ADF System Spare Components at Fermi ----------------------------------------- Initial Rev. 9-JAN-2007 Current Rev. 9-JAN-2007 To expedite the second item "Spares Inventory" on the agenda for the L1 Cal Trig meeting on January 9th I can provide the following information to describe the spares, stored at Fermi, for the ADF system. There are 8 spare ADF-2 cards and 1 spare SCLD card stored at Fermi. - These cards are stored in the locked yellow card storage rack cabinet located in the fixed counting house against the wall that separates the FCH from the sidewalk near where my desk is located on the first floor FCH. - This yellow rack cabinet is labeled something like, "MSU L1 Cal Trig and TFW Spare Cards". - These 9 spare cards for the L1 Cal Trig ADF system are all in a small 6U card file near the top of this rack cabinet. They are lined up in order and are clearly labeled. - Our records indicate that the serial numbers of the spare cards currently stored at Fermi are: ADF-2 cards SN#: A20, A21, C3, C5, B20, B21, D36, D37. This set contains a spare Maestro and non-Maestro version of each of the 4 species of ADF-2 cards. SCLD card SN#2 This card is loaded with current SCLD firmware in its PROM. - All of these cards have been tested and are ready to use. - This spare card storage cabinet also contains cards for the TFW, Master Clock, and SCL Hub-End which should not be disturbed. There is a spare ADF Crate Power Supply Chassis and a spare ADF Crate Fan Tray stored at Fermi. - These two items are stored in the locked brown storage cabinet located in the fixed counting house against the wall that separates the FCH from the sidewalk near where my desk is located on the first floor FCH. - This brown cabinet is labeled something like, "MSU L1 Cal Trig Spare Power Supplies". - Both of these items are wrapped up in bubble wrap and labeled. - The labels include the date when these items were most recently tested. - The spare ADF Crate Power Supply Chassis is Wiener serial number SN# 5196006 - This storage cabinet also contains in labeled boxes the spares for all of the passive components that make up the BLS Cable Transition System (ATC cards, Pleated Foil Cables, ...). The same key will open the lock on either the yellow or brown spares storage cabinets. This key is kept hanging from a hook on the inside of the left hand door of the gray cabinet next to the desk where I sit on the first floor FCH. This gray cabinet is labeled, "MSU L1 Trigger". The location of the key that opens the gray cabinet has been communicated to the people who routinely work on the L1 Cal Trig hardware and could be passed to any shifter in an emergency. As indicated above I believe that we have stored in cabinets at Fermi tested known good spares labeled and ready to use for all components in the ADF system. These spare components have all been in place at Fermi since early August 2006 or before.