Guide for Loading new Pedestal Control Values Rev: 09-Jan-2007 First some background information: 1) The new set of pedestal control values will first need to be ingested by the Trigger Control Software. This is normally done automatically as part of the startup of the TCS program, while it automatically executes the file Boot_Auxi.mcf, which itself invokes several specialized modular command files. One of these files is used to specify the set of Pedestal Control values: L1Cal_IIb_Pedestal_DAC.tti. The L1Cal_IIb_Pedestal_DAC.tti file specifies the current official files containing the EM and HD pedestal control values. Instead of pasting the content of the files produced by Find_DAC (e.g. Find_Dac_V4_0_F_20060518.tti;1) directly into this L1Cal_IIb_Pedestal_DAC.tti file, we prefer to keep the modularity and names created by the original Find_DAC output files, but slightly modify the name of the hand edited version of these files (e.g. Find_Dac_V4_0_F_20060518.tti_1_edited_EM) L1Cal_IIb_Pedestal_DAC.tti thus keeps track of which set of EM and HD hand edited files to call. The portion of the startup files involving the pedestal DAC Control Values (i.e. L1Cal_IIb_Pedestal_DAC.tti) can also be ingested/executed on demand without needing to restart the TCS program. 2) Ingesting/Executing L1Cal_IIb_Pedestal_DAC.tti makes the new values known to the software, but does *not* load these values into the Pedestal Control DACs. To effectively program these new values into the hardware, one needs to "Initialize" the system. One would normally want to ask COOR to initialize the system, so that COOR would know that any pre-existing programming is being lost and needs to be reloaded. Initializing the L1Cal system can also be done manually until COOR is in full control of this system. Corresponding actions needed: 0) Run Find_DAC, then manually check for "Error_Tag". The Error_Tag lines will need to be commented out, and the pedestal control values suggested by Find_DAC for those towers can be accepted as they are or hand adjusted if needed. The resulting hand edited file should be saved to the directory /tcc/L1Cal_IIb_Work/Config with a modified name, e.g. Find_Dac_V4_0_F_20060518.tti_1_edited_EM. Edit L1Cal_IIb_Pedestal_DAC.tti to call the new edited Find_DAC output files (e.g. Find_Dac_V4_0_F_20060518.tti_1_edited_EM) 1) To ingest the new Pedestal control values: - From the GUI main menu, select the "TCC Com File" sub-menu - In the text box enter %CONFIG%L1Cal_IIb_Pedestal_DAC.tti (this is linux, watch for exact upper/lower case) - Click on "TT Info ComFile" 2) To "Initialize" the system, the normal method will be to ask the DAQ expert, but this can be bypassed until such time when COOR actually programs the system: - from the GUI main menu, select the "Simu COOR Msg" sub-menu - pick the "Initialize" radio button. This prepares a template of the proper COOR message string. - click "Send Request"