Description of Scope Pictures --------------------------------- Rev. Date: 18-SEPT-2006 This text file contains descriptions of the various scope pictures that are in this directory. 15-SEPT-2006 Scope Pictures A series of scope pictures was taken on 15-SEPT-2006 of BLS signals from TT channels where Find_DAC had trouble determining an optimum DAC setting and from TT channels where Find_DAC had no trouble handling the BLS signal. Find_DAC was run in both the all 636 sample mode and in the mode of using just the 36 live BX samples. The filenames of the .tif scope pictures in this series have the form: sync_noise initial part of filename p or n eta sign nn eta value mm phi value em or hd EM section of Had section of the TT ok or bad did Find_DAC have trouble with this BLS signal 1 or 2 number of the picture of this TT channel All scope pictures were taken from the Patch Panel monitor points during a store. All scope pictures are at a horizontal rate of 200 nsec per division. The Ch #1 trace is the direct side of the differential BLS analog signal. The Ch #2 trace is the compliment side of the BLS signal. Descriptions of the scope pictures from 15-SEPT-2006: sync_noise_p8_14_em_bad_1.tif # Find DAC has trouble with this BLS signal. sync_noise_p8_14_em_bad_2.tif # Shown with and without a high frequency # noise component. Some other channels # showed this same behavior - sometime the # HF noise was there sometimes not. sync_noise_p8_22_em_bad_1.tif # Another EM channel that is not rational # enough for Find_DAC to work with. sync_noise_p11_14_em_ok_1.tif # Examples of EM channels where Find_DAC sync_noise_p11_14_em_ok_2.tif # can locate a good pedestal value. sync_noise_p11_22_em_ok_1.tif # sync_noise_p7_10_hd_bad_1.tif # Examples of TT channels that are not stable sync_noise_n7_9_hd_bad_1.tif # enough for Find_DAC to find a good Ped DAC # value. sync_noise_n8_9_hd_bad_1.tif # This is 50 mv differential of 132 nsec # synchronous noise. That is about 2.5 GeV # of E in this BLS signal calibration eta # range or over 1 GeV of Et at TT eta of 8. sync_noise_p15_9_hd_ok_1.tif # An example of an HD channel where Find_DAC # can work OK.