Birthplace: Liepaja, Latvia, February 5, 1938
Education: B.S. (Magna Cum Laude) 1960, University of Washington (Seattle)
M.S. 1962, University of California, San Diego
Ph.D., 1965,University of California, San Diego
Professional Experience:
- Research Assistant, University of California, San Diego,1960 - 1965
- Physicist, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Berkeley, 1965 - 1968
- Associate Professor, Michigan State University,1968 - 1973
- Professor, Michigan State University, 1973 - present
- Visiting Researcher, CERN (European Center for Physics) -1976 - 1977
- Visiting Researcher, CEA, Saclay (French Atomic Energy Est.), 1977
- Visiting Scientist, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, 1990 - 1992
- Visiting Researcher, CEA, Saclay, France, 1997
Professional Societies and Activities:
- Fellow, American Physical Society
- Phi Beta Kappa, Scholastic Honorary
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Fermilab Users Executive Committee 1981 1984, Chairman - 1983
- U.S. Spain Committee for Binational Cooperation in High Energy Physics -1985
- Executive Committee, Division of Particles and Fields 1985 - 1986
- U.S. Department of Energy Technical Assessment Committee on University
Programs - 1986
- Executive Committee, SSC Users Organization?1988 - 1992
- HEPAP Subpanel on High Energy Physics and the SSC Over the Next Decade - 1989
- SSC Subsystem Review Committee - 1990
- Department of Energy Review Committee for the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center -1990
- Co-chair, US ATLAS Trigger/DAQ Group, 1994 -
- Member, ATLAS Trigger/DAQ Steering Group, 1994 -
- Co-chair, ATLAS Trigger/DAQ Institutional Board, 1997 -
- Distinguished Faculty Award, Michigan State University - 1998
- Sigma Xi