PAL16R6 PAL DESIGN SPECIFICATION CTMAPSEL Daniel Edmunds 6-NOV-1990 Level 1 Calorimeter Trigger Map Select PAL MSU/HEP CLOCK DATIN1 DATIN2 DATIN3 DATIN4 DATIN5 DATIN6 EXTENB EXTBIT GROUND /RDREG ROMBIT READBACK FORCEHI EXTENB2NDENB EXTBIT1STENB FORCE2ND FORCE1ST /BITOUT VCC /FORCE1ST := /DATIN1 /FORCE2ND := /DATIN2 /EXTBIT1STENB := /DATIN3 /EXTENB2NDENB := /DATIN4 /FORCEHI := /DATIN5 /READBACK := /BITOUT IF(VCC) BITOUT = FORCE1ST * /ROMBIT + FORCE2ND * ROMBIT + EXTBIT1STENB * /ROMBIT * EXTBIT + EXTENB2NDENB * ROMBIT * EXTENB + FORCEHI DESCRIPTION This is the MMI format source file for the pal used in the L1 Calorimeter Trigger Lookup Memory Map Select lines. This PAL is used with a timing PROM that is LOW during the 1st lookup and HIGH during the 2nd lookup. This PAL uses 6 registers to hold the following information: Data Pin Pin Line Signal Name Number Input Number Output ---- ---------------- ------------ ------------- 1 FORCE1ST 2 18 2 FORCE2ND 3 17 3 EXTBIT1STENB 4 16 4 EXTENB2NDENB 5 15 5 FORCEHI 6 14 6 READBACK 7 13 Data Line Function ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 If Set --> Force the Map Select line to go HIGH during the 1st Lookup. 2 If Set --> Force the Map Select line to go HIGH during the 2nd Lookup. 3 If Set and if EXT BIT is HI --> Force Map Select HI during 1st Lookup. 4 If Set and if EXT ENB is HI --> Force Map Select HI during 2nd Lookup. 5 If Set --> Force the Map Select line to go HIGH all the time. 6 After loading the PAL register this line Reads back the Map Select line. Data Line #6, READBACK, is set equal to the state of the Map Select output line each time the PAL is loaded (written to). This is a "Read Only" bit. There are 3 inputs signals to this PAL: Signal Pin Function Name Number --------------------------- -------- -------- External Enable EXTENB pin 8 External Signal Bit Input EXTBIT pin 9 PROM Bit Input ROMBIT pin 12 The final Output Signal from this PAL goes to the TTL to ECL driver chip to drive this timing signal off card. This is BITOUT, pin 19. The Clock, CLOCK, pin 1, is used to Load the PAL's data registers. The Output Enable is used to enable the PAL's tri-state output buffers, RDREG, pin 11. 6-NOV-1990