WARNING: appendix C of this document uses 132 characters per line. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE LEVEL 1 TRIGGER MONITOR PROGRAM ----------------------------------- V 6.1 Michigan State University, 20-MAR-1995 Philippe Laurens, Steven Klocek, Freddie Landry. Contents -------- 1. Introduction 2. Program Operation 2.1 Display of 0 % and 100 % 2.2 Screen Overflow 2.3 Copy to File 2.4 Monitoring Displays Viewed with EVE 2.5 Screen Refreshing 2.6 Default Integration Period 2.7 Larger Integration Times 2.8 Stale Level 1 Data Blocks 2.9 Corrections due to Level 1.5 2.10 Source of Level 1 Data Blocks 2.11 Monitoring Alarms 2.12 Trigger Resource File 3. The Monitoring Displays 3.1 Global Framework Display 3.2 Global Level 1.5 Display 3.3 Specific Trigger Display 3.4 Level 1.5 Specific Trigger Display 3.5 Geographic Section Display 3.6 Global Calorimeter Trigger Display 3.7 Simulated Jet List Display 3.8 Global Thresholds Display 3.9 Reference Set Display 3.10 Per Bunch Scalers 3.11 Foreign Scalers 3.12 Andor Term States 3.13 Excluded Towers 3.14 TRIG_FILT_RUN Display 3.15 Spy Dump Display 3.16 Spy Window Display 3.17 ADC Counts 3.18 PRTRGR (Data Block) 3.19 Special Diagnostics 4. Display Options Menu 4.1 Begin Display Logging 4.2 End Display Logging 4.3 Begin Rates Ntuple Logging 4.4 End Rates Ntuple Logging 4.5 Change Integration Time 4.6 Change Polling/Refresh Rate 4.7 Autosize Display 4.8 Change Display Size 4.9 Set Display Dump File APPENDIX A Display Samples APPENDIX B Design Notes: Program Internal Structure APPENDIX C Data Sources 1. Introduction --------------- The Level 1 Trigger Monitor Program (TRGMON) gives a full screen display of the operation and programming of the Level 1 Trigger Framework and the Level 1 Calorimeter Trigger. This includes Specific Triggers, Geographic Sections, Global Thresholds, Reference Sets, Andor Terms, and the Level 1 Datablock. COOR programs the Level 1 Trigger system through the Trigger Control Computer (TCC). TRGMON gets its information directly from the TCC, independent of the data acquisition system. This program can work with any terminal able to understand the VT100 escape sequences (VT100, VT220, VT320, VT420,...). 2. Program Operation -------------------- When the program is run, it first presents the user with a COMPACK-style menu of monitoring displays to choose from. After choosing a display, the program prompts for any additional information needed about the display selected. TRGMON then connects to the Trigger Control Computer, and collects one or more blocks of data. The program then draws the selected monitoring display, using the data given by the Trigger Control Computer. After drawing the display, TRGMON will wait a time interval for user input. If no input is received, TRGMON will get a new block of data from the TCC, and redraw the display. During this time interval, the user may hit: o the PF1 key (AGAIN) to stop waiting and get the next block of data o the PF2 key (ALARM) to move directly to the Special Diagnostics Display. (This option appears only if one of the Monitoring Alarm Conditions is active. See the description Monitoring Alarms below.) o the PF3 key (PRINT) to write a copy of the display to a file o the PF4 key (BACK) to return to the display selection menu o Next Screen, Down arrow, or control-N to view the next page of information (if there is more than can fit on the terminal screen) o Prev Screen, Up arrow, or control-P to view the previous page of information (if there is more than one) o can be used to toggle between Level 1 and Level 1.5 displays o control-W to redraw the screen, or o Q or q to exit the program 2.1 Display of 0 % and 100 % ---------------------------- In its displays, TRGMON distinguishes between percentages which have been rounded to 0% or 100% and percentages which are exactly 0% or 100%. Approximate values contain a decimal point (i.e. 0.00%, 100.%), and exact values do not contain a decimal point (i.e. 0 %, 100 %). 2.2 Screen Overflow ------------------- If there is more information to be displayed than can fit on one screen, part of the display will be "paged". That is the additional lines not appearing on the screen are being buffered awaiting display. A message at the bottom of the screen will tell how many lines are being displayed on the current page, and how many total are being paged. A down arrow (v) in the first column indicates there is more information on following pages, and an up arrow (^) in the first column indicates there is more information on preceding pages. These pages may be viewed using the Prev Screen and Next Screen keys. 2.3 Copy to File ---------------- If the PRINT option is selected, a copy of the information in the current display is written to a file. The entire display will be written, including lines which do not fit on a single terminal screen. The output file is opened the first time a display is dumped to a file, and is closed when either the name of the dump file is changed or when TRGMON exits. 2.4 Monitoring Displays Viewed with EVE --------------------------------------- Some displays contain large amounts of information. For ease of viewing, the information is written to a file and EVE is called to edit this file. After exiting TRGMON, these files remain on disk and remain available to the user. For more information see the descriptions of the ADC Counts display and the Raw Dump display. 2.5 Screen Refreshing --------------------- Some displays show only programming information, which is not expected to change often, and some displays always contain more information than will fit on one display screen., These displays are not automatically refreshed by TRGMON, instead TRGMON waits for user input (pressing PF1 [AGAIN]). Otherwise the default refresh rate is once every five seconds. 2.6 Default Integration Period ------------------------------ A subset of the monitoring information is composed of quantities integrated over a finite period of time (e.g. average rates and average percentages). This period of time will be called the integration period throughout the rest of this document. The default integration period is determined by the Trigger Control Computer and the event flow in the data acquisition. Please note that the integration period has no relation to the rate at which TRGMON requests data from the TCC. The default integration period is set by the Trigger Control Computer at approximately five seconds, but may vary by up to +/- 100% from one data sample to the next, depending on the event acquisition flow (it can additionally be arbitrarily stretched in the case of stale data discussed below). At a FIXED five second interval, the Trigger Control Computer requests that the trigger hardware captures a copy of the next First Level Trigger Data Block to be built. Depending on the actual use of the Level 1 Trigger, a positive Level 1 decision to generate a Data Block may come "very soon", or might not come at all. Variations in the time delay after the requests at the (fixed) 5 second intervals and before the first available Data Block will generate the variations in the default integration period. In order to still be able to monitor the state of the trigger when no events are naturally coming from the Level 1 Trigger, a timeout has also been implemented in the Trigger Control Computer. This feature is most useful (and necessary) when trying to find out why the acquisition is hung or slow. If no Data Block has yet been captured four seconds after having requested one, the Trigger Control Computer will take action and force Specific Trigger #31 to fire in an attempt to generate a Data Block. Trying to force a Data Block may not always be successful (e.g. when the Level 2 supervisor has disabled the trigger), and some of the monitoring data will then be stale. In the case where no Specific Triggers are defined or active and all Data Blocks are forced by the Trigger Control Computer, the default integration period is very stable and very close to five seconds. In the case where the trigger is generating Data Blocks at full bandwidth, the default integration period is again close to five seconds. In the case of a lower or uneven acquisition flow, the default integration period has an average of five seconds but will vary from one data sample to the next. In the descriptions below, the items that are measured over this integration period are marked with a hash mark (#). 2.7 Larger Integration Times ---------------------------- The information collected by TRGMON from TCC already includes a measurement of scaler increments over the default integration time of five seconds discussed above. The data collected in one data set from TCC contains all the information needed to refresh the screen for a five second integration period. In order to compute and display quantities integrated over an integration time longer than the default five seconds, TRGMON will need to remember some of the scaler counts from previous snapshots and recompute the count increment. Note that this method restricts the integration time to multiples of the display refresh time, or in fact to a multiple of the refresh time of the data on TCC (which has a five second average with fluctuations described above). TRGMON will save some of the scaler counts from the last few snapshots in a ring buffer. The size of the ring buffer is determined by the integration time desired: for a refresh time of (n) seconds, and a desired integration of (k*n) seconds, the ring buffer needs to remember (k+1) snapshots (i.e. the current and the (k) previous snapshots). TRGMON will start displaying information as soon as the first data set is collected from TCC, with the understanding that the integration time will start at the default five seconds and slowly increase to the desired integration time while the ring buffer fills up. There are two classes of scalers used for monitoring. The simplest scalers are directly read by TCC and are called Single Buffered Scalers (SBSC). The SBSC scalers are always accessible, and the actual integration time for quantities derived from SBSC scalers will only fluctuate by one sampling time (i.e. +/- five seconds). Quantities in this class include the andor fired rate, the Front-End busy percentage, the Level 2 disable percentage, and more. The other class of scalers are the Double Buffered Scalers (DBSC) that are read out with each event. They cannot be captured without interfering with data acquisition unless they are read out by the data block builder. They are thus accessible to TCC only when events are flowing. This class of scalers are marked with an asterisk (*) in the descriptions below. The actual integration time for quantities derived from DBSC scalers can vary widely when, and right after, the event flow is interrupted. When the event flow is interrupted the DBSC integration time will start decreasing down to zero, and will then jump to a "large" value depending on the length of time the events stopped flowing. The data displayed during that time is of limited meaning, and the display should be reset to obtain the most meaningful and current information (use PF4+PF1). Quantities in this class include all firing rates, global exposition percentages, and more. The actual integration time for the two classes of scalers (DBSC and SBSC) is displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. They will almost exactly match during normal event flow, but fluctuate independently when the event flow through the Level 1 Trigger is restricted. 2.8 Stale Level 1 Data Blocks ----------------------------- A subset of the monitoring information relies on the availability of First Level Trigger Data Blocks. When the data acquisition is stopped by any external event (e.g. COOR pausing the Framework) this information cannot be updated. When this is the case, several of the items shown in the monitoring displays will no longer represent the current state of the hardware, and the information is flagged `stale' to reflect this. The normal state is flagged 'fresh'. Also note that any monitoring data that represents the state of some dynamic quantity for a particular event (when the information is fresh), will always correspond to the beam crossing marking the end of the integration period. All programming information is refreshed every five seconds independently of the availability of Data Blocks. In the descriptions below, the items affected by stale Data Blocks are marked with an asterisk (*). 2.9 Corrections due to Level 1.5 -------------------------------- Several of the Level 1 quantities need to be corrected if Level 1.5 is operational. TRGMON detects this by examining the state of a particular Andor Term (LV15_OPERATIONAL). 2.9.1 Total Events Transferred by Specific Trigger If Level 1.5 is not operational, this is the count of the number of times the particular Level 1 Specific Trigger fired since it was last initialized. When Level 1.5 is operational, this is the count of number of Level 1 Specific Trigger firings minus the count of events rejected by Level 1.5. 2.9.2 Trigger Fired Mask TRGMON does not receive the final Trigger Fired Mask from TCC, so TRGMON derives it again. This quantity does not depend only on the Level 1.5 Operational Andor Term, rather it depends on how COOR programs each Specific Trigger. If a Specific Trigger is a pure Level 1 Specific Trigger, its Level 1 State is used in the Trigger Mask. If a Specific Trigger has Level 1.5 requirements and the event did not use Level 1.5, its Level 1 state is used in the Trigger Mask. If a Specific Trigger has Level 1.5 requirements and the event used Level 1.5, its Level 1.5 state is used in the Trigger Mask. 2.10 Source of Level 1 Data Blocks ---------------------------------- The Level 1 Data Blocks TRGMON receives are copied from the data path before they reach the Level 1 VME crate. As a result, information added by the Level 1 VME Transfer Program is not available to TRGMON. The missing information includes the header of the Level 1 Data Block and the Jet Lists. The VME Transfer Program also overwrites information in the Data Block corresponding to hardware not implemented at the time the Data Block is generated. Note that TRGMON itself can simulate the missing Jet Lists. For more information, see the description of the Global Calorimeter Trigger display, the Simulated Jet List display, the PRTRGR display, the ADC Counts display, and the Spy Dump display. 2.11 Monitoring Alarms ---------------------- TRGMON can identify from the monitoring information several conditions which could indicate the presence of hardware and/or software trouble (for example, when the Master Clock for D0 becomes corrupted). The Trigger Control Computer indicates these conditions to TRGMON by including a set of Trouble Warning Bits (TWB) with the monitoring information. When one of these TWBs has been found set continuously for a period of time longer than what TRGMON considers reasonable, this TWB is considered to be in an alarm state. The length of this period of time depends on the particular TWB. For a description of individual TWBs, see the section below on the Special Diagnostics Display. TRGMON only checks for these TWBs when the current monitoring display is one which refreshes. It does not check during the Reference Set Monitoring Display or during the Global Threshold Display, because these displays do not refresh. To warn the user when at least one TWB is in an alarm state, TRGMON causes the terminal to beep once every screen refresh for the first 60 seconds, and then once every 30 seconds thereafter. The Special Diagnostics display will beep on every screen refresh whenever any alarm is set (even after 60 seconds). Also when at least one TWB is in an alarm state, the word 'ALARM' is added to the list of PF-key actions at the bottom of the display. If this action is selected, TRGMON will exit the current monitoring display and directly move to the Special Diagnostics Display. Note that this warning feature is not related (or connected) to the D0 Alarm System. 2.12 Trigger Resource File -------------------------- A file mapping the logical name of each Andor Term to its hardware index is written by COOR, called the Trigger Resource file. TRGMON reads this file to map certain Andor Terms to their functions. TRGMON searches for this file in the following places (in order): o the file pointed to by the Logical Name TRGMON_RESOURCE o ONLINE:[COOR_EXEC]TRIGGER.RES o D0$LEVEL1$DATA:TRIGGER_RESOURCES.RCP o HTRGMON:TRIGGER_RESOURCES.RCP If TRGMON cannot find the Trigger Resource file in one location, it prints an error message and tries the next location. 3. The Monitoring Displays -------------------------- The following is a description of the items of information found in each display. An asterisk (*) next to an item indicates that it is affected by stale Level 1 Data Blocks, while a hash mark (#) indicates that it is affected by the integration period. See the descriptions of monitoring intervals and stale Data Blocks above for more information. 3.1 Global Framework Display ---------------------------- The Global Framework Display shows information about the Level 1 Specific Triggers allocated by COOR, and global status information about the Level 1 Trigger. A line is displayed for each Specific Trigger allocated to COOR. A few important Level 1.5 items are also included in the display. If more Specific Triggers are allocated than can be displayed on one screen, the Specific Triggers will be divided into pages. The display will refresh at the specified rate until BACK is selected by the user. The user may immediately move from this display to the Global Level 1.5 display by pressing . The following is a description of each item in this display: 3.1.1 Current time The time and date when this information was received from the Trigger Control Computer. This information is provided by the node executing TRGMON (not by the Trigger Control Computer). 3.1.2 Global Event Transfer Rate(*,#) The average rate at which events are being sent to Level 2 (in Hz or kHz), measured over the integration period. This number includes events that didn't use Level 1.5 and events that used and passed Level 1.5. 3.1.3 Level 1 [ Running / Paused ] Shows whether the Level 1 Trigger is running or whether it has been paused by COOR. 3.1.4 Information [ Stale / Fresh ] This shows the state of the First Level Trigger Data Block. If the Data Block is stale, several of the quantities displayed by TRGMON cannot be updated. For more information, see the discussion of stale Data Blocks above. 3.1.5 Global Level 1 Trigger Rate(*,#) The average firing rate of the Level 1 Trigger (in Hz or kHz), measured over the integration period. This number includes events that didn't need Level 1.5 and events submitted to Level 1.5 for further processing. 3.1.6 Level 0 Rate(*,#) The average firing rate of the Level 0 Trigger (in Hz or kHz), measured over the integration period. 3.1.7 Level 1.5 Input Rate(*,#) The average rate that events are being sent to Level 1.5 (in Hz), measured over the integration period. 3.1.8 Level 1.5 Reject %(*,#) The average percentage of events sent to Level 1.5 which are then rejected, measured over the integration period. 3.1.9 Dead Beam X during Level 1.5(*,#) The average percentage of beam crossings spent on Level 1.5 processing out of the total number of beam crossings, measured over the integration period. Level 1 processing of beam crossings is halted while the Level 1.5 Framework waits for confirmation. 3.1.10 Time Since Last Initialize(*) The elapsed time since the TCC was last initialized. The time is in the format: `DAYS HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS'. 3.1.11 Events Transferred Since(*) The total number of events the trigger has transferred to Level 2 since the last time COOR initialized the Level 1 Trigger. This number has the possibility of becoming very large. If it becomes larger than 2**30, the number will be displayed in the form `X Gigas/ Y', where X * 2**30 + Y is the total number of events transferred. The following information is displayed for each Specific Trigger allocated by COOR: 3.1.12 Specific Trigger [ 0..31 ] The hardware number of the Specific Trigger that each display line refers to. Transfer Rate(*,#) This is the average rate events were sent to Level 2, measured over the integration period. Andor Rate(#) The average firing rate of the And-Or network for this Specific Trigger, given in Hz, measured over the integration period. Prscl Ratio The programmed prescaler ratio of the Specific Trigger. L 1.5 Rejct %(#) The percentage of events input to Level 1.5 due to this Specific Trigger which were then rejected by Level 1.5. Events Transf. The number of events transferred to Level 2 with this Specific Trigger since the Specific Trigger was last initialized by COOR. Globl Expos %(#) The percentage of Beam Crossing that this Specific Trigger was not disabled from firing. This is the percentage measured over the integration period. F-End Busy %(#) The average percentage of events vetoed on this Specific Trigger due to the combination of front-end busy signals. This is the percentage measured over the integration period. It includes the contribution of all the Geographic Sections programmed to be allowed to disable this Specific Trigger. Level 2 Dis %(#) The average percentage of events vetoed on this Specific Trigger due to a Level 2 disable veto. This is the percentage measured over the integration period. Total Andor Terms The number of and-or terms used in the programming of this Specific Trigger. Total Start Dgtze The number of Geographic Sections that will receive a start digitize signal whenever this Specific Trigger fires. Total Watch Busy The number of Geographic Sections from which this Specific Trigger will obey the front-end busy disable signals. L1.5 If the last column of the Specific Trigger information contains the word `L1.5,' this Specific Trigger has Level 1.5 requirements. More information on this Specific Trigger may be found in the Global Level 1.5 display and in the Level 1.5 Specific Trigger display. Disabled If the last column of the Specific Trigger information contains the word `Disbl,' then this Specific Trigger has been globally disabled by COOR. 3.2 Global Level 1.5 Display ---------------------------- The Global Level 1.5 display shows information regarding the Level 1.5 Specific Triggers allocated by COOR, and global status information about the Level 1.5 Trigger. A line is displayed for each Level 1.5 Specific Trigger allocated by COOR. If there are more triggers than can fit on the display, TRGMON will divide the triggers into pages. The display will refresh at the specified rate until BACK is selected by the user. The user may move immediately from this display to the Global Framework display by pressing . The following is a description of each item in the display: 3.2.1 Current Time 3.2.2 Global Event Transfer Rate(*,#) 3.2.3 Level 1 [ Running / Paused ] 3.2.4 Information [ Stale / Fresh ] 3.2.5 Global Level 1 Trigger Rate(*,#) 3.2.6 Level 0 Rate(*,#) See description in the Global Framework display description. 3.2.7 Pure Level 1 Rate/Percent(*,#) The rate Pure Level 1 events were sent to Level 2 during the integration period. A Pure Level 1 event is one whose set of fired Level 1 Specific Triggers does not contain any Specific Triggers with Level 1.5 requirements. The Pure Level 1 Percent is the percentage of Pure Level 1 Events out of the total number of Level 1 Firings. Both of these quantities are averages measured over the integration period. 3.2.8 Potential Rate into L1.5(*,#) The average rate the Level 1 Trigger fired with at least one Specific Triggers with Level 1.5 requirements, measured over the integration period. 3.2.9 L1.5 Input Rate/Percent(#) The rate events were input to Level 1.5. The percent is the percentage of events input to Level 1.5 out of the total number of events Level 1 Fired for. Both of these quantities are averages measured over the integration period. 3.2.10 L1.5 Skip Rate/Percent(#) The rate potential Level 1.5 events are being sent to Level 2 without a Level 1.5 confirmation because at least one pure Level 1 Specific Trigger fired. The percent is the percentage of skips out of the total number of potential Level 1.5 events. Both of these quantities are averages measured over the integration period. 3.2.11 L1.5 Confirm Rate/Percent(#) The rate events input to Level 1.5 have been confirmed. The percent is the percentage of events confirmed out of the total number of events input to Level 1.5. Both of these quantities are averages measured over the integration period. 3.2.12 L1.5 Reject Rate/Percent(#) The rate events input to Level 1.5 have been rejected. The percent is the percentage of events rejected out of the total number of events input to Level 1.5. Both of these quantities are measured over the integraion period. 3.2.13 Dead Beam X During Level 1.5(*,#) See description in the Global Framework display. 3.2.14 Global L1.5 Exit by Timeout(#) The percentage of events input to Level 1.5 which were passed because Level 1.5 timedout before reaching a decision. This is the average percentage measured over the integration period. 3.2.15 Specific Trigger Information One line of information is written for each Specific Trigger allocated by COOR. Sp. Trg The number of the Specific Trigger this line describes. Levl 1 Rate(*,#) See the entry in the Global Framework display description. Level 1.5 Input Rate/Percent(#) The rate is the rate inputs were input to Level 1.5 due to this Specific Trigger. The percent is the percentage of events input to Level 1.5 due to this Specific Trigger out of the total number of events for which this Specific Trigger fired. Both of these are averages measured over the integration period. Level 1.5 Skip %(#) The percentage of potential Level 1.5 events with this Specific Trigger fired for which the Level 1.5 confirmation was skipped. This is the average percentage measured over the integration period. Level 1.5 Confirm(#) The average rate events input to Level 1.5 due to this Specific Trigger were confirmed, measured over the integration period. Level 1.5 Reject %(#) The average percentage of events rejected by Level 1.5 out of the total number of events input to Level 1.5 due to this Specific Trigger, measured over the integration period. L1.5 Dead X %(*,#) The average percentage of beam crossings while Level 1.5 is processing events input due to this Specific Trigger, measured over the integration period. Exit L 1.5 by Timeout % and count(#) The percent is the percentage of events passed by Level 1.5 because Level 1.5 timed out, out of the total number of events input to Level 1.5 due to this Specific Trigger. This is the average percentage measured over the integration period. The count is the total number of timeouts since the Specific Trigger was last initialized. Tot L1.5 Term The number of Level 1.5 Terms that must provide a positive answer to confirm this Specific Trigger. L1.5 Disabled See the entries in the Global Framework display description. 3.3 Specific Trigger Display ---------------------------- The Specific Trigger Display shows information about one Specific Trigger. When this display is selected from the display selection menu, TRGMON prompts the user for the hardware number of the Specific Trigger to be displayed (0 to 31). The display will refresh at the specified rate until BACK is selected. The user may move immediately from this display to the Level 1.5 Specific Trigger display for the same Specific Trigger by pressing . The following describes each item in the display: 3.3.1 Uses Level 1.5 If the Specific Trigger has Level 1.5 requirements, the words 'Uses Level 1.5' appear next to the Specific Trigger number at the top of the display. 3.3.2 Current Time 3.3.3 Global Event Transfer Rate (*,#) 3.3.4 Level 1 [ Running / Paused ] 3.3.5 Information [ Fresh / Stale ] See entrys in Global Framework Display. 3.3.6 Spec Trig Event Trans(*) The count of how many events including this Specific Trigger have been transferred to Level 2 since the Specific Trigger was last initialized. This number has the possibility of becoming very large. If it becomes larger than 2**30, then it will be displayed in the format discussed in description of `Events Transferred Since' in the Global Framework Display. 3.3.7 Spec.Trig.Fired for this event(*) [ Yes / No ] This indicates whether this Specific Trigger fired at Level 1 for the particular event which was captured for monitoring. 3.3.8 Specific Trig Level 1 Rate(*,#) The average firing rate of this Specific Trigger at Level 1, in Hz or kHz, measured over the integration period. 3.3.9 Prescaling Ratio See entry in Global Framework Display. 3.3.10 Specific Trig And-Or Rate(#) The average firing rate of the and-or network for this Specific Trigger, in Hz or kHz, measured over the integration period. 3.3.11 Readout Time This indicates the estimated Specific Trigger readout time in milliseconds (as specified by COOR to TCC). 3.3.12 SpTrg L1.5 Input(#) The average rate at which events were sent to Level 1.5 due to this Specific Trigger measured over the integration period. 3.3.13 SpTrg L1.5 Reject %(#) The percentage of events submitted to Level 1.5 due to this Specific Trigger which were then rejected. This is the average percentage measured over the integration period. 3.3.14 Dead BeamX during SpTrg L1.5 %(*,#) The average percentage of beam crossings which occured while the Level 1.5 was busy out of the total number of beam crossings during the integration period. 3.3.15 Expos. Count and Hz(*,#) The Specific Trigger's Exposition scaler and the average rate the scaler incremented over the integration period. The scaler has the possibility of becoming very large. If it becomes larger than 2**30, then it will be displayed in the format discussed in description of `Events Transferred Since' in the Global Framework Display. 3.3.16 Expos & L0(*,#) The count of Trigger Exposition while the Level 0 Fast Vertex Good signal was asserted for this Specific Trigger and the average rate it incremented over the integration period. The scaler has the possibility of becoming very large. If it becomes larger than 2**30, then it will be displayed in the format discussed in description of `Events Transferred Since' in the Global Framework Display. 3.3.17 Veto Sources for this Trigger This gives information on each source of veto for this Specific Trigger. Programming Shows whether the Specific Trigger is programmed to receive a particular veto signal. A `T' means that it does obey that vetoing source, and a blank means that it does not. State(*) Shows the state of that veto, as read from the Data Block generated when this information was taken. `NA' means the state information on this veto is not available. `T' means the veto signal was asserted, and `F' means the veto signal was negated. Veto Percentage(#) This is the percentage of events for which the particular veto source disabled this Specific Trigger. This is the average percentage as measured over the integration period. 3.3.18 Geo.Section F-E Busy Prog This shows for each Geographic Section whether the Specific Trigger is programmed to obey its front-end busy disable signal. A 'T' means the Specific Trigger is programmed to obey the signal, and a blank means it is not. Note that before these front-end busy signals may disable the Specific Trigger, the sources of veto must also have been programmed to obey the front-end busy signals. F-E Busy Stat(*) This shows the state of the front end busy disable signal coming from each Geographic Section, as read from the event captured for monitoring. If a blank is displayed for a Geographic Section, then that Geographic Section has not been allocated by COOR for any Specific Trigger. If a 'T' is displayed then that veto signal state was asserted, and if an 'F' is displayed then that veto signal state was negated. StartDig Prog This shows for each Geographic Section whether the Specific Trigger is programmed to generate a start digitize signal. A 'T' means the Specific Trigger is programmed to generate the signal, and a blank means it is not. StartDig Stat(*) This shows the state of the start digitize signal sent to each Geographic Section, as read from the Data Block generated when this data was taken. If a blank is displayed for a Geographic Section, then that Geographic Section has not been allocated by COOR for any Specific Trigger. If a 'T' is displayed then that signal was asserted, and if an 'F' is displayed then that signal was negated. 3.3.19 And-Or Terms Required Req Term # This is a list of all the and-or terms that are used in the programming of this Specific Trigger. If more terms are required than can fit on one line of the display, then any extra terms are omitted from the display and the message 'More Than 16 And-Or Terms Required' is written. Req Polar This is the polarization required of the and-or term listed above it. 'T' means it is required true, and 'F' means it is required false. Cur State(*) This is the current state of each and-or term, as read from the Data Block generated when this data was taken. 'T' means it was true, and 'F' means it was false. 3.4 Level 1.5 Specific Trigger Display -------------------------------------- The Level 1.5 Specific Trigger display shows rates, percentages, and scalers associated with one Level 1.5 Specific Trigger. When the display is selected, TRGMON prompts for the hardware number of the Specific Trigger to display (0-31). Note that if the selected Specific Trigger has not been defined as a Level 1.5 Specific Trigger by COOR, this display will not contain much useful information. This display will automatically refresh at the specified rate until the user selects BACK. The user may also move directly to the Level 1 Specific Trigger display for the same Specific Trigger by pressing . The following is a description of each item in the display: 3.4.1 Current Time 3.4.2 Global Event Transfer Rate (*,#) 3.4.3 Level 1 [ Running / Paused ] 3.4.4 Information [ Fresh / Stale ] See entrys in Global Framework Display. 3.4.5 Specific Trig Fired Count(#) 3.4.6 Spec.Trig.Fired for this event(*) [ Yes / No ] 3.4.7 Specific Trig Level 1 Rate(*,#) See entrys in Level 1 Specific Trigger Display 3.4.8 This Event Used Level 1.5(*) Whether the event captured for monitoring was input to Level 1.5. 3.4.9 SpTrg L1.5 Input Rate/Percent(#) The rate that events were submitted to Level 1.5 because this Specific Trigger Fired at Level 1. The percent is the percentage of events input to Level 1.5 out of the events for which this Specific Trigger fired at Level 1. Both of these are averages measured over the integration period. 3.4.10 L1.5 Skip Rate/Percent(#) The rate that potential Level 1.5 events for which this Specific Trigger fired were passed on to Level 2 without a Level 1.5 confirmation. The percentage is the percentage of skips out of the of potential Level 1.5 events for this Specific Trigger. Both of these are averages measured over the integration period. 3.4.11 SpTrg L1.5 Confirm Rate/Percent(#) The rate that events input to Level 1.5 due to this Specific Trigger were confirmed. The percentage is the percentage of events confirmed out of the events input to Level 1.5 including this Specific Trigger. Both of these are averages measured over the integration period. 3.4.12 L1.5 Reject Rate/Percent(#) The rate that events input to Level 1.5 due to this Specific Trigger were rejected. The percentage is the percentage of events rejected out of the events input to Level 1.5 including this Specific Trigger. Both of these are averages measured over the integratiopn period. 3.4.13 Dead Beam X during Level 1.5(*,#) The percentage of beam crossings during which Level 1.5 was busy with events input including this Specific Trigger. This is the average percentage measured over the integration period. 3.4.14 SpTrg L1.5 Exit by Timeout(#) The percentage of events input to Level 1.5 including this Specific Trigger which were passed because Level 1.5 timed out. This is the average percentage measured over the integration period. 3.4.15 Level 1 Fired Count(*) The number of times this Specific Trigger fired at Level 1 since it was last initialized. This number has the possibility of becoming very large. If it becomes larger than 2**30, it will be displayed in the format discussed in description of `Events Transferred Since' in the Global Framework Display. 3.4.16 SpTrg Expos Cnt(*) The value of this Specific Trigger's exposition scaler. This number has the possibility of becoming very large. If it becomes larger than 2**30, then it will be displayed in the format discussed in description of `Events Transferred Since' in the Global Framework Display. 3.4.17 Level 1.5 Input Count The number of events input to Level 1.5 including this Specific Trigger since this Specific Trigger was last initialized. 3.4.18 L1.5 Skip Count The number of potential Level 1.5 events for which this Specific Trigger fired and where the Level 1.5 confirmation was skipped since this Specific Trigger was last initialized. 3.4.19 Level 1.5 Confirm Count The number of events submitted to Level 1.5 including this Specific Trigger which received a Level 1.5 confirmation since this Specific Trigger was last initialized. 3.4.20 Level 1.5 Reject Count The number of events submitted to Level 1.5 due including Specific Trigger which did not receive a Level 1.5 confirmation since this Specific Trigger was last initialized. 3.4.21 Integrated Dead Time(*) The percentage of beam crossings spent on Level 1.5 processing of events input to Level 1.5 including this Specific Trigger. This is the total percentage since the Framework was last initialized. 3.4.22 SpTrg L1.5 Exit By Timeout The number of events input to Level 1.5 due to this Specific Trigger which were passed because Level 1.5 timed out. This is the total number of timeouts since this Specific Trigger was last initialized. 3.4.23 Level 1.5 Terms This section contains information on the 32 Level 1.5 Terms for the last event that used Level 1.5 (possibly the current event captured for monitoring). Term Required(*) A 'T' indicates that the Level 1.5 Term is required by this Specific Trigger. A blank indicates that the Level 1.5 Term is not required. Term Done State(*) A 'T' indicates that Level 1.5 received a state for that term before exiting. An 'F' indicates that Level 1.5 did not receive a state for that term before exiting. Term Answer State(*) A 'T' or 'F' indicates the state reported to Level 1.5 for that term. An 'X' indicates that either Level 1.5 did not receive a state. 3.5 Geographic Section Display ------------------------------ The Geographic Section display shows information on allocated Geographic Sections, and global information about the Level 1 Trigger. A line of information is written for each Geographic Section allocated by COOR. If there are more Geographic Sections allocated than can fit on the display, then they will be paged. The display will refresh at the specified rate until BACK is selected. The following is a description of each item in this display: 3.5.1 Current time 3.5.2 Global Event Transfer Rate(*,#) 3.5.3 Level 1 [ Running / Paused ] 3.5.4 Information [ Stale / Fresh ] 3.5.5 Global Level 1 Trigger Rate(*,#) 3.5.6 Level 0 Rate(*,#) 3.5.7 Level 1.5 Input Rate(*,#) 3.5.8 Level 1.5 Reject %(*,#) 3.5.9 Dead Beam X during Level 1.5(*,#) 3.5.10 Time Since Last Initialize(*) 3.5.11 Events Transferred Since(*) See description in Global Framework Display 3.5.12 Geographic Section [ 0..31 ] This is the hardware number of the Geographic Section that the information on this line applies to. Start Dig Rate(*,#) This is the average rate, in Hz, that this Geographic Section has given a start digitize signal. This rate is measured over the integration period. Start Dgtz this Event(*) This shows the state of this Geographic Section's start digitize signal, as read from the Data Block generated when this data was taken. 'T' means a start digitize signal was asserted, and 'F' means the signal was negated for this event. F-End Busy %(#) This is the average percentage of Beam Crossings which this Geographic Section's front-end busy disable signal was asserted, measured over the monitoring interval. F-End Busy this Event(*) This shows the state of this Geographic Section's front-end busy disable signal, as read from the Data Block generated when this data was taken. 'T' means a front-end busy signal was asserted by the Geographic Section and 'F' means it was negated, for this event. Total SpTrg Disabled by Fr-End Busy This is the count of how many Specific Triggers will obey this Geographic Section's front end busy signal. Total SpTrg Digitz this Geo Section This is the count of how many Specific Triggers will generate a start digitize signal for this Geographic Section. Special State This shows whether a particular Geographic Section is in a normal configuration mode. 'St.Dig.Off' in the right-most column indicates that the Geographic Section is in a special test state, where the start digitize signal is inhibited. The Geographic Section then only receives the hold transfer signal without the start digitize signal. 3.6 Global Calorimeter Trigger Display ---------------------------------- The Global Calorimeter Trigger display shows the Trigger Control Computer's view of events. Most of the information in this display is particular to the event that was captured for monitoring. The following is a description of each item in the display: 3.6.1 Current date: See description in Global Framework Display 3.6.2 Global Level 1 Trigger Rate(*,#): " 3.6.3 Level 0 Rate(*,#): " 3.6.4 Monitoring Information is: " 3.6.5 Level 1 Trigger is: " 3.6.6 Level 0 Good(*) [ Yes / No ] This is the state of the GOOD signal provided by Level 0. It indicates that the Level 0 was successful in calculating the Fast Version of the Vertex Position. 3.6.7 Bin(*) This is the Bin Number indicated by Level 0 as the vertex location. This number is in the range -15..+15, with bin #0 centered around the center of the detector. Et Lookup Page(*) 2nd Lookup(*) Px/Py(*) These are the Lookup Page Numbers picked by the Calorimeter Trigger in response to the Level 0 information. The Energy Lookup is used to correct the byte of EM and HD Transverse Energy coming out of the ADC. It is also used to implement a low energy cut. Each Lookup page is specified by its Logical and Physical Page Number. The number appearing before the slash (/) is the Logical Lookup Page Number in the range -3..+3, the number appearing after the slash is the Physical PROM Page Index Number. The Et Lookup Page Number applies to the First Lookup made on the EM and the HD Transverse Energy, and makes geometry corrections for interaction vertices far from the center of the detector. The 2nd Lookup Page Number applies to the Second Lookup made on the EM and the HD Transverse Energy. The Px/Py Lookup Page Number applies to the lookup made on the TOT (EM+HD) Transverse Energy to produce the Px and Py components. 3.6.9 Global Energy Sums(*) These are the various Global Energy Sums calculated by the Level 1 hardware (summed over the whole detector). Total EM Trig Towers above Ref Set(*) Total TOT Trig Towers above Ref Set(*) These give the Global Count of Trigger Towers that have cleared each Reference Set (counted over the whole detector). The Reference Sets are numbered from 0 to 3. Lrg Tiles above Ref Set(*) These give the Count of Large Tiles that have cleared each Large Tile Reference Set (counted over the whole detector). The Reference Sets are numbered from 0 to 7(cf. D0 Note 1680). These numbers are derived from the andor terms L1C_LT_CNT_#_GE1,2,3. The possible readings in this display are :=0, :=1, :=2, or >=3. In case of inconsistency in the andor term values, a star "*" is displayed (:*2 or >*3), and corresponds to a problem that should be reported to Philippe Laurens, or Dan Edmunds. 3.6.11 Glob Thrsh(*) This tells whether each global threshold has been cleared. - A 'T' means that the threshold has been cleared, - an 'F' means that the threshold has not been cleared, - a blank ' ' means that the threshold is not currently allocated. Global Thresholds are applied to - the Global Counts (over the whole detector) of towers above each Reference Set - The Global Energy Sums (over the whole detector) for each constructed quantity. Note that there is no Large Tile Count Threshold; instead a set of andor terms are available with the hardwired thresholds >= 1, >=2, >=3. (cf. D0 Note 1680) Total Entries EM Jet List(*) Total Entries TOT Jet List(*) Total Entries Lg Tile List(*) Complete(*) Jet List(*) These give information on the Jet Lists derived from this event. Since the Jet Lists are not available to TRGMON, it simulates them itself. The entries of each Jet List are given in the form (eta,phi). If there are more entries in the Jet List than can fit on the display, TRGMON will display as many as it can followed by the string '...' cf. Appendix I of D0 Note 967 for more details on the Jet Lists. 3.7 Simulated Jet List Display ------------------------------ The Simulated Jet List Display shows the Jet Lists derived from the event captured. Since these Jet Lists are not part of the Data Block that TCC can capture, TRGMON will try to reproduce the exact same lists. The code used to do this is the same code Level 2 uses to reconstruct Jet Lists of arbitrary length (i.e. L1UTIL_JET_LIST_BUILDER and L1UTIL_LT_JET_LIST_BUILDER). This display does not automatically refesh. TRGMON will request a new Data Block whenever the user selects AGAIN [PF1]. If the information is longer than the number of lines on the display, TRGMON will page the display. cf. Appendix I of D0 Note 967 for more details on the Jet Lists. 3.8 Global Thresholds Display ----------------------------- The Global Thresholds display shows the programming of the Calorimeter Trigger Global Thresholds. Energy thresholds are given for EM Et, HD Et, Total Et, EM second lookup, HD second lookup, Total second lookup, and missing Pt. Tower Count thresholds are given for the four EM Reference Sets, and for the four TOT Reference Sets. These Reference Sets are listed by their hardware number (0-3). Only those Global Energy Thresholds whose hardware number lies in the range 0 to 11 are displayed, and only those Global Tower Count Thresholds whose hardware number lies in the range 0 to 7 are displayed. If an entry has been left blank in the display, then that particular Global Threshold has not yet been allocated by COOR. Note that there is no Large Tile Count Threshold; instead a set of andor terms are available with the hardwired thresholds >= 1, >=2, >=3. (cf. D0 Note 1680) 3.9 Reference Set Display ------------------------- The Reference Set display shows the programming of the Calorimeter Trigger Tower Reference Sets. When this display is chosen from the display selection menu, the program prompts for a Reference Set type, and then for a hardware Reference Set number (0 to 3). Choosing type 'EM ET Ref Set' will display the Trigger Tower EM threshold and the associated HD veto, while choosing type 'TOT Et Ref Set' will display the Trigger Tower TOT threshold (applied to the sum of the EM and HD transverse energy). Choosing 'Large Tile Ref Set' will display the Large Tile TOT Threshold applied to each large tile. Once the display is drawn, the program will wait until either BACK is selected to return to the display selection menu, or AGAIN is selected to get a new set of data from the TCC. The Reference Set is displayed in a block-structure form, breaking the range of trigger towers up into blocks with the same threshold values. In the display, a range is given for each of the trigger tower coordinate variables: sign_eta, magnitude_eta, and phi. Then the threshold for that range is given. Following this may be one or more sets of ranges and thresholds, together covering the entire set of Calorimeter Trigger Towers. If a range is not given for a variable within a block, then the range associated with that variable in the preceding block is assumed (i.e. it is a nested structure). If the HD Veto is set to full scale, TRGMON displays this as 'No Veto.' If the EM Threshold is set to full scale, TRGMON displays this as 'No Contribution.' Consider the following example: eta_sign negative and positive eta_magnitude 1 to 5 phi 1 to 32 EM Threshold 5.00 GeV HD Veto 20.0 GeV eta_magnitude 6 to 20 phi 1 to 32 EM Threshold 7.50 GeV HD Veto 20.0 GeV In the example, all trigger towers having an eta coordinate +/- 1 to +/- 5 have an EM Threshold value of 5.0 GeV (and an associated HD Veto Threshold of 20.00 GeV), and all trigger towers with an eta coordinate +/- 6 to +/- 20 have an EM Threshold of 7.5 GeV (and the same associated HD Veto Threshold of 20.00 GeV). If there is more information than can fit on the display, then the information will be paged. A Large Tile covers a block of 32 Trigger Towers (4 in TT_eta by 8 in TT_phi, cf. D0 Note 1680). No new coordinate system has been introduced for the Large Tiles. The boundaries of a Large Tile Reference Set is simply described by the boundaries of the Trigger Towers it covers. 3.10 Per Bunch Scalers ---------------------- The Per Bunch Scalers display contains the value of the Per Bunch Scalers, and the rate at which each scaler incremented over the previous Integration Period. These are special scalers where the quantity being counted is projected on the six bunches in the collider. Additionally, it contains global information about the Level 1 Trigger. The display will refresh at the specified rate until BACK is selected. 3.10.1 Level 1 Trigger(#) This shows the count and rate of the Level 1 Trigger projected onto the six bunches in the collider. 3.10.2 Fast L0 (Good) (#) This shows the count and rate of the Level 0 Fast Vertex Good signal projected onto the six bunches in the collider. 3.10.3 Live Crossing(#) This shows the count and rate of the Live Crossing signal projected onto the six bunches in the colllider. 3.10.4 LiveX * FastL0(Good) (#) This shows the count and rate of Live Crossing and Level 0 Fast Vertex Good signals both active. 3.10.5 LiveX * L0(Single) (#) This shows the count and rate of Live Crossing and Level 0 Single Vertex signals both active. 3.10.6 LiveX * L0(Sgl,Cent) (#) This shows the count and rate of Live Crossing and Level 0 Single Vertex and Center signals both active. 3.11 Foreign Scalers -------------------- The Foreign Scalers display lists the values of several Foreign Scalers, and the rate at which each of them incremented over the previous Integration Period. These are typically non-Level 1 quantities scaled by Level 1. 3.11.1 Scaler Number The hardware index of the scaler. The Foreign Scalers are numbered [1,44]. 3.11.2 Value(*) The current value of the scaler expressed as a hexadecimal number. 3.11.3 Rate(#) The average rate this scaler incremented over the previous Integration Period. The rate is given in Hz. 3.11.4 Name A descriptive name for the Foreign Scaler. 3.12 Andor Term States ---------------------- The Andor Term States display lists the current state of all of the Andor Terms defined by COOR. The Andor Terms are listed by hardware index, with their logical names and current states. The logical name for each Andor Term is taken from the Trigger Resource file written by COOR. The state of each Andor Term is taken from the event captured for monitoring. This display does not automatically refesh. TRGMON will request a new Data Block whenever the user selects AGAIN [PF1]. If there are more Andor Terms than can fit on the display, TRGMON will page them. 3.13 Excluded Towers -------------------- The Excluded Towers display shows which Trigger Towers have been programmed so as to provide no contribution to the Calorimeter Trigger. Once the display is drawn, the program will wait until either BACK is selected to return to the display selection menu, or AGAIN is selected to get a new set of data from the TCC. The excluded Trigger Towers are displayed in a block-structure form so as to group adjacent excluded Towers. In the display, a range is given for each of the trigger tower coordinate variables: sign_eta, magnitude_eta, and phi. Then whether the EM Trigger Tower or the HD Trigger Tower is being excluded is given. If a range is not given for a variable within a block, then the range associated with that variable in the preceding block is assumed (i.e. it is a nested structure). 3.14 TRIG_FILT_RUN Display -------------------------- The TRIG_FILT_RUN display shows the contents of the file pointed to by the logical name TRIG_FILT_RUN. This file is written by COOR listing the currently defined Specific Triggers. This display does not automatically refesh. If the file is too long to fit on the display, TRGMON will page it. 3.15 Spy Dump Display --------------------- The Spy Dump display gives a hexadecimal dump of the Level 1 Data Block as read by the Level 1 SPY and given to the TCC. This display is useful to examine quantities not shown in other TRGMON displays and to verify that TRGMON is displaying other quantities properly. For details see D0 Note 967. The two columns of index numbers on the left of this display match the numbering of the detailed list in D0 Note 967. As this display contains a great deal of information, TRGMON writes it to the file 'SPY_DUMP_FILE.DAT' and then calls EVE. After exiting EVE, the user may select either AGAIN to view another Data Block or BACK to return to the display selection menu. 'SPY_DUMP_FILE.DAT' is not deleted, so it remains available to the user after exiting TRGMON. 3.16 Spy Window Display ----------------------- The Spy Window display gives a continuous display of a portion of the Level 1 Data Block as read by the Level 1 SPY and given to the TCC. This display is useful to continuously examine quantities not show nin other TRGMON displays and to verify that TRGMON is diplaying other quantities properly. For details on the contents of the Level 1 Data Block see D0 Note 967. The two columns of index numbers on the left of this display match the number of the detailed list in D0 Note 967. When the user selects this display, TRGMON asks whether to format the display in Hexadecimal or Binary, and then asks for the index of the lowest numbered item to display. TRGMON then gives a continuous display starting at the requested index, showing as many items as can fit on the display. 3.17 ADC Counts --------------- The ADC Counts display shows the ADC bytes input to the Level 1 Calorimeter Trigger. These values typically have an offset of 8 added to them, and are given in units of least counts (1 count = 1/4 GeV). Note that the VME Transfer program has not been run on the Datablock before it was taken for display by TRGMON. This program may zero-out the ADC bytes of non-existant Trigger Towers in the Data Block, so the ADC values viewed here may not be the same as the values read by the Data Acquisition. This display is written by the ZEBRA_UTIL library routine PRTRGR, which is also available to offline analysis programs. As this display contains a great deal of information, TRGMON writes it to the file 'ADC_DUMP_FILE.DAT' and then calls EVE. After exiting EVE, the user may select either AGAIN to view another Data Block or BACK to return to the display selection menu. 'ADC_DUMP_FILE.DAT' is not deleted, so it remains available to the user after exiting TRGMON. 3.18 PRTRGR (Data Block) ------------------------ The PRTRGR display shows a summary of the Level 1 Datablock, as given by the ZEBRA_UTIL routine PRTRGR. This routine is also available to offline analysis programs. For more information on the items in the Level 1 Datablock, see D0 Note 967. Note that some of the information normally displayed by PRTRGR has not been written to the Data Block by the time it is given to TRGMON. In particular, the Data Block Header and the Jet Lists are not available to TRGMON. However, TRGMON itself does generate the Trigger Fired mask for the Header and does simulate the Jet Lists. This display does not automatically refesh. TRGMON will request a new Data Block whenever the user selects AGAIN [PF1]. As there will be more information than can fit on the display, TRGMON will page it. 3.19 Special Diagnostics ------------------------ The Special Diagnostics display contains information of assistance in detecting problems affecting the Level 1 system, including problems with: o The master clock of D0 o The Level 1 hardware o The Level 1 VME Transfer Program o The VME Buffer Driver (VBD) card used by the Level 1 system o The Level 2 system This display contains a few approximate quantities, information about the performance of the Level 1 VME Transfer Program, and also information about each Trouble Warning Bit found set. The following periods and rates are calculated: 3.19.1 Raw Beam Crossing Rate(#) This is an approximate beam crossing rate calculated directly from the length of the integration period and the number of beam crossings observed in that interval. 3.19.2 Raw Level 1 Trigger Rate(#) This is an approximate Level 1 triggering rate calculated directly from the length of the integration period and the number of Level 1 triggerings during that interval. 3.19.3 Raw Level 1 Transfer Rate(#) This is an approximate event transfer rate calculated directly from the length of the integration period and the number of events transfered during that interval. 3.19.4 LV1 Double Buffer Full or Framework Paused(#) This shows the percentage of time both halves of the Level 1 double buffer are full. The same quantity is also shown averaged per event transferred in units of milliseconds. This state may occur when the Framework is Paused. 3.19.5 LV1 Data Block Builder Running(#) This shows the percentage of time the Data Block builder card (COMINT card) is running, and also the time it spent processing per event transferred. 3.19.6 Level 1 VME Transfer Program States(#) This section of the display shows the percentage of time the Level 1 VME Transfer Program spends in its various states, and also the average amount of time per event transferred spent in each state. The following lists the states: VME Transfer Program idle(#) In this state the VME Transfer Program is waiting for a Level 1 Data Block to transfer. VME Transfer Program Preparing Data(#) In this state the VME Transfer Program is calculating the Jet Lists, clearing information related to non-implemented hardware, and adding a header and trailer to the Level 1 Data Block. VME Transfer Program Waiting for free VBD Buffer(#) In this state the VME Transfer Program is searching for a free buffer on the VBD card to use in transfering the Data Block on to Level 2. VME Transfer Program Waiting while VBD DMA Reads(#) In this state the VME Transfer Program is waiting while the VBD card copies the Data Block out of VME memory into its internal buffer. VME Transfer Program Displaying Information(#) In this state the VME Transfer Program is printing status messages to its console. Note that the Transfer Program displays informational messages only when the acquisition rate is low. 3.19.7 Trouble Warning Bits A Trouble Warning Bit is considered to be in an alarm state if it has been observed set for a period of time greater than a threshold value. In the Special Diagnostics display, information describing a particular TWB is given as soon as the TWB has been set, even if it is not yet in an alarm state. The display shows the following information: o A description of the condition the TWB represents. o How long this TWB has been observed set o And the period of time (threshold) this TWB must be observed set before it enters the alarm state. In addition, if a TWB enters an alarm state, this fact is noted in the display and a list of possible causes of this problem is given. The following is a description of the conditions the TWBs represent: Hardware Power Failure One (or more) Level 1 backplane has no Power. This state is flagged as an alarm as soon as it occurs. If this warning occurs, the Level 1 Rack Power Safety System (RPSS) has most likely tripped, and its control panel identifies the source of the problem. If the RPSS status is clear, the main circuit breaker and power pan switches should then be checked (when power is applied to a Power Pan, its yellow light is on). Fatal Monitoring Pool Error This message indicates that the process in the TCC that refreshes the monitoring information has terminated due to a fatal hardware error. This is flagged as an alarm as soon as it occurs. The most probable cause of this is a power outage. The process will automatically be restarted when power is restored and after COOR has initialized the Level 1 system. LV1 VME Transfer Program not running The Level 1 VME Transfer Program periodically refreshes a dynamic hardware component (a one-shot) at a fast enough rate that the component always is in a triggered state. If this component is found in an untriggered state, it is an indication that the Level 1 VME Transfer Program is no longer running. This condition is flagged as an alarm as soon as it occurs. A property of this signal is that it can not be "stuck" in a state indicating the absence of an error. A likely cause of this alarm is that the VME Transfer Program has stopped running, and requires reloading. VBD unable to send LV1 Data Block to LV2 The VME Buffer Driver card could not transfer data to Level 2 within 1 second. This condition is detected by the VME Transfer Program. A possible cause of this is that the Level 2 system is not running properly. This is flagged as an alarm as soon as it occurs. One (not both) of the VBD buffers is stuck One VBD buffer has been repeatedly found full. A possible cause of this is that the Level 2 system is not running properly. This condition is flagged as an alarm as soon as it occurs. LV1 rate limited by wait for VBD buffer Events which would otherwise be sent on to Level 2 are being discarded because the VME Transfer program is spending an excessive amount of time waiting for a VBD buffer to transfer an event. LV1 rate limited by VBD DMA transfer Events which would otherwise be sent on to Level 2 are being discarded because the VME Transfer Program is spending an excessive amount of time wiating for the VBD card to copy data VME memory to the VBD card's internal buffer. LV1 Master Timing Generator Error Level 1 has internally detected improper timing. This can occur when the D0 master clock has not been programmed properly. This is flagged as an alarm as soon as it occurs. Framework Paused COOR pauses the framework whenever it enables (or disables) any new trigger. This results in no Data Blocks being built. If this occurs for too long of a period of time, this could indicate that COOR is corrupted or that COOR failed to start a new RUN. This is flagged as an alarm if it occurs for longer than 2 minutes. Data Block Stale No Level 1 Data Blocks are being built. This could be the result of COOR pausing Level 1, or a failure in either the D0 master clock or the VME Transfer Program. Note that if the problem came from the master clock, COOR might need to reinitialize the Level 1 system after the error is corrected. This is flagged as an alarm if it occurs for more than 3 minutes. LV1 VME Transfer Program found LV1 Inactive Level 1 is not sending requests for Data Block transfers to the VME Transfer Program. This could result if COOR pauses Level 1, or if the D0 master clock fails. (If the problem is not caused by a paused state or the master clock, then Level 1 needs to be reinitialized by COOR.) This is flagged as an alarm if it occurs for more than 3 minutes. 4. Display Options Menu ----------------------- From the main menu, the item 'Display Options' will bring up another menu, allowing modification of several of the parameters regarding handling of the terminal display. The following items may be selected from this menu: 4.1 Begin Display Logging This command causes TRGMON to periodically capture the contents of the current monitoring display and write the information to a text file. This file is only updated after several screen captures to minimize time spent in disk I/O. TRGMON prompts for the name of the log file to write to, the number of screen refreshes between screen captures, and the number of screen refreshes between updating the log file. Logging only occurs during displays which automatically refresh. 4.2 End Display Logging This command closes a previously opened display log file and disables display logging. 4.3 Begin Rates Ntuple Logging This command causes TRGMON to periodically record the rates associated with each Specific Trigger to an HBOOK Ntuple file. This file may then be used as input to the PAW analysis program. Element #1 of the Ntuple is the number of seconds elapsed between beginning the rates log and recording the particular Ntuple. Elements #2-33 are the firing rates for Specific Triggers #0-31. Elements #34-65 are the exposition rates for Specific Triggers #0-31. Elements #66-97 are the Andor rates for Specific Triggers #0-31. Each rate is the average rate measured over a period of five seconds. The Ntuple file is only updated after several Ntuples have been recorded to minimize time spent in disk I/O. TRGMON prompts for the name of the log file to write to, the number of screen refreshes between recording Ntuples, and the number of screen refreshes between updating the Ntuple file. Logging only occurs during displays which automatically refresh. 4.4 End Rates Ntuple Logging This command closes a previously opened Ntuple file and disables rates Ntuple logging. 4.5 Change Integration Time You can change the default display integration time. The default is 5s. This command will affect all data presented as rates or percentages for all TRGMON displays. TRGMON obtains an integration time longer than the polling/refresh interval by remembering scaler counts read during previous snapshots, and recomputing scaler increments and time intervals. Consequently, you can only request an integration time that is a multiple of your Polling/Refresh Interval. The displays will keep updating at the normal Polling/Refresh rate; the default is 5s, see "Change Polling/Refresh Rate" below. The actual integration time will fluctuate depending on data flow, and will remain quantized by the refresh time of the data on TCC (which has a five second average and wide fluctuations as described elsewhere in this document). 4.6 Change Polling/Refresh Rate This command changes the period TRGMON waits before polling D0HTCC and updating displays. The default period is five seconds. This command only changes the time between updating displays. The fact that some of the quantities displayed are MEASURED and integrated over a period of approximately five seconds (or more, see "Change Integration Time" above) is a separate matter. This command resets the integration time to the default 5 s. The data snapshot time will fluctuate depending on data flow. 4.7 Autosize Display 4.8 Change Display Size These two commands allow the user to change the number of lines TRGMON uses for its display. The default is 24 lines. `Autosize Display' sets the screen length to the number of lines VMS thinks there is, and `Change Display Size' prompts the user for the number of lines to use. 4.9 Set Display Dump File This command allows the user to change the name of the file that the display is copied to when the PRINT option is selected from a monitoring display. The default file name is 'TRGMON_DUMP.TXT'. APPENDIX A --------------- Display Samples --------------- 1. Global Framework Display --------------------------- Global Monitoring of All Allocated Specific Triggers 3-JUN-91 16:11:17 Global Level 1 Trigger Rate: 1.88 Hz Monitoring Information is: Fresh Level 0 Rate: 0.00 Hz Level 1 Trigger is: Running Time Since Last Initialize: 2 22:01:00 Events Transf Since: 56318 |Total|Total|Total| Spec.|Firing| Andor|Prscl| Events|F-End|Level| Auto|Andor|Start|Watch| Trig.| Rate| Rate|Ratio|Transf.| Busy|2 Dis| Dis|Terms|Dgtze| Busy| ------|----Hz|----Hz|-----|-------|----%|----%|----%|-----|-----|-----|------- 4 | 1.88|938.81| 500| 2958| 2.0| 0.0| 0.0| 1| 3| 3| 31 | 0.00|190850| 1| 49083| 1.6| 0.0|100.0| 0| 1| 1| [ AGAIN ] [ ] [ PRINT ] [ BACK ] 2. Specific Trigger Display --------------------------- Monitoring Specific Trigger # 4 3-JUN-91 16:11:46 Global Level 1 Trigger Rate: 1.82 Hz Monitoring Information is: Fresh Spec Trig Fired Count: 3013 Spec.Trig.Fired for this event: Yes Specific Trig Fired Rate: 1.82 Hz Prescaling Ratio: 500 Specific Trig And-Or Rate: 910.59 Hz Readout time: 30 ms Veto Sources for this Trigger Programming State Veto Percentage Prescaling Veto............. T NA 99.82 % Level 1.5 Veto.............. NA 0.00 % Level 2.0 Veto.............. T F 0.00 % Global Veto................. NA 0.00 % Front-End Busy Veto......... T F 1.95 % Auxilary Veto............... NA 0.00 % Autodisable Veto............ NA 0.00 % Geo.Section #: F-E Busy Prog: T T T F-E Busy Stat: F T F F F F F StartDig Prog: T T T StartDig Stat: T F F T F F T And-Or Terms Required......................................................... Req Term #: 16 Req Polar : T Cur State : T [ AGAIN ] [ ] [ PRINT ] [ BACK ] 3. Geographic Section Display ----------------------------- Global Monitoring of All Allocated Specific Triggers 3-JUN-91 16:11:58 Global Level 1 Trigger Rate: 1.83 Hz Monitoring Information is: Fresh Level 0 Rate: 0.00 Hz Level 1 Trigger is: Running Time Since Last Initialize: 2 22:01:40 Events Transf Since: 56391 |Total SpTrg|Total SpTrg| Geographic|Start Dig|Start Dgtz|F-End Busy|Disabled by|Digitz this| Special Section| Rate|this Event|this Event|Fr-End Busy|Geo Section| State -----------|-------Hz|----------|----------|-----------|-----------|----------- 0 | 1.83| T | F | 1| 1| 3 | 1.83| T | F | 1| 1| 31 | 1.83| T | F | 2| 2| [ AGAIN ] [ ] [ PRINT ] [ BACK ] 4. Global Calorimeter Trigger Display ------------------------------------- Global Monitoring of Calorimeter Trigger 16-AUG-94 11:34:20 Global Level 1 Trigger Rate: 687.84 Hz Monitoring Information is: Fresh Fast Level 0 Good Rate: 124.25 kHz Level 1 Trigger is: Running Fast L0 Good: Yes Bin: +3 Et Lookup Page: 0 2nd Lookup: 0 Px/Py: 0 Global Energy Sums EM Et: 73.75 GeV HD Et: 31.75 GeV TOT Et: 105.5 GeV EM L2: 125.5 GeV HD L2: 0.00 GeV TOT L2: 125.5 GeV Px : -3.50 GeV Py : -7.00 GeV Mis Pt: 0.00 GeV Total EM Trig Towers above Ref Set #0: 2 #1: 3 #2: 2 #3: 2 Total TOT Trg Towers above Ref Set #0: 5 #1: 4 #2: 5 #3: 4 Lrg Tiles above Ref Set #0:=2 #1>=3 #2:=2 #3:=1 #4:=2 #5:=0 #6:=2 #7:=1 Glob Thrsh#: Glob Thrsh#: Glob Thrsh#: EM Et: EM Ref Set#0: T TOT Ref Set#0: T HD Et: EM Ref Set#1: T TOT Ref Set#1: T T T TOT Et: EM Ref Set#2: T T TOT Ref Set#2: T Mis Pt: F F F F EM Ref Set#3: T TOT Ref Set#3: T Total Entries EM Jet List: 3 Complete: Yes (+2,32) (-10,17) (-10,18) Total Entries TOT Jet List: 5 Complete: Yes (+2,32) (-10,17) (+1,32) (-10,18) (-9,18) Total Entries Lg Tile List: 3 Complete: Yes (-9,17) (+1,25) (-13,9) [ AGAIN ] [ ] [ PRINT ] [ BACK ] 5. Global Thresholds Display ---------------------------- Programming of Calorimeter Trigger Global Thresholds 3-JUN-91 16:12:29 ENERGY| #00 | #01 | #02 | #03 | #04 | #05 | #06 | #07 | #08 | #09 | #10 | #11 | (GeV) |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| EM Et | 5.25|10.00|12.00| |20.00| | | | | | | | HD Et | 8.00|10.00| | | | | | | | | | | TOT Et|15.00|20.00|30.00 | |35.00| | | | | | | EM L2 | 5.00|20.00| | | | | | | | | | | HD L2 | 5.00| | | | | | | | | | | | TOT L2| |10.00| | | | | | | | | | | Mis Pt| 2.00| 4.00| 5.00| 6.00| |10.00| | | | | | | Tower Count | #00 | #01 | #02 | #03 | #04 | #05 | #06 | #07 | |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| EM Ref Set #0 | 1 | 2 | 5 | | 10 | | | | EM Ref Set #1 | 1 | 5 | | | | | | | EM Ref Set #2 | | | | | | | | | EM Ref Set #3 | | | | | | | | | TOT Ref Set #0 | | | | | | | | | TOT Ref Set #1 | 1 | 5 | 10 | | | | | | TOT Ref Set #2 | 1 | 2 | | | | | | | TOT Ref Set #3 | | | | | | | | | [ AGAIN ] [ ] [ PRINT ] [ BACK ] 6. Reference Set Display ------------------------ Programming of Calorimeter Trigger Tower Reference Set 3-JUN-91 16:12:51 EM Et Ref Set # 0 eta_sign positive and negative eta_magnitude 1 to 12 phi 1 to 32 EM Threshold 2.00 GeV HD Veto 20.00 GeV eta_magnitude 13 to 20 phi 1 to 32 EM Threshold 4.00 GeV HD Veto 20.00 GeV [ AGAIN ] [ ] [ PRINT ] [ BACK ] 7. Special Diagnostics Display ------------------------------ Special Diagnostic Information 3-JUN-91 16:13:05 Average VME Transfer Period: 8.85 ms Raw Beam Crossing Rate: 190.52 kHz Raw Level 1 Trigger Rate: 1.79 Hz TWB: LV1 Master Timing Generator Error = 11s/Threshold= 1s Alarm: LV1 internally detected improper timing. (Check Master Clock) TWB: Data Block Stale = 11s/Threshold= 175s TWB: LV1 VME Transfer Program found LV1 Inactive = 11s/Threshold= 175s [ AGAIN ] [ ] [ PRINT ] [ BACK ] APPENDIX B ---------------------------------------- Design Notes: Program Internal Structure ---------------------------------------- Program Structure ----------------- The overall structure of the program is a loop containing a series of actions. Some subset of these actions are performed on each iteration of the loop. The actions are the following: o Get a command The program prompts the user with a COMPACK menu, from which a particular monitoring display is chosen. o Fill the Monitoring Pool and format data TRGMON communicates to the Trigger Control Computer using the ITC package, and requests the set of data that is needed for the items in the selected monitoring display. Then the raw data obtained from the TCC is converted to a format more readily usable by the display routines. o Draw background The background of the selected display is drawn. The background is the part of the display which stays the same between screen refreshes. o Draw foreground The foreground of the selected display is drawn. The foreground is the part of the display which can change between refreshes. o Timed wait for keypress Wait until either a key is pressed, or a specific interval of time has elapsed. o Execute next iteration Determine which actions must be performed in the next iteration, and execute it. Note that only a subset of the actions are performed on each iteration. For example, if the user requests that the screen be redrawn, the `Draw background' and `Draw foreground' steps are performed but not the 'Fill Monitoring Pool' step. TRGMON uses the COMPACK package for menus and parameter input routines for the selection of the particular monitoring display, VT100 control sequences for drawing the monitoring displays themselves, and VMS SMG routines for keyboard input while a monitoring display is active. Common Block Structure ---------------------- TRGMON uses a collection of common blocks to organize the monitoring information. One subset of these common blocks is called the Monitoring Pool, which contains all of the information to be shown in the monitoring displays. The information is divided into three types: o Raw Data is the information as it is directly received from the Trigger Control Computer. o Derived Data is a collection of a few rates whose calculation requires knowledge of the beam crossing rate, and that might be of interest to other programs. A possible extension of TRGMON is to allow other monitoring programs access to this data via shared memory. o Formatted Data is the information in a form directly displayable. Bits have been unpacked, and all quantities not directly found in Raw Data have been derived. The bulk of this information is organized as two arrays of structures. In the first, each array entry describes a particular Specific Trigger. In the second, each array entry describes a particular Geographic Section. Logical Names ------------- The following logical names must be defined in order to run TRGMON: MPOOL_CHANNEL This logical should be set to the name of the ITC channel offered by the TCC which sends the monitoring data to TRGMON. This port is currently named REM_MPOOL . TRGMOND TRGMONOP These logicals are used by COMPACK to find descriptions of the menus TRGMON uses. The corresponding .MENU files may most likely be found in the directory containing the TRGMON program, and have the same names as the logicals. TRGMON_DRIVER This logical should be set to the name of the sharable image file of TRGMON. Determining the Beam Crossing Period ------------------------------------ The beam crossing period is calculated by: Delta Time Measured Period = ---------------- Delta Beam Crossings Then the actual period determined by comparing the Measured Period against a list of possible periods, and choosing the nearest value. Currently, only 3.5 uS and 5.2 uS exist as possible periods. Once a beam crossing period is established, it is used until three consecutive readings of a different beam crossing period have been made. This provides low pass filtering for changes in the beam crossing period. Determining Hz from Counts -------------------------- Quantity in Counts Quantity in Hz = -------------------------------------------------- Actual Beam Crossing Period * Delta Beam Crossings APPENDIX C ------------ Data Sources ------------ This table lists (first 6 columns) the source of the information displayed by TRGMON for each item in each display page, that is where the TCC found the information that was sent to TRGMON. The table also classifies (last 3 columns) how much work must be done by TRGMON after receiving and before displaying the information. Other Monitoring programs could be interfaced to TCC to access the information displayed by TRGMON, or a special version of TRGMON could be permanently running to write shared common blocks on the host node. Note that the information in the first 2 columns (Data Block) could be obtained directly from the "TRGR" Zebra bank at other stages (e.g. from the event pool) of the data acquisition. The information in the third column (programming) could be obtained directly from COOR's configuration and run files. The information in the fourth, fifth and sixth columns (CBUS read and status) can only be obtained directly from the TCC. +-----------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------++----------------------+ | Display Type | Data Sources for information provided || TRGMON action needed | | and Display Item | by the Trigger Control Computer || before display | +-----------------------------+----------+----------+-----------+---------+----------+------++------+-------+-------+ | GLOBAL FRAMEWORK | |Delta (5s)|Programming| |Delta (5s)| ||Ready |needs |needs | | DISPLAY |Data Block|Data Block|(from COOR)|CBUS Read|CBUS Read |Status||to use|unpack.|comput.| +-----------------------------+----------+----------+-----------+---------+----------+------++------+-------+-------+ | Global level 1 rate | | X | | | | || | | X | | Monitoring info status | | | | | | X || | X | | | Level 0 rate | | X | | | | || | | X | | Level 1 trigger status | | | | | | X || | X | | | Time since last init | X | | | | | || | X | X | | Num events transferred | X | | | | | || | X | | | Specific trig allocated | | | X | | | || | X | | | Spec trig firing rate | | X | | | | || | | X | | Spec trig Andor rate | | | | | X | || | | X | | Spec trig prescaling ratio | | | X | | | || X | | | | Spec trig events transferred| X | | | | | || | X | | | Spec trig F-End busy % | | | | | X | || | | X | | Level 2 busy % | | | | | X | || | | X | | Auto disable % | | | | | X | || | | X | | Total number Andor terms | | | X | | | || | X | | | Total number Start Digitize | | | X | | | || | X | | | Total number Watch Busy | | | X | | | || | X | | | Spec trig disabled | | | X | | | || | X | | +-----------------------------+----------+----------+-----------+---------+----------+------++------+-------+-------+ | SPECIFIC TRIGGER | |Delta (5s)|Programming| |Delta (5s)| ||Ready |needs |needs | | DISPLAY |Data Block|Data Block|(from COOR)|CBUS Read|CBUS Read |Status||to use|unpack.|comput.| +-----------------------------+----------+----------+-----------+---------+----------+------++------+-------+-------+ | Global level 1 rate | | X | | | | || | | X | | Monitoring info status | | | | | | X || | X | | | Spec trig fired count | X | | | | | || | X | | | Spec trig fired for event | X | | | | | || | X | | | Spec trig firing rate | | X | | | | || | | X | | Prescaling ratio | | | X | | | || X | | | | Spec trig Andor rate | | | | | X | || | | X | | Readout time | | | X | | | || X | | | | Prescaling veto programming | | | X | | | || | X | | | Prescaling veto % | | | | | X | || | | X | | Level 1.5 veto programming | | | X | | | || | X | | | Level 1.5 veto % | | | | | X | || | | X | | Level 2.0 veto programming | | | X | | | || | X | | | Level 2.0 veto state | X | | | | | || | X | | | Level 2.0 veto % | | | | | X | || | | X | | Global veto programming | | | X | | | || | X | | | Global veto % | | | | | X | || | | X | | Front-End busy veto program | | | X | | | || | X | | | Front-End busy veto state | X | | | | | || | X | | | Front-End busy veto % | | | | | X | || | | X | | Auxiliary veto programming | | | X | | | || | X | | | Auxiliary veto % | | | | | X | || | | X | | Autodisable veto programming| | | X | | | || | X | | | Autodisable veto % | | | | | X | || | | X | | Geo Sect allocated | | | X | | | || | X | | | F-E busy prog of Geo Sect | | | X | | | || | X | | | F-E busy state of Geo Sect | X | | | | | || | X | | | Start Dig prog of Geo Sect | | | X | | | || | X | | | Start Dig state of Geo Sect | X | | | | | || | X | | | Andor term required | | | X | | | || | X | | | Andor term req polarization | | | X | | | || | X | | | Andor term state | X | | | | | || | X | | +-----------------------------+----------+----------+-----------+---------+----------+------++------+-------+-------+ | GEOGRAPHIC SECTIONS | |Delta (5s)|Programming| |Delta (5s)| ||Ready |needs |needs | | DISPLAY |Data Block|Data Block|(from COOR)|CBUS Read|CBUS Read |Status||to use|unpack.|comput.| +-----------------------------+----------+----------+-----------+---------+----------+------++------+-------+-------+ | Global level 1 rate | | X | | | | || | | X | | Monitoring info status | | | | | | X || | X | | | Level 0 rate | | X | | | | || | | X | | Level 1 trigger status | | | | | | X || | X | | | Time since last init | X | | | | | || | X | X | | Num events transferred | X | | | | | || | X | | | Geographic section allocated| | | X | | | || | X | | | Geo Sect Start Digitize rate| | | | | X | || | | X | | Geo Sect Start Dig state | X | | | | | || | X | | | Geo Sect F-End busy state | X | | | | | || | X | | | Num Spec Trig disable by F-E| | | X | | | || | X | | | Num Spec Trig digitize by GS| | | X | | | || | X | | | Special state | | | X | | | || | X | | +-----------------------------+----------+----------+-----------+---------+----------+------++------+-------+-------+ | GLOBAL CALORIMETER TRIGGER | |Delta (5s)|Programming| |Delta (5s)| ||Ready |needs |needs | | DISPLAY |Data Block|Data Block|(from COOR)|CBUS Read|CBUS Read |Status||to use|unpack.|comput.| +-----------------------------+----------+----------+-----------+---------+----------+------++------+-------+-------+ | Global level 1 rate | | X | | | | || | | X | | Monitoring info status | | | | | | X || | X | | | Level 0 rate | | X | | | | || | | X | | Level 1 trigger status | | | | | | X || | X | | | Level 0 Good | X | | | | | || | X | | | Level 0 Bin | X | | | | | || | X | | | Lookup Pages | X | | | | | || | X | | | Global Energy Sums | X | | | | | || | X | X | | Trg Towers above Ref Sets | X | | | | | || | X | | | Global Thresholds Cleared | X | | | | | || | X | | | Jet list entries | X | | | | | || | X | | +-----------------------------+----------+----------+-----------+---------+----------+------++------+-------+-------+ | GLOBAL THRESHOLDS | |Delta (5s)|Programming| |Delta (5s)| ||Ready |needs |needs | | DISPLAY |Data Block|Data Block|(from COOR)|CBUS Read|CBUS Read |Status||to use|unpack.|comput.| +-----------------------------+----------+----------+-----------+---------+----------+------++------+-------+-------+ | Global Threshold Values | | | X | | | || X | | | +-----------------------------+----------+----------+-----------+---------+----------+------++------+-------+-------+ | REFERENCE SETS | |Delta (5s)|Programming| |Delta (5s)| ||Ready |needs |needs | | DISPLAY |Data Block|Data Block|(from COOR)|CBUS Read|CBUS Read |Status||to use|unpack.|comput.| +-----------------------------+----------+----------+-----------+---------+----------+------++------+-------+-------+ | Tower Threshold Values | | | X | | | || X | | | +-----------------------------+----------+----------+-----------+---------+----------+------++------+-------+-------+ | SPECIAL DIAGNOSTICS | |Delta (5s)|Programming| |Delta (5s)| ||Ready |needs |needs | | DISPLAY |Data Block|Data Block|(from COOR)|CBUS Read|CBUS Read |Status||to use|unpack.|comput.| +-----------------------------+----------+----------+-----------+---------+----------+------++------+-------+-------+ | Average VME Transfer Period | | X | X | | X | || | | X | | Raw Beam Crossing Rate | | X | | | | || | | X | | Raw Level 1 Trigger Rate | | X | | | | || | | X | | Trouble Warning Bits | | | | X | | || | X | | +-----------------------------+----------+----------+-----------+---------+----------+------++------+-------+-------+