// @(#)root/winnt:$Id$ // Author: Fons Rademakers 15/09/95 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TWinNTSystem // // // // Class providing an interface to the Windows NT/Windows 95 Operating Systems. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG #include "config.h" #endif #include "Windows4Root.h" #include "TWinNTSystem.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TError.h" #include "TOrdCollection.h" #include "TRegexp.h" #include "TException.h" #include "TEnv.h" #include "TSocket.h" #include "TApplication.h" #include "TWin32SplashThread.h" #include "Win32Constants.h" #include "TInterpreter.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TVirtualX.h" #include "TUrl.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined (_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) #include #elif defined (_M_IX86) static void __cpuid(int* cpuid_data, int info_type) { __asm { push ebx push edi mov edi, cpuid_data mov eax, info_type cpuid mov [edi], eax mov [edi + 4], ebx mov [edi + 8], ecx mov [edi + 12], edx pop edi pop ebx } } __int64 __rdtsc() { LARGE_INTEGER li; __asm { rdtsc mov li.LowPart, eax mov li.HighPart, edx } return li.QuadPart; } #else static void __cpuid(int* cpuid_data, int) { cpuid_data[0] = 0x00000000; cpuid_data[1] = 0x00000000; cpuid_data[2] = 0x00000000; cpuid_data[3] = 0x00000000; } __int64 __rdtsc() { return (__int64)0; } #endif extern "C" { extern void Gl_setwidth(int width); extern int G__get_security_error(); extern int G__genericerror(const char* msg); void *_ReturnAddress(void); } //////////////////// Windows TFdSet //////////////////////////////////////////////// class TFdSet { private: fd_set *fds_bits; // file descriptors (according MSDN maximum is 64) public: TFdSet() { fds_bits = new fd_set; fds_bits->fd_count = 0; } virtual ~TFdSet() { delete fds_bits; } void Copy(TFdSet &fd) const { memcpy((void*)fd.fds_bits, fds_bits, sizeof(fd_set)); } TFdSet(const TFdSet& fd) { fd.Copy(*this); } TFdSet& operator=(const TFdSet& fd) { fd.Copy(*this); return *this; } void Zero() { fds_bits->fd_count = 0; } void Set(Int_t fd) { if (fds_bits->fd_count < FD_SETSIZE-1) // protect out of bound access (64) fds_bits->fd_array[fds_bits->fd_count++] = (SOCKET)fd; else ::SysError("TFdSet::Set", "fd_count will exeed FD_SETSIZE"); } void Clr(Int_t fd) { int i; for (i=0; ifd_count; i++) { if (fds_bits->fd_array[i]==(SOCKET)fd) { while (ifd_count-1) { fds_bits->fd_array[i] = fds_bits->fd_array[i+1]; i++; } fds_bits->fd_count--; break; } } } Int_t IsSet(Int_t fd) { return __WSAFDIsSet((SOCKET)fd, fds_bits); } Int_t *GetBits() { return fds_bits && fds_bits->fd_count ? (Int_t*)fds_bits : 0; } UInt_t GetCount() { return (UInt_t)fds_bits->fd_count; } Int_t GetFd(Int_t i) { return ifd_count ? fds_bits->fd_array[i] : 0; } }; namespace { const char *kProtocolName = "tcp"; typedef void (*SigHandler_t)(ESignals); static TWinNTSystem::ThreadMsgFunc_t gGUIThreadMsgFunc = 0; // GUI thread message handler func static HANDLE gGlobalEvent; static HANDLE gTimerThreadHandle; typedef NET_API_STATUS (WINAPI *pfn1)(LPVOID); typedef NET_API_STATUS (WINAPI *pfn2)(LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, DWORD, LPBYTE*); typedef NET_API_STATUS (WINAPI *pfn3)(LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, DWORD, LPBYTE*, DWORD, LPDWORD, LPDWORD, PDWORD); typedef NET_API_STATUS (WINAPI *pfn4)(LPCWSTR, DWORD, LPBYTE*, DWORD, LPDWORD, LPDWORD, PDWORD); static pfn1 p2NetApiBufferFree; static pfn2 p2NetUserGetInfo; static pfn3 p2NetLocalGroupGetMembers; static pfn4 p2NetLocalGroupEnum; static struct signal_map { int code; SigHandler_t handler; char *signame; } signal_map[kMAXSIGNALS] = { // the order of the signals should be identical -1 /*SIGBUS*/, 0, "bus error", // to the one in SysEvtHandler.h SIGSEGV, 0, "segmentation violation", -1 /*SIGSYS*/, 0, "bad argument to system call", -1 /*SIGPIPE*/, 0, "write on a pipe with no one to read it", SIGILL, 0, "illegal instruction", -1 /*SIGQUIT*/, 0, "quit", SIGINT, 0, "interrupt", -1 /*SIGWINCH*/, 0, "window size change", -1 /*SIGALRM*/, 0, "alarm clock", -1 /*SIGCHLD*/, 0, "death of a child", -1 /*SIGURG*/, 0, "urgent data arrived on an I/O channel", SIGFPE, 0, "floating point exception", SIGTERM, 0, "termination signal", -1 /*SIGUSR1*/, 0, "user-defined signal 1", -1 /*SIGUSR2*/, 0, "user-defined signal 2" }; ////// static functions providing interface to raw WinNT //////////////////// //---- RPC ------------------------------------------------------------------- //*-* Error codes set by the Windows Sockets implementation are not made available //*-* via the errno variable. Additionally, for the getXbyY class of functions, //*-* error codes are NOT made available via the h_errno variable. Instead, error //*-* codes are accessed by using the WSAGetLastError . This function is provided //*-* in Windows Sockets as a precursor (and eventually an alias) for the Win32 //*-* function GetLastError. This is intended to provide a reliable way for a thread //*-* in a multithreaded process to obtain per-thread error information. //______________________________________________________________________________ static int WinNTRecv(int socket, void *buffer, int length, int flag) { // Receive exactly length bytes into buffer. Returns number of bytes // received. Returns -1 in case of error, -2 in case of MSG_OOB // and errno == EWOULDBLOCK, -3 in case of MSG_OOB and errno == EINVAL // and -4 in case of kNonBlock and errno == EWOULDBLOCK. // Returns -5 if pipe broken or reset by peer (EPIPE || ECONNRESET). if (socket == -1) return -1; SOCKET sock = socket; int once = 0; if (flag == -1) { flag = 0; once = 1; } if (flag == MSG_PEEK) { once = 1; } int nrecv, n; char *buf = (char *)buffer; for (n = 0; n < length; n += nrecv) { if ((nrecv = ::recv(sock, buf+n, length-n, flag)) <= 0) { if (nrecv == 0) { break; // EOF } if (flag == MSG_OOB) { if (::WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) { return -2; } else if (::WSAGetLastError() == WSAEINVAL) { return -3; } } if (::WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) { return -4; } else { if (::WSAGetLastError() != WSAEINTR) ::SysError("TWinNTSystem::WinNTRecv", "recv"); if (::WSAGetLastError() == EPIPE || ::WSAGetLastError() == WSAECONNRESET) return -5; else return -1; } } if (once) { return nrecv; } } return n; } //______________________________________________________________________________ static int WinNTSend(int socket, const void *buffer, int length, int flag) { // Send exactly length bytes from buffer. Returns -1 in case of error, // otherwise number of sent bytes. Returns -4 in case of kNoBlock and // errno == EWOULDBLOCK. Returns -5 if pipe broken or reset by peer // (EPIPE || ECONNRESET). if (socket < 0) return -1; SOCKET sock = socket; int once = 0; if (flag == -1) { flag = 0; once = 1; } int nsent, n; const char *buf = (const char *)buffer; for (n = 0; n < length; n += nsent) { if ((nsent = ::send(sock, buf+n, length-n, flag)) <= 0) { if (nsent == 0) { break; } if (::WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) { return -4; } else { if (::WSAGetLastError() != WSAEINTR) ::SysError("TWinNTSystem::WinNTSend", "send"); if (::WSAGetLastError() == EPIPE || ::WSAGetLastError() == WSAECONNRESET) return -5; else return -1; } } if (once) { return nsent; } } return n; } //______________________________________________________________________________ static int WinNTSelect(TFdSet *readready, TFdSet *writeready, Long_t timeout) { // Wait for events on the file descriptors specified in the readready and // writeready masks or for timeout (in milliseconds) to occur. int retcode; fd_set* rbits = readready ? (fd_set*)readready->GetBits() : 0; fd_set* wbits = writeready ? (fd_set*)writeready->GetBits() : 0; if (timeout >= 0) { timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = timeout / 1000; tv.tv_usec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000; retcode = ::select(0, rbits, wbits, 0, &tv); } else { retcode = ::select(0, rbits, wbits, 0, 0); } if (retcode == SOCKET_ERROR) { int errcode = ::WSAGetLastError(); // if file descriptor is not a socket, assume it is the pipe used // by TXSocket if (errcode == WSAENOTSOCK) { struct __stat64 buf; int result = _fstat64( readready->GetFd(0), &buf ); if ( result == 0 ) { if (buf.st_size > 0) return 1; } // yield execution to another thread that is ready to run // if no other thread is ready, sleep 1 ms before to return if (gGlobalEvent) { ::WaitForSingleObject(gGlobalEvent, 1); ::ResetEvent(gGlobalEvent); } return 0; } if ( errcode == WSAEINTR) { TSystem::ResetErrno(); // errno is not self reseting return -2; } if (errcode == EBADF) { return -3; } return -1; } return retcode; } //______________________________________________________________________________ static const char *DynamicPath(const char *newpath = 0, Bool_t reset = kFALSE) { // Get shared library search path. static TString dynpath; if (reset || newpath) { dynpath = ""; } if (newpath) { dynpath = newpath; } else if (dynpath == "") { TString rdynpath = gEnv->GetValue("Root.DynamicPath", (char*)0); rdynpath.ReplaceAll("; ", ";"); // in case DynamicPath was extended if (rdynpath == "") { #ifdef ROOTBINDIR rdynpath = ".;"; rdynpath += ROOTBINDIR; #else rdynpath = ".;"; rdynpath += gRootDir; rdynpath += "/bin"; #endif } TString path = gSystem->Getenv("PATH"); if (path == "") dynpath = rdynpath; else { dynpath = path; dynpath += ";"; dynpath += rdynpath; } } #ifdef ROOTLIBDIR if (!dynpath.Contains(ROOTLIBDIR)) { dynpath += ";"; dynpath += ROOTLIBDIR; } #else if (!dynpath.Contains(TString::Format("%s/lib", gRootDir))) { dynpath += ";"; dynpath += gRootDir; dynpath += "/lib"; } #endif #ifdef CINTINCDIR TString cintinc(TString::Format("%s/cint/stl",CINTINCDIR)); #else TString cintinc(TString::Format("%s/cint/cint/stl",gRootDir)); #endif if (!dynpath.Contains( cintinc)) { dynpath += ";"; dynpath += cintinc; } return dynpath; } //______________________________________________________________________________ static void sighandler(int sig) { // Call the signal handler associated with the signal. for (int i = 0; i < kMAXSIGNALS; i++) { if (signal_map[i].code == sig) { (*signal_map[i].handler)((ESignals)i); return; } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ static void WinNTSignal(ESignals sig, SigHandler_t handler) { // Set a signal handler for a signal. signal_map[sig].handler = handler; if (signal_map[sig].code != -1) (SigHandler_t)signal(signal_map[sig].code, sighandler); } //______________________________________________________________________________ static char *WinNTSigname(ESignals sig) { // Return the signal name associated with a signal. return signal_map[sig].signame; } //______________________________________________________________________________ static BOOL ConsoleSigHandler(DWORD sig) { // WinNT signal handler. switch (sig) { case CTRL_C_EVENT: if (gSystem) { ((TWinNTSystem*)gSystem)->DispatchSignals(kSigInterrupt); } else { if (!G__get_security_error()) { G__genericerror("\n *** Break *** keyboard interrupt"); } else { Break("TInterruptHandler::Notify", "keyboard interrupt"); if (TROOT::Initialized()) { gInterpreter->RewindDictionary(); } } } return kTRUE; case CTRL_BREAK_EVENT: case CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT: case CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT: case CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT: default: printf("\n *** Break *** keyboard interrupt - ROOT is terminated\n"); gSystem->Exit(-1); return kTRUE; } } static CONTEXT *fgXcptContext = 0; //______________________________________________________________________________ static void SigHandler(ESignals sig) { if (gSystem) ((TWinNTSystem*)gSystem)->DispatchSignals(sig); } //______________________________________________________________________________ LONG WINAPI ExceptionFilter(LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS pXcp) { // Function that's called when an unhandled exception occurs. // Produces a stack trace, and lets the system deal with it // as if it was an unhandled excecption (usually ::abort) fgXcptContext = pXcp->ContextRecord; gSystem->StackTrace(); return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } #pragma intrinsic(_ReturnAddress) #pragma auto_inline(off) DWORD_PTR GetProgramCounter() { // Returns the current program counter. return (DWORD_PTR)_ReturnAddress(); } #pragma auto_inline(on) //______________________________________________________________________________ static DWORD WINAPI GUIThreadMessageProcessingLoop(void *p) { // Message processing loop for the TGWin32 related GUI // thread for processing windows messages (aka Main/Server thread). // We need to start the thread outside the TGWin32 / GUI related // dll, because starting threads at DLL init time does not work. // Instead, we start an ideling thread at binary startup, and only // call the "real" message processing function // TGWin32::GUIThreadMessageFunc() once gVirtualX comes up. MSG msg; // force to create message queue ::PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, WM_USER, WM_USER, PM_NOREMOVE); Int_t erret = 0; Bool_t endLoop = kFALSE; while (!endLoop) { if (gGlobalEvent) ::SetEvent(gGlobalEvent); erret = ::GetMessage(&msg, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (erret <= 0) endLoop = kTRUE; if (gGUIThreadMsgFunc) endLoop = (*gGUIThreadMsgFunc)(&msg); } gVirtualX->CloseDisplay(); // exit thread if (erret == -1) { erret = ::GetLastError(); Error("MsgLoop", "Error in GetMessage"); ::ExitThread(-1); } else { ::ExitThread(0); } return 0; } //========================================================================= // Load IMAGEHLP.DLL and get the address of functions in it that we'll use // by Microsoft, from http://www.microsoft.com/msj/0597/hoodtextfigs.htm#fig1 //========================================================================= // Make typedefs for some IMAGEHLP.DLL functions so that we can use them // with GetProcAddress typedef BOOL (__stdcall *SYMINITIALIZEPROC)( HANDLE, LPSTR, BOOL ); typedef BOOL (__stdcall *SYMCLEANUPPROC)( HANDLE ); typedef BOOL (__stdcall *STACKWALK64PROC) ( DWORD, HANDLE, HANDLE, LPSTACKFRAME64, LPVOID, PREAD_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE,PFUNCTION_TABLE_ACCESS_ROUTINE, PGET_MODULE_BASE_ROUTINE, PTRANSLATE_ADDRESS_ROUTINE ); typedef LPVOID (__stdcall *SYMFUNCTIONTABLEACCESS64PROC)( HANDLE, DWORD64 ); typedef DWORD (__stdcall *SYMGETMODULEBASE64PROC)( HANDLE, DWORD64 ); typedef BOOL (__stdcall *SYMGETMODULEINFO64PROC)(HANDLE, DWORD64, PIMAGEHLP_MODULE64); typedef BOOL (__stdcall *SYMGETSYMFROMADDR64PROC)( HANDLE, DWORD64, PDWORD64, PIMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64); typedef BOOL (__stdcall *SYMGETLINEFROMADDR64PROC)(HANDLE, DWORD64, PDWORD, PIMAGEHLP_LINE64); typedef DWORD (__stdcall *UNDECORATESYMBOLNAMEPROC)(PCSTR, PSTR, DWORD, DWORD); static SYMINITIALIZEPROC _SymInitialize = 0; static SYMCLEANUPPROC _SymCleanup = 0; static STACKWALK64PROC _StackWalk64 = 0; static SYMFUNCTIONTABLEACCESS64PROC _SymFunctionTableAccess64 = 0; static SYMGETMODULEBASE64PROC _SymGetModuleBase64 = 0; static SYMGETMODULEINFO64PROC _SymGetModuleInfo64 = 0; static SYMGETSYMFROMADDR64PROC _SymGetSymFromAddr64 = 0; static SYMGETLINEFROMADDR64PROC _SymGetLineFromAddr64 = 0; static UNDECORATESYMBOLNAMEPROC _UnDecorateSymbolName = 0; BOOL InitImagehlpFunctions() { // Fetches function addresses from IMAGEHLP.DLL at run-time, so we // don't need to link against its import library. These functions // are used in StackTrace; if they cannot be found (e.g. because // IMAGEHLP.DLL doesn't exist or has the wrong version) we cannot // produce a stack trace. HMODULE hModImagehlp = LoadLibrary( "IMAGEHLP.DLL" ); if (!hModImagehlp) return FALSE; _SymInitialize = (SYMINITIALIZEPROC) GetProcAddress( hModImagehlp, "SymInitialize" ); if (!_SymInitialize) return FALSE; _SymCleanup = (SYMCLEANUPPROC) GetProcAddress( hModImagehlp, "SymCleanup" ); if (!_SymCleanup) return FALSE; _StackWalk64 = (STACKWALK64PROC) GetProcAddress( hModImagehlp, "StackWalk64" ); if (!_StackWalk64) return FALSE; _SymFunctionTableAccess64 = (SYMFUNCTIONTABLEACCESS64PROC) GetProcAddress(hModImagehlp, "SymFunctionTableAccess64" ); if (!_SymFunctionTableAccess64) return FALSE; _SymGetModuleBase64=(SYMGETMODULEBASE64PROC)GetProcAddress(hModImagehlp, "SymGetModuleBase64"); if (!_SymGetModuleBase64) return FALSE; _SymGetModuleInfo64=(SYMGETMODULEINFO64PROC)GetProcAddress(hModImagehlp, "SymGetModuleInfo64"); if (!_SymGetModuleInfo64) return FALSE; _SymGetSymFromAddr64=(SYMGETSYMFROMADDR64PROC)GetProcAddress(hModImagehlp, "SymGetSymFromAddr64"); if (!_SymGetSymFromAddr64) return FALSE; _SymGetLineFromAddr64=(SYMGETLINEFROMADDR64PROC)GetProcAddress(hModImagehlp, "SymGetLineFromAddr64"); if (!_SymGetLineFromAddr64) return FALSE; _UnDecorateSymbolName=(UNDECORATESYMBOLNAMEPROC)GetProcAddress(hModImagehlp, "UnDecorateSymbolName"); if (!_UnDecorateSymbolName) return FALSE; if (!_SymInitialize(GetCurrentProcess(), 0, TRUE )) return FALSE; return TRUE; } // stack trace helpers getModuleName, getFunctionName by /************************************************************************** * VRS - The Virtual Rendering System * Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Computer Graphics Systems Group at the * Hasso-Plattner-Institute (HPI), Potsdam, Germany. * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. ***************************************************************************/ std::string GetModuleName(DWORD64 address) { // Return the name of the module that contains the function at address. // Used by StackTrace. std::ostringstream out; HANDLE process = ::GetCurrentProcess(); DWORD lineDisplacement = 0; IMAGEHLP_LINE64 line; ::ZeroMemory(&line, sizeof(line)); line.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(line); if(_SymGetLineFromAddr64(process, address, &lineDisplacement, &line)) { out << line.FileName << "(" << line.LineNumber << "): "; } else { IMAGEHLP_MODULE64 module; ::ZeroMemory(&module, sizeof(module)); module.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(module); if(_SymGetModuleInfo64(process, address, &module)) { out << module.ModuleName << "!"; } else { out << "0x" << std::hex << address << std::dec << " "; } } return out.str(); } std::string GetFunctionName(DWORD64 address) { // Return the name of the function at address. // Used by StackTrace. DWORD64 symbolDisplacement = 0; HANDLE process = ::GetCurrentProcess(); const unsigned int SYMBOL_BUFFER_SIZE = 8192; char symbolBuffer[SYMBOL_BUFFER_SIZE]; PIMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64 symbol = reinterpret_cast(symbolBuffer); ::ZeroMemory(symbol, SYMBOL_BUFFER_SIZE); symbol->SizeOfStruct = SYMBOL_BUFFER_SIZE; symbol->MaxNameLength = SYMBOL_BUFFER_SIZE - sizeof(IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64); if(_SymGetSymFromAddr64(process, address, &symbolDisplacement, symbol)) { // Make the symbol readable for humans const unsigned int NAME_SIZE = 8192; char name[NAME_SIZE]; _UnDecorateSymbolName( symbol->Name, name, NAME_SIZE, UNDNAME_COMPLETE | UNDNAME_NO_THISTYPE | UNDNAME_NO_SPECIAL_SYMS | UNDNAME_NO_MEMBER_TYPE | UNDNAME_NO_MS_KEYWORDS | UNDNAME_NO_ACCESS_SPECIFIERS ); std::string result; result += name; result += "()"; return result; } else { return "??"; } } ////// Shortcuts helper functions IsShortcut and ResolveShortCut /////////// //__________________________________________________________________________ static BOOL IsShortcut(const char *filename) { // Validates if a file name has extension '.lnk'. Returns true if file // name have extension same as Window's shortcut file (.lnk). //File extension for the Window's shortcuts (.lnk) const char *extLnk = ".lnk"; if (filename != NULL) { //Validate extension TString strfilename(filename); if (strfilename.EndsWith(extLnk)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } //__________________________________________________________________________ static BOOL ResolveShortCut(LPCSTR pszShortcutFile, char *pszPath, int maxbuf) { // Resolve a ShellLink (i.e. c:\path\shortcut.lnk) to a real path. HRESULT hres; IShellLink* psl; char szGotPath[MAX_PATH]; WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; *pszPath = 0; // assume failure // Make typedefs for some ole32.dll functions so that we can use them // with GetProcAddress typedef HRESULT (__stdcall *COINITIALIZEPROC)( LPVOID ); static COINITIALIZEPROC _CoInitialize = 0; typedef void (__stdcall *COUNINITIALIZEPROC)( void ); static COUNINITIALIZEPROC _CoUninitialize = 0; typedef HRESULT (__stdcall *COCREATEINSTANCEPROC)( REFCLSID, LPUNKNOWN, DWORD, REFIID, LPVOID ); static COCREATEINSTANCEPROC _CoCreateInstance = 0; HMODULE hModImagehlp = LoadLibrary( "ole32.dll" ); if (!hModImagehlp) return FALSE; _CoInitialize = (COINITIALIZEPROC) GetProcAddress( hModImagehlp, "CoInitialize" ); if (!_CoInitialize) return FALSE; _CoUninitialize = (COUNINITIALIZEPROC) GetProcAddress( hModImagehlp, "CoUninitialize"); if (!_CoUninitialize) return FALSE; _CoCreateInstance = (COCREATEINSTANCEPROC) GetProcAddress( hModImagehlp, "CoCreateInstance" ); if (!_CoCreateInstance) return FALSE; _CoInitialize(NULL); hres = _CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IShellLink, (void **) &psl); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { IPersistFile* ppf; hres = psl->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, (void **) &ppf); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { WCHAR wsz[MAX_PATH]; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pszShortcutFile, -1, wsz, MAX_PATH); hres = ppf->Load(wsz, STGM_READ); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { hres = psl->Resolve(HWND_DESKTOP, SLR_ANY_MATCH); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { strlcpy(szGotPath, pszShortcutFile,MAX_PATH); hres = psl->GetPath(szGotPath, MAX_PATH, (WIN32_FIND_DATA *)&wfd, SLGP_UNCPRIORITY | SLGP_RAWPATH); strlcpy(pszPath,szGotPath, maxbuf); if (maxbuf) pszPath[maxbuf-1] = 0; } } ppf->Release(); } psl->Release(); } _CoUninitialize(); return SUCCEEDED(hres); } void UpdateRegistry(TWinNTSystem* sys, char* buf /* size of buffer: MAX_MODULE_NAME32 + 1 */) { // register ROOT as the .root file handler: GetModuleFileName(0, buf, MAX_MODULE_NAME32 + 1); if (strcmp(sys->TWinNTSystem::BaseName(buf), "root.exe")) return; HKEY regCUS; if (!::RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software", 0, KEY_READ, ®CUS) == ERROR_SUCCESS) return; HKEY regCUSC; if (!::RegOpenKeyEx(regCUS, "Classes", 0, KEY_READ, ®CUSC) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ::RegCloseKey(regCUS); return; } HKEY regROOT; bool regROOTwrite = false; TString iconloc(buf); iconloc += ",-101"; if (::RegOpenKeyEx(regCUSC, "ROOTDEV.ROOT", 0, KEY_READ, ®ROOT) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ::RegCloseKey(regCUSC); if (::RegOpenKeyEx(regCUS, "Classes", 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, ®CUSC) == ERROR_SUCCESS && ::RegCreateKeyEx(regCUSC, "ROOTDEV.ROOT", 0, NULL, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, ®ROOT, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { regROOTwrite = true; } } else { HKEY regROOTIcon; if (::RegOpenKeyEx(regROOT, "DefaultIcon", 0, KEY_READ, ®ROOTIcon) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { char bufIconLoc[1024]; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(bufIconLoc); if (::RegQueryValueEx(regROOTIcon, NULL, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*)bufIconLoc, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) regROOTwrite = (iconloc != bufIconLoc); else regROOTwrite = true; ::RegCloseKey(regROOTIcon); } else regROOTwrite = true; if (regROOTwrite) { // re-open for writing ::RegCloseKey(regCUSC); ::RegCloseKey(regROOT); if (::RegOpenKeyEx(regCUS, "Classes", 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, ®CUSC) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // error opening key for writing: regROOTwrite = false; } else { if (::RegOpenKeyEx(regCUSC, "ROOTDEV.ROOT", 0, KEY_WRITE, ®ROOT) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // error opening key for writing: regROOTwrite = false; ::RegCloseKey(regCUSC); } } } } // determine the fileopen.C file path: TString fileopen; #ifndef ROOT_PREFIX fileopen += sys->TWinNTSystem::DriveName(buf); fileopen += ":"; fileopen += sys->TWinNTSystem::DirName(sys->TWinNTSystem::DirName(buf)); fileopen += "\\macros"; #else fileopen += ROOTMACRODIR; #endif fileopen += "\\fileopen.C"; if (regROOTwrite) { // only write to registry if fileopen.C is readable regROOTwrite = (::_access(fileopen, kReadPermission) == 0); } if (!regROOTwrite) { ::RegCloseKey(regROOT); ::RegCloseKey(regCUSC); ::RegCloseKey(regCUS); return; } static const char apptitle[] = "ROOT data file"; ::RegSetValueEx(regROOT, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)apptitle, sizeof(apptitle)); DWORD editflags = /*FTA_OpenIsSafe*/ 0x00010000; // trust downloaded files ::RegSetValueEx(regROOT, "EditFlags", 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE*)&editflags, sizeof(editflags)); HKEY regROOTIcon; if (::RegCreateKeyEx(regROOT, "DefaultIcon", 0, NULL, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, ®ROOTIcon, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TString iconloc(buf); iconloc += ",-101"; ::RegSetValueEx(regROOTIcon, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)iconloc.Data(), iconloc.Length() + 1); ::RegCloseKey(regROOTIcon); } // "open" verb HKEY regROOTshell; if (::RegCreateKeyEx(regROOT, "shell", 0, NULL, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, ®ROOTshell, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { HKEY regShellOpen; if (::RegCreateKeyEx(regROOTshell, "open", 0, NULL, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, ®ShellOpen, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { HKEY regShellOpenCmd; if (::RegCreateKeyEx(regShellOpen, "command", 0, NULL, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, ®ShellOpenCmd, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TString cmd(buf); cmd += " -l \"%1\" \""; cmd += fileopen; cmd += "\""; ::RegSetValueEx(regShellOpenCmd, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)cmd.Data(), cmd.Length() + 1); ::RegCloseKey(regShellOpenCmd); } ::RegCloseKey(regShellOpen); } ::RegCloseKey(regROOTshell); } ::RegCloseKey(regROOT); if (::RegCreateKeyEx(regCUSC, ".root", 0, NULL, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, ®ROOT, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { static const char appname[] = "ROOTDEV.ROOT"; ::RegSetValueEx(regROOT, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)appname, sizeof(appname)); } ::RegCloseKey(regCUSC); ::RegCloseKey(regCUS); // tell Windows that the association was changed ::SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNF_IDLIST, NULL, NULL); } // UpdateRegistry() //______________________________________________________________________________ bool NeedSplash() { // return kFALSE if option "-l" was specified as main programm command arg static bool once = true; if (!once || gROOT->IsBatch() || !gApplication) return false; TString arg = gSystem->BaseName(gApplication->Argv(0)); if ((arg != "root") && (arg != "rootn") && (arg != "root.exe") && (arg != "rootn.exe")) return false; for(int i=1; iArgc(); i++) { arg = gApplication->Argv(i); arg.Strip(TString::kBoth); if ((arg == "-l") || (arg == "-b")) { return false; } } if (once) { once = false; return true; } return false; } //______________________________________________________________________________ static void SetConsoleWindowName() { char pszNewWindowTitle[1024]; // contains fabricated WindowTitle char pszOldWindowTitle[1024]; // contains original WindowTitle HANDLE hStdout; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbiInfo; if (!::GetConsoleTitle(pszOldWindowTitle, 1024)) return; // format a "unique" NewWindowTitle wsprintf(pszNewWindowTitle,"%d/%d", ::GetTickCount(), ::GetCurrentProcessId()); // change current window title if (!::SetConsoleTitle(pszNewWindowTitle)) return; // ensure window title has been updated ::Sleep(40); // look for NewWindowTitle gConsoleWindow = (ULong_t)::FindWindow(0, pszNewWindowTitle); if (gConsoleWindow) { // restore original window title ::ShowWindow((HWND)gConsoleWindow, SW_RESTORE); //::SetForegroundWindow((HWND)gConsoleWindow); ::SetConsoleTitle("ROOT session"); } hStdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); ::SetConsoleMode(hStdout, ENABLE_PROCESSED_OUTPUT | ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT); if (!::GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdout, &csbiInfo)) return; Gl_setwidth(csbiInfo.dwMaximumWindowSize.X); } } // end unnamed namespace /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ClassImp(TWinNTSystem) ULong_t gConsoleWindow = 0; //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TWinNTSystem::HandleConsoleEvent() { // TSignalHandler *sh; TIter next(fSignalHandler); ESignals s; while (sh = (TSignalHandler*)next()) { s = sh->GetSignal(); if (s == kSigInterrupt) { sh->Notify(); Throw(SIGINT); return kTRUE; } } return kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TWinNTSystem::TWinNTSystem() : TSystem("WinNT", "WinNT System"), fGUIThreadHandle(0), fGUIThreadId(0) { // ctor fhProcess = ::GetCurrentProcess(); fDirNameBuffer = 0; WSADATA WSAData; int initwinsock = 0; if (initwinsock = ::WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 0), &WSAData)) { Error("TWinNTSystem()","Starting sockets failed"); } // use ::MessageBeep by default for TWinNTSystem fBeepDuration = 1; fBeepFreq = 0; if (gEnv) { fBeepDuration = gEnv->GetValue("Root.System.BeepDuration", 1); fBeepFreq = gEnv->GetValue("Root.System.BeepFreq", 0); } char *buf = new char[MAX_MODULE_NAME32 + 1]; #ifndef ROOTPREFIX // set ROOTSYS HMODULE hModCore = ::GetModuleHandle("libCore.dll"); if (hModCore) { ::GetModuleFileName(hModCore, buf, MAX_MODULE_NAME32 + 1); char* pLibName = strstr(buf, "libCore.dll"); if (pLibName) { --pLibName; // skip trailing \\ or / while (--pLibName >= buf && *pLibName != '\\' && *pLibName != '/'); *pLibName = 0; // replace trailing \\ or / with 0 if (buf[0]) Setenv("ROOTSYS", buf); } } #endif UpdateRegistry(this, buf); delete [] buf; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TWinNTSystem::~TWinNTSystem() { // dtor // Revert back the accuracy of Sleep() without needing to link to winmm.lib typedef UINT (WINAPI* LPTIMEENDPERIOD)( UINT uPeriod ); HINSTANCE hInstWinMM = LoadLibrary( "winmm.dll" ); if( hInstWinMM ) { LPTIMEENDPERIOD pTimeEndPeriod = (LPTIMEENDPERIOD)GetProcAddress( hInstWinMM, "timeEndPeriod" ); if( NULL != pTimeEndPeriod ) pTimeEndPeriod(1); FreeLibrary(hInstWinMM); } // Clean up the WinSocket connectios ::WSACleanup(); if (fDirNameBuffer) { delete [] fDirNameBuffer; fDirNameBuffer = 0; } if (gGlobalEvent) { ::ResetEvent(gGlobalEvent); ::CloseHandle(gGlobalEvent); gGlobalEvent = 0; } if (gTimerThreadHandle) { ::TerminateThread(gTimerThreadHandle, 0); ::CloseHandle(gTimerThreadHandle); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TWinNTSystem::Init() { // Initialize WinNT system interface. const char *dir = 0; if (TSystem::Init()) { return kTRUE; } fReadmask = new TFdSet; fWritemask = new TFdSet; fReadready = new TFdSet; fWriteready = new TFdSet; fSignals = new TFdSet; fNfd = 0; //--- install default handlers // Actually: don't. If we want a stack trace we need a context for the // signal. Signals don't have one. If we don't handle them, Windows will // raise an exception, which has a context, and which is handled by // ExceptionFilter. /* WinNTSignal(kSigChild, SigHandler); WinNTSignal(kSigBus, SigHandler); WinNTSignal(kSigSegmentationViolation, SigHandler); WinNTSignal(kSigIllegalInstruction, SigHandler); WinNTSignal(kSigSystem, SigHandler); WinNTSignal(kSigPipe, SigHandler); WinNTSignal(kSigAlarm, SigHandler); WinNTSignal(kSigFloatingException, SigHandler); */ ::SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(ExceptionFilter); fSigcnt = 0; #ifndef ROOTPREFIX gRootDir = Getenv("ROOTSYS"); if (gRootDir == 0) { static char lpFilename[MAX_PATH]; if (::GetModuleFileName(NULL, // handle to module to find filename for lpFilename, // pointer to buffer to receive module path sizeof(lpFilename))) // size of buffer, in characters { const char *dirName = DirName(DirName(lpFilename)); gRootDir = StrDup(dirName); } else { gRootDir = 0; } } #else gRootDir= ROOTPREFIX; #endif // Increase the accuracy of Sleep() without needing to link to winmm.lib typedef UINT (WINAPI* LPTIMEBEGINPERIOD)( UINT uPeriod ); HINSTANCE hInstWinMM = LoadLibrary( "winmm.dll" ); if( hInstWinMM ) { LPTIMEBEGINPERIOD pTimeBeginPeriod = (LPTIMEBEGINPERIOD)GetProcAddress( hInstWinMM, "timeBeginPeriod" ); if( NULL != pTimeBeginPeriod ) pTimeBeginPeriod(1); FreeLibrary(hInstWinMM); } gTimerThreadHandle = ::CreateThread(NULL, NULL, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)ThreadStub, this, NULL, NULL); gGlobalEvent = ::CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); fGUIThreadHandle = ::CreateThread( NULL, 0, &GUIThreadMessageProcessingLoop, 0, 0, &fGUIThreadId ); SetConsoleWindowName(); fGroupsInitDone = kFALSE; fFirstFile = kTRUE; return kFALSE; } //---- Misc -------------------------------------------------------------------- //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TWinNTSystem::BaseName(const char *name) { // Base name of a file name. Base name of /user/root is root. // But the base name of '/' is '/' // 'c:\' is 'c:\' // BB 28/10/05 : Removed (commented out) StrDup() : // - To get same behaviour on Windows and on Linux // - To avoid the need to use #ifdefs // - Solve memory leaks (mainly in TTF::SetTextFont()) // No need for the calling routine to use free() anymore. if (name) { int idx = 0; const char *symbol=name; // Skip leading blanks while ( (*symbol == ' ' || *symbol == '\t') && *symbol) symbol++; if (*symbol) { if (isalpha(symbol[idx]) && symbol[idx+1] == ':') idx = 2; if ( (symbol[idx] == '/' || symbol[idx] == '\\') && symbol[idx+1] == '\0') { //return StrDup(symbol); return symbol; } } else { Error("BaseName", "name = 0"); return 0; } char *cp; char *bslash = (char *)strrchr(&symbol[idx],'\\'); char *rslash = (char *)strrchr(&symbol[idx],'/'); if (cp = max(rslash, bslash)) { //return StrDup(++cp); return ++cp; } //return StrDup(&symbol[idx]); return &symbol[idx]; } Error("BaseName", "name = 0"); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TWinNTSystem::SetProgname(const char *name) { // Set the application name (from command line, argv[0]) and copy it in // gProgName. Copy the application pathname in gProgPath. ULong_t idot = 0; char *dot = 0; char *progname; char *fullname = 0; // the program name with extension // On command prompt the progname can be supplied with no extension (under Windows) ULong_t namelen=name ? strlen(name) : 0; if (name && namelen > 0) { // Check whether the name contains "extention" fullname = new char[namelen+5]; strlcpy(fullname, name,namelen+5); if ( !strrchr(fullname, '.') ) strlcat(fullname, ".exe",namelen+5); progname = StrDup(BaseName(fullname)); dot = strrchr(progname, '.'); idot = dot ? (ULong_t)(dot - progname) : strlen(progname); char *which = 0; if (IsAbsoluteFileName(fullname) && !AccessPathName(fullname)) { which = StrDup(fullname); } else { which = Which(Form("%s;%s", WorkingDirectory(), Getenv("PATH")), progname); } if (which) { const char *dirname; char driveletter = DriveName(which); const char *d = DirName(which); if (driveletter) { dirname = Form("%c:%s", driveletter, d); } else { dirname = Form("%s", d); } gProgPath = StrDup(dirname); } else { // Do not issue a warning - ROOT is not using gProgPath anyway. // Warning("SetProgname", // "Cannot find this program named \"%s\" (Did you create a TApplication? Is this program in your %%PATH%%?)", // fullname); gProgPath = WorkingDirectory(); } // Cut the extension for progname off progname[idot] = '\0'; gProgName = StrDup(progname); if (which) delete [] which; delete[] fullname; delete[] progname; } if (::NeedSplash()) { new TWin32SplashThread(FALSE); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TWinNTSystem::GetError() { // Return system error string. Int_t err = GetErrno(); if (err == 0 && fLastErrorString != "") return fLastErrorString; if (err < 0 || err >= sys_nerr) { return Form("errno out of range %d", err); } return sys_errlist[err]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TWinNTSystem::HostName() { // Return the system's host name. if (fHostname == "") fHostname = ::getenv("COMPUTERNAME"); if (fHostname == "") { // This requires a DNS query - but we need it for fallback char hn[64]; DWORD il = sizeof(hn); ::GetComputerName(hn, &il); fHostname = hn; } return fHostname; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TWinNTSystem::DoBeep(Int_t freq /*=-1*/, Int_t duration /*=-1*/) const { // Beep. If freq==0 (the default for TWinNTSystem), use ::MessageBeep. // Otherwise ::Beep with freq and duration. if (freq == 0) { ::MessageBeep(-1); return; } if (freq < 37) freq = 440; if (duration < 0) duration = 100; ::Beep(freq, duration); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TWinNTSystem::SetGUIThreadMsgHandler(ThreadMsgFunc_t func) { // Set the (static part of) the event handler func for GUI messages. gGUIThreadMsgFunc = func; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TWinNTSystem::NotifyApplicationCreated() { // Hook to tell TSystem that the TApplication object has been created. // send a dummy message to the GUI thread to kick it into life ::PostThreadMessage(fGUIThreadId, 0, NULL, 0L); } //---- EventLoop --------------------------------------------------------------- //______________________________________________________________________________ void TWinNTSystem::AddFileHandler(TFileHandler *h) { // Add a file handler to the list of system file handlers. Only adds // the handler if it is not already in the list of file handlers. TSystem::AddFileHandler(h); if (h) { int fd = h->GetFd(); if (!fd) return; if (h->HasReadInterest()) { fReadmask->Set(fd); } if (h->HasWriteInterest()) { fWritemask->Set(fd); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ TFileHandler *TWinNTSystem::RemoveFileHandler(TFileHandler *h) { // Remove a file handler from the list of file handlers. Returns // the handler or 0 if the handler was not in the list of file handlers. if (!h) return 0; TFileHandler *oh = TSystem::RemoveFileHandler(h); if (oh) { // found fReadmask->Clr(h->GetFd()); fWritemask->Clr(h->GetFd()); } return oh; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TWinNTSystem::AddSignalHandler(TSignalHandler *h) { // Add a signal handler to list of system signal handlers. Only adds // the handler if it is not already in the list of signal handlers. Bool_t set_console = kFALSE; ESignals sig = h->GetSignal(); if (sig == kSigInterrupt) { set_console = kTRUE; TSignalHandler *hs; TIter next(fSignalHandler); while ((hs = (TSignalHandler*) next())) { if (hs->GetSignal() == kSigInterrupt) set_console = kFALSE; } } TSystem::AddSignalHandler(h); // Add our handler to the list of the console handlers if (set_console) ::SetConsoleCtrlHandler((PHANDLER_ROUTINE)ConsoleSigHandler, TRUE); else WinNTSignal(h->GetSignal(), SigHandler); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TSignalHandler *TWinNTSystem::RemoveSignalHandler(TSignalHandler *h) { // Remove a signal handler from list of signal handlers. Returns // the handler or 0 if the handler was not in the list of signal handlers. if (!h) return 0; int sig = h->GetSignal(); if (sig = kSigInterrupt) { Bool_t last = kTRUE; TSignalHandler *hs; TIter next(fSignalHandler); while ((hs = (TSignalHandler*) next())) { if (hs->GetSignal() == kSigInterrupt) last = kFALSE; } // Remove our handler from the list of the console handlers if (last) ::SetConsoleCtrlHandler((PHANDLER_ROUTINE)ConsoleSigHandler, FALSE); } return TSystem::RemoveSignalHandler(h); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TWinNTSystem::ResetSignal(ESignals sig, Bool_t reset) { // If reset is true reset the signal handler for the specified signal // to the default handler, else restore previous behaviour. //FIXME! } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TWinNTSystem::ResetSignals() { // Reset signals handlers to previous behaviour. //FIXME! } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TWinNTSystem::IgnoreSignal(ESignals sig, Bool_t ignore) { // If ignore is true ignore the specified signal, else restore previous // behaviour. // FIXME! } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TWinNTSystem::StackTrace() { // Print a stack trace, if gEnv entry "Root.Stacktrace" is unset or 1, // and if the image helper functions can be found (see InitImagehlpFunctions()). // The stack trace is printed for each thread; if fgXcptContext is set (e.g. // because there was an exception) use it to define the current thread's context. // For each frame in the stack, the frame's module name, the frame's function // name, and the frame's line number are printed. if (!gEnv->GetValue("Root.Stacktrace", 1)) return; HANDLE snapshot = ::CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD,::GetCurrentProcessId()); std::cerr.flush(); fflush (stderr); if (!InitImagehlpFunctions()) { std::cerr << "No stack trace: cannot find (functions in) dbghelp.dll!" << std::endl; return; } // what system are we on? SYSTEM_INFO sysInfo; ::GetSystemInfo(&sysInfo); DWORD machineType = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386; switch (sysInfo.wProcessorArchitecture) { case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64: machineType = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64; break; case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64: machineType = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64; break; } DWORD currentThreadID = ::GetCurrentThreadId(); DWORD currentProcessID = ::GetCurrentProcessId(); if (snapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; THREADENTRY32 threadentry; threadentry.dwSize = sizeof(THREADENTRY32); if (!::Thread32First(snapshot, &threadentry)) return; std::cerr << std::endl << "==========================================" << std::endl; std::cerr << "=============== STACKTRACE ===============" << std::endl; std::cerr << "==========================================" << std::endl << std::endl; UInt_t iThread = 0; do { if (threadentry.th32OwnerProcessID != currentProcessID) continue; HANDLE thread = ::OpenThread(THREAD_GET_CONTEXT|THREAD_SUSPEND_RESUME|THREAD_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, threadentry.th32ThreadID); CONTEXT context; memset(&context, 0, sizeof(CONTEXT)); if (threadentry.th32ThreadID != currentThreadID) { ::SuspendThread(thread); context.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_ALL; ::GetThreadContext(thread, &context); ::ResumeThread(thread); } else { if (fgXcptContext) { context = *fgXcptContext; } else { typedef void (WINAPI *RTLCCTXT)(PCONTEXT); RTLCCTXT p2RtlCCtxt = (RTLCCTXT) ::GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll"), "RtlCaptureContext"); if (p2RtlCCtxt) { context.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_ALL; p2RtlCCtxt(&context); } } } STACKFRAME64 frame; ::ZeroMemory(&frame, sizeof(frame)); frame.AddrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat; frame.AddrFrame.Mode = AddrModeFlat; frame.AddrStack.Mode = AddrModeFlat; #if defined(_M_IX86) frame.AddrPC.Offset = context.Eip; frame.AddrFrame.Offset = context.Ebp; frame.AddrStack.Offset = context.Esp; #elif defined(_M_X64) frame.AddrPC.Offset = context.Rip; frame.AddrFrame.Offset = context.Rsp; frame.AddrStack.Offset = context.Rsp; #elif defined(_M_IA64) frame.AddrPC.Offset = context.StIIP; frame.AddrFrame.Offset = context.IntSp; frame.AddrStack.Offset = context.IntSp; frame.AddrBStore.Offset= context.RsBSP; #else std::cerr << "Stack traces not supported on your architecture yet." << std::endl; return; #endif Bool_t bFirst = kTRUE; while (_StackWalk64(machineType, (HANDLE)::GetCurrentProcess(), thread, (LPSTACKFRAME64)&frame, (LPVOID)&context, (PREAD_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE)NULL, (PFUNCTION_TABLE_ACCESS_ROUTINE)_SymFunctionTableAccess64, (PGET_MODULE_BASE_ROUTINE)_SymGetModuleBase64, NULL)) { if (bFirst) std::cerr << std::endl << "================ Thread " << iThread++ << " ================" << std::endl; if (!bFirst || threadentry.th32ThreadID != currentThreadID) { const std::string moduleName = GetModuleName(frame.AddrPC.Offset); const std::string functionName = GetFunctionName(frame.AddrPC.Offset); std::cerr << " " << moduleName << functionName << std::endl; } bFirst = kFALSE; } ::CloseHandle(thread); } while (::Thread32Next(snapshot, &threadentry)); std::cerr << std::endl << "==========================================" << std::endl; std::cerr << "============= END STACKTRACE =============" << std::endl; std::cerr << "==========================================" << std::endl << std::endl; ::CloseHandle(snapshot); _SymCleanup(GetCurrentProcess()); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TWinNTSystem::GetFPEMask() { // Return the bitmap of conditions that trigger a floating point exception. Int_t mask = 0; UInt_t oldmask = _statusfp( ); if (oldmask & _EM_INVALID ) mask |= kInvalid; if (oldmask & _EM_ZERODIVIDE) mask |= kDivByZero; if (oldmask & _EM_OVERFLOW ) mask |= kOverflow; if (oldmask & _EM_UNDERFLOW) mask |= kUnderflow; if (oldmask & _EM_INEXACT ) mask |= kInexact; return mask; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TWinNTSystem::SetFPEMask(Int_t mask) { // Set which conditions trigger a floating point exception. // Return the previous set of conditions. Int_t old = GetFPEMask(); UInt_t newm = 0; if (mask & kInvalid ) newm |= _EM_INVALID; if (mask & kDivByZero) newm |= _EM_ZERODIVIDE; if (mask & kOverflow ) newm |= _EM_OVERFLOW; if (mask & kUnderflow) newm |= _EM_UNDERFLOW; if (mask & kInexact ) newm |= _EM_INEXACT; UInt_t cm = ::_statusfp(); cm &= ~newm; ::_controlfp(cm , _MCW_EM); return old; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TWinNTSystem::ProcessEvents() { // process pending events, i.e. DispatchOneEvent(kTRUE) return TSystem::ProcessEvents(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TWinNTSystem::DispatchOneEvent(Bool_t pendingOnly) { // Dispatch a single event in TApplication::Run() loop // check for keyboard events if (pendingOnly && gGlobalEvent) ::SetEvent(gGlobalEvent); Bool_t pollOnce = pendingOnly; while (1) { if (_kbhit()) { if (gROOT->GetApplication()) { gApplication->HandleTermInput(); if (gSplash) { // terminate splash window after first key press delete gSplash; gSplash = 0; } if (!pendingOnly) { return; } } } if (gROOT->IsLineProcessing() && (!gVirtualX || !gVirtualX->IsCmdThread())) { if (!pendingOnly) { // yield execution to another thread that is ready to run // if no other thread is ready, sleep 1 ms before to return if (gGlobalEvent) { ::WaitForSingleObject(gGlobalEvent, 1); ::ResetEvent(gGlobalEvent); } return; } } // first handle any GUI events if (gXDisplay && !gROOT->IsBatch()) { if (gXDisplay->Notify()) { if (!pendingOnly) { return; } } } // check for file descriptors ready for reading/writing if ((fNfd > 0) && fFileHandler && (fFileHandler->GetSize() > 0)) { if (CheckDescriptors()) { if (!pendingOnly) { return; } } } fNfd = 0; fReadready->Zero(); fWriteready->Zero(); if (pendingOnly && !pollOnce) return; // check synchronous signals if (fSigcnt > 0 && fSignalHandler->GetSize() > 0) { if (CheckSignals(kTRUE)) { if (!pendingOnly) { return; } } } fSigcnt = 0; fSignals->Zero(); // handle past due timers Long_t nextto; if (fTimers && fTimers->GetSize() > 0) { if (DispatchTimers(kTRUE)) { // prevent timers from blocking the rest types of events nextto = NextTimeOut(kTRUE); if (nextto > (kItimerResolution>>1) || nextto == -1) { return; } } } // if in pendingOnly mode poll once file descriptor activity nextto = NextTimeOut(kTRUE); if (pendingOnly) { if (fFileHandler && fFileHandler->GetSize() == 0) return; nextto = 0; pollOnce = kFALSE; } if (fReadmask && !fReadmask->GetBits() && fWritemask && !fWritemask->GetBits()) { // yield execution to another thread that is ready to run // if no other thread is ready, sleep 1 ms before to return if (!pendingOnly && gGlobalEvent) { ::WaitForSingleObject(gGlobalEvent, 1); ::ResetEvent(gGlobalEvent); } return; } *fReadready = *fReadmask; *fWriteready = *fWritemask; fNfd = WinNTSelect(fReadready, fWriteready, nextto); // serious error has happened -> reset all file descrptors if ((fNfd < 0) && (fNfd != -2)) { int rc, i; for (i = 0; i < fReadmask->GetCount(); i++) { TFdSet t; Int_t fd = fReadmask->GetFd(i); t.Set(fd); if (fReadmask->IsSet(fd)) { rc = WinNTSelect(&t, 0, 0); if (rc < 0 && rc != -2) { ::SysError("DispatchOneEvent", "select: read error on %d\n", fd); fReadmask->Clr(fd); } } } for (i = 0; i < fWritemask->GetCount(); i++) { TFdSet t; Int_t fd = fWritemask->GetFd(i); t.Set(fd); if (fWritemask->IsSet(fd)) { rc = WinNTSelect(0, &t, 0); if (rc < 0 && rc != -2) { ::SysError("DispatchOneEvent", "select: write error on %d\n", fd); fWritemask->Clr(fd); } } t.Clr(fd); } } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TWinNTSystem::ExitLoop() { // Exit from event loop. TSystem::ExitLoop(); } //---- handling of system events ----------------------------------------------- //______________________________________________________________________________ void TWinNTSystem::DispatchSignals(ESignals sig) { // Handle and dispatch signals. if (sig == kSigInterrupt) { fSignals->Set(sig); fSigcnt++; } else { StackTrace(); if (TROOT::Initialized()) { ::Throw(sig); } Abort(-1); } // check a-synchronous signals if (fSigcnt > 0 && fSignalHandler->GetSize() > 0) CheckSignals(kFALSE); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TWinNTSystem::CheckSignals(Bool_t sync) { // Check if some signals were raised and call their Notify() member. TSignalHandler *sh; Int_t sigdone = -1; { TIter next(fSignalHandler); while (sh = (TSignalHandler*)next()) { if (sync == sh->IsSync()) { ESignals sig = sh->GetSignal(); if ((fSignals->IsSet(sig) && sigdone == -1) || sigdone == sig) { if (sigdone == -1) { fSignals->Clr(sig); sigdone = sig; fSigcnt--; } sh->Notify(); } } } } if (sigdone != -1) return kTRUE; return kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TWinNTSystem::CheckDescriptors() { // Check if there is activity on some file descriptors and call their // Notify() member. TFileHandler *fh; Int_t fddone = -1; Bool_t read = kFALSE; TOrdCollectionIter it((TOrdCollection*)fFileHandler); while ((fh = (TFileHandler*) it.Next())) { Int_t fd = fh->GetFd(); if (!fd) continue; // ignore TTermInputHandler if ((fReadready->IsSet(fd) && fddone == -1) || (fddone == fd && read)) { if (fddone == -1) { fReadready->Clr(fd); fddone = fd; read = kTRUE; fNfd--; } fh->ReadNotify(); } if ((fWriteready->IsSet(fd) && fddone == -1) || (fddone == fd && !read)) { if (fddone == -1) { fWriteready->Clr(fd); fddone = fd; read = kFALSE; fNfd--; } fh->WriteNotify(); } } if (fddone != -1) return kTRUE; return kFALSE; } //---- Directories ------------------------------------------------------------- //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::mkdir(const char *name, Bool_t recursive) { // Make a file system directory. Returns 0 in case of success and // -1 if the directory could not be created (either already exists or // illegal path name). // If 'recursive' is true, makes parent directories as needed. if (recursive) { TString dirname = DirName(name); if (dirname.Length() == 0) { // well we should not have to make the root of the file system! // (and this avoid infinite recursions!) return 0; } if (IsAbsoluteFileName(name)) { // For some good reason DirName strips off the drive letter // (if present), we need it to make the directory on the // right disk, so let's put it back! const char driveletter = DriveName(name); if (driveletter) { dirname.Prepend(":"); dirname.Prepend(driveletter); } } if (AccessPathName(dirname, kFileExists)) { int res = this->mkdir(dirname, kTRUE); if (res) return res; } if (!AccessPathName(name, kFileExists)) { return -1; } } return MakeDirectory(name); } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::MakeDirectory(const char *name) { // Make a WinNT file system directory. Returns 0 in case of success and // -1 if the directory could not be created (either already exists or // illegal path name). TSystem *helper = FindHelper(name); if (helper) { return helper->MakeDirectory(name); } const char *proto = (strstr(name, "file:///")) ? "file://" : "file:"; #ifdef WATCOM // It must be as follows if (!name) return 0; return ::mkdir(StripOffProto(name, proto)); #else // but to be in line with TUnixSystem I did like this if (!name) return 0; return ::_mkdir(StripOffProto(name, proto)); #endif } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TWinNTSystem::FreeDirectory(void *dirp) { // Close a WinNT file system directory. TSystem *helper = FindHelper(0, dirp); if (helper) { helper->FreeDirectory(dirp); return; } if (dirp) { ::FindClose(dirp); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TWinNTSystem::GetDirEntry(void *dirp) { // Returns the next directory entry. TSystem *helper = FindHelper(0, dirp); if (helper) { return helper->GetDirEntry(dirp); } if (dirp) { HANDLE searchFile = (HANDLE)dirp; if (fFirstFile) { // when calling TWinNTSystem::OpenDirectory(), the fFindFileData // structure is filled by a call to FindFirstFile(). // So first returns this one, before calling FindNextFile() fFirstFile = kFALSE; return (const char *)fFindFileData.cFileName; } if (::FindNextFile(searchFile, &fFindFileData)) { return (const char *)fFindFileData.cFileName; } } return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TWinNTSystem::ChangeDirectory(const char *path) { // Change directory. Bool_t ret = (Bool_t) (::chdir(path) == 0); if (fWdpath != "") fWdpath = ""; // invalidate path cache return ret; } //______________________________________________________________________________ __inline BOOL DBL_BSLASH(LPCTSTR psz) { // // Inline function to check for a double-backslash at the // beginning of a string // return (psz[0] == TEXT('\\') && psz[1] == TEXT('\\')); } //______________________________________________________________________________ BOOL PathIsUNC(LPCTSTR pszPath) { // Returns TRUE if the given string is a UNC path. // // TRUE // "\\foo\bar" // "\\foo" <- careful // "\\" // FALSE // "\foo" // "foo" // "c:\foo" return DBL_BSLASH(pszPath); } #pragma data_seg(".text", "CODE") const TCHAR c_szColonSlash[] = TEXT(":\\"); #pragma data_seg() //______________________________________________________________________________ BOOL PathIsRoot(LPCTSTR pPath) { // // check if a path is a root // // returns: // TRUE for "\" "X:\" "\\foo\asdf" "\\foo\" // FALSE for others // if (!IsDBCSLeadByte(*pPath)) { if (!lstrcmpi(pPath + 1, c_szColonSlash)) // "X:\" case return TRUE; } if ((*pPath == TEXT('\\')) && (*(pPath + 1) == 0)) // "\" case return TRUE; if (DBL_BSLASH(pPath)) { // smells like UNC name LPCTSTR p; int cBackslashes = 0; for (p = pPath + 2; *p; p = CharNext(p)) { if (*p == TEXT('\\') && (++cBackslashes > 1)) return FALSE; // not a bare UNC name, therefore not a root dir } // end of string with only 1 more backslash // must be a bare UNC, which looks like a root dir return TRUE; } return FALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void *TWinNTSystem::OpenDirectory(const char *fdir) { // Open a directory. Returns 0 if directory does not exist. TSystem *helper = FindHelper(fdir); if (helper) { return helper->OpenDirectory(fdir); } const char *proto = (strstr(fdir, "file:///")) ? "file://" : "file:"; const char *sdir = StripOffProto(fdir, proto); char *dir = new char[MAX_PATH]; if (IsShortcut(sdir)) { if (!ResolveShortCut(sdir, dir, MAX_PATH)) strlcpy(dir, sdir,MAX_PATH); } else strlcpy(dir, sdir,MAX_PATH); int nche = strlen(dir)+3; char *entry = new char[nche]; struct _stati64 finfo; if(PathIsUNC(dir)) { strlcpy(entry, dir,nche); if ((entry[strlen(dir)-1] == '/') || (entry[strlen(dir)-1] == '\\' )) { entry[strlen(dir)-1] = '\0'; } if(PathIsRoot(entry)) { strlcat(entry,"\\",nche); } if (_stati64(entry, &finfo) < 0) { delete [] entry; delete [] dir; return 0; } } else { strlcpy(entry, dir,nche); if ((entry[strlen(dir)-1] == '/') || (entry[strlen(dir)-1] == '\\' )) { if(!PathIsRoot(entry)) entry[strlen(dir)-1] = '\0'; } if (_stati64(entry, &finfo) < 0) { delete [] entry; delete [] dir; return 0; } } if (finfo.st_mode & S_IFDIR) { strlcpy(entry, dir,nche); if (!(entry[strlen(dir)-1] == '/' || entry[strlen(dir)-1] == '\\' )) { strlcat(entry,"\\",nche); } strlcat(entry,"*",nche); HANDLE searchFile; searchFile = ::FindFirstFile(entry, &fFindFileData); if (searchFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ((TWinNTSystem *)gSystem)->Error( "Unable to find' for reading:", entry); delete [] entry; delete [] dir; return 0; } delete [] entry; delete [] dir; fFirstFile = kTRUE; return searchFile; } else { delete [] entry; delete [] dir; return 0; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TWinNTSystem::WorkingDirectory() { // Return the working directory for the default drive return WorkingDirectory('\0'); } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TWinNTSystem::WorkingDirectory(char driveletter) { // Return working directory for the selected drive // driveletter == 0 means return the working durectory for the default drive char *wdpath = 0; char drive = driveletter ? toupper( driveletter ) - 'A' + 1 : 0; // don't use cache as user can call chdir() directly somewhere else //if (fWdpath != "" ) // return fWdpath; if (!(wdpath = ::_getdcwd( (int)drive, wdpath, kMAXPATHLEN))) { free(wdpath); Warning("WorkingDirectory", "getcwd() failed"); return 0; } fWdpath = wdpath; // Make sure the drive letter is upper case if (fWdpath[1] == ':') fWdpath[0] = toupper(fWdpath[0]); free(wdpath); return fWdpath; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TWinNTSystem::HomeDirectory(const char *userName) { // Return the user's home directory. static char mydir[kMAXPATHLEN] = "./"; const char *h = 0; if (!(h = ::getenv("home"))) h = ::getenv("HOME"); if (h) { strlcpy(mydir, h,kMAXPATHLEN); } else { // for Windows NT HOME might be defined as either $(HOMESHARE)/$(HOMEPATH) // or $(HOMEDRIVE)/$(HOMEPATH) h = ::getenv("HOMESHARE"); if (!h) h = ::getenv("HOMEDRIVE"); if (h) { strlcpy(mydir, h,kMAXPATHLEN); h = ::getenv("HOMEPATH"); if(h) strlcat(mydir, h,kMAXPATHLEN); } // on Windows Vista HOME is usually defined as $(USERPROFILE) if (!h) { h = ::getenv("USERPROFILE"); if (h) strlcpy(mydir, h,kMAXPATHLEN); } } // Make sure the drive letter is upper case if (mydir[1] == ':') mydir[0] = toupper(mydir[0]); return mydir; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TWinNTSystem::TempDirectory() const { // Return a user configured or systemwide directory to create // temporary files in. const char *dir = gSystem->Getenv("TEMP"); if (!dir) dir = gSystem->Getenv("TEMPDIR"); if (!dir) dir = gSystem->Getenv("TEMP_DIR"); if (!dir) dir = gSystem->Getenv("TMP"); if (!dir) dir = gSystem->Getenv("TMPDIR"); if (!dir) dir = gSystem->Getenv("TMP_DIR"); if (!dir) dir = "c:\\"; return dir; } //______________________________________________________________________________ FILE *TWinNTSystem::TempFileName(TString &base, const char *dir) { // Create a secure temporary file by appending a unique // 6 letter string to base. The file will be created in // a standard (system) directory or in the directory // provided in dir. The full filename is returned in base // and a filepointer is returned for safely writing to the file // (this avoids certain security problems). Returns 0 in case // of error. char tmpName[MAX_PATH]; ::GetTempFileName(dir ? dir : TempDirectory(), base.Data(), 0, tmpName); base = tmpName; FILE *fp = fopen(tmpName, "w+"); if (!fp) ::SysError("TempFileName", "error opening %s", tmpName); return fp; } //---- Paths & Files ----------------------------------------------------------- //______________________________________________________________________________ TList *TWinNTSystem::GetVolumes(Option_t *opt) const { // Get list of volumes (drives) mounted on the system. // The returned TList must be deleted by the user using "delete". Int_t curdrive; UInt_t type; TString sDrive, sType; char szFs[32]; if (!opt || !strlen(opt)) { return 0; } // prevent the system dialog box to pop-up if a drive is empty UINT nOldErrorMode = ::SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); TList *drives = new TList(); drives->SetOwner(); // Save current drive curdrive = _getdrive(); if (strstr(opt, "cur")) { *szFs='\0'; sDrive.Form("%c:", (curdrive + 'A' - 1)); sType.Form("Unknown Drive (%s)", sDrive.Data()); ::GetVolumeInformation(Form("%s\\", sDrive.Data()), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, (LPSTR)szFs, 32); type = ::GetDriveType(sDrive.Data()); switch (type) { case DRIVE_UNKNOWN: case DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR: break; case DRIVE_REMOVABLE: sType.Form("Removable Disk (%s)", sDrive.Data()); break; case DRIVE_FIXED: sType.Form("Local Disk (%s)", sDrive.Data()); break; case DRIVE_REMOTE: sType.Form("Network Drive (%s) (%s)", szFs, sDrive.Data()); break; case DRIVE_CDROM: sType.Form("CD/DVD Drive (%s)", sDrive.Data()); break; case DRIVE_RAMDISK: sType.Form("RAM Disk (%s)", sDrive.Data()); break; } drives->Add(new TNamed(sDrive.Data(), sType.Data())); } else if (strstr(opt, "all")) { TCHAR szTemp[512]; szTemp[0] = '\0'; if (::GetLogicalDriveStrings(511, szTemp)) { TCHAR szDrive[3] = TEXT(" :"); TCHAR* p = szTemp; do { // Copy the drive letter to the template string *szDrive = *p; *szFs='\0'; sDrive.Form("%s", szDrive); // skip floppy drives, to avoid accessing them each time... if ((sDrive == "A:") || (sDrive == "B:")) { while (*p++); continue; } sType.Form("Unknown Drive (%s)", sDrive.Data()); ::GetVolumeInformation(Form("%s\\", sDrive.Data()), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, (LPSTR)szFs, 32); type = ::GetDriveType(sDrive.Data()); switch (type) { case DRIVE_UNKNOWN: case DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR: break; case DRIVE_REMOVABLE: sType.Form("Removable Disk (%s)", sDrive.Data()); break; case DRIVE_FIXED: sType.Form("Local Disk (%s)", sDrive.Data()); break; case DRIVE_REMOTE: sType.Form("Network Drive (%s) (%s)", szFs, sDrive.Data()); break; case DRIVE_CDROM: sType.Form("CD/DVD Drive (%s)", sDrive.Data()); break; case DRIVE_RAMDISK: sType.Form("RAM Disk (%s)", sDrive.Data()); break; } drives->Add(new TNamed(sDrive.Data(), sType.Data())); // Go to the next NULL character. while (*p++); } while (*p); // end of string } } // restore previous error mode ::SetErrorMode(nOldErrorMode); return drives; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TWinNTSystem::DirName(const char *pathname) { // Return the directory name in pathname. DirName of c:/user/root is /user. // It creates output with 'new char []' operator. Returned string has to // be deleted. // Delete old buffer if (fDirNameBuffer) { // delete [] fDirNameBuffer; fDirNameBuffer = 0; } // Create a buffer to keep the path name if (pathname) { if (strchr(pathname, '/') || strchr(pathname, '\\')) { const char *rslash = strrchr(pathname, '/'); const char *bslash = strrchr(pathname, '\\'); const char *r = max(rslash, bslash); const char *ptr = pathname; while (ptr <= r) { if (*ptr == ':') { // Windows path may contain a drive letter // For NTFS ":" may be a "stream" delimiter as well pathname = ptr + 1; break; } ptr++; } int len = r - pathname; if (len > 0) { fDirNameBuffer = new char[len+1]; memcpy(fDirNameBuffer, pathname, len); fDirNameBuffer[len] = 0; } } } if (!fDirNameBuffer) { fDirNameBuffer = new char[1]; *fDirNameBuffer = '\0'; // Set the empty default response } return fDirNameBuffer; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char TWinNTSystem::DriveName(const char *pathname) { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Return the drive letter in pathname. DriveName of 'c:/user/root' is 'c'// // Input: // // pathname - the string containing file name // // Return: // // = Letter presenting the drive letter in the file name // // = The current drive if the pathname has no drive assigment // // = 0 if pathname is an empty string or uses UNC syntax // // Note: // // It doesn't chech whether pathname presents the 'real filename // // This subroutine looks for 'single letter' is follows with a ':' // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!pathname) return 0; if (!pathname[0]) return 0; const char *lpchar; lpchar = pathname; // Skip blanks while(*lpchar == ' ') lpchar++; if (isalpha((int)*lpchar) && *(lpchar+1) == ':') { return *lpchar; } // Test UNC syntax if ( (*lpchar == '\\' || *lpchar == '/' ) && (*(lpchar+1) == '\\' || *(lpchar+1) == '/') ) return 0; // return the current drive return DriveName(WorkingDirectory()); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TWinNTSystem::IsAbsoluteFileName(const char *dir) { // Return true if dir is an absolute pathname. if (dir) { int idx = 0; if (strchr(dir,':')) idx = 2; return (dir[idx] == '/' || dir[idx] == '\\'); } return kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TWinNTSystem::UnixPathName(const char *name) { // Convert a pathname to a unix pathname. E.g. form \user\root to /user/root. // General rules for applications creating names for directories and files or // processing names supplied by the user include the following: // // · Use any character in the current code page for a name, but do not use // a path separator, a character in the range 0 through 31, or any character // explicitly disallowed by the file system. A name can contain characters // in the extended character set (128-255). // · Use the backslash (\), the forward slash (/), or both to separate // components in a path. No other character is acceptable as a path separator. // · Use a period (.) as a directory component in a path to represent the // current directory. // · Use two consecutive periods (..) as a directory component in a path to // represent the parent of the current directory. // · Use a period (.) to separate components in a directory name or filename. // · Do not use the following characters in directory names or filenames, because // they are reserved for Windows: // < > : " / \ | // · Do not use reserved words, such as aux, con, and prn, as filenames or // directory names. // · Process a path as a null-terminated string. The maximum length for a path // is given by MAX_PATH. // · Do not assume case sensitivity. Consider names such as OSCAR, Oscar, and // oscar to be the same. static char temp[1024]; strlcpy(temp, name,1024); char *currentChar = temp; while (*currentChar != '\0') { if (*currentChar == '\\') *currentChar = '/'; currentChar++; } return temp; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TWinNTSystem::AccessPathName(const char *path, EAccessMode mode) { // Returns FALSE if one can access a file using the specified access mode. // Mode is the same as for the WinNT access(2) function. // Attention, bizarre convention of return value!! TSystem *helper = FindHelper(path); if (helper) return helper->AccessPathName(path, mode); // prevent the system dialog box to pop-up if a drive is empty UINT nOldErrorMode = ::SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); if (mode==kExecutePermission) // cannot test on exe - use read instead mode=kReadPermission; const char *proto = (strstr(path, "file:///")) ? "file://" : "file:"; if (::_access(StripOffProto(path, proto), mode) == 0) { // restore previous error mode ::SetErrorMode(nOldErrorMode); return kFALSE; } fLastErrorString = GetError(); // restore previous error mode ::SetErrorMode(nOldErrorMode); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TWinNTSystem::IsPathLocal(const char *path) { // Returns TRUE if the url in 'path' points to the local file system. // This is used to avoid going through the NIC card for local operations. TSystem *helper = FindHelper(path); if (helper) return helper->IsPathLocal(path); return TSystem::IsPathLocal(path); } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TWinNTSystem::PrependPathName(const char *dir, TString& name) { // Concatenate a directory and a file name. if (name == ".") name = ""; if (dir && dir[0]) { // Test whether the last symbol of the directory is a separator char last = dir[strlen(dir) - 1]; if (last != '/' && last != '\\') { name.Prepend('\\'); } name.Prepend(dir); name.ReplaceAll("/", "\\"); } return name.Data(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::CopyFile(const char *f, const char *t, Bool_t overwrite) { // Copy a file. If overwrite is true and file already exists the // file will be overwritten. Returns 0 when successful, -1 in case // of failure, -2 in case the file already exists and overwrite was false. if (AccessPathName(f, kReadPermission)) return -1; if (!AccessPathName(t) && !overwrite) return -2; Bool_t ret = ::CopyFileA(f, t, kFALSE); if (!ret) return -1; return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::Rename(const char *f, const char *t) { // Rename a file. Returns 0 when successful, -1 in case of failure. int ret = ::rename(f, t); fLastErrorString = GetError(); return ret; } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::GetPathInfo(const char *path, FileStat_t &buf) { // Get info about a file. Info is returned in the form of a FileStat_t // structure (see TSystem.h). // The function returns 0 in case of success and 1 if the file could // not be stat'ed. TSystem *helper = FindHelper(path); if (helper) return helper->GetPathInfo(path, buf); struct _stati64 sbuf; // Remove trailing backslashes const char *proto = (strstr(path, "file:///")) ? "file://" : "file:"; char *newpath = StrDup(StripOffProto(path, proto)); int l = strlen(newpath); while (l > 1) { if (newpath[--l] != '\\' || newpath[--l] != '/') { break; } newpath[l] = '\0'; } if (newpath && ::_stati64(newpath, &sbuf) >= 0) { buf.fDev = sbuf.st_dev; buf.fIno = sbuf.st_ino; buf.fMode = sbuf.st_mode; buf.fUid = sbuf.st_uid; buf.fGid = sbuf.st_gid; buf.fSize = sbuf.st_size; buf.fMtime = sbuf.st_mtime; buf.fIsLink = IsShortcut(newpath); // kFALSE; char *lpath = new char[MAX_PATH]; if (IsShortcut(newpath)) { struct _stati64 sbuf2; if (ResolveShortCut(newpath, lpath, MAX_PATH)) { if (::_stati64(lpath, &sbuf2) >= 0) { buf.fMode = sbuf2.st_mode; } } } delete [] lpath; delete [] newpath; return 0; } delete [] newpath; return 1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::GetFsInfo(const char *path, Long_t *id, Long_t *bsize, Long_t *blocks, Long_t *bfree) { // Get info about a file system: id, bsize, bfree, blocks. // Id is file system type (machine dependend, see statfs()) // Bsize is block size of file system // Blocks is total number of blocks in file system // Bfree is number of free blocks in file system // The function returns 0 in case of success and 1 if the file system could // not be stat'ed. // address of root directory of the file system LPCTSTR lpRootPathName = path; // address of name of the volume LPTSTR lpVolumeNameBuffer = 0; DWORD nVolumeNameSize = 0; DWORD volumeSerialNumber; // volume serial number DWORD maximumComponentLength; // system's maximum filename length // file system flags DWORD fileSystemFlags; // address of name of file system char fileSystemNameBuffer[512]; DWORD nFileSystemNameSize = sizeof(fileSystemNameBuffer); // prevent the system dialog box to pop-up if the drive is empty UINT nOldErrorMode = ::SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); if (!::GetVolumeInformation(lpRootPathName, lpVolumeNameBuffer, nVolumeNameSize, &volumeSerialNumber, &maximumComponentLength, &fileSystemFlags, fileSystemNameBuffer, nFileSystemNameSize)) { // restore previous error mode ::SetErrorMode(nOldErrorMode); return 1; } const char *fsNames[] = { "FAT", "NTFS" }; int i; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (!strncmp(fileSystemNameBuffer, fsNames[i], nFileSystemNameSize)) break; } *id = i; DWORD sectorsPerCluster; // # sectors per cluster DWORD bytesPerSector; // # bytes per sector DWORD numberOfFreeClusters; // # free clusters DWORD totalNumberOfClusters; // # total of clusters if (!::GetDiskFreeSpace(lpRootPathName, §orsPerCluster, &bytesPerSector, &numberOfFreeClusters, &totalNumberOfClusters)) { // restore previous error mode ::SetErrorMode(nOldErrorMode); return 1; } // restore previous error mode ::SetErrorMode(nOldErrorMode); *bsize = sectorsPerCluster * bytesPerSector; *blocks = totalNumberOfClusters; *bfree = numberOfFreeClusters; return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::Link(const char *from, const char *to) { // Create a link from file1 to file2. struct _stati64 finfo; char winDrive[256]; char winDir[256]; char winName[256]; char winExt[256]; char linkname[1024]; LPTSTR lpszFilePart; TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwRet = 0; typedef BOOL (__stdcall *CREATEHARDLINKPROC)( LPCTSTR, LPCTSTR, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES ); static CREATEHARDLINKPROC _CreateHardLink = 0; HMODULE hModImagehlp = LoadLibrary( "Kernel32.dll" ); if (!hModImagehlp) return -1; #ifdef _UNICODE _CreateHardLink = (CREATEHARDLINKPROC) GetProcAddress( hModImagehlp, "CreateHardLinkW" ); #else _CreateHardLink = (CREATEHARDLINKPROC) GetProcAddress( hModImagehlp, "CreateHardLinkA" ); #endif if (!_CreateHardLink) return -1; dwRet = GetFullPathName(from, sizeof(szPath) / sizeof(TCHAR), szPath, &lpszFilePart); if (_stati64(szPath, &finfo) < 0) return -1; if (finfo.st_mode & S_IFDIR) return -1; snprintf(linkname,1024,"%s",to); _splitpath(linkname,winDrive,winDir,winName,winExt); if ((strlen(winDrive) == 0 ) && (strlen(winDir) == 0 )) { _splitpath(szPath,winDrive,winDir,winName,winExt); snprintf(linkname,1024,"%s\\%s\\%s", winDrive, winDir, to); } else if (strlen(winDrive) == 0) { _splitpath(szPath,winDrive,winDir,winName,winExt); snprintf(linkname,1024,"%s\\%s", winDrive, to); } if (!_CreateHardLink(linkname, szPath, NULL)) return -1; return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::Symlink(const char *from, const char *to) { // Create a symlink from file1 to file2. Returns 0 when successful, // -1 in case of failure. HRESULT hRes; /* Returned COM result code */ IShellLink* pShellLink; /* IShellLink object pointer */ IPersistFile* pPersistFile; /* IPersistFile object pointer */ WCHAR wszLinkfile[MAX_PATH]; /* pszLinkfile as Unicode string */ int iWideCharsWritten; /* Number of wide characters written */ DWORD dwRet = 0; LPTSTR lpszFilePart; TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; hRes = E_INVALIDARG; if ((from == NULL) || (strlen(from) == 0) || (to == NULL) || (strlen(to) == 0)) return -1; // Make typedefs for some ole32.dll functions so that we can use them // with GetProcAddress typedef HRESULT (__stdcall *COINITIALIZEPROC)( LPVOID ); static COINITIALIZEPROC _CoInitialize = 0; typedef void (__stdcall *COUNINITIALIZEPROC)( void ); static COUNINITIALIZEPROC _CoUninitialize = 0; typedef HRESULT (__stdcall *COCREATEINSTANCEPROC)( REFCLSID, LPUNKNOWN, DWORD, REFIID, LPVOID ); static COCREATEINSTANCEPROC _CoCreateInstance = 0; HMODULE hModImagehlp = LoadLibrary( "ole32.dll" ); if (!hModImagehlp) return -1; _CoInitialize = (COINITIALIZEPROC) GetProcAddress( hModImagehlp, "CoInitialize" ); if (!_CoInitialize) return -1; _CoUninitialize = (COUNINITIALIZEPROC) GetProcAddress( hModImagehlp, "CoUninitialize" ); if (!_CoUninitialize) return -1; _CoCreateInstance = (COCREATEINSTANCEPROC) GetProcAddress( hModImagehlp, "CoCreateInstance" ); if (!_CoCreateInstance) return -1; TString linkname(to); if (!linkname.EndsWith(".lnk")) linkname.Append(".lnk"); _CoInitialize(NULL); // Retrieve the full path and file name of a specified file dwRet = GetFullPathName(from, sizeof(szPath) / sizeof(TCHAR), szPath, &lpszFilePart); hRes = _CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IShellLink, (LPVOID *)&pShellLink); if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { // Set the fields in the IShellLink object hRes = pShellLink->SetPath(szPath); // Use the IPersistFile object to save the shell link hRes = pShellLink->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, (void **)&pPersistFile); if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)){ iWideCharsWritten = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, linkname.Data(), -1, wszLinkfile, MAX_PATH); hRes = pPersistFile->Save(wszLinkfile, TRUE); pPersistFile->Release(); } pShellLink->Release(); } _CoUninitialize(); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::Unlink(const char *name) { // Unlink, i.e. remove, a file or directory. TSystem *helper = FindHelper(name); if (helper) return helper->Unlink(name); struct _stati64 finfo; if (_stati64(name, &finfo) < 0) { return -1; } if (finfo.st_mode & S_IFDIR) { return ::_rmdir(name); } else { return ::_unlink(name); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::SetNonBlock(int fd) { // Make descriptor fd non-blocking. if (::ioctlsocket(fd, FIONBIO, (u_long *)1) == SOCKET_ERROR) { ::SysError("SetNonBlock", "ioctlsocket"); return -1; } return 0; } // expand the metacharacters as in the shell static char *shellMeta = "~*[]{}?$%", *shellStuff = "(){}<>\"'", shellEscape = '\\'; //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TWinNTSystem::ExpandPathName(TString &patbuf0) { // Expand a pathname getting rid of special shell characaters like ~.$, etc. const char *patbuf = (const char *)patbuf0; const char *p; char *cmd = 0; char *q; Int_t old_level = gErrorIgnoreLevel; gErrorIgnoreLevel = kFatal; // Explicitly remove all messages TUrl urlpath(patbuf0, kTRUE); TString proto = urlpath.GetProtocol(); gErrorIgnoreLevel = old_level; if (!proto.EqualTo("file")) // don't expand urls!!! return kFALSE; // skip leading blanks while (*patbuf == ' ') { patbuf++; } // skip leading ':' while (*patbuf == ':') { patbuf++; } // skip leading ';' while (*patbuf == ';') { patbuf++; } // Transform a Unix list of directories into a Windows list // by changing the separator from ':' into ';' for (q = (char*)patbuf; *q; q++) { if ( *q == ':' ) { // We are avoiding substitution in the case of // ....;c:.... and of ...;root:/... where root can be any url protocol if ( (((q-2)>patbuf) && ( (*(q-2)!=';') || !isalpha(*(q-1)) )) && *(q+1)!='/' ) { *q=';'; } } } // any shell meta characters ? for (p = patbuf; *p; p++) { if (strchr(shellMeta, *p)) { goto needshell; } } return kFALSE; needshell: // Because (problably) we built with cygwin, the path name like: // LOCALS~1\\Temp // gets extended to // LOCALSc:\\Devel // The most likely cause is that '~' is used with Unix semantic of the // home directory (and it also cuts the path short after ... who knows why!) // So we need to detect this case and prevents its expansion :(. char replacement[4]; // intentionally a non visible, unlikely character for (int k = 0; k<3; k++) replacement[k] = 0x1; replacement[3] = 0x0; Ssiz_t pos = 0; TRegexp TildaNum = "~[0-9]"; while ( (pos = patbuf0.Index(TildaNum,pos)) != kNPOS ) { patbuf0.Replace(pos, 1, replacement); } // escape shell quote characters // EscChar(patbuf, stuffedPat, sizeof(stuffedPat), shellStuff, shellEscape); patbuf0 = ExpandFileName(patbuf0.Data()); Int_t lbuf = ::ExpandEnvironmentStrings( patbuf0.Data(), // pointer to string with environment variables cmd, // pointer to string with expanded environment variables 0 // maximum characters in expanded string ); if (lbuf > 0) { cmd = new char[lbuf+1]; ::ExpandEnvironmentStrings( patbuf0.Data(), // pointer to string with environment variables cmd, // pointer to string with expanded environment variables lbuf // maximum characters in expanded string ); patbuf0 = cmd; patbuf0.ReplaceAll(replacement, "~"); delete [] cmd; return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ char *TWinNTSystem::ExpandPathName(const char *path) { // Expand a pathname getting rid of special shell characaters like ~.$, etc. // User must delete returned string. char newpath[MAX_PATH]; if (IsShortcut(path)) { if (!ResolveShortCut(path, newpath, MAX_PATH)) strlcpy(newpath, path, MAX_PATH); } else strlcpy(newpath, path, MAX_PATH); TString patbuf = newpath; if (ExpandPathName(patbuf)) return 0; return StrDup(patbuf.Data()); } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::Chmod(const char *file, UInt_t mode) { // Set the file permission bits. Returns -1 in case or error, 0 otherwise. // On windows mode can only be a combination of "user read" (0400), // "user write" (0200) or "user read | user write" (0600). Any other value // for mode are ignored. return ::_chmod(file, mode); } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::Umask(Int_t mask) { // Set the process file creation mode mask. return ::umask(mask); } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::Utime(const char *file, Long_t modtime, Long_t actime) { // Set a files modification and access times. If actime = 0 it will be // set to the modtime. Returns 0 on success and -1 in case of error. if (AccessPathName(file, kWritePermission)) { Error("Utime", "need write permission for %s to change utime", file); return -1; } if (!actime) actime = modtime; struct utimbuf t; t.actime = (time_t)actime; t.modtime = (time_t)modtime; return ::utime(file, &t); } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TWinNTSystem::FindFile(const char *search, TString& infile, EAccessMode mode) { // Find location of file in a search path. // User must delete returned string. Returns 0 in case file is not found. // Windows cannot check on execution mode - all we can do is kReadPermission if (mode==kExecutePermission) mode=kReadPermission; // Expand parameters gSystem->ExpandPathName(infile); // Check whether this infile has the absolute path first if (IsAbsoluteFileName(infile.Data()) ) { if (!AccessPathName(infile.Data(), mode)) return infile.Data(); infile = ""; return 0; } TString exsearch(search); gSystem->ExpandPathName(exsearch); // Need to use Windows delimiters Int_t lastDelim = -1; for(int i=0; i < exsearch.Length(); ++i) { switch( exsearch[i] ) { case ':': // Replace the ':' unless there are after a disk suffix (aka ;c:\mydirec...) if (i-lastDelim!=2) exsearch[i] = ';'; lastDelim = i; break; case ';': lastDelim = i; break; } } // Check access struct stat finfo; char name[kMAXPATHLEN]; char *lpFilePart = 0; if (::SearchPath(exsearch.Data(), infile.Data(), NULL, kMAXPATHLEN, name, &lpFilePart) && ::access(name, mode) == 0 && stat(name, &finfo) == 0 && finfo.st_mode & S_IFREG) { if (gEnv->GetValue("Root.ShowPath", 0)) { Printf("Which: %s = %s", infile, name); } infile = name; return infile.Data(); } infile = ""; return 0; } //---- Users & Groups ---------------------------------------------------------- //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TWinNTSystem::InitUsersGroups() { // Collect local users and groups accounts information // Net* API functions allowed and OS is Windows NT/2000/XP if ((gEnv->GetValue("WinNT.UseNetAPI", 0)) && (::GetVersion() < 0x80000000)) { fActUser = -1; fNbGroups = fNbUsers = 0; HINSTANCE netapi = ::LoadLibrary("netapi32.DLL"); if (!netapi) return kFALSE; p2NetApiBufferFree = (pfn1)::GetProcAddress(netapi, "NetApiBufferFree"); p2NetUserGetInfo = (pfn2)::GetProcAddress(netapi, "NetUserGetInfo"); p2NetLocalGroupGetMembers = (pfn3)::GetProcAddress(netapi, "NetLocalGroupGetMembers"); p2NetLocalGroupEnum = (pfn4)::GetProcAddress(netapi, "NetLocalGroupEnum"); if (!p2NetApiBufferFree || !p2NetUserGetInfo || !p2NetLocalGroupGetMembers || !p2NetLocalGroupEnum) return kFALSE; GetNbGroups(); fGroups = (struct group *)calloc(fNbGroups, sizeof(struct group)); for(int i=0;ilgrpi0_name), // address of wide-char string (int)-1, // number of characters in string (LPSTR)szAnsiName, // address of buffer for new string (int)(sizeof(szAnsiName)), // size of buffer (LPCSTR)NULL, // address of default for unmappable characters (LPBOOL)NULL ); // address of flag set when default char used. // Now lookup all members of this group and record down their names and // SIDs into the output file. CountMembers((LPCTSTR)szAnsiName); GroupInfo++; } if (Data) p2NetApiBufferFree(Data); return TRUE; } //________________________________________________________________________________ Long_t TWinNTSystem::LookupSID (const char *lpszAccountName, int what, int &groupIdx, int &memberIdx) { // // Take the name and look up a SID so that we can get full // domain/user information // BOOL bRetOp = FALSE; PSID pSid = NULL; DWORD dwSidSize, dwDomainNameSize; BYTE bySidBuffer[MAX_SID_SIZE]; char szDomainName[MAX_NAME_STRING]; SID_NAME_USE sidType; PUCHAR puchar_SubAuthCount = NULL; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY sid_identifier_authority; PSID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY psid_identifier_authority = NULL; unsigned char j = 0; DWORD dwLastError = 0; pSid = (PSID)bySidBuffer; dwSidSize = sizeof(bySidBuffer); dwDomainNameSize = sizeof(szDomainName); bRetOp = LookupAccountName ( (LPCTSTR)NULL, // address of string for system name (LPCTSTR)lpszAccountName, // address of string for account name (PSID)pSid, // address of security identifier (LPDWORD)&dwSidSize, // address of size of security identifier (LPTSTR)szDomainName, // address of string for referenced domain (LPDWORD)&dwDomainNameSize,// address of size of domain string (PSID_NAME_USE)&sidType ); // address of SID-type indicator if (bRetOp == FALSE) { dwLastError = GetLastError(); return -1; // Unable to obtain Account SID. } bRetOp = IsValidSid((PSID)pSid); if (bRetOp == FALSE) { dwLastError = GetLastError(); return -2; // SID returned is invalid. } // Obtain via APIs the identifier authority value. psid_identifier_authority = GetSidIdentifierAuthority ((PSID)pSid); // Make a copy of it. memcpy (&sid_identifier_authority, psid_identifier_authority, sizeof(SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY)); // Determine how many sub-authority values there are in the current SID. puchar_SubAuthCount = (PUCHAR)GetSidSubAuthorityCount((PSID)pSid); // Assign it to a more convenient variable. j = (unsigned char)(*puchar_SubAuthCount); // Now obtain all the sub-authority values from the current SID. DWORD dwSubAuth = 0; PDWORD pdwSubAuth = NULL; // Obtain the current sub-authority DWORD (referenced by a pointer) pdwSubAuth = (PDWORD)GetSidSubAuthority ( (PSID)pSid, // address of security identifier to query (DWORD)j-1); // index of subauthority to retrieve dwSubAuth = *pdwSubAuth; if(what == SID_MEMBER) { fPasswords[memberIdx].pw_uid = dwSubAuth; fPasswords[memberIdx].pw_gid = fGroups[groupIdx].gr_gid; fPasswords[memberIdx].pw_group = strdup(fGroups[groupIdx].gr_name); } else if(what == SID_GROUP) { fGroups[groupIdx].gr_gid = dwSubAuth; } return 0; } //________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TWinNTSystem::CollectMembers(const char *lpszGroupName, int &groupIdx, int &memberIdx) { // NET_API_STATUS NetStatus = NERR_Success; LPBYTE Data = NULL; DWORD Index = 0, ResumeHandle = 0, Total = 0, i; LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_1 *MemberInfo; char szAnsiMemberName[256]; char szFullMemberName[256]; char szMemberHomeDir[256]; WCHAR wszGroupName[256]; int iRetOp = 0; char act_name[256]; DWORD length = sizeof (act_name); DWORD dwLastError = 0; LPUSER_INFO_11 pUI11Buf = NULL; NET_API_STATUS nStatus; iRetOp = MultiByteToWideChar ( (UINT)CP_ACP, // code page (DWORD)MB_PRECOMPOSED, // character-type options (LPCSTR)lpszGroupName, // address of string to map (int)-1, // number of bytes in string (LPWSTR)wszGroupName, // address of wide-character buffer (int)sizeof(wszGroupName) ); // size of buffer if (iRetOp == 0) { dwLastError = GetLastError(); if (Data) p2NetApiBufferFree(Data); return FALSE; } GetUserName (act_name, &length); // The NetLocalGroupGetMembers() API retrieves a list of the members // of a particular local group. NetStatus = p2NetLocalGroupGetMembers (NULL, wszGroupName, 1, &Data, 8192, &Index, &Total, &ResumeHandle ); if (NetStatus != NERR_Success || Data == NULL) { dwLastError = GetLastError(); if (dwLastError == ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND) { // This usually means that the current Group has no members. // We call NetLocalGroupGetMembers() again. // This time, we set the level to 0. // We do this just to confirm that the number of members in // this group is zero. NetStatus = p2NetLocalGroupGetMembers ( NULL, wszGroupName, 0, &Data, 8192, &Index, &Total, &ResumeHandle ); } if (Data) p2NetApiBufferFree(Data); return FALSE; } MemberInfo = (LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_1 *)Data; for (i=0; i < Total; i++) { iRetOp = WideCharToMultiByte ( (UINT)CP_ACP, // code page (DWORD)0, // performance and mapping flags (LPCWSTR)(MemberInfo->lgrmi1_name), // address of wide-char string (int)-1, // number of characters in string (LPSTR)szAnsiMemberName, // address of buffer for new string (int)(sizeof(szAnsiMemberName)), // size of buffer (LPCSTR)NULL, // address of default for unmappable characters (LPBOOL)NULL ); // address of flag set when default char used. if (iRetOp == 0) { dwLastError = GetLastError(); } fPasswords[memberIdx].pw_name = strdup(szAnsiMemberName); fPasswords[memberIdx].pw_passwd = strdup(""); fGroups[groupIdx].gr_mem[i] = strdup(szAnsiMemberName); if(fActUser == -1 && !stricmp(fPasswords[memberIdx].pw_name,act_name)) fActUser = memberIdx; TCHAR szUserName[255]=TEXT(""); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szAnsiMemberName, -1, (LPWSTR)szUserName, 255); // // Call the NetUserGetInfo function; specify level 10. // nStatus = p2NetUserGetInfo(NULL, (LPCWSTR)szUserName, 11, (LPBYTE *)&pUI11Buf); // // If the call succeeds, print the user information. // if (nStatus == NERR_Success) { if (pUI11Buf != NULL) { wsprintf(szFullMemberName,"%S",pUI11Buf->usri11_full_name); fPasswords[memberIdx].pw_gecos = strdup(szFullMemberName); wsprintf(szMemberHomeDir,"%S",pUI11Buf->usri11_home_dir); fPasswords[memberIdx].pw_dir = strdup(szMemberHomeDir); } } if((fPasswords[memberIdx].pw_gecos == NULL) || (strlen(fPasswords[memberIdx].pw_gecos) == 0)) fPasswords[memberIdx].pw_gecos = strdup(fPasswords[memberIdx].pw_name); if((fPasswords[memberIdx].pw_dir == NULL) || (strlen(fPasswords[memberIdx].pw_dir) == 0)) fPasswords[memberIdx].pw_dir = strdup("c:\\"); // // Free the allocated memory. // if (pUI11Buf != NULL) { p2NetApiBufferFree(pUI11Buf); pUI11Buf = NULL; } /* Ensure SHELL is defined. */ if (getenv("SHELL") == NULL) putenv ((GetVersion () & 0x80000000) ? "SHELL=command" : "SHELL=cmd"); /* Set dir and shell from environment variables. */ fPasswords[memberIdx].pw_shell = getenv("SHELL"); // Find out the SID of the Member. LookupSID ((LPCTSTR)szAnsiMemberName, SID_MEMBER, groupIdx, memberIdx); memberIdx++; MemberInfo++; } if(fActUser == -1) fActUser = 0; if (Data) p2NetApiBufferFree(Data); return TRUE; } //________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TWinNTSystem::CollectGroups() { // NET_API_STATUS NetStatus = NERR_Success; LPBYTE Data = NULL; DWORD Index = 0, ResumeHandle = 0, Total = 0, i; LOCALGROUP_INFO_0 *GroupInfo; char szAnsiName[256]; DWORD dwLastError = 0; int iRetOp = 0, iGroupIdx = 0, iMemberIdx = 0; NetStatus = p2NetLocalGroupEnum(NULL, 0, &Data, 8192, &Index, &Total, &ResumeHandle ); if (NetStatus != NERR_Success || Data == NULL) { dwLastError = GetLastError(); if (Data) p2NetApiBufferFree(Data); return FALSE; } GroupInfo = (LOCALGROUP_INFO_0 *)Data; for (i=0; i < Total; i++) { // Convert group name from UNICODE to ansi. iRetOp = WideCharToMultiByte ( (UINT)CP_ACP, // code page (DWORD)0, // performance and mapping flags (LPCWSTR)(GroupInfo->lgrpi0_name), // address of wide-char string (int)-1, // number of characters in string (LPSTR)szAnsiName, // address of buffer for new string (int)(sizeof(szAnsiName)), // size of buffer (LPCSTR)NULL, // address of default for unmappable characters (LPBOOL)NULL ); // address of flag set when default char used. fGroups[iGroupIdx].gr_name = strdup(szAnsiName); fGroups[iGroupIdx].gr_passwd = strdup(""); // Find out the SID of the Group. LookupSID ((LPCTSTR)szAnsiName, SID_GROUP, iGroupIdx, iMemberIdx); // Now lookup all members of this group and record down their names and // SIDs into the output file. CollectMembers((LPCTSTR)szAnsiName, iGroupIdx, iMemberIdx); iGroupIdx++; GroupInfo++; } if (Data) p2NetApiBufferFree(Data); return TRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TWinNTSystem::GetUid(const char *user) { // Returns the user's id. If user = 0, returns current user's id. if(!fGroupsInitDone) InitUsersGroups(); // Net* API functions not allowed or OS not Windows NT/2000/XP if ((!gEnv->GetValue("WinNT.UseNetAPI", 0)) || (::GetVersion() >= 0x80000000)) { int uid; char name[256]; DWORD length = sizeof (name); if (::GetUserName (name, &length)) { if (stricmp ("administrator", name) == 0) uid = 0; else uid = 123; } else { uid = 123; } return uid; } if (!user || !user[0]) return fPasswords[fActUser].pw_uid; else { struct passwd *pwd = 0; for(int i=0;ipw_uid; } return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TWinNTSystem::GetEffectiveUid() { // Returns the effective user id. The effective id corresponds to the // set id bit on the file being executed. if(!fGroupsInitDone) InitUsersGroups(); // Net* API functions not allowed or OS not Windows NT/2000/XP if ((!gEnv->GetValue("WinNT.UseNetAPI", 0)) || (::GetVersion() >= 0x80000000)) { int uid; char name[256]; DWORD length = sizeof (name); if (::GetUserName (name, &length)) { if (stricmp ("administrator", name) == 0) uid = 0; else uid = 123; } else { uid = 123; } return uid; } return fPasswords[fActUser].pw_uid; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TWinNTSystem::GetGid(const char *group) { // Returns the group's id. If group = 0, returns current user's group. if(!fGroupsInitDone) InitUsersGroups(); // Net* API functions not allowed or OS not Windows NT/2000/XP if ((!gEnv->GetValue("WinNT.UseNetAPI", 0)) || (::GetVersion() >= 0x80000000)) { int gid; char name[256]; DWORD length = sizeof (name); if (::GetUserName (name, &length)) { if (stricmp ("administrator", name) == 0) gid = 0; else gid = 123; } else { gid = 123; } return gid; } if (!group || !group[0]) return fPasswords[fActUser].pw_gid; else { struct group *grp = 0; for(int i=0;igr_gid; } return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TWinNTSystem::GetEffectiveGid() { // Returns the effective group id. The effective group id corresponds // to the set id bit on the file being executed. if(!fGroupsInitDone) InitUsersGroups(); // Net* API functions not allowed or OS not Windows NT/2000/XP if ((!gEnv->GetValue("WinNT.UseNetAPI", 0)) || (::GetVersion() >= 0x80000000)) { int gid; char name[256]; DWORD length = sizeof (name); if (::GetUserName (name, &length)) { if (stricmp ("administrator", name) == 0) gid = 0; else gid = 123; } else { gid = 123; } return gid; } return fPasswords[fActUser].pw_gid; } //______________________________________________________________________________ UserGroup_t *TWinNTSystem::GetUserInfo(Int_t uid) { // Returns all user info in the UserGroup_t structure. The returned // structure must be deleted by the user. In case of error 0 is returned. if(!fGroupsInitDone) InitUsersGroups(); // Net* API functions not allowed or OS not Windows NT/2000/XP if ((!gEnv->GetValue("WinNT.UseNetAPI", 0)) || (::GetVersion() >= 0x80000000)) { char name[256]; DWORD length = sizeof (name); UserGroup_t *ug = new UserGroup_t; if (::GetUserName (name, &length)) { ug->fUser = name; if (stricmp ("administrator", name) == 0) { ug->fUid = 0; ug->fGroup = "administrators"; } else { ug->fUid = 123; ug->fGroup = "users"; } ug->fGid = ug->fUid; } else { ug->fUser = "unknown"; ug->fGroup = "unknown"; ug->fUid = ug->fGid = 123; } ug->fPasswd = ""; ug->fRealName = ug->fUser; ug->fShell = "command"; return ug; } struct passwd *pwd = 0; if (uid == 0) pwd = &fPasswords[fActUser]; else { for (int i = 0; i < fNbUsers; i++) { if (uid == fPasswords[i].pw_uid) { pwd = &fPasswords[i]; break; } } } if (pwd) { UserGroup_t *ug = new UserGroup_t; ug->fUid = pwd->pw_uid; ug->fGid = pwd->pw_gid; ug->fUser = pwd->pw_name; ug->fPasswd = pwd->pw_passwd; ug->fRealName = pwd->pw_gecos; ug->fShell = pwd->pw_shell; ug->fGroup = pwd->pw_group; return ug; } return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ UserGroup_t *TWinNTSystem::GetUserInfo(const char *user) { // Returns all user info in the UserGroup_t structure. If user = 0, returns // current user's id info. The returned structure must be deleted by the // user. In case of error 0 is returned. return GetUserInfo(GetUid(user)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ UserGroup_t *TWinNTSystem::GetGroupInfo(Int_t gid) { // Returns all group info in the UserGroup_t structure. The only active // fields in the UserGroup_t structure for this call are: // fGid and fGroup // The returned structure must be deleted by the user. In case of // error 0 is returned. if(!fGroupsInitDone) InitUsersGroups(); // Net* API functions not allowed or OS not Windows NT/2000/XP if ((!gEnv->GetValue("WinNT.UseNetAPI", 0)) || (::GetVersion() >= 0x80000000)) { char name[256]; DWORD length = sizeof (name); UserGroup_t *gr = new UserGroup_t; if (::GetUserName (name, &length)) { if (stricmp ("administrator", name) == 0) { gr->fGroup = "administrators"; gr->fGid = 0; } else { gr->fGroup = "users"; gr->fGid = 123; } } else { gr->fGroup = "unknown"; gr->fGid = 123; } gr->fUid = 0; return gr; } struct group *grp = 0; for(int i=0;ifUid = 0; gr->fGid = grp->gr_gid; gr->fGroup = grp->gr_name; return gr; } return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ UserGroup_t *TWinNTSystem::GetGroupInfo(const char *group) { // Returns all group info in the UserGroup_t structure. The only active // fields in the UserGroup_t structure for this call are: // fGid and fGroup // If group = 0, returns current user's group. The returned structure // must be deleted by the user. In case of error 0 is returned. return GetGroupInfo(GetGid(group)); } //---- environment manipulation ------------------------------------------------ //______________________________________________________________________________ void TWinNTSystem::Setenv(const char *name, const char *value) { // Set environment variable. ::_putenv(Form("%s=%s", name, value)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TWinNTSystem::Getenv(const char *name) { // Get environment variable. const char *env = ::getenv(name); if (!env) { if (::_stricmp(name,"home") == 0 ) { env = HomeDirectory(); } else if (::_stricmp(name, "rootsys") == 0 ) { env = gRootDir; } } return env; } //---- Processes --------------------------------------------------------------- //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::Exec(const char *shellcmd) { // Execute a command. return ::system(shellcmd); } //______________________________________________________________________________ FILE *TWinNTSystem::OpenPipe(const char *command, const char *mode) { // Open a pipe. return ::_popen(command, mode); } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::ClosePipe(FILE *pipe) { // Close the pipe. return ::_pclose(pipe); } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::GetPid() { // Get process id. return ::getpid(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ HANDLE TWinNTSystem::GetProcess() { // Get current process handle return fhProcess; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TWinNTSystem::Exit(int code, Bool_t mode) { // Exit the application. // Insures that the files and sockets are closed before any library is unloaded // and before emptying CINT. if (gROOT) { gROOT->EndOfProcessCleanups(); if (gROOT->GetListOfBrowsers()) { // GetListOfBrowsers()->Delete() creates problems when a browser is // created on the stack, calling CloseWindow() solves the problem //gROOT->GetListOfBrowsers()->Delete(); TBrowser *b; TIter next(gROOT->GetListOfBrowsers()); while ((b = (TBrowser*) next())) gROOT->ProcessLine(Form("((TBrowser*)0x%lx)->GetBrowserImp()->GetMainFrame()->CloseWindow();", (ULong_t)b)); } } else if (gInterpreter) { gInterpreter->ResetGlobals(); } gVirtualX->CloseDisplay(); if (mode) { ::exit(code); } else { ::_exit(code); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TWinNTSystem::Abort(int) { // Abort the application. ::abort(); } //---- Standard output redirection --------------------------------------------- //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TWinNTSystem::RedirectOutput(const char *file, const char *mode, RedirectHandle_t *h) { // Redirect standard output (stdout, stderr) to the specified file. // If the file argument is 0 the output is set again to stderr, stdout. // The second argument specifies whether the output should be added to the // file ("a", default) or the file be truncated before ("w"). // This function saves internally the current state into a static structure. // The call can be made reentrant by specifying the opaque structure pointed // by 'h', which is filled with the relevant information. The handle 'h' // obtained on the first call must then be used in any subsequent call, // included ShowOutput, to display the redirected output. // Returns 0 on success, -1 in case of error. FILE *fout, *ferr; static int fd1=0, fd2=0; static fpos_t pos1=0, pos2=0; // Instance to be used if the caller does not passes 'h' static RedirectHandle_t loch; Int_t rc = 0; // Which handle to use ? RedirectHandle_t *xh = (h) ? h : &loch; if (file) { // Make sure mode makes sense; default "a" const char *m = (mode[0] == 'a' || mode[0] == 'w') ? mode : "a"; // Current file size xh->fReadOffSet = 0; if (m[0] == 'a') { // If the file exists, save the current size FileStat_t st; if (!gSystem->GetPathInfo(file, st)) xh->fReadOffSet = (st.fSize > 0) ? st.fSize : xh->fReadOffSet; } xh->fFile = file; fflush(stdout); fgetpos(stdout, &pos1); fd1 = _dup(fileno(stdout)); // redirect stdout & stderr if ((fout = freopen(file, m, stdout)) == 0) { SysError("RedirectOutput", "could not freopen stdout"); if (fd1 > 0) { _dup2(fd1, fileno(stdout)); close(fd1); } clearerr(stdout); fsetpos(stdout, &pos1); fd1 = fd2 = 0; return -1; } fflush(stderr); fgetpos(stderr, &pos2); fd2 = _dup(fileno(stderr)); if ((ferr = freopen(file, m, stderr)) == 0) { SysError("RedirectOutput", "could not freopen stderr"); if (fd1 > 0) { _dup2(fd1, fileno(stdout)); close(fd1); } clearerr(stdout); fsetpos(stdout, &pos1); if (fd2 > 0) { _dup2(fd2, fileno(stderr)); close(fd2); } clearerr(stderr); fsetpos(stderr, &pos2); fd1 = fd2 = 0; return -1; } if (m[0] == 'a') { fseek(fout, 0, SEEK_END); fseek(ferr, 0, SEEK_END); } } else { // Restore stdout & stderr fflush(stdout); if (fd1) { if (fd1 > 0) { if (_dup2(fd1, fileno(stdout))) { SysError("RedirectOutput", "could not restore stdout"); rc = -1; } close(fd1); } clearerr(stdout); fsetpos(stdout, &pos1); fd1 = 0; } fflush(stderr); if (fd2) { if (fd2 > 0) { if (_dup2(fd2, fileno(stderr))) { SysError("RedirectOutput", "could not restore stderr"); rc = -1; } close(fd2); } clearerr(stderr); fsetpos(stderr, &pos2); fd2 = 0; } // Reset the static instance, if using that if (xh == &loch) xh->Reset(); } return rc; } //---- dynamic loading and linking --------------------------------------------- //______________________________________________________________________________ void TWinNTSystem::AddDynamicPath(const char *dir) { // Add a new directory to the dynamic path. if (dir) { TString oldpath = DynamicPath(0, kFALSE); oldpath.Append(";"); oldpath.Append(dir); DynamicPath(oldpath); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char* TWinNTSystem::GetDynamicPath() { // Return the dynamic path (used to find shared libraries). return DynamicPath(0, kFALSE); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TWinNTSystem::SetDynamicPath(const char *path) { // Set the dynamic path to a new value. // If the value of 'path' is zero, the dynamic path is reset to its // default value. if (!path) DynamicPath(0, kTRUE); else DynamicPath(path); } //______________________________________________________________________________ char *TWinNTSystem::DynamicPathName(const char *lib, Bool_t quiet) { // Returns the path of a dynamic library (searches for library in the // dynamic library search path). If no file name extension is provided // it tries .DLL. Returned string must be deleted. char *name; int len = strlen(lib); if (len > 4 && (!stricmp(lib+len-4, ".dll"))) { name = gSystem->Which(GetDynamicPath(), lib, kReadPermission); } else { name = Form("%s.dll", lib); name = gSystem->Which(GetDynamicPath(), name, kReadPermission); } if (!name && !quiet) { Error("DynamicPathName", "%s does not exist in %s,\nor has wrong file extension (.dll)", lib, GetDynamicPath()); } return name; } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::Load(const char *module, const char *entry, Bool_t system) { // Load a shared library. Returns 0 on successful loading, 1 in // case lib was already loaded and -1 in case lib does not exist // or in case of error. return TSystem::Load(module, entry, system); } /* nonstandard extension used : zero-sized array in struct/union */ #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable:4200) //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TWinNTSystem::GetLinkedLibraries() { // Get list of shared libraries loaded at the start of the executable. // Returns 0 in case list cannot be obtained or in case of error. char winDrive[256]; char winDir[256]; char winName[256]; char winExt[256]; if (!gApplication) return 0; static Bool_t once = kFALSE; static TString linkedLibs; if (!linkedLibs.IsNull()) return linkedLibs; if (once) return 0; char *exe = gSystem->Which(Getenv("PATH"), gApplication->Argv(0), kExecutePermission); if (!exe) { once = kTRUE; return 0; } HANDLE hFile, hMapping; void *basepointer; if((hFile = CreateFile(exe,GENERIC_READ,FILE_SHARE_READ,0,OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN,0))==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { delete [] exe; return 0; } if(!(hMapping = CreateFileMapping(hFile,0,PAGE_READONLY|SEC_COMMIT,0,0,0))) { CloseHandle(hFile); delete [] exe; return 0; } if(!(basepointer = MapViewOfFile(hMapping,FILE_MAP_READ,0,0,0))) { CloseHandle(hMapping); CloseHandle(hFile); delete [] exe; return 0; } int sect; IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *dos_head = (IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *)basepointer; struct header { DWORD signature; IMAGE_FILE_HEADER _head; IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER opt_head; IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER section_header[]; // actual number in NumberOfSections }; struct header *pheader; const IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER * section_header; if(dos_head->e_magic!='ZM') { delete [] exe; return 0; } // verify DOS-EXE-Header // after end of DOS-EXE-Header: offset to PE-Header pheader = (struct header *)((char*)dos_head + dos_head->e_lfanew); if(IsBadReadPtr(pheader,sizeof(struct header))) { // start of PE-Header delete [] exe; return 0; } if(pheader->signature!=IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) { // verify PE format switch((unsigned short)pheader->signature) { case IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE: delete [] exe; return 0; case IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE: delete [] exe; return 0; case IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE_LE: delete [] exe; return 0; default: // unknown signature delete [] exe; return 0; } } #define isin(address,start,length) ((address)>=(start) && (address)<(start)+(length)) TString odump; // walk through sections for(sect=0,section_header=pheader->section_header; sect_head.NumberOfSections;sect++,section_header++) { int directory; const void * const section_data = (char*)basepointer + section_header->PointerToRawData; for(directory=0;directoryopt_head.DataDirectory[directory].VirtualAddress, section_header->VirtualAddress, section_header->SizeOfRawData)) { const IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR *stuff_start = (IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR *)((char*)section_data + (pheader->opt_head.DataDirectory[directory].VirtualAddress - section_header->VirtualAddress)); // (virtual address of stuff - virtual address of section) = // offset of stuff in section const unsigned stuff_length = pheader->opt_head.DataDirectory[directory].Size; if(directory == IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT) { while(!IsBadReadPtr(stuff_start,sizeof(*stuff_start)) && stuff_start->Name) { TString dll = (char*)section_data + ((DWORD)(stuff_start->Name)) - section_header->VirtualAddress; if (dll.EndsWith(".dll")) { char *dllPath = DynamicPathName(dll, kTRUE); if (dllPath) { char *winPath = getenv("windir"); _splitpath(winPath,winDrive,winDir,winName,winExt); if(!strstr(dllPath, winDir)) { if (!linkedLibs.IsNull()) linkedLibs += " "; linkedLibs += dllPath; } } delete [] dllPath; } stuff_start++; } } } } } UnmapViewOfFile(basepointer); CloseHandle(hMapping); CloseHandle(hFile); delete [] exe; once = kTRUE; if (linkedLibs.IsNull()) return 0; return linkedLibs; } #pragma warning(pop) //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TWinNTSystem::GetLibraries(const char *regexp, const char *options, Bool_t isRegexp) { // Return a space separated list of loaded shared libraries. // This list is of a format suitable for a linker, i.e it may contain // -Lpathname and/or -lNameOfLib. // Option can be any of: // S: shared libraries loaded at the start of the executable, because // they were specified on the link line. // D: shared libraries dynamically loaded after the start of the program. // L: list the .LIB rather than the .DLL (this is intended for linking) // [This options is not the default] TString libs(TSystem::GetLibraries(regexp, options, isRegexp)); TString ntlibs; TString opt = options; if ( (opt.First('L')!=kNPOS) ) { TRegexp separator("[^ \\t\\s]+"); TRegexp user_dll("\\.dll$"); TRegexp user_lib("\\.lib$"); FileStat_t sbuf; TString s; Ssiz_t start, index, end; start = index = end = 0; while ((start < libs.Length()) && (index != kNPOS)) { index = libs.Index(separator, &end, start); if (index >= 0) { // Change .dll into .lib and remove the // path info if it not accessible. s = libs(index, end); if (s.Index(user_dll) != kNPOS) { s.ReplaceAll(".dll",".lib"); if ( GetPathInfo( s, sbuf ) != 0 ) { s.Replace( 0, s.Last('/')+1, 0, 0); s.Replace( 0, s.Last('\\')+1, 0, 0); } } else if (s.Index(user_lib) != kNPOS) { if ( GetPathInfo( s, sbuf ) != 0 ) { s.Replace( 0, s.Last('/')+1, 0, 0); s.Replace( 0, s.Last('\\')+1, 0, 0); } } if (!ntlibs.IsNull()) ntlibs.Append(" "); ntlibs.Append(s); } start += end+1; } } else { ntlibs = libs; } fListLibs = ntlibs; fListLibs.ReplaceAll("/","\\"); return fListLibs; } //---- Time & Date ------------------------------------------------------------- //______________________________________________________________________________ void TWinNTSystem::AddTimer(TTimer *ti) { // Add timer to list of system timers. TSystem::AddTimer(ti); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TTimer *TWinNTSystem::RemoveTimer(TTimer *ti) { // Remove timer from list of system timers. if (!ti) return 0; TTimer *t = TSystem::RemoveTimer(ti); return t; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TWinNTSystem::TimerThread() { // Special Thread to check asynchronous timers. while (1) { if (!fInsideNotify) DispatchTimers(kFALSE); ::Sleep(kItimerResolution/2); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TWinNTSystem::DispatchTimers(Bool_t mode) { // Handle and dispatch timers. If mode = kTRUE dispatch synchronous // timers else a-synchronous timers. if (!fTimers) return kFALSE; fInsideNotify = kTRUE; TOrdCollectionIter it((TOrdCollection*)fTimers); TTimer *t; Bool_t timedout = kFALSE; while ((t = (TTimer *) it.Next())) { // NB: the timer resolution is added in TTimer::CheckTimer() TTime now = Now(); if (mode && t->IsSync()) { if (t->CheckTimer(now)) { timedout = kTRUE; } } else if (!mode && t->IsAsync()) { if (t->CheckTimer(now)) { timedout = kTRUE; } } } fInsideNotify = kFALSE; return timedout; } const Double_t gTicks = 1.0e-7; //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TWinNTSystem::GetRealTime() { // union { FILETIME ftFileTime; __int64 ftInt64; } ftRealTime; // time the process has spent in kernel mode ::GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ftRealTime.ftFileTime); return (Double_t)ftRealTime.ftInt64 * gTicks; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TWinNTSystem::GetCPUTime() { // OSVERSIONINFO OsVersionInfo; //*-* Value Platform //*-* ---------------------------------------------------- //*-* VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s Win32s on Windows 3.1 //*-* VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS Win32 on Windows 95 //*-* VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT Windows NT //*-* OsVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx(&OsVersionInfo); if (OsVersionInfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) { DWORD ret; FILETIME ftCreate, // when the process was created ftExit; // when the process exited union { FILETIME ftFileTime; __int64 ftInt64; } ftKernel; // time the process has spent in kernel mode union { FILETIME ftFileTime; __int64 ftInt64; } ftUser; // time the process has spent in user mode HANDLE hThread = GetCurrentThread(); ret = GetThreadTimes (hThread, &ftCreate, &ftExit, &ftKernel.ftFileTime, &ftUser.ftFileTime); if (ret != TRUE){ ret = ::GetLastError(); ::Error("GetCPUTime", " Error on GetProcessTimes 0x%lx", (int)ret); } // Process times are returned in a 64-bit structure, as the number of // 100 nanosecond ticks since 1 January 1601. User mode and kernel mode // times for this process are in separate 64-bit structures. // To convert to floating point seconds, we will: // Convert sum of high 32-bit quantities to 64-bit int return (Double_t) (ftKernel.ftInt64 + ftUser.ftInt64) * gTicks; } else { return GetRealTime(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ TTime TWinNTSystem::Now() { // Get current time in milliseconds since 0:00 Jan 1 1995. static time_t jan95 = 0; if (!jan95) { struct tm tp; tp.tm_year = 95; tp.tm_mon = 0; tp.tm_mday = 1; tp.tm_hour = 0; tp.tm_min = 0; tp.tm_sec = 0; tp.tm_isdst = -1; jan95 = mktime(&tp); if ((int)jan95 == -1) { ::SysError("TWinNTSystem::Now", "error converting 950001 0:00 to time_t"); return 0; } } _timeb now; _ftime(&now); return TTime((now.time-(Long_t)jan95)*1000 + now.millitm); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TWinNTSystem::Sleep(UInt_t milliSec) { // Sleep milliSec milli seconds. // The Sleep function suspends the execution of the CURRENT THREAD for // a specified interval. ::Sleep(milliSec); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TWinNTSystem::Select(TList *act, Long_t to) { // Select on file descriptors. The timeout to is in millisec. Int_t rc = -4; TFdSet rd, wr; Int_t mxfd = -1; TIter next(act); TFileHandler *h = 0; while ((h = (TFileHandler *) next())) { Int_t fd = h->GetFd(); if (h->HasReadInterest()) rd.Set(fd); if (h->HasWriteInterest()) wr.Set(fd); h->ResetReadyMask(); } rc = WinNTSelect(&rd, &wr, to); // Set readiness bits if (rc > 0) { next.Reset(); while ((h = (TFileHandler *) next())) { Int_t fd = h->GetFd(); if (rd.IsSet(fd)) h->SetReadReady(); if (wr.IsSet(fd)) h->SetWriteReady(); } } return rc; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TWinNTSystem::Select(TFileHandler *h, Long_t to) { // Select on the file descriptor related to file handler h. // The timeout to is in millisec. Int_t rc = -4; TFdSet rd, wr; Int_t fd = -1; if (h) { fd = h->GetFd(); if (h->HasReadInterest()) rd.Set(fd); if (h->HasWriteInterest()) wr.Set(fd); h->ResetReadyMask(); rc = WinNTSelect(&rd, &wr, to); } // Fill output lists, if required if (rc > 0) { if (rd.IsSet(fd)) h->SetReadReady(); if (wr.IsSet(fd)) h->SetWriteReady(); } return rc; } //---- RPC --------------------------------------------------------------------- //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::GetServiceByName(const char *servicename) { // Get port # of internet service. struct servent *sp; if ((sp = ::getservbyname(servicename, kProtocolName)) == 0) { Error("GetServiceByName", "no service \"%s\" with protocol \"%s\"\n", servicename, kProtocolName); return -1; } return ::ntohs(sp->s_port); } //______________________________________________________________________________ char *TWinNTSystem::GetServiceByPort(int port) { // Get name of internet service. struct servent *sp; if ((sp = ::getservbyport(::htons(port), kProtocolName)) == 0) { return Form("%d", port); } return sp->s_name; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TInetAddress TWinNTSystem::GetHostByName(const char *hostname) { // Get Internet Protocol (IP) address of host. struct hostent *host_ptr; const char *host; int type; UInt_t addr; // good for 4 byte addresses if ((addr = ::inet_addr(hostname)) != INADDR_NONE) { type = AF_INET; if ((host_ptr = ::gethostbyaddr((const char *)&addr, sizeof(addr), AF_INET))) { host = host_ptr->h_name; TInetAddress a(host, ntohl(addr), type); UInt_t addr2; Int_t i; for (i = 1; host_ptr->h_addr_list[i]; i++) { memcpy(&addr2, host_ptr->h_addr_list[i], host_ptr->h_length); a.AddAddress(ntohl(addr2)); } for (i = 0; host_ptr->h_aliases[i]; i++) a.AddAlias(host_ptr->h_aliases[i]); return a; } else { host = "UnNamedHost"; } } else if ((host_ptr = ::gethostbyname(hostname))) { // Check the address type for an internet host if (host_ptr->h_addrtype != AF_INET) { Error("GetHostByName", "%s is not an internet host\n", hostname); return TInetAddress(); } memcpy(&addr, host_ptr->h_addr, host_ptr->h_length); host = host_ptr->h_name; type = host_ptr->h_addrtype; TInetAddress a(host, ntohl(addr), type); UInt_t addr2; Int_t i; for (i = 1; host_ptr->h_addr_list[i]; i++) { memcpy(&addr2, host_ptr->h_addr_list[i], host_ptr->h_length); a.AddAddress(ntohl(addr2)); } for (i = 0; host_ptr->h_aliases[i]; i++) a.AddAlias(host_ptr->h_aliases[i]); return a; } else { if (gDebug > 0) Error("GetHostByName", "unknown host %s", hostname); return TInetAddress(hostname, 0, -1); } return TInetAddress(host, ::ntohl(addr), type); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TInetAddress TWinNTSystem::GetPeerName(int socket) { // Get Internet Protocol (IP) address of remote host and port #. SOCKET sock = socket; struct sockaddr_in addr; int len = sizeof(addr); if (::getpeername(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &len) == SOCKET_ERROR) { ::SysError("GetPeerName", "getpeername"); return TInetAddress(); } struct hostent *host_ptr; const char *hostname; int family; UInt_t iaddr; if ((host_ptr = ::gethostbyaddr((const char *)&addr.sin_addr, sizeof(addr.sin_addr), AF_INET))) { memcpy(&iaddr, host_ptr->h_addr, host_ptr->h_length); hostname = host_ptr->h_name; family = host_ptr->h_addrtype; } else { memcpy(&iaddr, &addr.sin_addr, sizeof(addr.sin_addr)); hostname = "????"; family = AF_INET; } return TInetAddress(hostname, ::ntohl(iaddr), family, ::ntohs(addr.sin_port)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TInetAddress TWinNTSystem::GetSockName(int socket) { // Get Internet Protocol (IP) address of host and port #. SOCKET sock = socket; struct sockaddr_in addr; int len = sizeof(addr); if (::getsockname(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &len) == SOCKET_ERROR) { ::SysError("GetSockName", "getsockname"); return TInetAddress(); } struct hostent *host_ptr; const char *hostname; int family; UInt_t iaddr; if ((host_ptr = ::gethostbyaddr((const char *)&addr.sin_addr, sizeof(addr.sin_addr), AF_INET))) { memcpy(&iaddr, host_ptr->h_addr, host_ptr->h_length); hostname = host_ptr->h_name; family = host_ptr->h_addrtype; } else { memcpy(&iaddr, &addr.sin_addr, sizeof(addr.sin_addr)); hostname = "????"; family = AF_INET; } return TInetAddress(hostname, ::ntohl(iaddr), family, ::ntohs(addr.sin_port)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::AnnounceUnixService(int port, int backlog) { // Announce unix domain service. SOCKET sock; // Create socket if ((sock = ::socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET) { ::SysError("TWinNTSystem::AnnounceUnixService", "socket"); return -1; } struct sockaddr_in inserver; memset(&inserver, 0, sizeof(inserver)); inserver.sin_family = AF_INET; inserver.sin_addr.s_addr = ::htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK); inserver.sin_port = port; // Bind socket if (port > 0) { if (::bind(sock, (struct sockaddr*) &inserver, sizeof(inserver)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { ::SysError("TWinNTSystem::AnnounceUnixService", "bind"); return -2; } } // Start accepting connections if (::listen(sock, backlog)) { ::SysError("TWinNTSystem::AnnounceUnixService", "listen"); return -1; } return (int)sock; } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::AnnounceUnixService(const char *sockpath, int backlog) { // Open a socket on path 'sockpath', bind to it and start listening for Unix // domain connections to it. Returns socket fd or -1. if (!sockpath || strlen(sockpath) <= 0) { ::SysError("TWinNTSystem::AnnounceUnixService", "socket path undefined"); return -1; } struct sockaddr_in myaddr; FILE * fp; int len = sizeof myaddr; int rc; int sock; // Create socket if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { ::SysError("TWinNTSystem::AnnounceUnixService", "socket"); return -1; } memset(&myaddr, 0, sizeof(myaddr)); myaddr.sin_port = 0; myaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; myaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK); rc = bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&myaddr, len); if (rc) { ::SysError("TWinNTSystem::AnnounceUnixService", "bind"); return rc; } rc = getsockname(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&myaddr, &len); if (rc) { ::SysError("TWinNTSystem::AnnounceUnixService", "getsockname"); return rc; } TString socketpath = sockpath; socketpath.ReplaceAll("/", "\\"); fp = fopen(socketpath, "wb"); if (!fp) { ::SysError("TWinNTSystem::AnnounceUnixService", "fopen"); return -1; } fprintf(fp, "%d", myaddr.sin_port); fclose(fp); // Start accepting connections if (listen(sock, backlog)) { ::SysError("TWinNTSystem::AnnounceUnixService", "listen"); return -1; } return sock; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TWinNTSystem::CloseConnection(int socket, Bool_t force) { // Close socket. if (socket == -1) return; SOCKET sock = socket; if (force) { ::shutdown(sock, 2); } struct linger linger = {0, 0}; ::setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (char *) &linger, sizeof(linger)); while (::closesocket(sock) == SOCKET_ERROR && WSAGetLastError() == WSAEINTR) { TSystem::ResetErrno(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::RecvBuf(int sock, void *buf, int length) { // Receive a buffer headed by a length indicator. Length is the size of // the buffer. Returns the number of bytes received in buf or -1 in // case of error. Int_t header; if (WinNTRecv(sock, &header, sizeof(header), 0) > 0) { int count = ::ntohl(header); if (count > length) { Error("RecvBuf", "record header exceeds buffer size"); return -1; } else if (count > 0) { if (WinNTRecv(sock, buf, count, 0) < 0) { Error("RecvBuf", "cannot receive buffer"); return -1; } } return count; } return -1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::SendBuf(int sock, const void *buf, int length) { // Send a buffer headed by a length indicator. Returns length of sent buffer // or -1 in case of error. Int_t header = ::htonl(length); if (WinNTSend(sock, &header, sizeof(header), 0) < 0) { Error("SendBuf", "cannot send header"); return -1; } if (length > 0) { if (WinNTSend(sock, buf, length, 0) < 0) { Error("SendBuf", "cannot send buffer"); return -1; } } return length; } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::RecvRaw(int sock, void *buf, int length, int opt) { // Receive exactly length bytes into buffer. Use opt to receive out-of-band // data or to have a peek at what is in the buffer (see TSocket). Buffer // must be able to store at least length bytes. Returns the number of // bytes received (can be 0 if other side of connection was closed) or -1 // in case of error, -2 in case of MSG_OOB and errno == EWOULDBLOCK, -3 // in case of MSG_OOB and errno == EINVAL and -4 in case of kNoBlock and // errno == EWOULDBLOCK. Returns -5 if pipe broken or reset by peer // (EPIPE || ECONNRESET). int flag; switch (opt) { case kDefault: flag = 0; break; case kOob: flag = MSG_OOB; break; case kPeek: flag = MSG_PEEK; break; case kDontBlock: flag = -1; break; default: flag = 0; break; } int n; if ((n = WinNTRecv(sock, buf, length, flag)) <= 0) { if (n == -1) { Error("RecvRaw", "cannot receive buffer"); } return n; } return n; } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::SendRaw(int sock, const void *buf, int length, int opt) { // Send exactly length bytes from buffer. Use opt to send out-of-band // data (see TSocket). Returns the number of bytes sent or -1 in case of // error. Returns -4 in case of kNoBlock and errno == EWOULDBLOCK. // Returns -5 if pipe broken or reset by peer (EPIPE || ECONNRESET). int flag; switch (opt) { case kDefault: flag = 0; break; case kOob: flag = MSG_OOB; break; case kDontBlock: flag = -1; break; case kPeek: // receive only option (see RecvRaw) default: flag = 0; break; } int n; if ((n = WinNTSend(sock, buf, length, flag)) <= 0) { if (n == -1 && GetErrno() != EINTR) { Error("SendRaw", "cannot send buffer"); } return n; } return n; } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::SetSockOpt(int socket, int opt, int value) { // Set socket option. u_long val = value; if (socket == -1) return -1; SOCKET sock = socket; switch (opt) { case kSendBuffer: if (::setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (char*)&val, sizeof(val)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { ::SysError("SetSockOpt", "setsockopt(SO_SNDBUF)"); return -1; } break; case kRecvBuffer: if (::setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char*)&val, sizeof(val)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { ::SysError("SetSockOpt", "setsockopt(SO_RCVBUF)"); return -1; } break; case kOobInline: if (::setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_OOBINLINE, (char*)&val, sizeof(val)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { SysError("SetSockOpt", "setsockopt(SO_OOBINLINE)"); return -1; } break; case kKeepAlive: if (::setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (char*)&val, sizeof(val)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { ::SysError("SetSockOpt", "setsockopt(SO_KEEPALIVE)"); return -1; } break; case kReuseAddr: if (::setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char*)&val, sizeof(val)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { ::SysError("SetSockOpt", "setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR)"); return -1; } break; case kNoDelay: if (::setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char*)&val, sizeof(val)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { ::SysError("SetSockOpt", "setsockopt(TCP_NODELAY)"); return -1; } break; case kNoBlock: if (::ioctlsocket(sock, FIONBIO, &val) == SOCKET_ERROR) { ::SysError("SetSockOpt", "ioctl(FIONBIO)"); return -1; } break; #if 0 case kProcessGroup: if (::ioctl(sock, SIOCSPGRP, &val) == -1) { ::SysError("SetSockOpt", "ioctl(SIOCSPGRP)"); return -1; } break; #endif case kAtMark: // read-only option (see GetSockOpt) case kBytesToRead: // read-only option default: Error("SetSockOpt", "illegal option (%d)", opt); return -1; break; } return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::GetSockOpt(int socket, int opt, int *val) { // Get socket option. if (socket == -1) return -1; SOCKET sock = socket; int optlen = sizeof(*val); switch (opt) { case kSendBuffer: if (::getsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (char*)val, &optlen) == SOCKET_ERROR) { ::SysError("GetSockOpt", "getsockopt(SO_SNDBUF)"); return -1; } break; case kRecvBuffer: if (::getsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char*)val, &optlen) == SOCKET_ERROR) { ::SysError("GetSockOpt", "getsockopt(SO_RCVBUF)"); return -1; } break; case kOobInline: if (::getsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_OOBINLINE, (char*)val, &optlen) == SOCKET_ERROR) { ::SysError("GetSockOpt", "getsockopt(SO_OOBINLINE)"); return -1; } break; case kKeepAlive: if (::getsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (char*)val, &optlen) == SOCKET_ERROR) { ::SysError("GetSockOpt", "getsockopt(SO_KEEPALIVE)"); return -1; } break; case kReuseAddr: if (::getsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char*)val, &optlen) == SOCKET_ERROR) { ::SysError("GetSockOpt", "getsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR)"); return -1; } break; case kNoDelay: if (::getsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char*)val, &optlen) == SOCKET_ERROR) { ::SysError("GetSockOpt", "getsockopt(TCP_NODELAY)"); return -1; } break; case kNoBlock: { int flg = 0; if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) { ::SysError("GetSockOpt", "INVALID_SOCKET"); } return -1; *val = flg; // & O_NDELAY; It is not been defined for WIN32 } break; #if 0 case kProcessGroup: if (::ioctlsocket(sock, SIOCGPGRP, (u_long*)val) == SOCKET_ERROR) { ::SysError("GetSockOpt", "ioctl(SIOCGPGRP)"); return -1; } break; #endif case kAtMark: if (::ioctlsocket(sock, SIOCATMARK, (u_long*)val) == SOCKET_ERROR) { ::SysError("GetSockOpt", "ioctl(SIOCATMARK)"); return -1; } break; case kBytesToRead: if (::ioctlsocket(sock, FIONREAD, (u_long*)val) == SOCKET_ERROR) { ::SysError("GetSockOpt", "ioctl(FIONREAD)"); return -1; } break; default: Error("GetSockOpt", "illegal option (%d)", opt); *val = 0; return -1; break; } return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::ConnectService(const char *servername, int port, int tcpwindowsize, const char *protocol) { // Connect to service servicename on server servername. short sport; struct servent *sp; if (!strcmp(servername, "unix")) { return WinNTUnixConnect(port); } else if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(servername) || servername[0] == '/' || (servername[1] == ':' && servername[2] == '/')) { return WinNTUnixConnect(servername); } if (!strcmp(protocol, "udp")){ return WinNTUdpConnect(servername, port); } if ((sp = ::getservbyport(::htons(port), kProtocolName))) { sport = sp->s_port; } else { sport = ::htons(port); } TInetAddress addr = gSystem->GetHostByName(servername); if (!addr.IsValid()) return -1; UInt_t adr = ::htonl(addr.GetAddress()); struct sockaddr_in server; memset(&server, 0, sizeof(server)); memcpy(&server.sin_addr, &adr, sizeof(adr)); server.sin_family = addr.GetFamily(); server.sin_port = sport; // Create socket SOCKET sock; if ((sock = ::socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET) { ::SysError("TWinNTSystem::WinNTConnectTcp", "socket"); return -1; } if (tcpwindowsize > 0) { gSystem->SetSockOpt((int)sock, kRecvBuffer, tcpwindowsize); gSystem->SetSockOpt((int)sock, kSendBuffer, tcpwindowsize); } if (::connect(sock, (struct sockaddr*) &server, sizeof(server)) == INVALID_SOCKET) { //::SysError("TWinNTSystem::UnixConnectTcp", "connect"); ::closesocket(sock); return -1; } return (int) sock; } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::WinNTUnixConnect(int port) { // Connect to a Unix domain socket. struct sockaddr_in myaddr; int sock; memset(&myaddr, 0, sizeof(myaddr)); myaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; myaddr.sin_port = port; myaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK); // Open socket if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { ::SysError("TWinNTSystem::WinNTUnixConnect", "socket"); return -1; } while ((connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&myaddr, sizeof myaddr)) == -1) { if (GetErrno() == EINTR) ResetErrno(); else { ::SysError("TWinNTSystem::WinNTUnixConnect", "connect"); close(sock); return -1; } } return sock; } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::WinNTUnixConnect(const char *sockpath) { // Connect to a Unix domain socket. Returns -1 in case of error. FILE *fp; int port = 0; if (!sockpath || strlen(sockpath) <= 0) { ::SysError("TWinNTSystem::WinNTUnixConnect", "socket path undefined"); return -1; } TString socketpath = sockpath; socketpath.ReplaceAll("/", "\\"); fp = fopen(socketpath.Data(), "rb"); if (!fp) { ::SysError("TWinNTSystem::WinNTUnixConnect", "fopen"); return -1; } fscanf(fp, "%d", &port); fclose(fp); /* XXX: set errno in this case */ if (port < 0 || port > 65535) { ::SysError("TWinNTSystem::WinNTUnixConnect", "invalid port"); return -1; } return WinNTUnixConnect(port); } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::WinNTUdpConnect(const char *hostname, int port) { // Creates a UDP socket connection // Is called via the TSocket constructor. Returns -1 in case of error. short sport; struct servent *sp; if ((sp = getservbyport(htons(port), kProtocolName))) sport = sp->s_port; else sport = htons(port); TInetAddress addr = gSystem->GetHostByName(hostname); if (!addr.IsValid()) return -1; UInt_t adr = htonl(addr.GetAddress()); struct sockaddr_in server; memset(&server, 0, sizeof(server)); memcpy(&server.sin_addr, &adr, sizeof(adr)); server.sin_family = addr.GetFamily(); server.sin_port = sport; // Create socket int sock; if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) < 0) { ::SysError("TWinNTSystem::WinNTUdpConnect", "socket (%s:%d)", hostname, port); return -1; } while (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr*) &server, sizeof(server)) == -1) { if (GetErrno() == EINTR) ResetErrno(); else { ::SysError("TWinNTSystem::WinNTUdpConnect", "connect (%s:%d)", hostname, port); close(sock); return -1; } } return sock; } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::OpenConnection(const char *server, int port, int tcpwindowsize, const char *protocol) { // Open a connection to a service on a server. Returns -1 in case // connection cannot be opened. // Use tcpwindowsize to specify the size of the receive buffer, it has // to be specified here to make sure the window scale option is set (for // tcpwindowsize > 65KB and for platforms supporting window scaling). // Is called via the TSocket constructor. return ConnectService(server, port, tcpwindowsize, protocol); } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::AnnounceTcpService(int port, Bool_t reuse, int backlog, int tcpwindowsize) { // Announce TCP/IP service. // Open a socket, bind to it and start listening for TCP/IP connections // on the port. If reuse is true reuse the address, backlog specifies // how many sockets can be waiting to be accepted. // Use tcpwindowsize to specify the size of the receive buffer, it has // to be specified here to make sure the window scale option is set (for // tcpwindowsize > 65KB and for platforms supporting window scaling). // Returns socket fd or -1 if socket() failed, -2 if bind() failed // or -3 if listen() failed. short sport; struct servent *sp; const short kSOCKET_MINPORT = 5000, kSOCKET_MAXPORT = 15000; short tryport = kSOCKET_MINPORT; if ((sp = ::getservbyport(::htons(port), kProtocolName))) { sport = sp->s_port; } else { sport = ::htons(port); } if (port == 0 && reuse) { ::Error("TWinNTSystem::WinNTTcpService", "cannot do a port scan while reuse is true"); return -1; } if ((sp = ::getservbyport(::htons(port), kProtocolName))) { sport = sp->s_port; } else { sport = ::htons(port); } // Create tcp socket SOCKET sock; if ((sock = ::socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { ::SysError("TWinNTSystem::WinNTTcpService", "socket"); return -1; } if (reuse) { gSystem->SetSockOpt((int)sock, kReuseAddr, 1); } if (tcpwindowsize > 0) { gSystem->SetSockOpt((int)sock, kRecvBuffer, tcpwindowsize); gSystem->SetSockOpt((int)sock, kSendBuffer, tcpwindowsize); } struct sockaddr_in inserver; memset(&inserver, 0, sizeof(inserver)); inserver.sin_family = AF_INET; inserver.sin_addr.s_addr = ::htonl(INADDR_ANY); inserver.sin_port = sport; // Bind socket if (port > 0) { if (::bind(sock, (struct sockaddr*) &inserver, sizeof(inserver)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { ::SysError("TWinNTSystem::WinNTTcpService", "bind"); return -2; } } else { int bret; do { inserver.sin_port = ::htons(tryport++); bret = ::bind(sock, (struct sockaddr*) &inserver, sizeof(inserver)); } while (bret == SOCKET_ERROR && WSAGetLastError() == WSAEADDRINUSE && tryport < kSOCKET_MAXPORT); if (bret == SOCKET_ERROR) { ::SysError("TWinNTSystem::WinNTTcpService", "bind (port scan)"); return -2; } } // Start accepting connections if (::listen(sock, backlog) == SOCKET_ERROR) { ::SysError("TWinNTSystem::WinNTTcpService", "listen"); return -3; } return (int)sock; } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::AnnounceUdpService(int port, int backlog) { // Announce UDP service. // Open a socket, bind to it and start listening for UDP connections // on the port. If reuse is true reuse the address, backlog specifies // how many sockets can be waiting to be accepted. If port is 0 a port // scan will be done to find a free port. This option is mutual exlusive // with the reuse option. const short kSOCKET_MINPORT = 5000, kSOCKET_MAXPORT = 15000; short sport, tryport = kSOCKET_MINPORT; struct servent *sp; if ((sp = getservbyport(htons(port), kProtocolName))) sport = sp->s_port; else sport = htons(port); // Create udp socket int sock; if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) < 0) { ::SysError("TUnixSystem::UnixUdpService", "socket"); return -1; } struct sockaddr_in inserver; memset(&inserver, 0, sizeof(inserver)); inserver.sin_family = AF_INET; inserver.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); inserver.sin_port = sport; // Bind socket if (port > 0) { if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr*) &inserver, sizeof(inserver))) { ::SysError("TWinNTSystem::AnnounceUdpService", "bind"); return -2; } } else { int bret; do { inserver.sin_port = htons(tryport++); bret = bind(sock, (struct sockaddr*) &inserver, sizeof(inserver)); } while (bret == SOCKET_ERROR && WSAGetLastError() == WSAEADDRINUSE && tryport < kSOCKET_MAXPORT); if (bret < 0) { ::SysError("TWinNTSystem::AnnounceUdpService", "bind (port scan)"); return -2; } } // Start accepting connections if (listen(sock, backlog)) { ::SysError("TWinNTSystem::AnnounceUdpService", "listen"); return -3; } return sock; } //______________________________________________________________________________ int TWinNTSystem::AcceptConnection(int socket) { // Accept a connection. In case of an error return -1. In case // non-blocking I/O is enabled and no connections are available // return -2. int soc = -1; SOCKET sock = socket; while ((soc = ::accept(sock, 0, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET && (::WSAGetLastError() == WSAEINTR)) { TSystem::ResetErrno(); } if (soc == -1) { if (::WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) { return -2; } else { ::SysError("AcceptConnection", "accept"); return -1; } } return soc; } //---- System, CPU and Memory info --------------------------------------------- // !!! using undocumented functions and structures !!! #define SystemBasicInformation 0 #define SystemPerformanceInformation 2 typedef struct { DWORD dwUnknown1; ULONG uKeMaximumIncrement; ULONG uPageSize; ULONG uMmNumberOfPhysicalPages; ULONG uMmLowestPhysicalPage; ULONG UMmHighestPhysicalPage; ULONG uAllocationGranularity; PVOID pLowestUserAddress; PVOID pMmHighestUserAddress; ULONG uKeActiveProcessors; BYTE bKeNumberProcessors; BYTE bUnknown2; WORD bUnknown3; } SYSTEM_BASIC_INFORMATION; typedef struct { LARGE_INTEGER liIdleTime; DWORD dwSpare[76]; } SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION; typedef struct _PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS { DWORD cb; DWORD PageFaultCount; SIZE_T PeakWorkingSetSize; SIZE_T WorkingSetSize; SIZE_T QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage; SIZE_T QuotaPagedPoolUsage; SIZE_T QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage; SIZE_T QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage; SIZE_T PagefileUsage; SIZE_T PeakPagefileUsage; } PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS, *PPROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS; typedef LONG (WINAPI *PROCNTQSI) (UINT, PVOID, ULONG, PULONG); #define Li2Double(x) ((double)((x).HighPart) * 4.294967296E9 + (double)((x).LowPart)) //_____________________________________________________________________________ static DWORD GetCPUSpeed() { // Calculate the CPU clock speed using the 'rdtsc' instruction. // RDTSC: Read Time Stamp Counter. LARGE_INTEGER ulFreq, ulTicks, ulValue, ulStartCounter; // Query for high-resolution counter frequency // (this is not the CPU frequency): if (QueryPerformanceFrequency(&ulFreq)) { // Query current value: QueryPerformanceCounter(&ulTicks); // Calculate end value (one second interval); // this is (current + frequency) ulValue.QuadPart = ulTicks.QuadPart + ulFreq.QuadPart/10; ulStartCounter.QuadPart = __rdtsc(); // Loop for one second (measured with the high-resolution counter): do { QueryPerformanceCounter(&ulTicks); } while (ulTicks.QuadPart <= ulValue.QuadPart); // Now again read CPU time-stamp counter: return (DWORD)((__rdtsc() - ulStartCounter.QuadPart)/100000); } else { // No high-resolution counter present: return 0; } } #define BUFSIZE 80 #define SM_SERVERR2 89 typedef void (WINAPI *PGNSI)(LPSYSTEM_INFO); //_____________________________________________________________________________ static char *GetWindowsVersion() { OSVERSIONINFOEX osvi; SYSTEM_INFO si; PGNSI pGNSI; BOOL bOsVersionInfoEx; static char *strReturn = 0; char temp[512]; if (strReturn == 0) strReturn = new char[2048]; else return strReturn; ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(SYSTEM_INFO)); ZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX)); // Try calling GetVersionEx using the OSVERSIONINFOEX structure. // If that fails, try using the OSVERSIONINFO structure. osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX); if( !(bOsVersionInfoEx = GetVersionEx ((OSVERSIONINFO *) &osvi)) ) { osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof (OSVERSIONINFO); if (! GetVersionEx ( (OSVERSIONINFO *) &osvi) ) return ""; } // Call GetNativeSystemInfo if supported or GetSystemInfo otherwise. pGNSI = (PGNSI) GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll"), "GetNativeSystemInfo"); if(NULL != pGNSI) pGNSI(&si); else GetSystemInfo(&si); switch (osvi.dwPlatformId) { // Test for the Windows NT product family. case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: // Test for the specific product. if ( osvi.dwMajorVersion == 6 && osvi.dwMinorVersion == 0 ) { if( osvi.wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION ) strlcpy(strReturn, "Microsoft Windows Vista ",2048); else strlcpy(strReturn, "Windows Server \"Longhorn\" " ,2048); } if ( osvi.dwMajorVersion == 5 && osvi.dwMinorVersion == 2 ) { if( GetSystemMetrics(SM_SERVERR2) ) strlcpy(strReturn, "Microsoft Windows Server 2003 \"R2\" ",2048); else if( osvi.wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION && si.wProcessorArchitecture==PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64) { strlcpy(strReturn, "Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition ",2048); } else strlcpy(strReturn, "Microsoft Windows Server 2003, ",2048); } if ( osvi.dwMajorVersion == 5 && osvi.dwMinorVersion == 1 ) strlcpy(strReturn, "Microsoft Windows XP ",2048); if ( osvi.dwMajorVersion == 5 && osvi.dwMinorVersion == 0 ) strlcpy(strReturn, "Microsoft Windows 2000 ",2048); if ( osvi.dwMajorVersion <= 4 ) strlcpy(strReturn, "Microsoft Windows NT ",2048); // Test for specific product on Windows NT 4.0 SP6 and later. if( bOsVersionInfoEx ) { // Test for the workstation type. if ( osvi.wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION && si.wProcessorArchitecture!=PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64) { if( osvi.dwMajorVersion == 4 ) strlcat(strReturn, "Workstation 4.0 ",2048 ); else if( osvi.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_PERSONAL ) strlcat(strReturn, "Home Edition " ,2048); else strlcat(strReturn, "Professional " ,2048); } // Test for the server type. else if ( osvi.wProductType == VER_NT_SERVER || osvi.wProductType == VER_NT_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER ) { if(osvi.dwMajorVersion==5 && osvi.dwMinorVersion==2) { if ( si.wProcessorArchitecture==PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64 ) { if( osvi.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_DATACENTER ) strlcat(strReturn, "Datacenter Edition for Itanium-based Systems",2048 ); else if( osvi.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE ) strlcat(strReturn, "Enterprise Edition for Itanium-based Systems" ,2048); } else if ( si.wProcessorArchitecture==PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 ) { if( osvi.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_DATACENTER ) strlcat(strReturn, "Datacenter x64 Edition ",2048 ); else if( osvi.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE ) strlcat(strReturn, "Enterprise x64 Edition ",2048 ); else strlcat(strReturn, "Standard x64 Edition ",2048 ); } else { if( osvi.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_DATACENTER ) strlcat(strReturn, "Datacenter Edition ",2048 ); else if( osvi.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE ) strlcat(strReturn, "Enterprise Edition ",2048 ); else if ( osvi.wSuiteMask == VER_SUITE_BLADE ) strlcat(strReturn, "Web Edition " ,2048); else strlcat(strReturn, "Standard Edition ",2048 ); } } else if(osvi.dwMajorVersion==5 && osvi.dwMinorVersion==0) { if( osvi.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_DATACENTER ) strlcat(strReturn, "Datacenter Server ",2048 ); else if( osvi.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE ) strlcat(strReturn, "Advanced Server ",2048 ); else strlcat(strReturn, "Server ",2048 ); } else // Windows NT 4.0 { if( osvi.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE ) strlcat(strReturn, "Server 4.0, Enterprise Edition " ,2048); else strlcat(strReturn, "Server 4.0 ",2048 ); } } } // Test for specific product on Windows NT 4.0 SP5 and earlier else { HKEY hKey; TCHAR szProductType[BUFSIZE]; DWORD dwBufLen=BUFSIZE*sizeof(TCHAR); LONG lRet; lRet = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ProductOptions", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey ); if( lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return ""; lRet = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, "ProductType", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) szProductType, &dwBufLen); RegCloseKey( hKey ); if( (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwBufLen > BUFSIZE*sizeof(TCHAR)) ) return ""; if ( lstrcmpi( "WINNT", szProductType) == 0 ) strlcat(strReturn, "Workstation " ,2048); if ( lstrcmpi( "LANMANNT", szProductType) == 0 ) strlcat(strReturn, "Server " ,2048); if ( lstrcmpi( "SERVERNT", szProductType) == 0 ) strlcat(strReturn, "Advanced Server " ,2048); snprintf(temp,512, "%d.%d ", osvi.dwMajorVersion, osvi.dwMinorVersion); strlcat(strReturn, temp,2048); } // Display service pack (if any) and build number. if( osvi.dwMajorVersion == 4 && lstrcmpi( osvi.szCSDVersion, "Service Pack 6" ) == 0 ) { HKEY hKey; LONG lRet; // Test for SP6 versus SP6a. lRet = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Hotfix\\Q246009", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey ); if( lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { snprintf(temp, 512, "Service Pack 6a (Build %d)", osvi.dwBuildNumber & 0xFFFF ); strlcat(strReturn, temp,2048 ); } else // Windows NT 4.0 prior to SP6a { snprintf(temp,512, "%s (Build %d)", osvi.szCSDVersion, osvi.dwBuildNumber & 0xFFFF); strlcat(strReturn, temp,2048 ); } RegCloseKey( hKey ); } else // not Windows NT 4.0 { snprintf(temp, 512,"%s (Build %d)", osvi.szCSDVersion, osvi.dwBuildNumber & 0xFFFF); strlcat(strReturn, temp,2048 ); } break; // Test for the Windows Me/98/95. case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: if (osvi.dwMajorVersion == 4 && osvi.dwMinorVersion == 0) { strlcpy(strReturn, "Microsoft Windows 95 ",2048); if (osvi.szCSDVersion[1]=='C' || osvi.szCSDVersion[1]=='B') strlcat(strReturn, "OSR2 " ,2048); } if (osvi.dwMajorVersion == 4 && osvi.dwMinorVersion == 10) { strlcpy(strReturn, "Microsoft Windows 98 ",2048); if ( osvi.szCSDVersion[1]=='A' || osvi.szCSDVersion[1]=='B') strlcat(strReturn, "SE ",2048 ); } if (osvi.dwMajorVersion == 4 && osvi.dwMinorVersion == 90) { strlcpy(strReturn, "Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition",2048); } break; case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s: strlcpy(strReturn, "Microsoft Win32s",2048); break; } return strReturn; } //______________________________________________________________________________ static int GetL2CacheSize() { // Use assembly to retrieve the L2 cache information ... unsigned nHighestFeatureEx; int nBuff[4]; __cpuid(nBuff, 0x80000000); nHighestFeatureEx = (unsigned)nBuff[0]; // Get cache size if (nHighestFeatureEx >= 0x80000006) { __cpuid(nBuff, 0x80000006); return (((unsigned)nBuff[2])>>16); } else return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ static void GetWinNTSysInfo(SysInfo_t *sysinfo) { // Get system info for Windows NT. SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION SysPerfInfo; SYSTEM_INFO sysInfo; MEMORYSTATUSEX statex; OSVERSIONINFO OsVersionInfo; HKEY hKey; char szKeyValueString[80]; DWORD szKeyValueDword; DWORD dwBufLen; LONG status; PROCNTQSI NtQuerySystemInformation; NtQuerySystemInformation = (PROCNTQSI)GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandle("ntdll"), "NtQuerySystemInformation"); if (!NtQuerySystemInformation) { ::Error("GetWinNTSysInfo", "Error on GetProcAddress(NtQuerySystemInformation)"); return; } status = NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemPerformanceInformation, &SysPerfInfo, sizeof(SysPerfInfo), NULL); OsVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx(&OsVersionInfo); GetSystemInfo(&sysInfo); statex.dwLength = sizeof(statex); if (!GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&statex)) { ::Error("GetWinNTSysInfo", "Error on GlobalMemoryStatusEx()"); return; } sysinfo->fCpus = sysInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; sysinfo->fPhysRam = (Int_t)(statex.ullTotalPhys >> 20); sysinfo->fOS = GetWindowsVersion(); sysinfo->fModel = ""; sysinfo->fCpuType = ""; sysinfo->fCpuSpeed = GetCPUSpeed(); sysinfo->fBusSpeed = 0; // bus speed in MHz sysinfo->fL2Cache = GetL2CacheSize(); status = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey); if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwBufLen = sizeof(szKeyValueString); RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "Identifier", NULL, NULL,(LPBYTE)szKeyValueString, &dwBufLen); sysinfo->fModel = szKeyValueString; RegCloseKey (hKey); } status = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Hardware\\Description\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey); if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwBufLen = sizeof(szKeyValueString); status = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "ProcessorNameString", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szKeyValueString, &dwBufLen); if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) sysinfo->fCpuType = szKeyValueString; dwBufLen = sizeof(DWORD); status = RegQueryValueEx(hKey,"~MHz",NULL,NULL,(LPBYTE)&szKeyValueDword, &dwBufLen); if ((status == ERROR_SUCCESS) && ((sysinfo->fCpuSpeed <= 0) || (sysinfo->fCpuSpeed < (szKeyValueDword >> 1)))) sysinfo->fCpuSpeed = (Int_t)szKeyValueDword; RegCloseKey (hKey); } sysinfo->fCpuType.Remove(TString::kBoth, ' '); sysinfo->fModel.Remove(TString::kBoth, ' '); } //______________________________________________________________________________ static void GetWinNTCpuInfo(CpuInfo_t *cpuinfo, Int_t sampleTime) { // Get CPU stat for Window. Use sampleTime to set the interval over which // the CPU load will be measured, in ms (default 1000). SYSTEM_INFO sysInfo; Float_t idle_ratio, kernel_ratio, user_ratio, total_ratio; FILETIME ft_sys_idle, ft_sys_kernel, ft_sys_user, ft_fun_time; SYSTEMTIME st_fun_time; ULARGE_INTEGER ul_sys_idle, ul_sys_kernel, ul_sys_user; static ULARGE_INTEGER ul_sys_idleold = {0, 0}; static ULARGE_INTEGER ul_sys_kernelold = {0, 0}; static ULARGE_INTEGER ul_sys_userold = {0, 0}; ULARGE_INTEGER ul_sys_idle_diff, ul_sys_kernel_diff, ul_sys_user_diff; ULARGE_INTEGER ul_fun_time; ULARGE_INTEGER ul_fun_timeold = {0, 0}; ULARGE_INTEGER ul_fun_time_diff; typedef BOOL (__stdcall *GetSystemTimesProc)( LPFILETIME lpIdleTime, LPFILETIME lpKernelTime, LPFILETIME lpUserTime ); static GetSystemTimesProc pGetSystemTimes = 0; HMODULE hModImagehlp = LoadLibrary( "Kernel32.dll" ); if (!hModImagehlp) { ::Error("GetWinNTCpuInfo", "Error on LoadLibrary(Kernel32.dll)"); return; } pGetSystemTimes = (GetSystemTimesProc) GetProcAddress( hModImagehlp, "GetSystemTimes" ); if (!pGetSystemTimes) { ::Error("GetWinNTCpuInfo", "Error on GetProcAddress(GetSystemTimes)"); return; } GetSystemInfo(&sysInfo); again: pGetSystemTimes(&ft_sys_idle,&ft_sys_kernel,&ft_sys_user); GetSystemTime(&st_fun_time); SystemTimeToFileTime(&st_fun_time,&ft_fun_time); memcpy(&ul_sys_idle, &ft_sys_idle, sizeof(FILETIME)); memcpy(&ul_sys_kernel, &ft_sys_kernel, sizeof(FILETIME)); memcpy(&ul_sys_user, &ft_sys_user, sizeof(FILETIME)); memcpy(&ul_fun_time, &ft_fun_time, sizeof(FILETIME)); ul_sys_idle_diff.QuadPart = ul_sys_idle.QuadPart - ul_sys_idleold.QuadPart; ul_sys_kernel_diff.QuadPart = ul_sys_kernel.QuadPart - ul_sys_kernelold.QuadPart; ul_sys_user_diff.QuadPart = ul_sys_user.QuadPart - ul_sys_userold.QuadPart; ul_fun_time_diff.QuadPart = ul_fun_time.QuadPart - ul_fun_timeold.QuadPart; ul_sys_idleold.QuadPart = ul_sys_idle.QuadPart; ul_sys_kernelold.QuadPart = ul_sys_kernel.QuadPart; ul_sys_userold.QuadPart = ul_sys_user.QuadPart; if (ul_fun_timeold.QuadPart == 0) { Sleep(sampleTime); ul_fun_timeold.QuadPart = ul_fun_time.QuadPart; goto again; } ul_fun_timeold.QuadPart = ul_fun_time.QuadPart; idle_ratio = (Float_t)(Li2Double(ul_sys_idle_diff)/ Li2Double(ul_fun_time_diff))*100.0; user_ratio = (Float_t)(Li2Double(ul_sys_user_diff)/ Li2Double(ul_fun_time_diff))*100.0; kernel_ratio = (Float_t)(Li2Double(ul_sys_kernel_diff)/ Li2Double(ul_fun_time_diff))*100.0; idle_ratio /= (Float_t)sysInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; user_ratio /= (Float_t)sysInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; kernel_ratio /= (Float_t)sysInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; total_ratio = 100.0 - idle_ratio; cpuinfo->fLoad1m = 0; // cpu load average over 1 m cpuinfo->fLoad5m = 0; // cpu load average over 5 m cpuinfo->fLoad15m = 0; // cpu load average over 15 m cpuinfo->fUser = user_ratio; // cpu user load in percentage cpuinfo->fSys = kernel_ratio; // cpu sys load in percentage cpuinfo->fTotal = total_ratio; // cpu user+sys load in percentage cpuinfo->fIdle = idle_ratio; // cpu idle percentage } //______________________________________________________________________________ static void GetWinNTMemInfo(MemInfo_t *meminfo) { // Get VM stat for Windows NT. Long64_t total, used, free, swap_total, swap_used, swap_avail; MEMORYSTATUSEX statex; statex.dwLength = sizeof(statex); if (!GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&statex)) { ::Error("GetWinNTMemInfo", "Error on GlobalMemoryStatusEx()"); return; } used = (Long64_t)(statex.ullTotalPhys - statex.ullAvailPhys); free = (Long64_t) statex.ullAvailPhys; total = (Long64_t) statex.ullTotalPhys; meminfo->fMemTotal = (Int_t) (total >> 20); // divide by 1024 * 1024 meminfo->fMemUsed = (Int_t) (used >> 20); meminfo->fMemFree = (Int_t) (free >> 20); swap_total = (Long64_t)(statex.ullTotalPageFile - statex.ullTotalPhys); swap_avail = (Long64_t)(statex.ullAvailPageFile - statex.ullAvailPhys); swap_used = swap_total - swap_avail; meminfo->fSwapTotal = (Int_t) (swap_total >> 20); meminfo->fSwapUsed = (Int_t) (swap_used >> 20); meminfo->fSwapFree = (Int_t) (swap_avail >> 20); } //______________________________________________________________________________ static void GetWinNTProcInfo(ProcInfo_t *procinfo) { // Get process info for this process on Windows NT. PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS pmc; FILETIME starttime, exittime, kerneltime, usertime; timeval ru_stime, ru_utime; ULARGE_INTEGER li; typedef BOOL (__stdcall *GetProcessMemoryInfoProc)( HANDLE Process, PPROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS ppsmemCounters, DWORD cb ); static GetProcessMemoryInfoProc pGetProcessMemoryInfo = 0; HMODULE hModImagehlp = LoadLibrary( "Psapi.dll" ); if (!hModImagehlp) { ::Error("GetWinNTProcInfo", "Error on LoadLibrary(Psapi.dll)"); return; } pGetProcessMemoryInfo = (GetProcessMemoryInfoProc) GetProcAddress( hModImagehlp, "GetProcessMemoryInfo" ); if (!pGetProcessMemoryInfo) { ::Error("GetWinNTProcInfo", "Error on GetProcAddress(GetProcessMemoryInfo)"); return; } if ( pGetProcessMemoryInfo( GetCurrentProcess(), &pmc, sizeof(pmc)) ) { procinfo->fMemResident = pmc.WorkingSetSize / 1024; procinfo->fMemVirtual = pmc.PagefileUsage / 1024; } if ( GetProcessTimes(GetCurrentProcess(), &starttime, &exittime, &kerneltime, &usertime)) { /* Convert FILETIMEs (0.1 us) to struct timeval */ memcpy(&li, &kerneltime, sizeof(FILETIME)); li.QuadPart /= 10L; /* Convert to microseconds */ ru_stime.tv_sec = li.QuadPart / 1000000L; ru_stime.tv_usec = li.QuadPart % 1000000L; memcpy(&li, &usertime, sizeof(FILETIME)); li.QuadPart /= 10L; /* Convert to microseconds */ ru_utime.tv_sec = li.QuadPart / 1000000L; ru_utime.tv_usec = li.QuadPart % 1000000L; procinfo->fCpuUser = (Float_t)(ru_utime.tv_sec) + ((Float_t)(ru_utime.tv_usec) / 1000000.); procinfo->fCpuSys = (Float_t)(ru_stime.tv_sec) + ((Float_t)(ru_stime.tv_usec) / 1000000.); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TWinNTSystem::GetSysInfo(SysInfo_t *info) const { // Returns static system info, like OS type, CPU type, number of CPUs // RAM size, etc into the SysInfo_t structure. Returns -1 in case of error, // 0 otherwise. if (!info) return -1; GetWinNTSysInfo(info); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TWinNTSystem::GetCpuInfo(CpuInfo_t *info, Int_t sampleTime) const { // Returns cpu load average and load info into the CpuInfo_t structure. // Returns -1 in case of error, 0 otherwise. Use sampleTime to set the // interval over which the CPU load will be measured, in ms (default 1000). if (!info) return -1; GetWinNTCpuInfo(info, sampleTime); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TWinNTSystem::GetMemInfo(MemInfo_t *info) const { // Returns ram and swap memory usage info into the MemInfo_t structure. // Returns -1 in case of error, 0 otherwise. if (!info) return -1; GetWinNTMemInfo(info); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TWinNTSystem::GetProcInfo(ProcInfo_t *info) const { // Returns cpu and memory used by this process into the ProcInfo_t structure. // Returns -1 in case of error, 0 otherwise. if (!info) return -1; GetWinNTProcInfo(info); return 0; }