SUBROUTINE PAINT_36X36_SCALERS () C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C- C- Purpose and Methods : Clear the screen and paint the background of the C- 36x36 bunch scaler view page of the monitor program. C- C- Inputs : none C- Outputs : screen C- Controls: none C- C- Created 19-OCT-1995 Philippe Laurens - MSU L1 Trigger C- C---------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE C C Reset margins and clear screen C CALL CLEAR_SCREEN() C CALL PUT_STRING( 1, 1, '36x36 Bunch Scalers' ) C CALL PUT_STRING( 3, 1, ' Scaler | Fast Z Lum |' & // ' Proton Halo | AntiProton Halo |' ) CALL PUT_STRING( 4, 1, '--|---------|-------hex|-------Hz|' & // '-------hex|-------Hz|-------hex|-------Hz|' ) C C---------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FLUSH_SCREEN() RETURN END