// @(#)root/reflex:$Id$ // Author: Pere Mato 2006 // Copyright CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, 2004-2006, All rights reserved. // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any // purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that this copyright and // permissions notice appear in all copies and derivatives. // // This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. #ifndef REFLEX_BUILD # define REFLEX_BUILD #endif #ifndef REFLEX_BUILD # define REFLEX_BUILD #endif #include "Reflex/PluginService.h" #include "Reflex/SharedLibrary.h" #include "Reflex/Reflex.h" #include "PluginFactoryMap.h" #include using namespace Reflex; using namespace std; //_______________________________________________________________________________ // // The Plugin Service // // This classes have been developed to enhance Reflex with plugin capabilities. // The main goals have been: // // - Simplification of the code. Replace existing factories // - Compatibility with other plugins and dictionary systems since they are based // also on roopmap files // - Dependent exclusively on Reflex // - Possible replacement for the SEAL plugin manager that could be of interest // for CORAL, POOL, COOL, etc. // // // Using the package // // There is not predefined model on what a plugin/component can be. Any class // can be a plugin. The plugin factory is declared in the user code with the exact // signature of the constructor and the type returned (base class or interface) by // the factory. // // Begin_Html /* //
   //  class MyClass : public ICommon {
   //    MyClass(int, ISvc*);
   //    ...
   //  };
   //  PLUGINSVC_FACTORY(MyClass,ICommon*(int,ISvc*));
   //  PLUGINSVC_FACTORY_WITH_ID(MyClass, 666, ICommon*(int,ISvc*));
*/ // End_Html // // // Implementation // // The rootmap file, which is a text file containing the association between the // plugins and the libraries that implements them, is generated automatically at // build time with the help of the genmap utility program. This program loads each // library and discovers what plugins it contains. The plugin can be easily // instantiated in the user code by using the class name or an ID class with strong // type checking on the constructor arguments. An ID class can be any class that // defined operator==() and ostream& operator<<(). The library containing the plugin // will be loaded if needed. The classes are almost standalone with an exclusive // dependency on Reflex. // // Begin_Html /* //
   //  ISvc* svc = ...
   //  ICommon* myc;
   //  myc = PluginSvc::create(ÒMyClassÓ,10, svc);
   //  // or PluginSvc::createWithId(666,10, svc);
   //  if ( myc ) {
   //    myc->doSomething();
   //  }
*/ // End_Html //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void* Reflex::PluginService::Create(const string& name, const Type& ret, const vector& arg) { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create a Plugin. Pass ownership of created object (i.e. returned value) to caller, // UNLESS it's a pointer or a reference - then it's up to the plugin creator function // and the caller to define the ownership. static Object dummy; vector argv; vector argt; for (vector::const_iterator i = arg.begin(); i != arg.end(); i++) { argv.push_back(i->Address()); argt.push_back(Type(i->TypeOf(), 0)); // Ignore argument CV qualifiers } Type signature = FunctionTypeBuilder(ret, argt); string factoryname = FactoryName(name); //---Look first is the member exists ---- if (!Instance().fFactories.FunctionMemberByName(factoryname)) { string mapname = string(PLUGINSVC_FACTORY_NS) + "@@" + factoryname; int rett = Instance().LoadFactoryLib(mapname); if (!rett) { if (Debug()) { cout << "PluginService: Could not load library associated to plugin " << name << endl; } return 0; } } Member m = Instance().fFactories.FunctionMemberByName(FactoryName(name), signature); if (!m) { if (Debug() > 1) { cout << "PluginService: Could not find factory for " << name << " with signature " << signature.Name() << endl; } return 0; } else { Type retType = m.TypeOf().ReturnType(); if (retType.IsPointer() || retType.IsReference()) { void* return_value = 0; m.Invoke(dummy, return_value, argv); return return_value; } else { Object rett = retType.Construct(); m.Invoke(dummy, &rett, argv); return rett.Address(); } } // to make compilers happy - we should never get here: return 0; } // Create //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void* Reflex::PluginService::CreateWithId(const Any& id, std::string (* str)(const Any&), bool (* cmp)(const Any&, const Any&), const Type& ret, const vector& arg) { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create plugin with Id. static Object dummy; vector argv; vector argt; for (vector::const_iterator i = arg.begin(); i != arg.end(); i++) { argv.push_back(i->Address()); argt.push_back(Type(i->TypeOf(), 0)); // Ignore argument CV qualifiers } Type signature = FunctionTypeBuilder(ret, argt); string factoryname = FactoryName(str(id)); if (!Instance().fFactories.FunctionMemberByName(factoryname)) { string mapname = string(PLUGINSVC_FACTORY_NS) + "@@" + factoryname; int rett = Instance().LoadFactoryLib(mapname); if (!rett) { if (Debug()) { cout << "PluginSvc: Could not load library associated to plugin with ID" << str(id) << endl; } return 0; } } //--- loop over members Member m; for (Member_Iterator it = Instance().fFactories.FunctionMember_Begin(); it != Instance().fFactories.FunctionMember_End(); ++it) { if (it->Properties().HasProperty("id")) { if (cmp(it->Properties().PropertyValue("id"), id)) { if (signature.IsEquivalentTo(it->TypeOf())) { m = *it; break; } } } } if (!m) { if (Debug() > 1) { cout << "PluginService: Could not find factory for " << str(id) << " with signature " << signature.Name() << endl; } return 0; } else { Type retType = m.TypeOf().ReturnType(); if (retType.IsPointer() || retType.IsReference()) { void* retval = 0; m.Invoke(dummy, retval, argv); return retval; } else { Object rett = retType.Construct(); m.Invoke(dummy, &rett, argv); return rett.Address(); } } } // CreateWithId //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- string Reflex::PluginService::FactoryName(const string& name) { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create a factory name out of the parameter given. static string chars(":<> *&, "); string::size_type pos1 = name.find_first_not_of(' '); string::size_type pos2 = name.find_last_not_of(' '); string res = name.substr(pos1 == string::npos ? 0 : pos1, pos2 == string::npos ? name.length() - 1 : pos2 - pos1 + 1); for (string::iterator i = res.begin(); i != res.end(); i++) { if (chars.find(*i) != string::npos) { *i = '_'; } } return res; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reflex::PluginService::PluginService(): fDebugLevel(0) { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor. NamespaceBuilder(PLUGINSVC_FACTORY_NS); fFactories = Scope::ByName(PLUGINSVC_FACTORY_NS); fFactoryMap = new PluginFactoryMap(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reflex::PluginService::~PluginService() { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Destructor. delete fFactoryMap; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PluginService& Reflex::PluginService::Instance() { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get singleton. static PluginService s_instance; return s_instance; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int Reflex::PluginService::Debug() { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get debug level. return Instance().fDebugLevel; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Reflex::PluginService::SetDebug(int l) { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set debug level. PluginFactoryMap::SetDebug(l); Instance().fDebugLevel = l; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int Reflex::PluginService::LoadFactoryLib(const string& name) { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Load libraries needed for a plugin to instantiate. list libs = Instance().fFactoryMap->GetLibraries(name); for (list::reverse_iterator i = libs.rbegin(); i != libs.rend(); i++) { SharedLibrary sl(*i); if (sl.Load()) { if (Debug()) { cout << "PluginService: Loaded library " << *i << endl; } } else { if (Debug()) { cout << "PluginService: Error loading library " << *i << endl << sl.Error() << endl; } return 0; } } return 1; } // LoadFactoryLib