// @(#)root/core:$Id$ // author: Lukasz Janyst #include "TSchemaRule.h" #include "TSchemaRuleProcessor.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TNamed.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "TROOT.h" #include "Riostream.h" #include "RConversionRuleParser.h" ClassImp(TSchemaRule) using namespace ROOT; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TSchemaRule::TSchemaRule(): fVersionVect( 0 ), fChecksumVect( 0 ), fTargetVect( 0 ), fSourceVect( 0 ), fIncludeVect( 0 ), fEmbed( kTRUE ), fReadFuncPtr( 0 ), fReadRawFuncPtr( 0 ), fRuleType( kNone ) { // Default Constructor. } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TSchemaRule::~TSchemaRule() { // Destructor. delete fVersionVect; delete fChecksumVect; delete fTargetVect; delete fSourceVect; delete fIncludeVect; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TSchemaRule::TSchemaRule( const TSchemaRule& rhs ): TObject( rhs ), fVersionVect( 0 ), fChecksumVect( 0 ), fTargetVect( 0 ), fSourceVect( 0 ), fIncludeVect( 0 ), fEmbed( kTRUE ), fReadFuncPtr( 0 ), fReadRawFuncPtr( 0 ), fRuleType( kNone ) { // Copy Constructor. *this = rhs; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TSchemaRule& TSchemaRule::operator = ( const TSchemaRule& rhs ) { // Copy operator. if( this != &rhs ) { fVersion = rhs.fVersion; fChecksum = rhs.fChecksum; fSourceClass = rhs.fSourceClass; fTarget = rhs.fTarget; fSource = rhs.fSource; fInclude = rhs.fInclude; fCode = rhs.fCode; fEmbed = rhs.fEmbed; fReadFuncPtr = rhs.fReadFuncPtr; fReadRawFuncPtr = rhs.fReadRawFuncPtr; fRuleType = rhs.fRuleType; fAttributes = rhs.fAttributes; } return *this; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bool_t TSchemaRule::operator == ( const TSchemaRule& rhs ) { // Return true if the rule have the same effects. if( this != &rhs ) { Bool_t result = ( fVersion == rhs.fVersion && fChecksum == rhs.fChecksum && fSourceClass == rhs.fSourceClass && fTargetClass == rhs.fTargetClass && fSource == rhs.fSource && fTarget == rhs.fTarget && fInclude == rhs.fInclude && fCode == rhs.fCode && fEmbed == rhs.fEmbed && fRuleType == rhs.fRuleType && fAttributes == rhs.fAttributes ); if (result && ( (fReadRawFuncPtr != rhs.fReadRawFuncPtr && fReadRawFuncPtr != 0 && rhs.fReadRawFuncPtr != 0) || (fReadFuncPtr != rhs.fReadFuncPtr && fReadFuncPtr != 0 && rhs.fReadFuncPtr != 0) ) ) { result = kFALSE; } return result; } return kTRUE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TSchemaRule::ls(Option_t *targetname) const { // The ls function lists the contents of a class on stdout. Ls output // is typically much less verbose then Dump(). TROOT::IndentLevel(); cout << "Schema Evolution Rule: "; if (fRuleType==kReadRule) cout << "read "; else if (fRuleType==kReadRawRule) cout << "readraw "; cout << "\n"; TROOT::IncreaseDirLevel(); TROOT::IndentLevel(); cout << "sourceClass=\"" << fSourceClass << "\" "; if (fVersion.Length()) cout << "version=\"" << fVersion << "\" "; if (fChecksum.Length()) cout << "checksum=\"" << fChecksum << "\" "; if (targetname && targetname[0]) cout << "targetClass=\"" << targetname << "\" "; else cout << "targetClass\"" << fTargetClass << "\" "; cout << "\n"; TROOT::IndentLevel(); cout << "source=\"" << fSource << "\" "; cout << "target=\"" << fTarget << "\" "; cout << "\n"; if (fInclude.Length()) { TROOT::IndentLevel(); cout << "include=\"" << fInclude << "\" " << "\n"; } if (fAttributes.Length()) { TROOT::IndentLevel(); cout << "attributes=\"" << fAttributes << "\"" << "\n"; } if (fCode.Length()) { TROOT::IndentLevel(); cout << "code=\"{" << fCode << "}\" " << "\n"; } TROOT::DecreaseDirLevel(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TSchemaRule::AsString(TString &out, const char *options) const { // Add to the string 'out' the string representation of the rule. // if options contains: // 's' : add the short form of the rule is possible // 'x' : add the xml form of the rule TString opt(options); opt.ToLower(); Bool_t shortform = opt.Contains('s'); Bool_t xmlform = opt.Contains('x'); TString end; if (xmlform) { /* */ shortform = kFALSE; out += "<"; if (fRuleType==kReadRule) { out += "read "; end = ""; } else if (fRuleType==kReadRawRule) { out += "readraw "; end = ""; } else { out += "-- "; end = "-->"; } } else { if (!shortform || fRuleType!=kReadRule) { out += "type="; if (fRuleType==kReadRule) out += "read "; else if (fRuleType==kReadRawRule) out += "readraw "; else out += " "; } } if (!shortform || (fSourceClass != fTargetClass) ) { out += "sourceClass=\"" + fSourceClass + "\" "; out += "targetClass=\"" + fTargetClass + "\" "; } else { out += fSourceClass + " "; } if (shortform && fTarget == fSource) { out += fSource + " "; } if (!shortform || (fVersion != "[1-]")) { if (fVersion.Length()) out += "version=\"" + fVersion + "\" "; } if (fChecksum.Length()) out += "checksum=\"" + fChecksum + "\" "; if (!shortform || fTarget != fSource) { out += "source=\"" + fSource + "\" "; out += "target=\"" + fTarget + "\" "; } if (fInclude.Length()) out += "include=\"" + fInclude + "\" "; if (fAttributes.Length()) out += "attributes=\"" + fAttributes + "\" "; if (xmlform) { out += "> "; } if (xmlform) { if (fCode.Length()) { out += "\n\n "; } else if (fReadFuncPtr) { // Can we guess? // out += "code=\" + nameof(fReadFuncPtr) + "\" "; } else if (fReadRawFuncPtr) { // Can we guess? // out += "code=\" + nameof(fReadRawFuncPtr) + "\" "; } } else { if (fCode.Length()) { out += "code=\"{" + fCode + "}\" "; } else if (fReadFuncPtr) { // Can we guess? // out += "code=\" + nameof(fReadFuncPtr) + "\" "; } else if (fReadRawFuncPtr) { // Can we guess? // out += "code=\" + nameof(fReadRawFuncPtr) + "\" "; } } if (xmlform) { out += end; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TSchemaRule::Clear( const char * /* option */) { // Zero out this rule object. fVersion.Clear(); fChecksum.Clear(); fSourceClass.Clear(); fTarget.Clear(); fSource.Clear(); fInclude.Clear(); fCode.Clear(); fAttributes.Clear(); fReadRawFuncPtr = 0; fReadFuncPtr = 0; fRuleType = kNone; delete fVersionVect; fVersionVect = 0; delete fChecksumVect; fChecksumVect = 0; delete fTargetVect; fTargetVect = 0; delete fSourceVect; fSourceVect = 0; delete fIncludeVect; fIncludeVect = 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bool_t TSchemaRule::SetFromRule( const char *rule ) { // Set the content fot this object from the rule // See TClass::AddRule for details on the syntax. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Parse the rule and check it's validity //----------------------------------------------------------------------- ROOT::MembersMap_t rule_values; std::string error_string; if( !ParseRule( rule, rule_values, error_string) ) { Error("SetFromRule","The rule (%s) is invalid: %s",rule,error_string.c_str()); return kFALSE; } ROOT::MembersMap_t ::const_iterator it1; it1 = rule_values.find( "type" ); if( it1 != rule_values.end() ) { if (it1->second == "read" || it1->second == "Read") { SetRuleType( TSchemaRule::kReadRule ); } else if (it1->second == "readraw" || it1->second == "ReadRaw") { SetRuleType( TSchemaRule::kReadRawRule ); } else { SetRuleType( TSchemaRule::kNone ); } } else { // Default to read. SetRuleType( TSchemaRule::kReadRule ); } it1 = rule_values.find( "targetClass" ); if( it1 != rule_values.end() ) SetTargetClass( it1->second ); it1 = rule_values.find( "sourceClass" ); if( it1 != rule_values.end() ) SetSourceClass( it1->second ); it1 = rule_values.find( "target" ); if( it1 != rule_values.end() ) SetTarget( it1->second ); it1 = rule_values.find( "source" ); if( it1 != rule_values.end() ) SetSource( it1->second ); it1 = rule_values.find( "version" ); if( it1 != rule_values.end() ) SetVersion( it1->second ); it1 = rule_values.find( "checksum" ); if( it1 != rule_values.end() ) SetChecksum( it1->second ); it1 = rule_values.find( "embed" ); if( it1 != rule_values.end() ) SetEmbed( it1->second == "false" ? false : true ); it1 = rule_values.find( "include" ); if( it1 != rule_values.end() ) SetInclude( it1->second ); it1 = rule_values.find( "attributes" ); if( it1 != rule_values.end() ) SetAttributes( it1->second ); it1 = rule_values.find( "code" ); if( it1 != rule_values.end() ) SetCode( it1->second ); // if (code is functioname) { // switch (ruleobj->GetRuleType() ) { // case kRead: SetReadFunctionPointer( ) // case kReadRewa: SetReadRawFunctionPointer( ) // } return kTRUE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bool_t TSchemaRule::SetVersion( const TString& version ) { // Set the version string - returns kFALSE if the format is incorrect fVersion = ""; Bool_t ret = ProcessVersion( version ); if( ret ) fVersion = version; return ret; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const char *TSchemaRule::GetVersion() const { // Get the version string. return fVersion; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bool_t TSchemaRule::TestVersion( Int_t version ) const { // Check if given version number is defined in this rule if( fVersion == "" ) return kFALSE; if( !fVersionVect ) ProcessVersion( fVersion ); // At this point the version string should always be correct if (version == -1) { version = 1; } std::vector >::iterator it; for( it = fVersionVect->begin(); it != fVersionVect->end(); ++it ) { if( version >= it->first && version <= it->second ) return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bool_t TSchemaRule::SetChecksum( const TString& checksum ) { // Set the checksum string - returns kFALSE if the format is incorrect fChecksum = ""; Bool_t ret = ProcessChecksum( checksum ); if( ret ) fChecksum = checksum; return ret; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bool_t TSchemaRule::TestChecksum( UInt_t checksum ) const { // Check if given checksum is defined in this rule if( fChecksum == "" ) return kFALSE; if( !fChecksumVect ) ProcessChecksum( fChecksum ); // At this point the checksum string should always be correct std::vector::iterator it; for( it = fChecksumVect->begin(); it != fChecksumVect->end(); ++it ) { if( checksum == *it ) return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TSchemaRule::SetSourceClass( const TString& classname ) { // Set the source class of this rule (i.e. the onfile class). fSourceClass = classname; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const char *TSchemaRule::GetSourceClass() const { // Get the source class of this rule (i.e. the onfile class). return fSourceClass; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TSchemaRule::SetTargetClass( const TString& classname ) { // Set the target class of this rule (i.e. the in memory class). fTargetClass = classname; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const char *TSchemaRule::GetTargetClass() const { // Get the targte class of this rule (i.e. the in memory class). return fTargetClass; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TSchemaRule::SetTarget( const TString& target ) { // Set the target member of this rule (i.e. the in memory data member). fTarget = target; if( target == "" ) { delete fTargetVect; fTargetVect = 0; return; } if( !fTargetVect ) { fTargetVect = new TObjArray(); fTargetVect->SetOwner(); } ProcessList( fTargetVect, target ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const char *TSchemaRule::GetTargetString() const { // Get the target data members of this rule as a simple string (i.e. the in memory data member). return fTarget; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const TObjArray* TSchemaRule::GetTarget() const { // Get the target data members of this rule (i.e. the in memory data member). if( fTarget == "" ) return 0; if( !fTargetVect ) { fTargetVect = new TObjArray(); fTargetVect->SetOwner(); ProcessList( fTargetVect, fTarget ); } return fTargetVect; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TSchemaRule::SetSource( const TString& source ) { // Set the list of source members. This should be in the form of a declaration: // Int_t fOldMember; TNamed fName; fSource = source; if( source == "" ) { delete fSourceVect; fSourceVect = 0; return; } if( !fSourceVect ) { fSourceVect = new TObjArray(); fSourceVect->SetOwner(); } ProcessDeclaration( fSourceVect, source ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const TObjArray* TSchemaRule::GetSource() const { // Get the list of source members as a TObjArray of TNamed object, // with the name being the member name and the title being its type. if( fSource == "" ) return 0; if( !fSourceVect ) { fSourceVect = new TObjArray(); fSourceVect->SetOwner(); ProcessDeclaration( fSourceVect, fSource ); } return fSourceVect; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TSchemaRule::SetInclude( const TString& incl ) { // Set the comma separated list of header files to include to be able // to compile this rule. fInclude = incl; if( incl == "" ) { delete fIncludeVect; fIncludeVect = 0; return; } if( !fIncludeVect ) { fIncludeVect = new TObjArray(); fIncludeVect->SetOwner(); } ProcessList( fIncludeVect, incl ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const TObjArray* TSchemaRule::GetInclude() const { // Return the list of header files to include to be able to // compile this rule as a TObjArray of TObjString if( fInclude == "" ) return 0; if( !fIncludeVect ) { fIncludeVect = new TObjArray(); fIncludeVect->SetOwner(); ProcessList( fIncludeVect, fInclude ); } return fIncludeVect; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TSchemaRule::SetEmbed( Bool_t embed ) { // Set whether this rule should be save in the ROOT file (if true) fEmbed = embed; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bool_t TSchemaRule::GetEmbed() const { // Return true if this rule should be saved in the ROOT File. return fEmbed; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bool_t TSchemaRule::IsValid() const { // Return kTRUE if this rule is valid. return (fVersionVect || fChecksumVect) && (fSourceClass.Length() != 0); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TSchemaRule::SetCode( const TString& code ) { // Set the source code of this rule. fCode = code; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const char *TSchemaRule::GetCode() const { // Get the source code of this rule. return fCode; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TSchemaRule::SetAttributes( const TString& attributes ) { // Set the attributes code of this rule. fAttributes = attributes; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const char *TSchemaRule::GetAttributes() const { // Get the attributes code of this rule. return fAttributes; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bool_t TSchemaRule::HasTarget( const TString& target ) const { // Return true if one of the rule's data member target is 'target'. if( !fTargetVect ) return kFALSE; TObject* obj; TObjArrayIter it( fTargetVect ); while( (obj = it.Next()) ) { TObjString* str = (TObjString*)obj; if( str->GetString() == target ) return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bool_t TSchemaRule::HasSource( const TString& source ) const { // Return true if one of the rule's data member source is 'source' if( !fSourceVect ) return kFALSE; TObject* obj; TObjArrayIter it( fSourceVect ); while( (obj = it.Next()) ) { TSources* var = (TSources*)obj; if( var->GetName() == source ) return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TSchemaRule::SetReadFunctionPointer( TSchemaRule::ReadFuncPtr_t ptr ) { // Set the pointer to the function to be run for the rule (if it is a read rule). fReadFuncPtr = ptr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TSchemaRule::ReadFuncPtr_t TSchemaRule::GetReadFunctionPointer() const { // Get the pointer to the function to be run for the rule (if it is a read rule). return fReadFuncPtr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TSchemaRule::SetReadRawFunctionPointer( TSchemaRule::ReadRawFuncPtr_t ptr ) { // Set the pointer to the function to be run for the rule (if it is a raw read rule). fReadRawFuncPtr = ptr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TSchemaRule::ReadRawFuncPtr_t TSchemaRule::GetReadRawFunctionPointer() const { // Get the pointer to the function to be run for the rule (if it is a raw read rule). return fReadRawFuncPtr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TSchemaRule::SetRuleType( TSchemaRule::RuleType_t type ) { // Set the type of the rule. fRuleType = type; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bool_t TSchemaRule::IsAliasRule() const { // Return kTRUE if the rule is a strict renaming of one of the data member of the class. return fSourceClass != "" && (fVersion != "" || fChecksum != "") && fTarget == "" && fSource == "" && fInclude == "" && fCode == "" && fAttributes == ""; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bool_t TSchemaRule::IsRenameRule() const { // Return kTRUE if the rule is a strict renaming of the class to a new name. return fSourceClass != "" && (fVersion != "" || fChecksum != "") && fTarget != "" && fSource != "" && fInclude == "" && fCode == "" && fAttributes == ""; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TSchemaRule::RuleType_t TSchemaRule::GetRuleType() const { // Return the type of the rule. return fRuleType; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bool_t TSchemaRule::Conflicts( const TSchemaRule* rule ) const { // Check if this rule conflicts with the given one. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // If the rules have different sources then the don't conflict //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if( fSourceClass != rule->fSourceClass ) return kFALSE; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check if the rules have common target //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if( !rule->GetTarget() ) return kFALSE; Bool_t haveCommonTargets = kFALSE; TObjArrayIter titer( rule->GetTarget() ); TObjString *str; TObject *obj; while( (obj = titer.Next() ) ) { str = (TObjString*)obj; if( HasTarget( str->String() ) ) haveCommonTargets = kTRUE; } if( !haveCommonTargets ) return kFALSE; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check if there are conflicting checksums //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if( fChecksumVect ) { std::vector::iterator it; for( it = fChecksumVect->begin(); it != fChecksumVect->end(); ++it ) if( rule->TestChecksum( *it ) ) return kTRUE; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check if there are conflicting versions //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if( fVersionVect && rule->fVersionVect ) { std::vector >::iterator it1; std::vector >::iterator it2; for( it1 = fVersionVect->begin(); it1 != fVersionVect->end(); ++it1 ) { for( it2 = rule->fVersionVect->begin(); it2 != rule->fVersionVect->end(); ++it2 ) { //------------------------------------------------------------------ // the rules conflict it their version ranges intersect //------------------------------------------------------------------ if( it1->first >= it2->first && it1->first <= it2->second ) return kTRUE; if( it1->first < it2->first && it1->second >= it2->first ) return kTRUE; } } } return kFALSE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bool_t TSchemaRule::ProcessVersion( const TString& version ) const { // Check if specified version string is correct and build version vector. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check if we have valid list //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if( version[0] != '[' || version[version.Length()-1] != ']' ) return kFALSE; std::string ver = version.Data(); std::list versions; ROOT::TSchemaRuleProcessor::SplitList( ver.substr( 1, ver.size()-2), versions ); if( versions.empty() ) { delete fVersionVect; fVersionVect = 0; return kFALSE; } if( !fVersionVect ) fVersionVect = new std::vector >; fVersionVect->clear(); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check the validity of each list element //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::list::iterator it; for( it = versions.begin(); it != versions.end(); ++it ) { std::pair verpair; if( !ROOT::TSchemaRuleProcessor::ProcessVersion( *it, verpair ) ) { delete fVersionVect; fVersionVect = 0; return kFALSE; } fVersionVect->push_back( verpair ); } return kTRUE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bool_t TSchemaRule::ProcessChecksum( const TString& checksum ) const { // Check if specified checksum string is correct and build checksum vector. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check if we have valid list //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!checksum[0]) return kFALSE; std::string chk = (const char*)checksum; if( chk[0] != '[' || chk[chk.size()-1] != ']' ) return kFALSE; std::list checksums; ROOT::TSchemaRuleProcessor::SplitList( chk.substr( 1, chk.size()-2), checksums ); if( checksums.empty() ) { delete fChecksumVect; fChecksumVect = 0; return kFALSE; } if( !fChecksumVect ) fChecksumVect = new std::vector; fChecksumVect->clear(); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check the validity of each list element //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::list::iterator it; for( it = checksums.begin(); it != checksums.end(); ++it ) { if( !ROOT::TSchemaRuleProcessor::IsANumber( *it ) ) { delete fChecksumVect; fChecksumVect = 0; return kFALSE; } fChecksumVect->push_back( atoi( it->c_str() ) ); } return kTRUE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TSchemaRule::ProcessList( TObjArray* array, const TString& list ) { // Split the list as a comma separated list into a TObjArray of TObjString. std::list elems; std::list::iterator it; ROOT::TSchemaRuleProcessor::SplitList( (const char*)list, elems ); array->Clear(); if( elems.empty() ) return; for( it = elems.begin(); it != elems.end(); ++it ) { TObjString *str = new TObjString; *str = it->c_str(); array->Add( str ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TSchemaRule::ProcessDeclaration( TObjArray* array, const TString& list ) { // Split the list as a declaration into as a TObjArray of TNamed(name,type). std::list > elems; std::list >::iterator it; ROOT::TSchemaRuleProcessor::SplitDeclaration( (const char*)list, elems ); array->Clear(); if( elems.empty() ) return; for( it = elems.begin(); it != elems.end(); ++it ) { TSources *type = new TSources( it->second.c_str(), it->first.fType.c_str(), it->first.fDimensions.c_str() ) ; array->Add( type ); } } #if 0 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bool_t TSchemaRule::GenerateFor( TStreamerInfo *info ) { // Generate the actual function for the rule. String funcname = fSourceClass + "_to_" + fTargetClass; if (info) funcname += "_v" + info->GetClassVersion(); TString names = fSource + "_" + fTarget; name.ReplaceAll(',','_'); name.ReplaceAll(':','_'); funcname += "_" + name; String filename = funcname + ".C"; if (!false) { filename += '+'; } std::ofstream fileout(filename); ROOT::WriteReadRawRuleFunc( *rIt, 0, mappedname, nameTypeMap, fileout ); ROOT::WriteReadRuleFunc( *rIt, 0, mappedname, nameTypeMap, fileout ); gROOT->LoadMacro(filename); } #endif