object_status = [BYTE] PACKED RECORD implemented : [POS(0)] BOOLEAN ;{the object is built and online } working : [POS(1)] BOOLEAN ;{the object is operational } in_config : [POS(2)] BOOLEAN ;{the object is listed in COOR's config fil} initialized : [POS(3)] BOOLEAN ;{the object is in its initialized state } excluded : [POS(4)] BOOLEAN ;{the object is inhibited (for trig tower) } unused_bits : [POS(5)] 0..3 ; END ; reg_singularities = ( { ENUMERATED TYPE } histdep , { history dependent register : } { modify and restore might not replace } { the trigger in the same state (even offline)} multidef , { register defined more than once } multir , { multiple read register (e.g. SBSC) } multiw , { multiple write register (e.g. PRESCALER) } dobbuf , { double buffered register } ronly , { readonly register } aux_class1 , aux_class2 ) ; reg_class = [BYTE] PACKED SET OF reg_singularities ; { globally binary 0 } { for standard } { Read-Write register } cbus_register = PACKED RECORD status : object_status ; {register status } fa : byte ; {function address } rmsk : byte ; {readable bit mask } wmsk : byte ; {writable bit mask } content : byte ; {expected content } pipelen : [ALIGNED(0)] 0..8 ; {pipeline total length } xdepth : [ALIGNED(0)] 0..8 ; {current beam crossing depth } class : [ALIGNED(0)] reg_class ; {list of register particularities } END ; { DEC/CMS REPLACEMENT HISTORY, Element TABLE_CBUS_REG.TYP} { *1 26-MAR-1990 11:22:09 TRIGGER "original load of pascal type declaration files"} { DEC/CMS REPLACEMENT HISTORY, Element TABLE_CBUS_REG.TYP}