// @(#)root/base:$Id$ // Author: Gerhard E. Bruckner 15/07/07 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TUri // // // // This class represents a RFC 3986 compatible URI. // // See http://rfc.net/rfc3986.html. // // It provides member functions to set and return the different // // the different parts of an URI. The functionality is that of // // a validating parser. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include // for tolower() #include "TUri.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TPRegexp.h" //RFC3986: // pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@" const char* const kURI_pchar = "(?:[[:alpha:][:digit:]-._~!$&'()*+,;=:@]|%[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])"; //unreserved characters, see chapter 2.3 const char* const kURI_unreserved = "[[:alpha:][:digit:]-._~]"; // reserved characters, see chapter // reserved = gen-delims / sub-delims const char* const kURI_reserved = "[:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=]"; // gen-delims, see chapter 2.2 // delimiters of the generic URI components const char* const kURI_gendelims = "[:/?#[]@]"; // sub-delims, see chapter 2.2 const char* const kURI_subdelims = "[!$&'()*+,;=]"; ClassImp(TUri) //______________________________________________________________________________ TUri::TUri(const TString &uri) { // Constructor that calls SetUri with a complete URI. SetUri(uri); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TUri::TUri(const char *uri) { // Constructor that calls SetUri with a complete URI. SetUri(uri); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TUri::TUri(const TUri &uri) : TObject(uri) { // TUri copy ctor. fScheme = uri.fScheme; fUserinfo = uri.fUserinfo; fHost = uri.fHost; fPort = uri.fPort; fPath = uri.fPath; fQuery = uri.fQuery; fFragment = uri.fFragment; fHasScheme = uri.fHasScheme; fHasUserinfo = uri.fHasUserinfo; fHasHost = uri.fHasHost; fHasPort = uri.fHasPort; fHasPath = uri.fHasPath; fHasQuery = uri.fHasQuery; fHasFragment = uri.fHasFragment; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TUri &TUri::operator= (const TUri & rhs) { // TUri assignment operator. if (this != &rhs) { TObject::operator= (rhs); fScheme = rhs.fScheme; fUserinfo = rhs.fUserinfo; fHost = rhs.fHost; fPort = rhs.fPort; fPath = rhs.fPath; fQuery = rhs.fQuery; fFragment = rhs.fFragment; fHasScheme = rhs.fHasScheme; fHasUserinfo = rhs.fHasUserinfo; fHasHost = rhs.fHasHost; fHasPort = rhs.fHasPort; fHasPath = rhs.fHasPath; fHasQuery = rhs.fHasQuery; fHasFragment = rhs.fHasFragment; } return *this; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t operator== (const TUri &u1, const TUri &u2) { // Implementation of a TUri Equivalence operator // that uses syntax-based normalisation // see chapter 6.2.2. // make temporary copies of the operands TUri u11 = u1; TUri u22 = u2; // normalise them u11.Normalise(); u22.Normalise(); // compare them as TStrings return u11.GetUri() == u22.GetUri(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ const TString TUri::GetUri() const { // Returns the whole URI - // an implementation of chapter 5.3 component recomposition. // The result URI is composed out of the five basic parts. // // URI = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ] // hier-part = "//" authority path-abempty // / path-absolute // / path-rootless // / path-empty TString result = ""; if (fHasScheme) result = fScheme + ":"; result += GetHierPart(); if (fHasQuery) result += TString("?") + fQuery; if (fHasFragment) result += TString("#") + fFragment; return result; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const TString TUri::RemoveDotSegments(const TString &inp) { // This functions implements the "remove_dot_segments" routine // of chapter 5.2.4 "for interpreting and removing the // special '.' and '..' complete path segments from a // referenced path". TString source = inp; TString sink = TString(""); // sink buffer // Step 2 "While the source buffer is not empty, loop as follows:" while (source.Length() > 0) { // Rule 2.A if (TPRegexp("^\\.\\.?/(.*)$").Substitute(source, "/$1") > 0) continue; // Rule 2.B if (TPRegexp("^/\\./(.*)$|^/\\.($)").Substitute(source, "/$1") > 0) continue; // Rule 2.C if (TPRegexp("^/\\.\\./(.*)$|^/\\.\\.($)").Substitute(source, "/$1") > 0) { Ssiz_t last = sink.Last('/'); if (last == -1) last = 0; sink.Remove(last, sink.Length() - last); continue; } // Rule 2.D if (source.CompareTo(".") == 0 || source.CompareTo("..") == 0) { source.Remove(0, source.Length() - 11); continue; } // Rule 2.E TPRegexp regexp = TPRegexp("^(/?[^/]*)(?:/|$)"); TObjArray *tokens = regexp.MatchS(source); TString segment = ((TObjString*) tokens->At(1))->GetString(); sink += segment; source.Remove(0, segment.Length()); delete tokens; } // Step 3: return sink buffer return sink; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::IsAbsolute() const { // Returns kTRUE if instance qualifies as absolute-URI // absolute-URI = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] // cf. Appendix A. return (HasScheme() && HasHierPart() && !HasFragment()); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::IsRelative() const { // Returns kTRUE if instance qualifies as relative-ref // relative-ref = relative-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ] // cf. Appendix A. return (!HasScheme() && HasRelativePart()); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::IsUri() const { // Returns kTRUE if instance qualifies as URI // URI = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ] // cf. Appendix A. return (HasScheme() && HasHierPart()); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::IsReference() const { // Returns kTRUE if instance qualifies as URI-reference // URI-reference = URI / relative-ref // cf. Appendix A. return (IsUri() || IsRelative()); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::SetScheme(const TString &scheme) { // Set scheme component of URI: // scheme = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" / "." ) if (!scheme) { fHasScheme = kFALSE; return kTRUE; } if (IsScheme(scheme)) { fScheme = scheme; fHasScheme = kTRUE; return kTRUE; } else { Error("SetScheme", " component \"%s\" of URI is not compliant with RFC 3986.", scheme.Data()); return kFALSE; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::IsScheme(const TString &string) { // Returns kTRUE if string qualifies as URI scheme: // scheme = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" / "." ) return TPRegexp( "^[[:alpha:]][[:alpha:][:digit:]+-.]*$" ).Match(string); } //______________________________________________________________________________ const TString TUri::GetAuthority() const { // Returns the authority part of the instance: // authority = [ userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port ] TString authority = fHasUserinfo ? fUserinfo + "@" + fHost : fHost; if (fHasPort && !fPort.IsNull()) // add port only if not empty authority += TString(":") + TString(fPort); return (authority); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::SetQuery(const TString &query) { // Set query component of URI: // query = *( pchar / "/" / "?" ) if (!query) { fHasQuery = kFALSE; return kTRUE; } if (IsQuery(query)) { fQuery = query; fHasQuery = kTRUE; return kTRUE; } else { Error("SetQuery", " component \"%s\" of URI is not compliant with RFC 3986.", query.Data()); return kFALSE; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::IsQuery(const TString &string) { // Returns kTRUE if string qualifies as URI query: // query = *( pchar / "/" / "?" ) return TPRegexp( TString("^([/?]|") + kURI_pchar + ")*$" ).Match(string); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::SetAuthority(const TString &authority) { // Set authority part of URI: // authority = [ userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port ] // // Split into components {userinfo@, host, :port}, // remember that according to the RFC, it is necessary to // distinguish between missing component (no delimiter) // and empty component (delimiter present). if (authority.IsNull()) { fHasUserinfo = kFALSE; fHasHost = kFALSE; fHasPort = kFALSE; return kTRUE; } TPRegexp regexp = TPRegexp("^(?:(.*@))?([^:]*)((?::.*)?)$"); TObjArray *tokens = regexp.MatchS(authority); if (tokens->GetEntries() != 4) { Error("SetAuthority", " component \"%s\" of URI is not compliant with RFC 3986.", authority.Data()); return kFALSE; } Bool_t valid = kTRUE; // handle userinfo TString userinfo = ((TObjString*) tokens->At(1))->GetString(); if (userinfo.EndsWith("@")) { userinfo.Remove(TString::kTrailing, '@'); valid &= SetUserInfo(userinfo); } // handle host TString host = ((TObjString*) tokens->At(2))->GetString(); valid &= SetHost(host); // handle port TString port = ((TObjString*) tokens->At(3))->GetString(); if (port.BeginsWith(":")) { port.Remove(TString::kLeading, ':'); valid &= SetPort(port); } return valid; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::IsAuthority(const TString &string) { // Returns kTRUE if string qualifies as valid URI authority: // authority = [ userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port ] // split into parts {userinfo, host, port} TPRegexp regexp = TPRegexp("^(?:(.*)@)?([^:]*)(?::(.*))?$"); TObjArray *tokens = regexp.MatchS(string); TString userinfo = ((TObjString*) tokens->At(1))->GetString(); TString host = ((TObjString*) tokens->At(2))->GetString(); TString port; // port is optional if (tokens->GetEntries() == 4) port = ((TObjString*) tokens->At(3))->GetString(); else port = ""; return (IsHost(host) && IsUserInfo(userinfo) && IsPort(port)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::SetUserInfo(const TString &userinfo) { // Set userinfo component of URI: // userinfo = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" ) if (userinfo.IsNull()) { fHasUserinfo = kFALSE; return kTRUE; } if (IsUserInfo(userinfo)) { fUserinfo = userinfo; fHasUserinfo = kTRUE; return kTRUE; } else { Error("SetUserInfo", " component \"%s\" of URI is not compliant with RFC 3986.", userinfo.Data()); return kFALSE; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::IsUserInfo(const TString &string) { // Return kTRUE is string qualifies as valid URI userinfo: // userinfo = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" ) // this equals to pchar without the '@' character return (TPRegexp( "^" + TString(kURI_pchar) + "*$" ).Match(string) > 0 && !TString(string).Contains("@")); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::SetHost(const TString &host) { // Set host component of URI: // RFC 3986: host = IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name // implemented: host = IPv4address / reg-name if (IsHost(host)) { fHost = host; fHasHost = kTRUE; return kTRUE; } else { Error("SetHost", " component \"%s\" of URI is not compliant with RFC 3986.", host.Data()); return kFALSE; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::SetPort(const TString &port) { // Set port component of URI: // port = *DIGIT if (IsPort(port)) { fPort = port; fHasPort = kTRUE; return kTRUE; } Error("SetPort", " component \"%s\" of URI is not compliant with RFC 3986.", port.Data()); return kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::SetPath(const TString &path) { // Set path component of URI: // path = path-abempty ; begins with "/" or is empty // / path-absolute ; begins with "/" but not "//" // / path-noscheme ; begins with a non-colon segment // / path-rootless ; begins with a segment // / path-empty ; zero characters if (IsPath(path)) { fPath = path; fHasPath = kTRUE; return kTRUE; } Error("SetPath", " component \"%s\" of URI is not compliant with RFC 3986.", path.Data()); return kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::SetFragment(const TString &fragment) { // Set fragment component of URI: // fragment = *( pchar / "/" / "?" ) if (IsFragment(fragment)) { fFragment = fragment; fHasFragment = kTRUE; return kTRUE; } else { Error("SetFragment", " component \"%s\" of URI is not compliant with RFC 3986.", fragment.Data()); return kFALSE; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::IsFragment(const TString &string) { // Returns kTRUE if string qualifies as valid fragment component // fragment = *( pchar / "/" / "?" ) return (TPRegexp( "^(" + TString(kURI_pchar) + "|[/?])*$" ).Match(string) > 0); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TUri::Print(Option_t *option) const { // Display function, // option "d" .. debug output // anything else .. simply print URI. if (strcmp(option, "d") != 0) { Printf("%s", GetUri().Data()); return ; } // debug output Printf("URI: <%s>", GetUri().Data()); Printf("(%c) |--scheme---------<%s>", fHasScheme ? 't' : 'f', fScheme.Data()); Printf(" |--hier-----------<%s>", GetHierPart().Data()); Printf("(%c) |--authority------<%s>", HasAuthority() ? 't' : 'f', GetAuthority().Data()); Printf("(%c) |--userinfo---<%s>", fHasUserinfo ? 't' : 'f', fUserinfo.Data()); Printf("(%c) |--host-------<%s>", fHasHost ? 't' : 'f', fHost.Data()); Printf("(%c) |--port-------<%s>", fHasPort ? 't' : 'f', fPort.Data()); Printf("(%c) |--path-------<%s>", fHasPath ? 't' : 'f', fPath.Data()); Printf("(%c) |--query------<%s>", fHasQuery ? 't' : 'f', fQuery.Data()); Printf("(%c) |--fragment---<%s>", fHasFragment ? 't' : 'f', fFragment.Data()); printf("path flags: "); if (IsPathAbempty(fPath)) printf("abempty "); if (IsPathAbsolute(fPath)) printf("absolute "); if (IsPathRootless(fPath)) printf("rootless "); if (IsPathEmpty(fPath)) printf("empty "); printf("\nURI flags: "); if (IsAbsolute()) printf("absolute-URI "); if (IsRelative()) printf("relative-ref "); if (IsUri()) printf("URI "); if (IsReference()) printf("URI-reference "); printf("\n"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TUri::Reset() { // Initialize this URI object. // Set all TString members to empty string, // set all Bool_t members to kFALSE. fScheme = ""; fUserinfo = ""; fHost = ""; fPort = ""; fPath = ""; fQuery = ""; fFragment = ""; fHasScheme = kFALSE; fHasUserinfo = kFALSE; fHasHost = kFALSE; fHasPort = kFALSE; fHasPath = kFALSE; fHasQuery = kFALSE; fHasFragment = kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::SetUri(const TString &uri) { // Parse URI and set the member variables accordingly, // returns kTRUE if URI validates, and kFALSE otherwise: // URI = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ] // hier-part = "//" authority path-abempty // / path-absolute // / path-rootless // / path-empty // // Reset member variables Reset(); // regular expression taken from appendix B // reference points 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TPRegexp regexp = TPRegexp("^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)([?]([^#]*))?(#(.*))?"); TObjArray *tokens = regexp.MatchS(uri); // collect bool values to see if all setters succeed Bool_t valid = kTRUE; //tokens->Print(); switch (tokens->GetEntries()) { case 10: // URI contains fragment delimiter '#' valid &= SetFragment(((TObjString*) tokens->At(9))->GetString()); // fallthrough case 8: // URI does not contain a fragment delimiter // if there is a query delimiter '?', set query if (!((TString)((TObjString*) tokens->At(6))->GetString()).IsNull()) valid &= SetQuery(((TObjString*) tokens->At(7))->GetString()); // fallthrough case 6: // URI does not contain fragment or query delimiters valid &= SetPath(((TObjString*) tokens->At(5))->GetString()); // if there is an authority delimiter '//', set authority if (!((TString)((TObjString*) tokens->At(3))->GetString()).IsNull()) valid &= SetAuthority(((TObjString*) tokens->At(4))->GetString()); // if there is a scheme delimiter ':', set scheme if (!((TString)((TObjString*) tokens->At(1))->GetString()).IsNull()) valid &= SetScheme(((TObjString*) tokens->At(2))->GetString()); break; default: // regular expression did not match Error("SetUri", "URI \"%s\" is not is not compliant with RFC 3986.", uri.Data()); valid = kFALSE; } // reset member variables once again, if one at least setter failed if (!valid) Reset(); delete tokens; return valid; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const TString TUri::GetHierPart() const { // hier-part = "//" authority path-abempty // / path-absolute // / path-rootless // / path-empty if (HasAuthority() && IsPathAbempty(fPath)) return (TString("//") + GetAuthority() + fPath); else return fPath; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const TString TUri::GetRelativePart() const { // relative-part = "//" authority path-abempty // / path-absolute // / path-noscheme // / path-empty if (HasAuthority() && IsPathAbempty(fPath)) return (TString("//") + GetAuthority() + fPath); else return fPath; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::SetHierPart(const TString &hier) { // returns hier-part component of URI // hier-part = "//" authority path-abempty // / path-absolute // / path-rootless // / path-empty // /* if ( IsPathAbsolute(hier) || IsPathRootless(hier) || IsPathEmpty(hier) ) { SetPath (hier); return kTRUE; } */ // reference points: 1 2 3 TPRegexp regexp = TPRegexp("^(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)$"); TObjArray *tokens = regexp.MatchS(hier); if (tokens->GetEntries() == 0) { Error("SetHierPart", " component \"%s\" of URI is not compliant with RFC 3986.", hier.Data()); delete tokens; return false; } TString delm = ((TObjString*) tokens->At(1))->GetString(); TString auth = ((TObjString*) tokens->At(2))->GetString(); TString path = ((TObjString*) tokens->At(3))->GetString(); Bool_t valid = kTRUE; if (!delm.IsNull() && IsPathAbempty(path)) { // URI contains an authority delimiter '//' ... valid &= SetAuthority(auth); valid &= SetPath(path); } else { // URI does not contain an authority if (IsPathAbsolute(path) || IsPathRootless(path) || IsPathEmpty(path)) valid &= SetPath(path); else { valid = kFALSE; Error("SetHierPart", " component \"%s\" of URI is not compliant with RFC 3986.", hier.Data()); } } delete tokens; return valid; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::IsHierPart(const TString &string) { // Returns kTRUE if string qualifies as hier-part: // // hier-part = "//" authority path-abempty // / path-absolute // / path-rootless // / path-empty // use functionality of SetHierPart // in order to avoid duplicate code TUri uri; return (uri.SetHierPart(string)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::IsRelativePart(const TString &string) { // Returns kTRUE is string qualifies as relative-part: // relative-part = "//" authority path-abempty // / path-absolute // / path-noscheme // / path-empty // use functionality of SetRelativePart // in order to avoid duplicate code TUri uri; return (uri.SetRelativePart(string)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::SetRelativePart(const TString &relative) { // Returns kTRUE is string qualifies as relative-part: // relative-part = "//" authority path-abempty // / path-absolute // / path-noscheme // / path-empty // reference points: 1 2 3 TPRegexp regexp = TPRegexp("^(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)$"); TObjArray *tokens = regexp.MatchS(relative); if (tokens->GetEntries() == 0) { Error("SetRelativePath", " component \"%s\" of URI is not compliant with RFC 3986.", relative.Data()); delete tokens; return false; } TString delm = ((TObjString*) tokens->At(1))->GetString(); TString auth = ((TObjString*) tokens->At(2))->GetString(); TString path = ((TObjString*) tokens->At(3))->GetString(); Bool_t valid = kTRUE; if (!delm.IsNull() && IsPathAbempty(path)) { // URI contains an authority delimiter '//' ... valid &= SetAuthority(auth); valid &= SetPath(path); } else { // URI does not contain an authority if (IsPathAbsolute(path) || IsPathNoscheme(path) || IsPathEmpty(path)) valid &= SetPath(path); else { valid = kFALSE; Error("SetRelativePath", " component \"%s\" of URI is not compliant with RFC 3986.", relative.Data()); } } delete tokens; return valid; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const TString TUri::PctEncode(const TString &source) { // Percent-encode and return the given string according to RFC 3986 // in principle, this function cannot fail or produce an error. TString sink = ""; // iterate through source for (Int_t i = 0; i < source.Length(); i++) { if (IsUnreserved(TString(source(i)))) { // unreserved character -> copy sink = sink + source[i]; } else { // reserved character -> encode to 2 digit hex // preceded by '%' char buffer[4]; sprintf(buffer, "%%%02X", source[i]); sink = sink + buffer; } } return sink; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::IsHost(const TString &string) { // Returns kTRUE if string qualifies as valid host component: // host = IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name // implemented: host = IPv4address / reg-name return (IsRegName(string) || IsIpv4(string)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::IsPath(const TString &string) { // Retruns kTRUE if string qualifies as valid path component: // path = path-abempty ; begins with "/" or is empty // / path-absolute ; begins with "/" but not "//" // / path-noscheme ; begins with a non-colon segment // / path-rootless ; begins with a segment // / path-empty ; zero characters return (IsPathAbempty(string) || IsPathAbsolute(string) || IsPathNoscheme(string) || IsPathRootless(string) || IsPathEmpty(string)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::IsPathAbempty(const TString &string) { // Returns kTRUE if string qualifies as valid path-abempty component: // path-abempty = *( "/" segment ) // segment = *pchar return (TPRegexp( TString("^(/") + TString(kURI_pchar) + "*)*$" ).Match(string) > 0); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::IsPathAbsolute(const TString &string) { // Returns kTRUE if string qualifies as valid path-absolute component // path-absolute = "/" [ segment-nz *( "/" segment ) ] // segment-nz = 1*pchar // segment = *pchar return (TPRegexp( TString("^/(") + TString(kURI_pchar) + "+(/" + TString(kURI_pchar) + "*)*)?$" ).Match(string) > 0); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::IsPathNoscheme(const TString &string) { // Returns kTRUE if string qualifies as valid path-noscheme component: // path-noscheme = segment-nz-nc *( "/" segment ) // segment-nz-nc = 1*( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / "@" ) // segment = *pchar return (TPRegexp( TString("^(([[:alpha:][:digit:]-._~!$&'()*+,;=@]|%[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])+)(/") + TString(kURI_pchar) + "*)*$" ).Match(string) > 0); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::IsPathRootless(const TString &string) { // Returns kTRUE if string qualifies as valid path-rootless component: // path-rootless = segment-nz *( "/" segment ) return TPRegexp( TString("^") + TString(kURI_pchar) + "+(/" + TString(kURI_pchar) + "*)*$" ).Match(string); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::IsPathEmpty(const TString &string) { // Returns kTRUE if string qualifies as valid path-empty component: // path-empty = 0 return TString(string).IsNull(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::IsPort(const TString &string) { // Returns kTRUE if string qualifies as valid port component: // RFC 3986: port = *DIGIT return (TPRegexp("^[[:digit:]]*$").Match(string) > 0); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::IsRegName(const TString &string) { // Returns kTRUE if string qualifies as valid reg-name: // // reg-name = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims ) // sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")" // / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "=" // return (TPRegexp( "^([[:alpha:][:digit:]-._~!$&'()*+,;=]|%[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])*$").Match(string) > 0); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::IsIpv4(const TString &string) { // Returns kTRUE, if string holds a valid IPv4 address // currently only decimal variant supported. // Existence of leadig 0s or numeric range remains unchecked // IPv4address = dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet. // return (TPRegexp( "^([[:digit:]]{1,3}[.]){3}[[:digit:]]{1,3}$").Match(string) > 0); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TUri::IsUnreserved(const TString &string) { // Returns kTRUE, if the given string does not contain // RFC 3986 reserved characters // unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" return (TPRegexp( "^" + TString(kURI_unreserved) + "*$").Match(string) > 0); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TUri::Normalise() { // Syntax based normalisation according to // RFC chapter 6.2.2. // case normalisation of host and scheme // cf. chapter fScheme.ToLower(); if (fHasHost) { TString host = GetHost(); host.ToLower(); SetHost(host); } // percent-encoding normalisation ( for // userinfo, host (reg-name), path, query, fragment fUserinfo = PctNormalise(PctDecodeUnreserved(fUserinfo)); fHost = PctNormalise(PctDecodeUnreserved(fHost)); fPath = PctNormalise(PctDecodeUnreserved(fPath)); fQuery = PctNormalise(PctDecodeUnreserved(fQuery)); fFragment = PctNormalise(PctDecodeUnreserved(fFragment)); // path segment normalisation ( if (fHasPath) SetPath(RemoveDotSegments(GetPath())); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TString const TUri::PctDecodeUnreserved(const TString &source) { // Percent-decode the given string according to chapter 2.1 // we assume a valid pct-encoded string. TString sink = ""; Int_t i = 0; while (i < source.Length()) { if (source[i] == '%') { if (source.Length() < i+2) { // abort if out of bounds return sink; } // two hex digits follow -> decode to ASCII // upper nibble, bits 4-7 char c1 = tolower(source[i + 1]) - '0'; if (c1 > 9) // a-f c1 -= 39; // lower nibble, bits 0-3 char c0 = tolower(source[i + 2]) - '0'; if (c0 > 9) // a-f c0 -= 39; char decoded = c1 << 4 | c0; if (TPRegexp(kURI_unreserved).Match(decoded) > 0) { // we have an unreserved character -> store decoded version sink = sink + decoded; } else { // this is a reserved character TString pct = source(i,3); pct.ToUpper(); sink = sink + pct; } // advance 2 characters i += 2; } else { // regular character -> copy sink = sink + source[i]; } i++; } return sink; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TString const TUri::PctNormalise(const TString &source) { // Normalise the percent-encoded parts of the string // i.e. uppercase the hexadecimal digits // %[:alpha:][:alpha:] -> %[:ALPHA:][:ALPHA:] TString sink = ""; Int_t i = 0; while (i < source.Length()) { if (source[i] == '%') { if (source.Length() < i+2) { // abort if out of bounds return sink; } TString pct = source(i,3); // uppercase the pct part pct.ToUpper(); sink = sink + pct; // advance 2 characters i += 2; } else { // regular character -> copy sink = sink + source[i]; } i++; } return sink; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TString const TUri::PctDecode(const TString &source) { // Percent-decode the given string according to chapter 2.1 // we assume a valid pct-encoded string. TString sink = ""; Int_t i = 0; while (i < source.Length()) { if (source[i] == '%') { if (source.Length() < i+2) { // abort if out of bounds return sink; } // two hex digits follow -> decode to ASCII // upper nibble, bits 4-7 char c1 = tolower(source[i + 1]) - '0'; if (c1 > 9) // a-f c1 -= 39; // lower nibble, bits 0-3 char c0 = tolower(source[i + 2]) - '0'; if (c0 > 9) // a-f c0 -= 39; sink = sink + (char)(c1 << 4 | c0); // advance 2 characters i += 2; } else { // regular character -> copy sink = sink + source[i]; } i++; } return sink; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TUri TUri::Transform(const TUri &reference, const TUri &base) { // Transform a URI reference into its target URI using // given a base URI. // This is an implementation of the pseudocode in chapter 5.2.2. TUri target; if (reference.HasScheme()) { target.SetScheme(reference.GetScheme()); if (reference.HasAuthority()) target.SetAuthority(reference.GetAuthority()); if (reference.HasPath()) target.SetPath(RemoveDotSegments(reference.GetPath())); if (reference.HasQuery()) target.SetQuery(reference.GetQuery()); } else { if (reference.HasAuthority()) { target.SetAuthority(reference.GetAuthority()); if (reference.HasPath()) target.SetPath(RemoveDotSegments(reference.GetPath())); if (reference.HasQuery()) target.SetQuery(reference.GetQuery()); } else { if (reference.GetPath().IsNull()) { target.SetPath(base.GetPath()); if (reference.HasQuery()) { target.SetQuery(reference.GetQuery()); } else { if (base.HasQuery()) target.SetQuery(base.GetQuery()); } } else { if (reference.GetPath().BeginsWith("/")) { target.SetPath(RemoveDotSegments(reference.GetPath())); } else { target.SetPath(RemoveDotSegments(MergePaths(reference, base))); } if (reference.HasQuery()) target.SetQuery(reference.GetQuery()); } if (base.HasAuthority()) target.SetAuthority(base.GetAuthority()); } if (base.HasScheme()) target.SetScheme(base.GetScheme()); } if (reference.HasFragment()) target.SetFragment(reference.GetFragment()); return target; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const TString TUri::MergePaths(const TUri &reference, const TUri &base) { // RFC 3986, 5.3.2. // If the base URI has a defined authority component and an empty // path, then return a string consisting of "/" concatenated with the // reference's path; otherwise, // return a string consisting of the reference's path component // appended to all but the last segment of the base URI's path (i.e., // excluding any characters after the right-most "/" in the base URI // path, or excluding the entire base URI path if it does not contain // any "/" characters). TString result = ""; if (base.HasAuthority() && base.GetPath().IsNull()) { result = TString("/") + reference.GetPath(); } else { TString basepath = base.GetPath(); Ssiz_t last = basepath.Last('/'); if (last == -1) result = reference.GetPath(); else result = basepath(0, last + 1) + reference.GetPath(); } return result; }