SUBROUTINE L1C_COMPARE_CALTRIG_MESSAGE(LUN, MSGNUM) C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C- C- Purpose and Methods : Print out a particular message dealing with C- comparing the Fast and normal simulations. C- C- Inputs : LUN The unit number to write the message to C- MSGNUM The message to print. Possible: C- LV1_DUMP_DATABLOCK C- LV1_DUMP_FASTSIMUL C- Outputs : none C- Controls: none C- C- Created 11-JUL-1991 Level 1 Simulator, Michigan State University, C- Philippe Laurens, Steven Klocek, C- L1C -> L1SIM, and major upgrade to use LSM, COOR_sim C---------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE 'D0$PARAMS:LEVEL1_LOOKUP.PARAMS' C INTEGER MSGNUM, LUN C IF (MSGNUM .EQ. LV1_DUMP_DATABLOCK) THEN WRITE (LUN,*) WRITE (LUN,*) WRITE (LUN,*) 'FAST SIMULATION VERIFICATION FAILED' WRITE (LUN,*) '-----------------------------------' WRITE (LUN,*) WRITE (LUN,*) 'The results of the Fast Level 1 simulation did' WRITE (LUN,*) 'not match the results of the normal simulation' WRITE (LUN,*) WRITE (LUN,*) 'RESULTS OF NORMAL SIMULATION' WRITE (LUN,*) GOTO 999 ENDIF C IF (MSGNUM .EQ. LV1_DUMP_FASTSIMUL) THEN WRITE (LUN,*) WRITE (LUN,*) WRITE (LUN,*) 'RESULTS OF FAST SIMULATION' WRITE (LUN,*) GOTO 999 ENDIF C---------------------------------------------------------------------- 999 RETURN END