1-JUN-1992 This file describes the special actions that must be used to program, test, and use the 16RA8-style 20 pin PALs. 1. Our Sprint Plus programmer cannot program the PALs. Currently, we program the PALs at the Engineering Building, in the Prototyping and Testing Laboratory. First call Chuck Parks, telephone 3-1843, and arrange to use the Lab. They have a Logical Devices programmer connected to a 486 PC clone. Their programmer is a bit finicky. The following steps must be used: A. Reboot the PC B. Select 6 MHz operation: C:> ncd gateway C:> setsys at6 This may be unnecessary. Feel free to omit this step, but if you notice problems later, return to step A. and start over, including selecting 6 MHz operation. C. Invoke windows C:> win D. Select the application "AllPro" E. Once AllPro is running, switch off the GUS interface, then switch on the GUS interface, then switch off the Logical Devices programmer, then switch on the Logical Devices programmer. Again this may be more paranoid than necessary, but it is sufficient. F. Now go to the File (Project?) menu and select "Open..." G. Select the Project "phy-ast1" H. To add a part to the available parts, single-click the "Add" button in the Project area of the main AllPro application window. You must name the part, and select a device type and file name for the part. I. In the Project area of the main AllPro application window, single-click the name of the desired part, then click the "Select" button. J. Several messages should appear in the Messages area of the main AllPro window. If the last message to appear is not "Ok!" then an error has occured. K. To program the device, select the "Prog." button. L. Using the "Test" button to test the device does not work. I do not think that the AllPro program ever sends the test vectors to the Logical Devices programmer. Also, the "Edit Vectors" option is not available. 2. Since the test vectors do not work at Engineering, we can test the parts in our programmer. A. Make a new copy of the "WHATEVER.JDC" file. Call it "WHAT2.JDC" B. In WHAT2.JDC, edit the line that says QF2052. Make it say QF2048 C. In WHAT2.JDC, find the line that says L2048(something). Delete it. D. Start up SPRINT. Select the device AMD PAL16R8. If you can think of a device with 2052 fuses, then you can use it and omit steps B and C. A part with 2052 fuses might be called 16P8 or 16P6 or 16P4 or 16X4. E. Select Input JEDEC Data, and retrieve the WHAT2.JDC file. Ignore the Checksum Error that results. F. Select Test Device. 3. Since the parts do not operate correctly in the sockets of the MTG card, several modifications are necessary. In general, the following steps must be performed. SEE THE PAL DESCRIPTION SOURCE FILE FOR EACH PAL TO VERIFY DETAILS OF THE MODIFICATIONS REQUIRED. ALL PALS ARE NOT MODIFIED IDENTICALLY. A. Bend pins 1 and 11 back over the PAL. This must be done carefully to avoid breakage. Solder pin 1 to pin 20 with a piece of bare wire wrap wire. Solder pin 11 to pin 10 with a piece of bare wire wrap wire. This ties the Global Output Enable pin low, and the Preload Register pin high. B. Cut off pin 12 close to the PAL package. This socket pin contains the ROM Input signal, and the device pin contains a product term. C. Cut off the product term output pins which are not output-enabled by the CBUS Read Register input. CHECK THE PAL DESCRIPTION FILE. D. Bend up and cut off (far from the PAL package) pins 3, 4, and 5. E. Solder an insulated wire wrap wire on pin 3 which is long enough to stick in the socket pin #1. F. Solder an insulated wire wrap wire on pin 4 which is long enough to stick in the socket pin #12. G. Solder an insulated wire wrap wire on pin 5 which is long enough to stick in the socket pin #11.