 20-DEC-1995 Introduction ------------ The purpose of this document is to specify the Electron & W->JJ tool that will be used in the January and February 1996 part of Run 1C. This tool implements both a EM-Fraction Electron algorithm (which provides the same functionality as earlier versions of the EM-Fraction tool) and a Jet filter algorithm used for selecting events with back to back Jet pairs for the W->JJ study. Note that this is just ONE Tool but it has both TWO personalities: an Electron filtering ability and a Jet filtering ability. For a given L15CT Term, this Tool is programmed (via the Term parameters) to look for either Electrons or Jets. In fact, one of the Term parameters explicitly tells the tool, as it is called to process a given Term, whether it is to filter for Electrons or Jets. This tool is named the "Huge Tool", which comes from, Electron_W_jj_Tool or the EWjj (pronounced as upper-class British "huge") Tool. The Operation of this tool is described briefly in the following steps. Please read the 17-MAY-1995 specification of the EM Fraction tool for a detailed description of how that algorithm works. Note that one of the goals of the Huge Tool is to provide exactly the same Electron filtering functionality as is provided by the 17-MAY-1995 EM Fraction tool. 1. During the Local DSP scan routine look for Seed Trigger Towers. A Seed Trigger Tower is any Trigger Tower whose Total Et is equal to or over for the "Scan_Ref_Set" threshold. The Scan_Ref_Set is made from the minimum of the 4 Term Seed_Min_Et_Cut parameters (EM or Total as appropriate for Electron or Jet Type Term) and the maximum of the 4 Term Seed_Max_Eta_Cut parameters. Finding a Seed Trigger Tower that has Total Et => the Scan_Ref_Set threshold then call the Local DSP Huge Local Tool (steps #2 through #4). 2. The Local DSP performs the calculations necessary to see if this Seed Trigger Tower can pass any of the 4 L15CT Terms. Some of these Terms may use the Huge Local Tool to look for Electrons and some of these Terms may use the Huge Local Tool to look for Jets. 3. If a given Term is programmed to look for Electrons and all of the Electron conditions necessary for this Term to pass have been meet for this Seed Trigger Tower then: make an Electron Type entry in the Local DSP List of Identified Objects* and increment the Local Per-Term_Electron_Count for this Term. * --> If the List of Identified Objects is full then do not add another entry. If this is an MFP event then make the Object List entry even if this seed fails the Electron Conditions for this Term but if it fails do not increment the Per-Term_Electron Count for this term. 4. If a given Term is programmed to look for Jets and all of the Jet conditions necessary for this Term to pass have been meet for this Seed Trigger Tower then: make an Jet Type entry in the Local DSP List of Identified Objects* and set a "1" in the proper bit of the Jet_Phi_Mask for this Term. * --> If the List of Identified Objects is full then do not add another entry. If this is an MFP event then make the Object List entry even if this seed fails the Jet Conditions for this Term but if it fails do not set any additional bit in the Jet_Phi_Mask for this term. 5. When the Local DSP scan routine is finished then the Per-Term_Electron_Count from each of the 11 Local DSP's and the 4 Jet_Phi_Masks from each of the 11 Local DSP's are transferred to the Global DSP. In the Global DSP the total Electron Count for each of the 4 Terms is calculated by adding the 11 Per-Term_Electron_Counts from the Local DSP's. For each of the 4 Terms, the total Electron Count for that Term is compared to the Global DSP Electron_Count_Threshold parameter for that Term. If the total Electron Count for a Term is equal to or greater than the Electron_Count_Threshold parameter for that Term and the Term is of Type Electron then this Term is marked as passed. In the Global DSP for each of the 4 Terms, the Jet_Phi_Masks from the 11 Local DSP's are "ORed" together making one global Jet_Phi_Mask for each Term. These 4 global Jet_Phi_Masks are examined to see which of them contain a back to back pair of Jets meeting the Jet_Phi_Distance_Minimum parameter for the Term. If for any of the 4 Terms, a back to back pair of Jets is found and that Term is of Type Jet, then that term is marked as passed. All Terms in the Global DSP that have not been marked as passed are marked as failed. The 4 L15CT Terms are returned to the M103 L15 hardware Framework and the Global DSP writes entries in its Object List as described below. This concludes the short sketch of the Huge Tool operation. The Huge Tool is not completely general purpose but rather it was designed in a restrictive way in order to quickly provide the filtering necessary for the W->JJ segment of Run 1C. The most important of these restrictions are summarized in the following list. This is followed by a list of the flexible points in this tool. Huge Tool Restriction List -------------------------- All Terms must use the same Reference Set. This Reference Set is called the "Scan_Ref_Set". The Scan_Ref_Set is the minimum energy and maximum eta coverage of the Seed_Min_Et_Cuts and the Seed_Max_Eta_Cuts that have been specified for the 4 L15CT Terms. The resulting Scan_Ref_Set is piece-wise "flat" (i.e. a constant threshold out to some +- eta index and then either a constant larger threshold out to some larger +- eta index or else an infinite threshold for larger eta index values). The L15CT system does NOT test the Scan_Ref_Set to verify that it has been properly derived from the Seed_Min_EM_Et_Cut, the Seed_Min_Tot_Et_Cut and the Seed_Max_Eta_Cut specified for the 4 L15CT Terms. All Terms using this tool must specify ALL parameters to the tool. For example a Term using this tool to look for Jets must still specify a EM_Et_1x2_Threshold. In this example, the value that you specify for this parameter, which is only involved in Electron filtering, will have nothing to do with the Jet selection, but it will be range checked by L15CT to verify that it is within the legal range for the EM_Et_1x2_Threshold. The full specification of HUGE indicates which tool parameters are associated with its Electron filter and which parameters are associated with its Jet filter. The specification will suggest default values to use for the parameters that are not involved with the aspect of the tool that you are interested in for a given Term. There are only 8 entries in the List of Identified Objects from each Local DSP. Objects are put into this list in a well defined eta, phi, Term number order. All Local DSP objects found after the Object list is full are NOT added to the list but ARE considered when counting Electrons and looking for back to back Jets. Entries in the List of Identified Objects from the Local DSP's differ in ONLY the following TWO ways depending on whether an entry is generated by the Electron part or the Jet part of the Huge Tool. The Object Type Code in the 2nd longword of an entry will be "1" for Electron entries and "2" for Jet entries. In the 2nd longword of an entry, bits 16:31 will be the EM_Et_1x2_Sum for Electron entries and they will be Tot_Et_5x5_Sum for Jet entries. There will be 11 entries in the Global DSP object list. One entry comes from the data provided by each Local DSP. Each entry contains the Per_Term Electron Counts and the Jet_Phi_Masks from a given Local DSP. Each entry is 6 longwords long. This tool can make NO tests on the pair of Jets that it finds to be back to back. This tool does NOT identify which of the Local DSP Jets it found to be back to back. It can NOT test for 2 or more pairs of Jets back to back. It can only test for one pair of back to back Jets. Huge Tool Flexibility List -------------------------- This tool can be used for up to 4 Terms Any mixture and order of Terms looking for Jets and Terms looking for Electrons may be specified in the trigger configuration. Each Term can select its own Seed Trigger Towers by setting its own Seed_Min_EM_Et_Cut, its Seed_Min_Tot_Et_Cut and its Seed_Max_Eta_Cut parameters to the desired values. As with all of the L15CT tools a number of "identifiers" are used to indicate in the L15CT data block what tool is in operation. The Level 1.5 Calorimeter Trigger Version and Revision Numbers (as defined in the Data Block Format document) appropriate for the Huge Tool are: Version Number: (increment to) 3 Local DSP Software Revision Number: (increment to) 3 Global DSP Software Revision Number: (increment to) 4 Hardware Revision Number: (remains at) 2 Engine/Readout Control Revision Number: (remains at) 2 This tool, the Huge Tool, will have a Local Tool Number of 4 and a Global Global Tool Number of 4. The remainder of this document is divided into the following parts: (I) Interface with COOR (II) Local Tool Interface with Local Frame (III) Local Tool Processing (IV) Local Tool DeBug Section Contents (V) Global Tool Interface with Global Frame (VI) Global Tool Processing I. Interface with COOR ----------------------- The Level 1.5 Calorimeter Trigger supports up to 4 Terms, designated Terms 0, 1, 2, and 3, which all must be in Crate 0. COOR must specify at least Term 0, while specification of Terms 1-3 is optional. Terms which are not specified by COOR will assume benign default Parameter values. Terms which are specified by COOR must be fully specified, i.e. they must include ALL of the following: - Reference Set specification (i.e. the Scan_Ref_Set) - Mark and Force Pass Ratio - Local Tool to use, with its Parameters - Global Tool to use, with its Parameters - Level 1 Specific Triggers mapped to the Term Note also that all 4 Terms will ALWAYS be evaluated for each seed, regardless of which Terms were specified by COOR or which Level 1 Specific Triggers fired for this event. Finally, note that the Level 1.5 Calorimeter Trigger only uses one Tool for all Terms. That is, different Tools cannot be simultaneously mixed in the Level 1.5 Calorimeter Trigger. I-A. Frame Configuration ------------------------ The L15CT Frame receives from COOR the following quantities at initialization: (1) Reference Set data. The Level 1.5 Calorimeter Trigger requires that a Reference Set be specified for each Term that is programmed by COOR. All Terms that are programmed by COOR must use the same Reference Set. For the Huge Tool this Reference Set is called the Scan_Ref_Set. The Scan_Ref_Set is derived from the Term Parameters for the 4 L15CT Terms in the following way. For a given Term, if the Term Type is Electron then consider only its Seed_Min_EM_Et_Cut, if the Term Type is Jet then consider only its Seed_Min_Tot_Et_Cut. Take the minimum Et value of these 4 Seed_Min_Et_Cuts and take the maximum eta value of the 4 Seed_Max_Eta_Cuts and from this Et cut and eta cut define a Scan_Ref_Set that is this minimum Et going out through this maximum eta. The result is a "flat" Scan_Ref_Set that is guaranteed to give all of the Terms the Seed Trigger Towers that they are expecting based on their Seed_Min_Et_Cuts and Seed_Max_Eta_Cuts. If the L15CT Term(s) with the smallest Seed_Min_Et_Cut also have a Seed_Max_Eta_Cut that is smaller than the Seed_Max_Eta_Cut of other Term(s), then it may be possible to improve the performance of L15CT by defining a "piece-wise flat" Scan_Ref_Set. At a given value of absolute eta index, the Reference Set threshold only has to be low enough to deliver all of the Seed Trigger Towers to the L15CT Terms that are operating at this eta, i.e. all Terms that have their Seed_Max_Eta_Cut set at or above this eta. So, for example, if the Jet Type Terms have a Seed_Min_Et_Cut and a Seed_Max_Eta_Cut that are BOTH smaller than the related cuts for the Electron Type Terms, then for eta's greater than the Jet Type Term's Seed_Max_Eta_Cut, the Scan_Ref_Set threshold may be raised to a value appropriate for just the Electron Type Terms. Recall that it is the Total Et of the Trigger Towers that is compared to the Scan_Ref_Set threshold. So when scanning for Seed Trigger Towers for Electron Type Terms the Scan Reference Set threshold must be set low enough to take into consideration the possibility of "negative energy" from the hadronic part of the Trigger Tower. This Scan_Ref_Set, which is specified for all 4 L15CT Terms, may be called either a EM_Et or a Tot_Et Type Reference Set in the messages sent to TCC. Recall that the Seed_Max_Eta_Cut is the maximum absolute value of Trigger Tower Eta Index that a Seed Trigger Tower may have and still be considered for passing either an Electron or Jet Term. (2) Mark and Force Pass Ratio (Pass_one_of_(N)). This is the proportion of events which will be "marked and force passed" by the Level 1.5 Calorimeter Trigger regardless of the outcome of the Huge Tool algorithm. Note that N=1 corresponds to "marking and force passing" every event, N=2 corresponds to "marking and force passing" alternating events, etc. N=0 is used to indicate that NO events should be "marked and force passed." The Mark and Force Pass Ratio for Term 0 is used for all Terms. All Terms undergo "mark and force pass" processing simultaneously. I-B. Local Tool Configuration ----------------------------- The Huge Local Tool receives from COOR the following quantities at initialization: (1) Local Tool Number. The Local Tool Number of this Tool is: 4 Note that this Tool Number is not assigned by COOR, but instead COOR must know the Tool Number assigned to this Local Tool. (2) Local Parameters. Parameter Parameter Number Parameter Name Format Parameter Units --------- ---------------------- --------- ------------------ 1 EM_Et_1x2_Threshold Floating GeV 2 Isolation_Threshold Floating -unitless- 3 EM_Fraction_Threshold Floating -unitless- 4 Term_Type Integer 1 -> Electron Term 2 -> Jet Term 5 Seed_Min_EM_Et_Cut Floating Gev 6 Seed_Min_Tot_Et_Cut Floating Gev 7 Seed_Max_Eta_Cut Integer Trigger Towers 8 Total_Et_5x5_Threshold Floating GeV The Seed_Max_Eta_Cut is the maximum absolute value of Trigger Tower Eta Index that a Seed Trigger Tower may have and still be considered for passing either an Electron or Jet Term. The Local Tool will operate properly only if the Term Parameters are within the ranges shown in the following table. Parameter Parameter Parameter Number Parameter Name Minimum Maximum --------- ---------------------- --------- --------- 1 EM_Et_1x2_Threshold 0.25 128.0 2 Isolation_Threshold 0.0 2.0 3 EM_Fraction_Threshold 0.0 2.0 4 Term_Type 1 2 5 Seed_Min_EM_Et_Cut 0.25 64.0 6 Seed_Min_Tot_Et_Cut 0.25 64.0 7 Seed_Max_Eta_Cut 0 20 8 Total_Et_5x5_Threshold 0.25 128.0 The following table shows which Local Tool Parameters are associated with the Electron Part of the Huge Tool and which parameters are associated with the Jet part of the Huge Tool. The table also suggests values for the parameters not utilized when the opposite Term Type is selected. Suggested Value when the Opposite Parameter Used With Term Type is Number Parameter Name Term Type Selected --------- ---------------------- --------- ------------ 1 EM_Et_1x2_Threshold Electron 127.0 2 Isolation_Threshold Electron 1.9 3 EM_Fraction_Threshold Electron 1.9 4 Term_Type BOTH none 5 Seed_Min_EM_Et_Cut Electron 63.0 6 Seed_Min_Tot_Et_Cut Jet 63.0 7 Seed_Max_Eta_Cut BOTH none 8 Total_Et_5x5_Threshold Jet 127.0 I-C. Global Tool Configuration ------------------------------ The Global Tool receives from COOR the following quantities at initialization: (1) Global Tool Number. The Global Tool Number of this Tool is: 4 Note that this Tool Number is not assigned by COOR, but instead COOR must know the Tool Number assigned to this Global Tool. (2) Global Parameters. Parameter Parameter Number Parameter Name Format Parameter Units --------- ------------------------ --------- ------------------- 1 Electron_Count_Threshold Integer Number of Electrons required for this Term to Pass. 2 Term_Type Integer 1 -> Electron Term 2 -> Jet Term 3 Jet_Phi_Distance_Min Integer Trigger Towers The Jet_Phi_Distance_Min specifies the minimum absolute difference that must exist between the Phi Indexes of two Jets in order for a Jet Type Term to consider that it has found a back to back pair of Jets. The Global Tool will operate properly only if the Term Parameters are within the ranges shown in the following table. Parameter Parameter Parameter Number Parameter Name Minimum Maximum --------- ------------------------ --------- --------- 1 Electron_Count_Threshold 0 8 2 Term_Type 1 2 3 Jet_Phi_Distance_Min 1 16 The following table shows which Global Tool Parameters are associated with the Electron Part of the Huge Tool and which parameters are associated with the Jet part of the Huge Tool. The table also suggests values for the parameters not utilized when the opposite Term Type is selected. Suggested Value when the Opposite Parameter Used With Term Type is Number Parameter Name Term Type Selected --------- ---------------------- --------- ------------ 1 Electron_Count_Threshold Electron 8 2 Term_Type BOTH none 3 Jet_Phi_Distance_Min Jet 16 (II) Huge Local Tool Interface with Local Frame ----------------------------------------------- The Local Tool receives from the Local Frame the following quantities: (1) The Trigger Tower eta and phi indices of a candidate seed Trigger Tower. Call these (eta, phi) indices (i, j). Recall that a candidate seed Trigger Tower is defined as a Trigger Tower with Total Et greater than or equal to the "Scan_Ref_Set" Et. The Scan_Ref_Set is made from the minimum of the 4 Term Seed_Min_Et_Cut parameters (EM or Total as appropriate for Electron or Jet filtering) and the maximum of the 4 Term Seed_Max_Eta_Cut parameters. (III) Huge Local Tool Processing -------------------------------- The Huge Local Tool performs both Electron and Jet processing: Electron Type Term Processing The first step of this processing is to compare the Seed Trigger Tower's EM Et to the Seed_Min_EM_Et_Cut parameter for this Term and the Seed Trigger Tower's Eta Index is compared to the Seed_Max_Eta_Cut parameter for this Term. If the Seed Trigger Tower passes these two cuts then this Seed will be allowed to try to pass the Electron part of the Huge Local Tool. If this Seed does pass the Electron part of the Local Tool for a given Term and if that Term is of Type Electron, then an Electron entry will be made in the List of Identified Objects (assuming this list is not already full) and the Local DSP's Per-Term Electron Count will be incremented for this Term. See the 17-MAY-1995 EM-Fraction Tool specification for more details about the Electron part of the Local processing. Jet Type Term Processing The Total Et of the Seed Trigger Tower is compared to the Seed_Min_Tot_Et_Cut parameter for this Term and the Seed Trigger Tower's Eta Index is compared to the Seed_Max_Eta_Cut parameter for this Term. If the Seed Trigger Tower passes both of these cuts then it will be allowed to try to pass the Jet part of the Huge Local Tool. Passing the Jet part of the Local Tool requires that the 5x5 Total Et sum centered around the Seed be equal to or greater than the Total_Et_5x5_Threshold specified for this Term. If this Seed does passes this test for a Term of Type Jet, then a Jet Entry is made in the List of Identified Objects (assuming that the list is not full), and a 1 is set in the proper bit of the Local DSP's Jet Phi Mask for that Term. Note that for both Electron Type Terms and Jet Type Terms, if it is an MFP event, then an entry is made in the List of Identified Objects even if the Seed Trigger Tower failed the Local Tool tests (assuming that the list is not full). However, even during MFP event processing, failed Seed Trigger Towers can not increment the Electron Count for a Term or set a bit in the Jet_Phi_Mask for a Term. Entries in the List of Identified Objects from each Local DSP Both the Electron part of the Huge Tool and the Jet Part of the Huge Tool can make entries in the List of Identified Objects. In fact both parts of this tool could make an entry for the same Seed trigger tower. The format of the Electron and Jet entries are almost identical. There are only two differences, both in the second longword of the entry. In bits 0:7 of the second longword of an entry, Electron entries have an Object Type of 1 and Jet entries have an Object Type of 2. In bits 16:31 of the second longword Electron entries have the EM_Et_1x2_Sum and Jet entries have the Total_Et_5x5_Sum. These are the only differences between Electron and Jet entries. If the Local List of Identified Objects currently contains 7 or fewer Objects, the Local Tool adds an entry to the List. If the Local List of Identified Objects currently contains 8 Entries, or has already "overflowed," the Local Object List Overflow Flag (see the Data Block Format document) is set, and no new information is written into the List. The Object List entry format is is 3 longwords long, and contains the following information: Bits in 1st longword -------------------- 0:7 Term Number that generated this entry 8:15 Local DSP Tool Number (= 3 for 1x2 EM vs. 1x2 Total) 16:23 Eta index of the seed Trigger Tower, this is an 8-bit signed integer which can be in the range {-20..-1, +1..+20} 24:31 Phi index of the seed Trigger Tower, this is an 8-bit unsigned integer which can be in the range {1..32} Bits in 2nd longword -------------------- 0:7 Object Type Code (=1 for Electrons, =2 for Jets) 8:15 Real or Mark and Pass Data 0 : real entry that passed the Local Tool FF (hex) : entry that failed the Local Tool but was saved because this is a Mark and Force Pass event 16:31 For Electron entries these 16 bits are the EM_Et_1x2_Sum. This is a 16-bit signed integer with units of 1/4 GeV per count. This quantity has no pedestal. For Jet entries these 16 bits are the Total_Et_5x5_Sum. This is a 16-bit signed integer with units of 1/4 GeV per count. This quantity has no pedestal. Bits in 3rd longword -------------------- 0:15 Total_Et_1x2_Sum. This is a 16-bit signed integer with units of 1/4 GeV per count. This quantity has no pedestal. 16:23 "Delta-eta" (with respect to the seed Trigger Tower) of the neighbor Trigger Tower used in the calculation of the EM_Et_1x2_Sum. This is an 8-bit signed integer which can be either -1, 0, or +1. 24:31 "Delta-phi" (with respect to the seed Trigger Tower) of the neighbor Trigger Tower used in the calculation of the EM_Et_1x2_Sum. This is an 8-bit signed integer which can be either -1, 0, or +1. Local DSP Per-Term Electron Count Format Each Local DSP produces a two longwords which contain in 16 bit sections the number of Electrons that the Local DSP found for each of the 4 L15CT Terms. The format of these two longwords is the following: 1st longword: bits ---- 0:15 Count of Electrons found for Term #0 in a Local DSP (this is a 16-bit UNSIGNED integer, but will always be in the range 0:128) 16:31 Count of Electrons found for Term #1 in a Local DSP 2nd longword: bits ---- 0:15 Count of Electrons found for Term #2 in a Local DSP 16:31 Count of Electrons found for Term #3 in a Local DSP Local DSP Jet Phi Mask Format Each Local DSP produces 4 Jet_Phi_Masks. There is a separate Jet_Phi_Mask for each of the 4 L15CT Terms. Each Jet_Phi_Mask is a 32 bit longword. For a given L15CT Term, a 1 in a bit of that Term's Jet_Phi_Mask indicates that the Local DSP found one or more Jets at the Trigger Tower Phi Index corresponding to that bit. Bit 0 (LSB) of the Jet_Phi_Mask indicates Jet(s) at Trigger Tower Phi Index of 1 ... Bit 31 (MSB) of the Jet_Phi_Mask indicates Jet(s) at Trigger Tower Phi Index 32. (iv) Local Tool DeBug Section Information ----------------------------------------- For Mark and Force Pass events, the Level 1.5 Calorimeter Trigger produces an expanded Data Block. This expanded DeBug Section is not present for "normal" events. The Huge Tool produces exactly the same format Local Tool DeBug Section as the 17-MAY-1995 EM-Fraction Tool. Refer to the specification for that tool for all details about the debug section. (vi) Global Tool Processing --------------------------- The Huge Tool Global processing also contains an Electron part and a Jet part. For Electron Type Terms the following processing takes place: 1. For each Term the total number of Electron_Objects is calculated by adding the Per-Term Electrons Counts for that Term from the 11 Local DSP's. 2. A test is made to see of the total number of Electron_Objects for this Electron Type Term is equal to or greater than the Electron_Count_Threshold for this Term. 3. If this test is met then the corresponding L15CT Term is marked as passed. If the test fails then the Term is marked as failed. For Jet Type Terms the following processing takes place: 1. For each Term the 11 Jet_Phi_Masks for that Term, one from each Local DSP, are "ORed" together. This results in a global Jet_Phi_Mask for this L15CT Term which includes all of the Jets from the full L1 eta phi coverage for this Term. 2. The global Jet_Phi_Mask for this Term is search to see if it contains a pair of jets separated in the phi coordinate by at least the Jet_Phi_Distance_Min parameter value for this term. 3. If a pair of Jets can be found in the global Jet_Phi_Mask for this Term meeting this Jet_Phi_Distance_Min condition, i.e. | Trigger Tower Trigger Tower | | Phi Index of - Phi Index of | = > Jet_Phi_Distance_Min | the 1st Jet the 2nd Jet | Then the Term is marked as passed. If this test fails then the Term is marked as failed. After completing the Electron Type Term and Jet Type Term processing described above, the Global DSP returns the Term Answers to the M103 L15CT Hardware Framework. Then the Global DSP builds its Object List with the 11 following entries. The Entries will be arranged in the standard ascending eta order. The entire Global DSP Object List will then appear are follows: 1st Longword Global_DSP Section "Longwords to Follow" Word Count 97 = (16 entries x 6 Longwords/entry) + 1 header 2nd Header from DSP B2 0:7 Which DSP is this list coming from (This will always be B2 in hex) 8:15 How many valid Entries are there in this list (11 for this revision of the Data Block) 16:23 How many Entries are in this list (Currently defined as 16) 24:31 How many longwords long is each entry (Currently defined as 6) 3rd Electron Count for Terms 0 and 1 \ 4th Electron Count for Terms 2 and 3 | 5th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 0 | 6th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 1 | from LDSP A2 eta -20:-19 7th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 2 | 8th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 3 / 9rd Electron Count for Terms 0 and 1 \ 10th Electron Count for Terms 2 and 3 | 11th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 0 | 12th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 1 | from LDSP A3 eta -18:-15 13th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 2 | 14th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 3 / 15rd Electron Count for Terms 0 and 1 \ 16th Electron Count for Terms 2 and 3 | 17th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 0 | 18th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 1 | from LDSP A4 eta -14:-11 19th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 2 | 20th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 3 / 21rd Electron Count for Terms 0 and 1 \ 22th Electron Count for Terms 2 and 3 | 23th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 0 | 24th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 1 | from LDSP A1 eta -10:-7 25th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 2 | 26th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 3 / 27rd Electron Count for Terms 0 and 1 \ 28th Electron Count for Terms 2 and 3 | 29th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 0 | 30th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 1 | from LDSP B3 eta -6:-3 31th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 2 | 32th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 3 / 33rd Electron Count for Terms 0 and 1 \ 34th Electron Count for Terms 2 and 3 | 35th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 0 | 36th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 1 | from LDSP B4 eta -2:+2 37th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 2 | 38th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 3 / 39rd Electron Count for Terms 0 and 1 \ 40th Electron Count for Terms 2 and 3 | 41th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 0 | 42th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 1 | from LDSP B1 eta +3:+6 43th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 2 | 44th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 3 / 45rd Electron Count for Terms 0 and 1 \ 46th Electron Count for Terms 2 and 3 | 47th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 0 | 48th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 1 | from LDSP C3 eta +7:+10 49th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 2 | 50th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 3 / 51rd Electron Count for Terms 0 and 1 \ 52th Electron Count for Terms 2 and 3 | 53th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 0 | 54th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 1 | from LDSP C4 eta +11:+14 55th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 2 | 56th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 3 / 57rd Electron Count for Terms 0 and 1 \ 58th Electron Count for Terms 2 and 3 | 59th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 0 | 60th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 1 | from LDSP C1 eta +15:+18 61th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 2 | 62th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 3 / 63rd Electron Count for Terms 0 and 1 \ 64th Electron Count for Terms 2 and 3 | 65th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 0 | 66th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 1 | from LDSP C2 eta +19:+20 67th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 2 | 68th Jet_Phi_Mask for Term 3 / 69th (zeros) . . 98th (zeros) End of the Global DSP Object List Note that the Huge Tool is implemented on the L15CT DSP's in such a way that for an Electron Type Term the Jet_Phi_Mask for that Term will be all zeros and for a Jet Type Term the Electron_Count for that Term will be all zeros. Note that the Global DSP Object List, i.e. the Global DSP Section of the Level 1.5 Cal Trig Data Block, produced by the Huge Tool is different from the Global DSP Section that is produced by Global DSP Tool Numbers 1 through 3. Not only is the internal format of this section different with the Huge Tool (i.e. GDSP Tool #4) but this section is also longer. The Global DSP Section described above is 97 longwords long. The Global DSP Section produced by Tool Numbers 1:3 is 65 longwords long. Thus, when the Huge Tool is running the DeBug Section of the L15 Cal Trig Data Block (which occurs after the Global DSP Section) starts at a different location in the Data Block. The two other documentation file that describe the L15 Cal Trig Data Block, i.e. L15CT_Data_Block_Section_Layout.Txt and L15CT_Data_Block_Format.Txt both contain descriptions of the Global DSP Section as it appears with Global DSP Tools 1:3 and with GDSP Tool #4.