/* @(#)root/reflex:$Id$ */ /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifdef __CINT__ #pragma link off class Reflex::DictionaryGenerator; #pragma link C++ nestedclasses; #pragma link C++ namespace Reflex; #pragma link C++ namespace Reflex::Dummy; #pragma link C++ namespace Reflex::Tools; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::Any; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::Base; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::ICallback; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::Instance; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::Member; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::MemberTemplate; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::Object; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::Object; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::Scope; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::Type; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::TypeTemplate; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::NullType; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::UnknownType; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::ProtectedClass; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::ProtectedEnum; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::ProtectedStruct; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::ProtectedUnion; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::PrivateClass; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::PrivateEnum; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::PrivateStruct; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::PrivateUnion; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::UnnamedClass; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::UnnamedEnum; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::UnnamedNamespace; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::UnnamedStruct; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::UnnamedUnion; #ifndef G__SUNPRO_CC // cannot distinguish ::exception and std::exception # pragma link C++ class Reflex::RuntimeError; #endif #pragma link C++ function Reflex::NPos(); #pragma link C++ option=nomap enum Reflex::ENTITY_DESCRIPTION; #pragma link C++ option=nomap enum Reflex::ENTITY_HANDLING; #pragma link C++ option=nomap enum Reflex::TYPE; #pragma link C++ option=nomap enum Reflex::EFUNDAMENTALTYPE; #pragma link C++ option=nomap typedef Reflex::StdString_Cont_Type_t; #pragma link C++ option=nomap typedef Reflex::StdString_Iterator; #pragma link C++ option=nomap typedef Reflex::Reverse_StdString_Iterator; #pragma link C++ option=nomap typedef Reflex::Type_Cont_Type_t; #pragma link C++ option=nomap typedef Reflex::Type_Iterator; #pragma link C++ option=nomap typedef Reflex::Reverse_Type_Iterator; #pragma link C++ option=nomap typedef Reflex::Base_Cont_Type_t; #pragma link C++ option=nomap typedef Reflex::Base_Iterator; #pragma link C++ option=nomap typedef Reflex::Reverse_Base_Iterator; #pragma link C++ option=nomap typedef Reflex::Scope_Cont_Type_t; #pragma link C++ option=nomap typedef Reflex::Scope_Iterator; #pragma link C++ option=nomap typedef Reflex::Reverse_Scope_Iterator; #pragma link C++ option=nomap typedef Reflex::Object_Cont_Type_t; #pragma link C++ option=nomap typedef Reflex::Object_Iterator; #pragma link C++ option=nomap typedef Reflex::Reverse_Object_Iterator; #pragma link C++ option=nomap typedef Reflex::Member_Cont_Type_t; #pragma link C++ option=nomap typedef Reflex::Member_Iterator; #pragma link C++ option=nomap typedef Reflex::Reverse_Member_Iterator; #pragma link C++ option=nomap typedef Reflex::TypeTemplate_Cont_Type_t; #pragma link C++ option=nomap typedef Reflex::TypeTemplate_Iterator; #pragma link C++ option=nomap typedef Reflex::Reverse_TypeTemplate_Iterator; #pragma link C++ option=nomap typedef Reflex::MemberTemplate_Cont_Type_t; #pragma link C++ option=nomap typedef Reflex::MemberTemplate_Iterator; #pragma link C++ option=nomap typedef Reflex::Reverse_MemberTemplate_Iterator; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::ClassBuilder; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::ClassBuilderImpl; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::EnumBuilder; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::FunctionBuilder; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::FunctionBuilderImpl; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::NamespaceBuilder; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::TypedefBuilderImpl; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::UnionBuilderImpl; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::VariableBuilder; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::VariableBuilderImpl; #pragma link C++ function Reflex::TypeBuilder( const char *,unsigned int ); #pragma link C++ function Reflex::ConstBuilder( const Type & ); #pragma link C++ function Reflex::VolatileBuilder( const Type & ); #pragma link C++ function Reflex::PointerBuilder( const Type &, const std::type_info &); #pragma link C++ function Reflex::PointerToMemberBuilder( const Type &, const Scope &, const std::type_info &); #pragma link C++ function Reflex::ReferenceBuilder( const Type& ); #pragma link C++ function Reflex::ArrayBuilder( const Type&, size_t, const std::type_info & ); #pragma link C++ function Reflex::EnumTypeBuilder( const char *, const char *, const std::type_info &, unsigned int ); #pragma link C++ function Reflex::TypedefTypeBuilder( const char *, const Type& ); #pragma link C++ function Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder( const Type&, const std::vector &, const std::type_info & ); #pragma link C++ function Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder(const Type&); #pragma link C++ function Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder(const Type&, const Type&); #pragma link C++ function Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder(const Type&, const Type&, const Type&); #pragma link C++ function Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder(const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&); #pragma link C++ function Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder(const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&); #pragma link C++ function Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder(const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&); #pragma link C++ function Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder(const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&); #pragma link C++ function Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder(const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&); #pragma link C++ function Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder(const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&); 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#pragma link C++ function Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder(const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&); /* #pragma link C++ function Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder(const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&); #pragma link C++ function Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder(const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&); #pragma link C++ function Reflex::FunctionTypeBuilder(const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&, const Type&); 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#pragma link C++ struct Reflex::CollFuncTable; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::Selection::NO_SELF_AUTOSELECT; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::Selection::TRANSIENT; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::Selection::AUTOSELECT; #pragma link C++ class Reflex::Selection::NODEFAULT; #endif // __CINT__