SUBROUTINE ADC_CONVERSIONS (TRIGGER_TOWER_ENERGY, ADC_BYTE) C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C- C- Purpose and Methods : Simulates the analog to digital conversions C- performed by the Calorimeter Trigger for the C- specified set of energy deposits over the whole C- detector. C- Inputs : C- TRIGGER_TOWER_ENERGY is the energy deposited in each Electro-Magnetic C- and each Hadronic Trigger Tower. C- This is a FORTRAN array variable C- See the parameter file for translation of dimensions C- Units : GeV C- C- Outputs : C- ADC_BYTE is the set of simulated ADC output bytes for the C- specified set of input energy deposit TT_ENERGY. C- This is a FORTRAN array variable C- See the parameter file for translation of dimensions C- C- Controls: None C- C- Comments : C- A call to INIT_LOOKUP_ROUTINES must have been made C- before this routine can be called. C- C- The routine will fill with zeros all towers whose C- description does not appear in the lookup tables. C- The existence test is made on the downloaded DAC C- byte that by definition is non-zero only for C- existing Trigger Towers. C- C- This simulation does not take the electronics noise C- into consideration. C- This simulation does not take the Analog to Digital C- Conversion Linearity Errors into consideration. C- C- This simulation will take into account the analog C- scaling of the signal coming from the BLS card at C- the input of the CTFE cards. This scaling typically C- transforms the raw energy deposit into its C- transverse component assuming the interaction vertex C- was at the center of the detector. There might be C- some sub-range of the detector where the energy is C- only scaled to a multiple of this z-uncorrected C- transverse component. C- C- This simulation will take into account any output C- offset performed by the ADC. C- C- This simulation can also reproduce the action C- of the biases due to improper amplitude or timing of C- the trigger pickoff signals. C- C- Defined 29-JAN-1990 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSTITY, TRIGGER CONTROL SOFTWARE C- Updated 2-AUG-1990 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSTITY, TRIGGER CONTROL SOFTWARE C- Updated 31-OCT-1991 Level 1 Simulator, Michigan State University, C- Philippe Laurens, Steven Klocek, C- L1C -> L1SIM, and major upgrade to use LSM, COOR_sim C- - Made IMPLICIT NONE statement recognizable by D0FLAVOR C- C---------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE C INCLUDE 'D0$PARAMS:LEVEL1_LOOKUP.PARAMS' INCLUDE 'D0$INC:LEVEL1_LOOKUP.INC' C REAL TRIGGER_TOWER_ENERGY ( POS_ETA:NEG_ETA, & ETA_MIN:ETA_MAX, & PHI_MIN:PHI_MAX, & EM_TOWER:HD_TOWER ) INTEGER ADC_BYTE ( POS_ETA:NEG_ETA, & ETA_MIN:ETA_MAX, & PHI_MIN:PHI_MAX, & EM_TOWER:HD_TOWER ) C INTEGER SIGN_ETA, MAGN_ETA, PHI REAL TEMP C C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C DO PHI = PHI_MIN, PHI_MAX DO MAGN_ETA = ETA_MIN, ETA_MAX DO SIGN_ETA = POS_ETA, NEG_ETA C IF ( DAC_BYTE (SIGN_ETA,MAGN_ETA,PHI,EM_TOWER) .EQ. 0 ) THEN ADC_BYTE (SIGN_ETA,MAGN_ETA,PHI,EM_TOWER) = 0 ELSE C TEMP = TRIGGER_TOWER_ENERGY (SIGN_ETA,MAGN_ETA,PHI,EM_TOWER) & * ADC_CNT_VS_RAW_E (SIGN_ETA,MAGN_ETA,PHI,EM_TOWER) & + ADC_ZERESP (SIGN_ETA,MAGN_ETA,PHI,EM_TOWER) C IF ( TEMP .LT. 0.5 ) THEN ADC_BYTE (SIGN_ETA,MAGN_ETA,PHI,EM_TOWER) = 0 ELSE IF ( TEMP .GE. 254.5 ) THEN ADC_BYTE (SIGN_ETA,MAGN_ETA,PHI,EM_TOWER) = 255 ELSE ADC_BYTE (SIGN_ETA,MAGN_ETA,PHI,EM_TOWER) = NINT(TEMP) END IF C END IF C IF ( DAC_BYTE (SIGN_ETA,MAGN_ETA,PHI,HD_TOWER) .EQ. 0 ) THEN ADC_BYTE (SIGN_ETA,MAGN_ETA,PHI,HD_TOWER) = 0 ELSE C TEMP = TRIGGER_TOWER_ENERGY (SIGN_ETA,MAGN_ETA,PHI,HD_TOWER) & * ADC_CNT_VS_RAW_E (SIGN_ETA,MAGN_ETA,PHI,HD_TOWER) & + ADC_ZERESP (SIGN_ETA,MAGN_ETA,PHI,HD_TOWER) C IF ( TEMP .LT. 0.5 ) THEN ADC_BYTE (SIGN_ETA,MAGN_ETA,PHI,HD_TOWER) = 0 ELSE IF ( TEMP .GE. 254.5 ) THEN ADC_BYTE (SIGN_ETA,MAGN_ETA,PHI,HD_TOWER) = 255 ELSE ADC_BYTE (SIGN_ETA,MAGN_ETA,PHI,HD_TOWER) = NINT(TEMP) END IF C END IF C END DO END DO END DO C---------------------------------------------------------------------- 999 RETURN END