// @(#)root/base:$Id$ // Author: Rene Brun 12/12/94 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "Riostream.h" #include "TApplication.h" #include "TColor.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TVirtualPad.h" #include "TVirtualMutex.h" TStyle *gStyle; const UInt_t kTakeStyle = BIT(17); ClassImp(TStyle) //______________________________________________________________________________ // // TStyle objects may be created to define special styles. // By default ROOT creates a default style that can be accessed via // the gStyle pointer. // // This class includes functions to set some of the following object attributes. // - Canvas // - Pad // - Histogram axis // - Lines // - Fill areas // - Text // - Markers // - Functions // - Histogram Statistics and Titles //______________________________________________________________________________ TStyle::TStyle() :TNamed() { // Default constructor. Reset(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TStyle::TStyle(const char *name, const char *title) { // Create a new TStyle. // The following names are reserved to create special styles // -Classic: the default style set in TStyle::Reset // -Plain: a black&white oriented style // -Bold: // -Video; // -Pub: // -Modern: // (see the definition of these styles below). // // Note a side-effect of calling gStyle->SetFillColor(0). This is nearly // equivalent of selecting the "Plain" style. // // Many graphics attributes may be set via the TStyle, see in particular // - TStyle::SetNdivisions // - TStyle::SetAxisColor // - TStyle::SetHeaderPS // - TStyle::SetTitlePS // - TStyle::SetLabelColor // - TStyle::SetLabelFont // - TStyle::SetLabelOffset // - TStyle::SetLabelSize // - TStyle::SetOptDate // - TStyle::SetLineStyleString // - TStyle::SetOptFit // - TStyle::SetOptStat // - TStyle::SetPaperSize // - TStyle::SetTickLength // - TStyle::SetTitleOffset // - TStyle::SetTitleSize // - TStyle::SetPalette // - TStyle::SetTimeOffset // - TStyle::SetStripDecimals // // The current style is pointed by gStyle. // When calling myStyle->cd(), gStyle is set to myStyle. // One can also use gROOT to change the current style, e.g. // gROOT->SetStyle("Plain") will change the current style gStyle to the // "Plain" style // See also TROOT::ForceStyle and TROOT::UseCurrentStyle TString style_name = name; SetNameTitle(style_name, title); // If another style was already created with the same name, it is overwrite. delete gROOT->GetStyle(style_name); Reset(); { R__LOCKGUARD2(gROOTMutex); gROOT->GetListOfStyles()->Add(this); } if (strcmp(style_name,"Modern") == 0) { // Modern style SetFrameBorderMode(0); SetFrameFillColor(0); SetCanvasBorderMode(0); SetCanvasColor(0); SetPadBorderMode(0); SetPadColor(0); SetStatColor(0); SetTitleFont(42,""); SetLabelFont(42,"x"); SetTitleFont(42,"x"); SetLabelFont(42,"y"); SetTitleFont(42,"y"); SetLabelFont(42,"z"); SetTitleFont(42,"z"); SetStatFont(42); SetLabelSize(0.035,"x"); SetTitleSize(0.035,"x"); SetLabelSize(0.035,"y"); SetTitleSize(0.035,"y"); SetLabelSize(0.035,"z"); SetTitleSize(0.035,"z"); SetTitleSize(0.050,""); SetTitleAlign(23); SetTitleX(0.5); SetTitleBorderSize(0); SetTitleFillColor(0); SetTitleStyle(0); SetStatBorderSize(1); SetOptStat(1111); SetStatY(0.935); SetHistLineColor(kBlue+2); SetLegendBorderSize(1); SetLegendFillColor(0); SetLegendFont(42); SetFuncWidth(2); SetFuncColor(2); } if (strcmp(style_name,"Plain") == 0) { // May be a standard style to be initialized SetFrameBorderMode(0); SetFrameFillColor(0); SetCanvasBorderMode(0); SetPadBorderMode(0); SetPadColor(0); SetCanvasColor(0); SetTitleFillColor(0); SetTitleBorderSize(1); SetStatColor(0); SetStatBorderSize(1); SetLegendBorderSize(1); return; } if (strcmp(style_name,"Bold") == 0) { // Authors: Art Poskanzer and Jim Thomas, LBNL, Oct. 2000 SetPalette(1,0); SetCanvasColor(10); SetCanvasBorderMode(0); SetFrameLineWidth(3); SetFrameFillColor(10); SetPadColor(10); SetPadTickX(1); SetPadTickY(1); SetPadBottomMargin(0.15); SetPadLeftMargin(0.15); SetHistLineWidth(3); SetHistLineColor(kRed); SetFuncWidth(3); SetFuncColor(kGreen); SetLineWidth(3); SetLabelSize(0.05,"xyz"); SetLabelOffset(0.01,"y"); SetLabelColor(kBlue,"xy"); SetTitleSize(0.06,"xyz"); SetTitleOffset(1.3,"Y"); SetTitleFillColor(10); SetTitleTextColor(kBlue); SetStatColor(10); return; } if (strcmp(style_name,"Video") == 0) { // Author: Art Poskanzer, LBNL, Oct. 1999 SetPalette(1,0); SetCanvasColor(10); SetCanvasBorderMode(0); SetFrameLineWidth(3); SetFrameFillColor(10); SetPadColor(10); SetPadTickX(1); SetPadTickY(1); SetPadBottomMargin(0.2); SetPadLeftMargin(0.2); SetHistLineWidth(8); SetHistLineColor(kRed); SetLabelSize(0.06,"xyz"); SetLabelColor(kBlue,"xyz"); SetTitleSize(0.08,"xyz"); SetTitleFillColor(10); SetTitleTextColor(kBlue); SetStatColor(10); SetFuncWidth(8); SetFuncColor(kGreen); SetLineWidth(3); return; } if (strcmp(style_name,"Pub") == 0) { // Authors: Art Poskanzer and Jim Thomas, LBNL, Oct. 2000 SetOptTitle(0); SetOptStat(0); SetPalette(8,0); SetCanvasColor(10); SetCanvasBorderMode(0); SetFrameLineWidth(3); SetFrameFillColor(10); SetPadColor(10); SetPadTickX(1); SetPadTickY(1); SetPadBottomMargin(0.15); SetPadLeftMargin(0.15); SetHistLineWidth(3); SetHistLineColor(kRed); SetFuncWidth(3); SetFuncColor(kGreen); SetLineWidth(3); SetLabelSize(0.05,"xyz"); SetLabelOffset(0.01,"y"); SetLabelColor(kBlack,"xyz"); SetTitleSize(0.06,"xyz"); SetTitleOffset(1.3,"y"); SetTitleFillColor(10); SetTitleTextColor(kBlue); return; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ TStyle::~TStyle() { // Destructor. R__LOCKGUARD2(gROOTMutex); gROOT->GetListOfStyles()->Remove(this); if (gStyle == this) gStyle = (TStyle*)gROOT->GetListOfStyles()->Last(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TStyle::TStyle(const TStyle &style) : TNamed(style), TAttLine(style), TAttFill(style), TAttMarker(style), TAttText(style) { // Copy constructor. ((TStyle&)style).Copy(*this); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::Browse(TBrowser *) { // Browse the style object. cd(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::BuildStyles() { // Create some standard styles. TColor *col = new TColor(); // force the initialisation of fgPalette new TStyle("Plain", "Plain Style (no colors/fill areas)"); new TStyle("Bold", "Bold Style");; new TStyle("Video", "Style for video presentation histograms"); new TStyle("Pub", "Style for Publications"); new TStyle("Classic","Classic Style"); new TStyle("Default","Equivalent to Classic"); new TStyle("Modern", "Modern Style"); delete col; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::cd() { // Change current style. gStyle = this; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::Copy(TObject &obj) const { // Copy this style. TAttLine::Copy(((TStyle&)obj)); TAttFill::Copy(((TStyle&)obj)); TAttMarker::Copy(((TStyle&)obj)); TAttText::Copy(((TStyle&)obj)); fXaxis.Copy(((TStyle&)obj).fXaxis); fYaxis.Copy(((TStyle&)obj).fYaxis); fZaxis.Copy(((TStyle&)obj).fZaxis); fAttDate.Copy(((TStyle&)obj).fAttDate); ((TStyle&)obj).fIsReading = fIsReading; ((TStyle&)obj).fScreenFactor = fScreenFactor; ((TStyle&)obj).fCanvasPreferGL = fCanvasPreferGL; ((TStyle&)obj).fCanvasColor = fCanvasColor; ((TStyle&)obj).fCanvasBorderSize= fCanvasBorderSize; ((TStyle&)obj).fCanvasBorderMode= fCanvasBorderMode; ((TStyle&)obj).fCanvasDefH = fCanvasDefH; ((TStyle&)obj).fCanvasDefW = fCanvasDefW; ((TStyle&)obj).fCanvasDefX = fCanvasDefX; ((TStyle&)obj).fCanvasDefY = fCanvasDefY; ((TStyle&)obj).fPadColor = fPadColor; ((TStyle&)obj).fPadBorderSize = fPadBorderSize; ((TStyle&)obj).fPadBorderMode = fPadBorderMode; ((TStyle&)obj).fPadBottomMargin= fPadBottomMargin; ((TStyle&)obj).fPadTopMargin = fPadTopMargin; ((TStyle&)obj).fPadLeftMargin = fPadLeftMargin; ((TStyle&)obj).fPadRightMargin = fPadRightMargin; ((TStyle&)obj).fPadGridX = fPadGridX; ((TStyle&)obj).fPadGridY = fPadGridY; ((TStyle&)obj).fPadTickX = fPadTickX; ((TStyle&)obj).fPadTickY = fPadTickY; ((TStyle&)obj).fPaperSizeX = fPaperSizeX; ((TStyle&)obj).fPaperSizeY = fPaperSizeY; ((TStyle&)obj).fFuncColor = fFuncColor; ((TStyle&)obj).fFuncStyle = fFuncStyle; ((TStyle&)obj).fFuncWidth = fFuncWidth; ((TStyle&)obj).fGridColor = fGridColor; ((TStyle&)obj).fGridStyle = fGridStyle; ((TStyle&)obj).fGridWidth = fGridWidth; ((TStyle&)obj).fHatchesSpacing = fHatchesSpacing; ((TStyle&)obj).fHatchesLineWidth= fHatchesLineWidth; ((TStyle&)obj).fFrameFillColor = fFrameFillColor; ((TStyle&)obj).fFrameFillStyle = fFrameFillStyle; ((TStyle&)obj).fFrameLineColor = fFrameLineColor; ((TStyle&)obj).fFrameLineStyle = fFrameLineStyle; ((TStyle&)obj).fFrameLineWidth = fFrameLineWidth; ((TStyle&)obj).fFrameBorderSize= fFrameBorderSize; ((TStyle&)obj).fFrameBorderMode= fFrameBorderMode; ((TStyle&)obj).fHistFillColor = fHistFillColor; ((TStyle&)obj).fHistFillStyle = fHistFillStyle; ((TStyle&)obj).fHistLineColor = fHistLineColor; ((TStyle&)obj).fHistLineStyle = fHistLineStyle; ((TStyle&)obj).fHistLineWidth = fHistLineWidth; ((TStyle&)obj).fHistMinimumZero= fHistMinimumZero; ((TStyle&)obj).fHistTopMargin = fHistTopMargin; ((TStyle&)obj).fBarWidth = fBarWidth; ((TStyle&)obj).fBarOffset = fBarOffset; ((TStyle&)obj).fDrawBorder = fDrawBorder; ((TStyle&)obj).fOptLogx = fOptLogx; ((TStyle&)obj).fOptLogy = fOptLogy; ((TStyle&)obj).fOptLogz = fOptLogz; ((TStyle&)obj).fOptDate = fOptDate; ((TStyle&)obj).fOptFit = fOptFit; ((TStyle&)obj).fOptStat = fOptStat; ((TStyle&)obj).fOptTitle = fOptTitle; ((TStyle&)obj).fEndErrorSize = fEndErrorSize; ((TStyle&)obj).fErrorX = fErrorX; ((TStyle&)obj).fStatColor = fStatColor; ((TStyle&)obj).fStatTextColor = fStatTextColor; ((TStyle&)obj).fStatBorderSize = fStatBorderSize; ((TStyle&)obj).fStatFont = fStatFont; ((TStyle&)obj).fStatFontSize = fStatFontSize; ((TStyle&)obj).fStatStyle = fStatStyle; ((TStyle&)obj).fStatFormat = fStatFormat; ((TStyle&)obj).fStatW = fStatW; ((TStyle&)obj).fStatH = fStatH ; ((TStyle&)obj).fStatX = fStatX; ((TStyle&)obj).fStatY = fStatY; ((TStyle&)obj).fTitleAlign = fTitleAlign; ((TStyle&)obj).fTitleColor = fTitleColor; ((TStyle&)obj).fTitleTextColor = fTitleTextColor; ((TStyle&)obj).fTitleFont = fTitleFont; ((TStyle&)obj).fTitleFontSize = fTitleFontSize; ((TStyle&)obj).fTitleStyle = fTitleStyle; ((TStyle&)obj).fTitleBorderSize= fTitleBorderSize; ((TStyle&)obj).fTitleW = fTitleW; ((TStyle&)obj).fTitleH = fTitleH; ((TStyle&)obj).fTitleX = fTitleX; ((TStyle&)obj).fTitleY = fTitleY; ((TStyle&)obj).fDateX = fDateX; ((TStyle&)obj).fDateY = fDateY; ((TStyle&)obj).fFitFormat = fFitFormat; ((TStyle&)obj).fPaintTextFormat= fPaintTextFormat; ((TStyle&)obj).fShowEventStatus= fShowEventStatus; ((TStyle&)obj).fShowEditor = fShowEditor; ((TStyle&)obj).fShowToolBar = fShowToolBar; ((TStyle&)obj).fLegoInnerR = fLegoInnerR; ((TStyle&)obj).fStripDecimals = fStripDecimals; ((TStyle&)obj).fNumberContours = fNumberContours; ((TStyle&)obj).fLegendBorderSize = fLegendBorderSize; Int_t i; for (i=0;i<30;i++) { ((TStyle&)obj).fLineStyle[i] = fLineStyle[i]; } ((TStyle&)obj).fHeaderPS = fHeaderPS; ((TStyle&)obj).fTitlePS = fTitlePS; ((TStyle&)obj).fLineScalePS = fLineScalePS; ((TStyle&)obj).fColorModelPS = fColorModelPS; ((TStyle&)obj).fTimeOffset = fTimeOffset; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TStyle::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t /*px*/, Int_t /*py*/) { // Function used by the TStyle manager when drawing a canvas showing the // current style. gPad->SetSelected(this); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::Reset(Option_t *opt) { // Reset. fIsReading = kTRUE; TAttLine::ResetAttLine(); TAttFill::ResetAttFill(); TAttText::ResetAttText(); TAttMarker::ResetAttMarker(); SetFillStyle(1001); SetFillColor(19); fXaxis.ResetAttAxis("X"); fYaxis.ResetAttAxis("Y"); fZaxis.ResetAttAxis("Z"); fCanvasPreferGL = kFALSE; fCanvasColor = 19; fCanvasBorderSize= 2; fCanvasBorderMode= 1; fCanvasDefH = 500; fCanvasDefW = 700; fCanvasDefX = 10; fCanvasDefY = 10; fPadColor = fCanvasColor; fPadBorderSize = fCanvasBorderSize; fPadBorderMode = fCanvasBorderMode; fPadBottomMargin= 0.1; fPadTopMargin = 0.1; fPadLeftMargin = 0.1; fPadRightMargin = 0.1; fPadGridX = kFALSE; fPadGridY = kFALSE; fPadTickX = 0; fPadTickY = 0; fFuncColor = 1; fFuncStyle = 1; fFuncWidth = 3; fGridColor = 0; fGridStyle = 3; fGridWidth = 1; fHatchesSpacing = 1; fHatchesLineWidth = 1; fHistLineColor = 1; fHistFillColor = 0; fHistFillStyle = 1001; fHistLineStyle = 1; fHistLineWidth = 1; fHistMinimumZero= kFALSE; fHistTopMargin = 0.05; fFrameLineColor = 1; fFrameFillColor = 0; fFrameFillStyle = 1001; fFrameLineStyle = 1; fFrameLineWidth = 1; fFrameBorderSize= 1; fFrameBorderMode= 1; fBarWidth = 1; fBarOffset = 0; fDrawBorder = 0; fOptLogx = 0; fOptLogy = 0; fOptLogz = 0; fOptDate = 0; fOptFile = 0; fOptFit = 0; fOptStat = 1; fOptTitle = 1; fEndErrorSize = 2; fErrorX = 0.5; fScreenFactor = 1; fStatColor = fCanvasColor; fStatTextColor = 1; fStatBorderSize = 2; fStatFont = 62; fStatFontSize = 0; fStatStyle = 1001; fStatW = 0.20; fStatH = 0.16; fStatX = 0.98; fStatY = 0.995; SetStatFormat(); SetFitFormat(); SetPaintTextFormat(); fTitleAlign = 13; fTitleColor = fCanvasColor; fTitleTextColor = 1; fTitleFont = 62; fTitleFontSize = 0; fTitleStyle = 1001; fTitleBorderSize= 2; fTitleW = 0; fTitleH = 0; fTitleX = 0.01; fTitleY = 0.995; fShowEventStatus= 0; fShowEditor = 0; fShowToolBar = 0; fLegoInnerR = 0.5; fHeaderPS = ""; fTitlePS = ""; fStripDecimals = kTRUE; fNumberContours = 20; fLegendBorderSize= 4; fLegendFont = 62; SetDateX(); SetDateY(); fAttDate.SetTextSize(0.025); fAttDate.SetTextAlign(11); SetLineScalePS(); SetColorModelPS(); SetLineStyleString(1," "); SetLineStyleString(2,"12 12"); SetLineStyleString(3,"4 8"); SetLineStyleString(4,"12 16 4 16"); SetLineStyleString(5,"20 12 4 12"); SetLineStyleString(6,"20 12 4 12 4 12 4 12"); SetLineStyleString(7,"20 20"); SetLineStyleString(8,"20 12 4 12 4 12"); SetLineStyleString(9,"80 20"); SetLineStyleString(10,"80 40 4 40"); for (Int_t i=11;i<30;i++) SetLineStyleString(i," "); SetPaperSize(); SetPalette(); fTimeOffset = 788918400; // UTC time at 01/01/95 TString style_name = opt; if (strcmp(style_name,"Modern") == 0) { // Modern style SetFrameBorderMode(0); SetFrameFillColor(0); SetCanvasBorderMode(0); SetCanvasColor(0); SetPadBorderMode(0); SetPadColor(0); SetStatColor(0); SetTitleFont(42,""); SetLabelFont(42,"x"); SetTitleFont(42,"x"); SetLabelFont(42,"y"); SetTitleFont(42,"y"); SetLabelFont(42,"z"); SetTitleFont(42,"z"); SetStatFont(42); SetLabelSize(0.035,"x"); SetTitleSize(0.035,"x"); SetLabelSize(0.035,"y"); SetTitleSize(0.035,"y"); SetLabelSize(0.035,"z"); SetTitleSize(0.035,"z"); SetTitleSize(0.050,""); SetTitleAlign(23); SetTitleX(0.5); SetTitleBorderSize(0); SetTitleFillColor(0); SetTitleStyle(0); SetStatBorderSize(1); SetOptStat(1111); SetStatY(0.935); SetHistLineColor(kBlue+2); SetLegendBorderSize(1); SetLegendFillColor(0); SetLegendFont(42); SetFuncWidth(2); SetFuncColor(2); } if (strcmp(style_name,"Plain") == 0) { SetFrameBorderMode(0); SetCanvasBorderMode(0); SetPadBorderMode(0); SetPadColor(0); SetCanvasColor(0); SetTitleFillColor(0); SetTitleBorderSize(1); SetStatColor(0); SetStatBorderSize(1); SetLegendBorderSize(1); return; } if (strcmp(style_name,"Bold") == 0) { SetPalette(1,0); SetCanvasColor(10); SetCanvasBorderMode(0); SetFrameLineWidth(3); SetFrameFillColor(10); SetPadColor(10); SetPadTickX(1); SetPadTickY(1); SetPadBottomMargin(0.15); SetPadLeftMargin(0.15); SetHistLineWidth(3); SetHistLineColor(kRed); SetFuncWidth(3); SetFuncColor(kGreen); SetLineWidth(3); SetLabelSize(0.05,"xyz"); SetLabelOffset(0.01,"y"); SetLabelColor(kBlue,"xy"); SetTitleSize(0.06,"xyz"); SetTitleOffset(1.3,"Y"); SetTitleFillColor(10); SetTitleTextColor(kBlue); SetStatColor(10); return; } if (strcmp(style_name,"Video") == 0) { SetPalette(1,0); SetCanvasColor(10); SetCanvasBorderMode(0); SetFrameLineWidth(3); SetFrameFillColor(10); SetPadColor(10); SetPadTickX(1); SetPadTickY(1); SetPadBottomMargin(0.2); SetPadLeftMargin(0.2); SetHistLineWidth(8); SetHistLineColor(kRed); SetLabelSize(0.06,"xyz"); SetLabelColor(kBlue,"xyz"); SetTitleSize(0.08,"xyz"); SetTitleFillColor(10); SetTitleTextColor(kBlue); SetStatColor(10); SetFuncWidth(8); SetFuncColor(kGreen); SetLineWidth(3); return; } if (strcmp(style_name,"Pub") == 0) { SetOptTitle(0); SetOptStat(0); SetPalette(8,0); SetCanvasColor(10); SetCanvasBorderMode(0); SetFrameLineWidth(3); SetFrameFillColor(10); SetPadColor(10); SetPadTickX(1); SetPadTickY(1); SetPadBottomMargin(0.15); SetPadLeftMargin(0.15); SetHistLineWidth(3); SetHistLineColor(kRed); SetFuncWidth(3); SetFuncColor(kGreen); SetLineWidth(3); SetLabelSize(0.05,"xyz"); SetLabelOffset(0.01,"y"); SetLabelColor(kBlack,"xyz"); SetTitleSize(0.06,"xyz"); SetTitleOffset(1.3,"y"); SetTitleFillColor(10); SetTitleTextColor(kBlue); return; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TStyle::GetNdivisions( Option_t *axis) const { // Return number of divisions. Int_t ax = AxisChoice(axis); if (ax == 1) return fXaxis.GetNdivisions(); if (ax == 2) return fYaxis.GetNdivisions(); if (ax == 3) return fZaxis.GetNdivisions(); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Color_t TStyle::GetAxisColor( Option_t *axis) const { // Return the axis color number in the axis. Int_t ax = AxisChoice(axis); if (ax == 1) return fXaxis.GetAxisColor(); if (ax == 2) return fYaxis.GetAxisColor(); if (ax == 3) return fZaxis.GetAxisColor(); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TStyle::GetColorPalette(Int_t i) const { // Return color number i in current palette. return TColor::GetColorPalette(i); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Color_t TStyle::GetLabelColor( Option_t *axis) const { // Return the label color number in the axis. Int_t ax = AxisChoice(axis); if (ax == 1) return fXaxis.GetLabelColor(); if (ax == 2) return fYaxis.GetLabelColor(); if (ax == 3) return fZaxis.GetLabelColor(); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Style_t TStyle::GetLabelFont( Option_t *axis) const { // Return label font. Int_t ax = AxisChoice(axis); if (ax == 1) return fXaxis.GetLabelFont(); if (ax == 2) return fYaxis.GetLabelFont(); if (ax == 3) return fZaxis.GetLabelFont(); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t TStyle::GetLabelOffset( Option_t *axis) const { // Return label offset. Int_t ax = AxisChoice(axis); if (ax == 1) return fXaxis.GetLabelOffset(); if (ax == 2) return fYaxis.GetLabelOffset(); if (ax == 3) return fZaxis.GetLabelOffset(); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t TStyle::GetLabelSize( Option_t *axis) const { // Return label size. Int_t ax = AxisChoice(axis); if (ax == 1) return fXaxis.GetLabelSize(); if (ax == 2) return fYaxis.GetLabelSize(); if (ax == 3) return fZaxis.GetLabelSize(); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TStyle::GetLineStyleString(Int_t i) const { // Return line style string (used by PostScript). // See SetLineStyleString for more explanations if (i < 1 || i > 29) return fLineStyle[0].Data(); return fLineStyle[i].Data(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TStyle::GetNumberOfColors() const { // Return number of colors in the color palette. return TColor::GetNumberOfColors(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::GetPaperSize(Float_t &xsize, Float_t &ysize) const { // Set paper size for PostScript output. xsize = fPaperSizeX; ysize = fPaperSizeY; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t TStyle::GetTickLength( Option_t *axis) const { // Return tick length. Int_t ax = AxisChoice(axis); if (ax == 1) return fXaxis.GetTickLength(); if (ax == 2) return fYaxis.GetTickLength(); if (ax == 3) return fZaxis.GetTickLength(); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Color_t TStyle::GetTitleColor( Option_t *axis) const { // Return title color. Int_t ax = AxisChoice(axis); if (ax == 1) return fXaxis.GetTitleColor(); if (ax == 2) return fYaxis.GetTitleColor(); if (ax == 3) return fZaxis.GetTitleColor(); return fTitleTextColor; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Style_t TStyle::GetTitleFont( Option_t *axis) const { // Return title font. Int_t ax = AxisChoice(axis); if (ax == 1) return fXaxis.GetTitleFont(); if (ax == 2) return fYaxis.GetTitleFont(); if (ax == 3) return fZaxis.GetTitleFont(); return fTitleFont; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t TStyle::GetTitleOffset( Option_t *axis) const { // Return title offset. Int_t ax = AxisChoice(axis); if (ax == 1) return fXaxis.GetTitleOffset(); if (ax == 2) return fYaxis.GetTitleOffset(); if (ax == 3) return fZaxis.GetTitleOffset(); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t TStyle::GetTitleSize( Option_t *axis) const { // Return title size. Int_t ax = AxisChoice(axis); if (ax == 1) return fXaxis.GetTitleSize(); if (ax == 2) return fYaxis.GetTitleSize(); if (ax == 3) return fZaxis.GetTitleSize(); return fTitleFontSize; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::Paint(Option_t *option) { // Show the options from the current style // if (TClass::GetClass("TStyleManager")) gSystem->Load("libGed"); gROOT->ProcessLine(Form("TStyleManager::PaintStyle((TStyle*)0x%lx,\"%s\")", (ULong_t)this,option)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SetColorModelPS(Int_t c) { // Define the color model used by TPostScript and TPDF (RGB or CMYK). // CMY and CMYK models are subtractive color models unlike RGB which is // additive. They are mainly used for printing purposes. CMY means Cyan Magenta // Yellow. To convert RGB to CMY it is enough to do: C=1-R, M=1-G and Y=1-B. // CMYK has one more component K (black). The conversion from RGB to CMYK is: // // Double_t Black = TMath::Min(TMath::Min(1-Red,1-Green),1-Blue); // Double_t Cyan = (1-Red-Black)/(1-Black); // Double_t Magenta = (1-Green-Black)/(1-Black); // Double_t Yellow = (1-Blue-Black)/(1-Black); // // CMYK adds the black component which allows better quality for black // printing. PostScript and PDF support the CMYK model. // // c = 0 means TPostScript and TPDF will use RGB color model (default) // c = 1 means TPostScript and TPDF will use CMYK color model fColorModelPS = c; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SetHistMinimumZero(Bool_t zero) { // If the argument zero=kTRUE the minimum value for the Y axis of 1-d histograms // is set to 0 if the minimum bin content is greater than 0 and TH1::SetMinimum // has not been called. // Otherwise the minimum is based on the minimum bin content. fHistMinimumZero = zero; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SetNdivisions(Int_t n, Option_t *axis) { // Set the number of divisions to draw an axis. // ndiv : Number of divisions. // // n = N1 + 100*N2 + 10000*N3 // N1=number of primary divisions. // N2=number of secondary divisions. // N3=number of 3rd divisions. // e.g.: // nndi=0 --> no tick marks. // nndi=2 --> 2 divisions, one tick mark in the middle // of the axis. // axis specifies which axis ("x","y","z"), default = "x" // if axis="xyz" set all 3 axes TString opt = axis; opt.ToLower(); if (opt.Contains("x")) fXaxis.SetNdivisions(n); if (opt.Contains("y")) fYaxis.SetNdivisions(n); if (opt.Contains("z")) fZaxis.SetNdivisions(n); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SetAxisColor(Color_t color, Option_t *axis) { // Set color to draw the axis line and tick marks. // axis specifies which axis ("x","y","z"), default = "x" // if axis="xyz" set all 3 axes TString opt = axis; opt.ToLower(); if (opt.Contains("x")) fXaxis.SetAxisColor(color); if (opt.Contains("y")) fYaxis.SetAxisColor(color); if (opt.Contains("z")) fZaxis.SetAxisColor(color); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SetEndErrorSize(Float_t np) { // Set the size (in pixels) of the small lines drawn at the // end of the error bars (TH1 or TGraphErrors). // The default value is 2 pixels. // Set np=0 to remove these lines if (np >= 0) fEndErrorSize = np; else fEndErrorSize = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SetHeaderPS(const char *header) { // Define a string to be inserted in the Postscript header // The string in header will be added to the Postscript file // immediatly following the %%Page line // For example, this string may contain special Postscript instructions like // 200 200 translate // the following header string will print the string "my annotation" at the // bottom left corner of the page (outside the user area) // "gsave 100 -100 t 0 r 0 0 m /Helvetica-Bold findfont 56 sf 0 0 m ( my annotation ) show gr" // This information is used in TPostScript::Initialize fHeaderPS = header; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SetIsReading(Bool_t reading) { // Sets the fIsReading member to reading (default=kTRUE) // fIsReading (used via gStyle->IsReading()) can be used in // the functions myclass::UseCurrentStyle to read from the current style // or write to the current style fIsReading = reading; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SetTitlePS(const char *pstitle) { // Define a string to be used in the %%Title of the Postscript files. // If this string is not defined, ROOT will use the canvas title. fTitlePS = pstitle; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SetLabelColor(Color_t color, Option_t *axis) { // Set axis labels color. // axis specifies which axis ("x","y","z"), default = "x" // if axis="xyz" set all 3 axes TString opt = axis; opt.ToLower(); if (opt.Contains("x")) fXaxis.SetLabelColor(color); if (opt.Contains("y")) fYaxis.SetLabelColor(color); if (opt.Contains("z")) fZaxis.SetLabelColor(color); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SetLabelFont(Style_t font, Option_t *axis) { // Set font number used to draw axis labels. // font : Text font code = 10*fontnumber + precision // Font numbers must be between 1 and 14 // precision = 1 fast hardware fonts (steps in the size) // precision = 2 scalable and rotatable hardware fonts // The default font number is 62. // axis specifies which axis ("x","y","z"), default = "x" // if axis="xyz" set all 3 axes TString opt = axis; opt.ToLower(); if (opt.Contains("x")) fXaxis.SetLabelFont(font); if (opt.Contains("y")) fYaxis.SetLabelFont(font); if (opt.Contains("z")) fZaxis.SetLabelFont(font); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SetLabelOffset(Float_t offset, Option_t *axis) { // Set offset between axis and axis labels. // The offset is expressed as a percent of the pad height. // axis specifies which axis ("x","y","z"), default = "x" // if axis="xyz" set all 3 axes TString opt = axis; opt.ToLower(); if (opt.Contains("x")) fXaxis.SetLabelOffset(offset); if (opt.Contains("y")) fYaxis.SetLabelOffset(offset); if (opt.Contains("z")) fZaxis.SetLabelOffset(offset); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SetLabelSize(Float_t size, Option_t *axis) { // Set size of axis labels. The size is expressed as a percent of the pad height. // axis specifies which axis ("x","y","z"), default = "x" // if axis="xyz" set all 3 axes TString opt = axis; opt.ToLower(); if (opt.Contains("x")) fXaxis.SetLabelSize(size); if (opt.Contains("y")) fYaxis.SetLabelSize(size); if (opt.Contains("z")) fZaxis.SetLabelSize(size); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SetLineStyleString(Int_t i, const char *text) { // Set line style string using the PostScript convention. // A line is a suite of segments, each segment is described by the number of // pixels. The initial and alternating elements (second, fourth, and so on) // are the dashes, and the others spaces between dashes. // // Default fixed line styles are pre-defined as: // // linestyle 1 "[]" solid // linestyle 2 "[12 12]" dashed // linestyle 3 "[4 8]" dotted // linestyle 4 "[12 16 4 16]" dash-dotted // // For example the following lines define the line style 5 to 9. // // gStyle->SetLineStyleString(5,"20 12 4 12"); // gStyle->SetLineStyleString(6,"20 12 4 12 4 12 4 12"); // gStyle->SetLineStyleString(7,"20 20"); // gStyle->SetLineStyleString(8,"20 12 4 12 4 12"); // gStyle->SetLineStyleString(9,"80 20"); // //Begin_Html /* */ //End_Html // // Note: // - Up to 30 different styles may be defined. // - The opening and closing brackets may be omitted // - It is recommended to use 4 as the smallest segment length and multiple of // 4 for other lengths. // - The line style 1 to 10 are predefined. 1 to 4 cannot be changed. char *l; Int_t nch = strlen(text); char *st = new char[nch+10]; snprintf(st,nch+10," "); strlcat(st,text,nch+10); l = strstr(st,"["); if (l) l[0] = ' '; l = strstr(st,"]"); if (l) l[0] = ' '; if (i >= 1 && i <= 29) fLineStyle[i] = st; delete [] st; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SetNumberContours(Int_t number) { // Set the default number of contour levels when drawing 2-d plots. if (number > 0 && number < 1000) { fNumberContours = number; return; } Error("SetNumberContours","Illegal number of contours: %d, must be > 0 and < 1000",number); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SetOptDate(Int_t optdate) { // If optdate is non null, the current date/time will be printed in the canvas. // The position of the date string can be controlled by: // optdate = 10*format + mode // mode = 1 (default) date is printed in the bottom/left corner. // mode = 2 date is printed in the bottom/right corner. // mode = 3 date is printed in the top/right corner. // format = 0 (default) date has the format like: "Wed Sep 25 17:10:35 2002" // format = 1 date has the format like: "2002-09-25" // format = 2 date has the format like: "2002-09-25 17:10:35" // // examples: // optdate = 1 date like "Wed Sep 25 17:10:35 2002" in the bottom/left corner. // optdate = 13 date like "2002-09-25" in the top/right corner. // // The date position can also be controlled by: // gStyle->SetDateX(x); x in NDC // gStyle->SetDateY(y); y in NDC // // The date text attributes can be changed with: // gStyle->GetAttDate()->SetTextFont(font=62); // gStyle->GetAttDate()->SetTextSize(size=0.025); // gStyle->GetAttDate()->SetTextAngle(angle=0); // gStyle->GetAttDate()->SetTextAlign(align=11); // gStyle->GetAttDate()->SetTextColor(color=1); // // The current date attributes can be obtained via: // gStyle->GetAttDate()->GetTextxxxx(); // // When the date option is active, a text object is created when the pad // paint its list of primitives. The text object is named "DATE". // The DATE attributes can also be edited interactively (position // and attributes) via the normal context menu. fOptDate = optdate; Int_t mode = optdate%10; if (mode == 1) { SetDateX(0.01); SetDateY(0.01); fAttDate.SetTextAlign(11); } if (mode == 2) { SetDateX(0.99); SetDateY(0.01); fAttDate.SetTextAlign(31); } if (mode == 3) { SetDateX(0.99); SetDateY(0.99); fAttDate.SetTextAlign(33); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SetOptFit(Int_t mode) { // The type of information about fit parameters printed in the histogram // statistics box can be selected via the parameter mode. // The parameter mode can be = pcev (default = 0111) // p = 1; print Probability // c = 1; print Chisquare/Number of degress of freedom // e = 1; print errors (if e=1, v must be 1) // v = 1; print name/values of parameters // Example: gStyle->SetOptFit(1011); // print fit probability, parameter names/values and errors. // When "v"=1 is specified, only the non-fixed parameters are shown. // When "v"=2 all parameters are shown. // // Note: gStyle->SetOptFit(1) means "default value", so it is equivalent to // gStyle->SetOptFit(111) // // see also SetOptStat below. fOptFit = mode; if (gPad) { TObject *obj; TIter next(gPad->GetListOfPrimitives()); while ((obj = next())) { TObject *stats = obj->FindObject("stats"); if (stats) stats->SetBit(kTakeStyle); } gPad->Modified(); gPad->Update(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SetOptStat(Int_t mode) { // The type of information printed in the histogram statistics box // can be selected via the parameter mode. // The parameter mode can be = ksiourmen (default = 000001111) // k = 1; kurtosis printed // k = 2; kurtosis and kurtosis error printed // s = 1; skewness printed // s = 2; skewness and skewness error printed // i = 1; integral of bins printed // i = 2; integral of bins with option "width" printed // o = 1; number of overflows printed // u = 1; number of underflows printed // r = 1; rms printed // r = 2; rms and rms error printed // m = 1; mean value printed // m = 2; mean and mean error values printed // e = 1; number of entries printed // n = 1; name of histogram is printed // Example: gStyle->SetOptStat(11); // print only name of histogram and number of entries. // gStyle->SetOptStat(1101); displays the name of histogram, mean value and RMS. // WARNING: never call SetOptStat(000111); but SetOptStat(1111), 0001111 will // be taken as an octal number !! // WARNING: SetOptStat(1) is taken as SetOptStat(1111) (for back compatibility // with older versions. If you want to print only the name of the histogram // call SetOptStat(1000000001). // NOTE that in case of 2-D histograms, when selecting just underflow (10000) // or overflow (100000), the stats box will show all combinations // of underflow/overflows and not just one single number! fOptStat = mode; if (gPad) { TObject *obj; TIter next(gPad->GetListOfPrimitives()); while ((obj = next())) { TObject *stats = obj->FindObject("stats"); if (stats) stats->SetBit(kTakeStyle); } gPad->Modified(); gPad->Update(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SetOptStat(Option_t *stat) { // The parameter mode can be any combination of kKsSiourRmMen // k : kurtosis printed // K : kurtosis and kurtosis error printed // s : skewness printed // S : skewness and skewness error printed // i : integral of bins printed // I : integral of bins with option "width" printed // o : number of overflows printed // u : number of underflows printed // r : rms printed // R : rms and rms error printed // m : mean value printed // M : mean value mean error values printed // e : number of entries printed // n : name of histogram is printed // Example: gStyle->SetOptStat("ne"); // print only name of histogram and number of entries. // gStyle->SetOptStat("n") print only the name of the histogram // gStyle->SetOptStat("nemr") is the default Int_t mode=0; TString opt = stat; if (opt.Contains("n")) mode+=1; if (opt.Contains("e")) mode+=10; if (opt.Contains("m")) mode+=100; if (opt.Contains("M")) mode+=200; if (opt.Contains("r")) mode+=1000; if (opt.Contains("R")) mode+=2000; if (opt.Contains("u")) mode+=10000; if (opt.Contains("o")) mode+=100000; if (opt.Contains("i")) mode+=1000000; if (opt.Contains("I")) mode+=2000000; if (opt.Contains("s")) mode+=10000000; if (opt.Contains("S")) mode+=20000000; if (opt.Contains("k")) mode+=100000000; if (opt.Contains("K")) mode+=200000000; if (mode == 1) mode = 1000000001; SetOptStat(mode); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SetPaperSize(EPaperSize size) { // Set paper size for PostScript output. switch (size) { case kA4: SetPaperSize(20, 26); break; case kUSLetter: SetPaperSize(20, 24); break; default: Error("SetPaperSize", "illegal paper size %d\n", (int)size); break; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SetPaperSize(Float_t xsize, Float_t ysize) { // Set paper size for PostScript output. // The paper size is specified in centimeters. Default is 20x26. // See also TPad::Print fPaperSizeX = xsize; fPaperSizeY = ysize; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SetTickLength(Float_t length, Option_t *axis) { // Set the tick marks length for an axis. // axis specifies which axis ("x","y","z"), default = "x" // if axis="xyz" set all 3 axes TString opt = axis; opt.ToLower(); if (opt.Contains("x")) fXaxis.SetTickLength(length); if (opt.Contains("y")) fYaxis.SetTickLength(length); if (opt.Contains("z")) fZaxis.SetTickLength(length); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SetTitleColor(Color_t color, Option_t *axis) { // if axis =="x" set the X axis title color // if axis =="y" set the Y axis title color // if axis =="z" set the Z axis title color // any other value of axis will set the pad title color // // if axis="xyz" set all 3 axes TString opt = axis; opt.ToLower(); Bool_t set = kFALSE; if (opt.Contains("x")) {fXaxis.SetTitleColor(color); set = kTRUE;} if (opt.Contains("y")) {fYaxis.SetTitleColor(color); set = kTRUE;} if (opt.Contains("z")) {fZaxis.SetTitleColor(color); set = kTRUE;} if (!set) fTitleColor = color; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SetTitleFont(Style_t font, Option_t *axis) { // if axis =="x" set the X axis title font // if axis =="y" set the Y axis title font // if axis =="z" set the Z axis title font // any other value of axis will set the pad title font // // if axis="xyz" set all 3 axes TString opt = axis; opt.ToLower(); Bool_t set = kFALSE; if (opt.Contains("x")) {fXaxis.SetTitleFont(font); set = kTRUE;} if (opt.Contains("y")) {fYaxis.SetTitleFont(font); set = kTRUE;} if (opt.Contains("z")) {fZaxis.SetTitleFont(font); set = kTRUE;} if (!set) fTitleFont = font; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SetTitleOffset(Float_t offset, Option_t *axis) { // Specify a parameter offset to control the distance between the axis // and the axis title. // offset = 1 means : use the default distance // offset = 1.2 means: the distance will be 1.2*(default distance) // offset = 0.8 means: the distance will be 0.8*(default distance) // // axis specifies which axis ("x","y","z"), default = "x" // if axis="xyz" set all 3 axes TString opt = axis; opt.ToLower(); if (opt.Contains("x")) fXaxis.SetTitleOffset(offset); if (opt.Contains("y")) fYaxis.SetTitleOffset(offset); if (opt.Contains("z")) fZaxis.SetTitleOffset(offset); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SetTitleSize(Float_t size, Option_t *axis) { // if axis =="x" set the X axis title size // if axis =="y" set the Y axis title size // if axis =="z" set the Z axis title size // any other value of axis will set the pad title size // // if axis="xyz" set all 3 axes TString opt = axis; opt.ToLower(); Bool_t set = kFALSE; if (opt.Contains("x")) {fXaxis.SetTitleSize(size); set = kTRUE;} if (opt.Contains("y")) {fYaxis.SetTitleSize(size); set = kTRUE;} if (opt.Contains("z")) {fZaxis.SetTitleSize(size); set = kTRUE;} if (!set) fTitleFontSize = size; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SetPalette(Int_t ncolors, Int_t *colors, Float_t alpha) { // See TColor::SetPalette. TColor::SetPalette(ncolors,colors,alpha); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SetTimeOffset(Double_t toffset) { // Change the time offset for time plotting. // Times are expressed in seconds. The corresponding numbers usually have 9 // digits (or more if one takes into account fractions of seconds). // Thus, since it is very inconvenient to plot very large numbers on a scale, // one has to set an offset time that will be added to the axis begining, // in order to plot times correctly and conveniently. A convenient way to // set the time offset is to use TDatime::Convert(). // // By default the time offset is set to 788918400 which corresponds to // 01/01/1995. This allows to have valid dates until 2072. The standard // UNIX time offset in 1970 allows only valid dates until 2030. fTimeOffset = toffset; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SetStripDecimals(Bool_t strip) { // Set option to strip decimals when drawing axis labels. // By default, TGaxis::PaintAxis removes trailing 0s after a dot // in the axis labels. Ex: {0,0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5, etc} // If this function is called with strip=kFALSE, TGAxis::PaintAxis will // draw labels with the same number of digits after the dot // Ex: (0.0,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5,etc} fStripDecimals = strip; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SaveSource(const char *filename, Option_t *option) { // Save the current style in a C++ macro file. // Opens a file named filename or "Rootstyl.C" TString ff = strlen(filename) ? filename : "Rootstyl.C"; // Computes the main method name. const char *fname = gSystem->BaseName(ff); Int_t lenfname = strlen(fname); char *sname = new char[lenfname + 1]; Int_t i = 0; while ((fname[i] != '.') && (i < lenfname)) { sname[i] = fname[i]; i++; } if (i == lenfname) ff += ".C"; sname[i] = 0; // Tries to open the file. std::ofstream out; out.open(ff.Data(), std::ios::out); if (!out.good()) { delete [] sname; Error("SaveSource", "cannot open file: %s", ff.Data()); return; } // Writes macro header, date/time stamp as string, and the used Root version TDatime t; out <<"// Mainframe macro generated from application: " << gApplication->Argv(0) << std::endl; out <<"// By ROOT version " << gROOT->GetVersion() << " on " << t.AsSQLString() << std::endl; out << std::endl; char quote = '"'; // Writes include. out << "#if !defined( __CINT__) || defined (__MAKECINT__)" << std::endl << std::endl; out << "#ifndef ROOT_TStyle" << std::endl; out << "#include " << quote << "TStyle.h" << quote << std::endl; out << "#endif" << std::endl; out << std::endl << "#endif" << std::endl; // Writes the macro entry point equal to the fname out << std::endl; out << "void " << sname << "()" << std::endl; out << "{" << std::endl; delete [] sname; TStyle::SavePrimitive(out, option); out << "}" << std::endl; out.close(); printf(" C++ macro file %s has been generated\n", gSystem->BaseName(ff)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TStyle::SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t * /*= ""*/) { // Save a main frame widget as a C++ statement(s) on output stream out. char quote = '"'; out << " // Add the saved style to the current ROOT session." << std::endl; out << std::endl; out<<" "<<"delete gROOT->GetStyle("<SetNdivisions(" <SetNdivisions(" <SetNdivisions(" <SetAxisColor(" <SetAxisColor(" <SetAxisColor(" <SetLabelColor(" <SetLabelColor(" <SetLabelColor(" <SetLabelFont(" <SetLabelFont(" <SetLabelFont(" <SetLabelOffset("<SetLabelOffset("<SetLabelOffset("<SetLabelSize(" <SetLabelSize(" <SetLabelSize(" <SetTickLength(" <SetTickLength(" <SetTickLength(" <SetTitleOffset("<SetTitleOffset("<SetTitleOffset("<SetTitleSize(" <SetTitleSize(" <SetTitleSize(" <SetTitleColor(" <SetTitleColor(" <SetTitleColor(" <SetTitleFont(" <SetTitleFont(" <SetTitleFont(" <SetBarWidth(" <SetBarOffset(" <SetDrawBorder(" <SetOptLogx(" <SetOptLogy(" <SetOptLogz(" <SetOptDate(" <SetOptStat(" <SetOptTitle(kTRUE);" << std::endl; else out << " tmpStyle->SetOptTitle(kFALSE);" << std::endl; out<<" "<<"tmpStyle->SetOptFit(" <SetNumberContours(" <GetAttDate()->SetTextFont(" <GetTextFont() <<");"<GetAttDate()->SetTextSize(" <GetTextSize() <<");"<GetAttDate()->SetTextAngle("<GetTextAngle()<<");"<GetAttDate()->SetTextAlign("<GetTextAlign()<<");"<GetAttDate()->SetTextColor("<GetTextColor()<<");"<SetDateX(" <SetDateY(" <SetEndErrorSize(" <SetErrorX(" <SetFuncColor(" <SetFuncStyle(" <SetFuncWidth(" <SetGridColor(" <SetGridStyle(" <SetGridWidth(" <SetLegendBorderSize("<SetLegendFillColor(" <SetLegendFont(" <SetHatchesLineWidth("<SetHatchesSpacing(" <SetFrameFillColor(" <SetFrameLineColor(" <SetFrameFillStyle(" <SetFrameLineStyle(" <SetFrameLineWidth(" <SetFrameBorderSize(" <SetFrameBorderMode(" <SetHistFillColor(" <SetHistLineColor(" <SetHistFillStyle(" <SetHistLineStyle(" <SetHistLineWidth(" <SetHistMinimumZero(kTRUE);" <SetHistMinimumZero(kFALSE);"<SetCanvasPreferGL(kTRUE);" <SetCanvasPreferGL(kFALSE);"<SetCanvasColor(" <SetCanvasBorderSize("<SetCanvasBorderMode("<SetCanvasDefH(" <SetCanvasDefW(" <SetCanvasDefX(" <SetCanvasDefY(" <SetPadColor(" <SetPadBorderSize(" <SetPadBorderMode(" <SetPadBottomMargin(" <SetPadTopMargin(" <SetPadLeftMargin(" <SetPadRightMargin(" <SetPadGridX(kTRUE);" <SetPadGridX(kFALSE);"<SetPadGridY(kTRUE);" <SetPadGridY(kFALSE);"<SetPadTickX(" <SetPadTickY(" <SetPaperSize(" <SetScreenFactor(" <SetStatColor(" <SetStatTextColor(" <SetStatBorderSize(" <SetStatFont(" <SetStatFontSize(" <SetStatStyle(" <SetStatFormat(" <SetStatX(" <SetStatY(" <SetStatW(" <SetStatH(" <SetStripDecimals(kTRUE);" <SetStripDecimals(kFALSE);"<SetTitleAlign(" <SetTitleFillColor(" <SetTitleTextColor(" <SetTitleBorderSize("<SetTitleFont(" <SetTitleFontSize(" <SetTitleStyle(" <SetTitleX(" <SetTitleY(" <SetTitleW(" <SetTitleH(" <SetLegoInnerR(" <SetPalette(" << GetNumberOfColors() << ", fPaletteColor);" << std::endl; out<SetLineStyleString(i, fLineStyleArrayTmp[i]);"<SetHeaderPS(" <SetTitlePS(" <SetFitFormat(" <SetPaintTextFormat("<SetLineScalePS(" <SetColorModelPS(" <SetTimeOffset(%9.0f);", GetTimeOffset()) <SetLineColor(" <SetLineStyle(" <SetLineWidth(" <SetFillColor(" <SetFillStyle(" <SetMarkerColor(" <SetMarkerSize(" <SetMarkerStyle(" <SetTextAlign(" <SetTextAngle(" <SetTextColor(" <SetTextFont(" <SetTextSize(" <