Raymond Brock - Teaching

Brock has taught all over the Physics curriculum at MSU. Currently, he concentrates on a non-technical course for Honors Students:

Navigating the Universe, ISP213H

He also has been teaching the Physics Majors' first Modern Physics Course:

Modern Physics, PHY215

In previous years he taught Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Relativitistic Quantum Field Theory many times. Recently:

Relativistic Quantum Mechanics PHY853

Relativistic Quantum Field Theory PHY854

He also has taught Introductory Physics for Engineers and the parallel course for non-calculus students, many times (pre-www!).

He received the MSU Teacher Scholar Award in 1986 for teaching and research by an untenured faculty member and the MSU DIstinguished Faculty Award in 2002. He has also received College and Departmental awards for teaching and research.


phone 517.353.1693
email brock AT pa.msu.edu
fax 517.355.6661
office 3210 BPS Building
mail Department of Physics and Astronomy
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824