Rev: 12-Nov-2008 Instructions for changing the operational value for the delay between successive "brief" luminosity snapshots pushed/sent by L1 TCC to the Luminosity Server. 1) Find the console monitor and keyboard for L1 TCC. This is the LCD monitor and keyboard mounted to the front of M102. This screen is connected to a KVM (Keyboard-Video-Mouse) switch sitting on top of (outside of) M101, and you may have to push the KVM button labelled "1" to select L1 TCC if a different TCC screen is currently selected. 2) Find the main dialog window of the L1 Trigger Control Software (aka. Trics II) and click on the button "System Control/Status". The dialog window is normally located on the left side of the L1 TCC screen, and may be partially covered by the trigmon window. If some sub-dialog window is being display, you will need to first click on "Done" to reach the main dialog window. 3) Near the middle of this dialog window, locate the entry box labeled "Send Lum Blck Brief Every" and replace "5000" ms with e.g. "15000" ms to select a new time interval of 15 seconds. 4) Click the "<- Set" button located to the right of the same line. You will notice a message in purple in the text console window (normally located on the right side of the screen) advertising the change you just made. The effect is immediate. 5) When done, click "Ok" to return to the main dialog window. Please return the mouse and keyboard input focus to the trigmon window in the middle of the screen to avoid accidental input to the control program. These instructions are available in For a preview of the "Main" dialog window cf. For a preview of the "System control/status" dialog window cf. (note: some of the options in this menu are no longer available since we switched to the Run IIb L1Cal system with its own separate L1Cal TCC)