// @(#)root/textinput:$Id$ // Author: Axel Naumann , 2011-05-21 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2011, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include "Getline.h" #include #include #include "textinput/TextInput.h" #include "textinput/TextInputContext.h" #include "textinput/History.h" #include "textinput/TerminalDisplay.h" #include "textinput/StreamReader.h" #include "textinput/Callbacks.h" #include "Getline_color.h" #include "TApplication.h" extern "C" { int (* Gl_in_key)(int ch) = 0; int (* Gl_beep_hook)() = 0; } using namespace textinput; namespace { // TTabCom adapter. class ROOTTabCompletion: public TabCompletion { private: ROOTTabCompletion(const ROOTTabCompletion&); // not implemented ROOTTabCompletion& operator=(const ROOTTabCompletion&); // not implemented public: ROOTTabCompletion(): fLineBuf(new char[fgLineBufSize]) {} virtual ~ROOTTabCompletion() { delete []fLineBuf; } // Returns false on error bool Complete(Text& line /*in+out*/, size_t& cursor /*in+out*/, EditorRange& r /*out*/, std::vector& displayCompletions /*out*/) { strlcpy(fLineBuf, line.GetText().c_str(), fgLineBufSize); int cursorInt = (int) cursor; std::stringstream sstr; size_t posFirstChange = gApplication->TabCompletionHook(fLineBuf, &cursorInt, sstr); if (posFirstChange == (size_t) -1) { // no change return true; } line = std::string(fLineBuf); std::string compLine; while (std::getline(sstr, compLine)) { displayCompletions.push_back(compLine); } size_t lenLineBuf = strlen(fLineBuf); if (posFirstChange == (size_t) -2) { // redraw whole line, incl prompt r.fEdit.Extend(Range::AllWithPrompt()); r.fDisplay.Extend(Range::AllWithPrompt()); } else { if (!lenLineBuf) { r.fEdit.Extend(Range::AllText()); r.fDisplay.Extend(Range::AllText()); } else { r.fEdit.Extend(Range(posFirstChange, Range::End())); r.fDisplay.Extend(Range(posFirstChange, Range::End())); } } cursor = (size_t)cursorInt; line.GetColors().resize(lenLineBuf); return true; } private: static const size_t fgLineBufSize; char* fLineBuf; }; const size_t ROOTTabCompletion::fgLineBufSize = 16*1024; // Helper to define the lifetime of the TextInput singleton. class TextInputHolder { public: TextInputHolder(): fTextInput(*(fReader = StreamReader::Create()), *(fDisplay = TerminalDisplay::Create()), fgHistoryFile.c_str()) { fTextInput.SetColorizer(&fCol); fTextInput.SetCompletion(&fTabComp); fTextInput.EnableAutoHistAdd(false); History* Hist = fTextInput.GetContext()->GetHistory(); Hist->SetMaxDepth(fgSizeLines); Hist->SetPruneLength(fgSaveLines); } ~TextInputHolder() { // Delete allocated objects. delete fReader; delete fDisplay; } const char* TakeInput() { fTextInput.TakeInput(fInputLine); fInputLine += "\n"; // ROOT wants a trailing newline. return fInputLine.c_str(); } void SetColors(const char* colorTab, const char* colorTabComp, const char* colorBracket, const char* colorBadBracket, const char* colorPrompt) { fCol.SetColors(colorTab, colorTabComp, colorBracket, colorBadBracket, colorPrompt); } static void SetHistoryFile(const char* hist) { fgHistoryFile = hist; } static void SetHistSize(int size, int save) { fgSizeLines = size; fgSaveLines = save; } static TextInputHolder& getHolder() { // Controls initialization of static TextInput. static TextInputHolder sTIHolder; return sTIHolder; } static TextInput& get() { return getHolder().fTextInput; } private: TextInput fTextInput; // The singleton TextInput object. Display* fDisplay; // Default TerminalDisplay Reader* fReader; // Default StreamReader std::string fInputLine; // Taken from TextInput ROOT::TextInputColorizer fCol; // Colorizer ROOTTabCompletion fTabComp; // Tab completion handler / TTabCom adapter // Config values: static std::string fgHistoryFile; // # History file size, once HistSize is reached remove all but HistSave entries, // # set to 0 to turn off command recording. // # Can be overridden by environment variable ROOT_HIST=size[:save], // # the ":save" part is optional. // # Rint.HistSize: 500 // # Set to -1 for sensible default (80% of HistSize), set to 0 to disable history. // # Rint.HistSave: 400 static int fgSizeLines; static int fgSaveLines; }; int TextInputHolder::fgSizeLines = 500; int TextInputHolder::fgSaveLines = -1; std::string TextInputHolder::fgHistoryFile; } /************************ extern "C" part *********************************/ extern "C" { void Gl_config(const char* which, int value) { if (strcmp(which, "noecho") == 0) { TextInputHolder::get().HideInput(value); } else { // unsupported directive printf("Gl_config unsupported: %s ?\n", which); } } void Gl_histadd(const char* buf) { TextInputHolder::get().AddHistoryLine(buf); } /* Wrapper around textinput. * Modes: -1 = init, 0 = line mode, 1 = one char at a time mode, 2 = cleanup */ const char* Getlinem(EGetLineMode mode, const char* prompt) { if (mode == kCleanUp) { TextInputHolder::get().ReleaseInputOutput(); return 0; } if (mode == kOneChar) { // Check first display: if !TTY, read full line. const textinput::Display* disp = TextInputHolder::get().GetContext()->GetDisplays()[0]; const textinput::TerminalDisplay* tdisp = 0; if (disp) tdisp = dynamic_cast(disp); if (tdisp && !tdisp->IsTTY()) { mode = kLine1; } } if (mode == kInit || mode == kLine1) { if (prompt) { TextInputHolder::get().SetPrompt(prompt); } // Trigger attach: TextInputHolder::get().Redraw(); if (mode == kInit) { return 0; } TextInputHolder::get().SetBlockingUntilEOL(); } else { // mode == kOneChar if (Gl_in_key) { // We really need to go key by key: TextInputHolder::get().SetMaxPendingCharsToRead(1); } else { // Can consume all pending characters TextInputHolder::get().SetReadingAllPendingChars(); } } TextInput::EReadResult res = TextInputHolder::get().ReadInput(); if (Gl_in_key) { (*Gl_in_key)(TextInputHolder::get().GetLastKey()); } if (res == TextInput::kRRReadEOLDelimiter) { return TextInputHolder::getHolder().TakeInput(); } else if (res == TextInput::kRREOF) { // ROOT expects "" and then Gl_eol() returning true return ""; } return NULL; } const char* Getline(const char* prompt) { // Get a line of user input, showing prompt. // Does not return after every character entered, but // only returns once the user has hit return. // For ROOT Getline.c backward compatibility reasons, // the returned value is volatile and will be overwritten // by the subsequent call to Getline() or Getlinem(), // so copy the string if it needs to stay around. // The returned value must not be deleted. // The returned string contains a trailing newline '\n'. return Getlinem(kLine1, prompt); } /******************* Simple C -> C++ forwards *********************************/ void Gl_histsize(int size, int save) { TextInputHolder::SetHistSize(size, save); } void Gl_histinit(const char* file) { // Has to be called before constructing TextInputHolder singleton. TextInputHolder::SetHistoryFile(file); } int Gl_eof() { return TextInputHolder::get().GetReadState() == TextInput::kRREOF; } void Gl_setColors(const char* colorTab, const char* colorTabComp, const char* colorBracket, const char* colorBadBracket, const char* colorPrompt) { // call to enhance.cxx to set colours TextInputHolder::getHolder().SetColors(colorTab, colorTabComp, colorBracket, colorBadBracket, colorPrompt); } /******************** Superseded interface *********************************/ void Gl_setwidth(int /*w*/) { // ignored, handled by displays themselves. } void Gl_windowchanged() { // ignored, handled by displays themselves. } } // extern "C"