// Builds a graph with errors, displays it and saves it as // image. First, include some header files (within CINT, // these will be ignored). #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TGraphErrors.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "TLegend.h" #include "TArrow.h" #include "TLatex.h" void macro1(){ // The values and the errors on the Y axis const int n_points=10; double x_vals[n_points]= {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}; double y_vals[n_points]= {6,12,14,20,22,24,35,45,44,53}; double y_errs[n_points]= {5,5,4.7,4.5,4.2,5.1,2.9,4.1,4.8,5.43}; // Instance of the graph TGraphErrors graph(n_points,x_vals,y_vals,NULL,y_errs); graph.SetTitle("Measurement XYZ;lenght [cm];Arb.Units"); // Make the plot estetically better graph.SetMarkerStyle(kOpenCircle); graph.SetMarkerColor(kBlue); graph.SetLineColor(kBlue); // The canvas on which we'll draw the graph TCanvas* mycanvas = new TCanvas(); // Draw the graph ! graph.DrawClone("APE"); // Define a linear function TF1 f("Linear law","[0]+x*[1]",.5,10.5); // Let's make the funcion line nicer f.SetLineColor(kRed); f.SetLineStyle(2); // Fit it to the graph and draw it graph.Fit(&f); f.DrawClone("Same"); // Build and Draw a legend TLegend leg(.1,.7,.3,.9,"Lab. Lesson 1"); leg.SetFillColor(0); graph.SetFillColor(0); leg.AddEntry(&graph,"Exp. Points"); leg.AddEntry(&f,"Th. Law"); leg.DrawClone("Same"); // Draw an arrow on the canvas TArrow arrow(8,8,6.2,23,0.02,"|>"); arrow.SetLineWidth(2); arrow.DrawClone(); // Add some text to the plot TLatex text(8.2,7.5,"#splitline{Maximum}{Deviation}"); text.DrawClone(); mycanvas->Print("graph_with_law.pdf"); } #ifndef __CINT__ int main(){ macro1(); } #endif