Revised: 17-Mar-2003 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monitoring and Luminosity Information served by L1 TCC Monitoring Information ====================== cf. /trigmon/L1_Tcc_Monitoring_Data.hpp L1 & L2 Framework Information ----------------------------- Monitoring Block Header ID: Block_Type Flag: System Non Operational Flag: Monit Data Not Current Flag: Triggered BeamX Beam Crossing Information Total Turn in the machine = Time stamp for L1FW Monit data Tick Number within Turn (1:159) = Time stamp for L1FW data Tick Number for Current data (as sent to SCL) Current Fifo Depth Beam Crossing Number time stamp for all L2 FW Monit Data Turn Number Current in the machine (as sent to SCL) Turn Number currently processed by the L1 Framework Total Turn since last SCL Initialize Total Turn since last LBN Increment L1 & L2 Framework Global Information Global L1 Accept Scaler Global L2 Accept Scaler Global L2 Cycles Scaler Outstanding L1 Decisions (L1 Awaiting L2) Global L2 Framework Cycles Scaler Global L2 Framework Accept Scaler Global L2 Framework Reject Scaler Number of Beam Crossings spent in L2 Cycles BXs Waiting to advertize L2 answer over SCL Number of BX Spent Waiting with L2 Busies Current Luminosity Block Number Flag: L1 FW is currently paused by COOR Flag: L2 FW is currently bypassing L2 Global Tot Number of Spec Trig allocated by COOR Tot Number of Expo Groups allocated by COOR Tot Number of Geo Sects allocated by COOR L3 Transfer Number seen on SCL and by L3 ETG (16 bits) Tot Number of L1 Qualifiers issued (x16) Tot Number of L1 Trigger Strobe Tot Number of Skip Next Crossing Tot Number of Skip Next N Crossing Tot Number of Spec Trig Fired Overlap (unsused) Correlated SpTrg Global Disable Count (i.e Skip Next BeamX) DeCorrelated Global Disable Count (i.e. COOR Pause) List of Geog Sect in the L2 Data Path Current Fifo Depth in L2 FW for L1 SpTrg Fired Mask Current Fifo Depth in L2 FW for L1 Auxiliary Data Current Fifo Depth in L2 FW for L2 Answer Time stamp: last configure FPGAs Time stamp: last initialize the L1+L2 FW (+L1CAL) Trigger Control Software (TRICS) Version Specific Trigger Information (x128) Flag: Spec Trig Allocated ID Number of the Expo Group for this Spec Trig Spec Trig Obey Disable Mask Flag: Spec Trig programmed for Force_l2Reject (SQAQ) Spec Trig Prescaler Percentage Spec Trig Prescaler Ratio Spec Trig L1 Fired Count Spec Trig Programming of AndOr Input Term (x256) Spec Trig And-Or Fired Count Spec Trig Fired Exposed BeamX Count Spec Trig Fired DAQ Enable BeamX Count Spec Trig DAQ DeCorrelated Enable BeamX Count Spec Trig DAQ Correlated Enable BeamX Count Spec Trig Indiv Disable BeamX Count (i.e. L3 Indiv SpTrg Dis) Spec Trig Prescaler Disable BeamX Count Spec Trig Auto Disable BeamX Count Spec Trig Coor Disable BeamX Count Count of L1 Spec Trig Fired Processed by the L2 FW L2 GLobal Spec Trig Accept Count L2 Framework Spec Trig Accept Count L2 Framework Spec Trig Reject Count Spec Trig Programming of L1 Qualifier Requirements (x16) Spec Trig L2 Unbiased Sample Ratio Exposure Group Information (x8) Flag: Expo Group Allocated: Expo Group Programming of AndOr Input Term req. Expo Group Programming of Geog Sect requirements Expo Group Exposed Count Expo Group And-Or Fired Count Expo Group Front-End Busy Disable Count L1FW And-Or Input Term Information (x256) Flag: AOIT Allocated Current Fifo Depth used to hold the AOIT Total Number of detected synchronization error AOIT Fired Count Geographic Section Information (x128) Flag: Geo Sect Allocated: Geo Sect L1 Error Count Geo Sect L2 Error Count Geo Sect Current Geog Sect SCL Status Mask Geo Sect L1 Accept Scaler Geo Sect L2 Accept Scaler Geo Sect L1 Busy Scaler Geo Sect L2 Busy Raw Scaler Geo Sect L2 Busy Delay Scaler Geo Sect L2 Busy Cycles Scaler "L2 Hardware Scalers" Service for L2 (x384) -------------------- These scalers measure the amount of time the L2 Crates assert individual signals routed to the L1FW and used as gates to dedicated Scaler Modules. Each scaler increments every 132 ns whenever its gate signal is found asserted. Luminosity Monitoring Information ================================= cf. /trigmon/L1_Tcc_Luminosity_Data.hpp Monitoring Information Header cf. above Beam Crossing Information cf. above Luminosity Block Number Information ID: Current Luminosity Block Number Flag: beginning of a new Luminosity Block Number Reason for LBN increment (e.g. Pause Run, Begin Store,...) Run Number COOR gave TCC (only for Start/Stop/Pause/Resume Run) Mask of all Spec Trig in this new run (for Start Run) Exposure Group Exposed Per Bunch Scaler information (x8) These are arrays of 160x scaler counts: Index 1 is count for Tick #1, index 159 is Tick #159 Index 0 increments for all ticks i.e. checksum "Foreign Scalers" Per Bunch Scaler information (x10) Arrays of 160x scaler counts, cf. above. Mapping of Spec Trig to Expo Group Number Spec Trig Prescale Ratios Spec Trig Prescale Percentage Spec Trig Decorrelated Exposed Scalers Spec Trig L1 Accept Scalers Spec Trig L2 Accept Scalers Geo Sect L1 Error Scalers projected onto each Expo Group Geo Sect L2 Error Scalers projected onto each Expo Group Expo Group L1 Buffer Dumped Scalers