// Create, Fill and draw an Histogram which reproduces the // counts of a scaler linked to a Geiger counter. void macro5(){ TH1F* cnt_r_h=new TH1F("count_rate", "Count Rate;N_{Counts};# occurencies", 100, // Number of Bins -0.5, // Lower X Boundary 15.5); // Upper X Boundary const float mean_count=3.6; TRandom3 rndgen; // simulate the measurements for (int imeas=0;imeas<400;imeas++) cnt_r_h->Fill(rndgen.Poisson(mean_count)); TCanvas* c= new TCanvas(); cnt_r_h->Draw(); TCanvas* c_norm= new TCanvas(); cnt_r_h->DrawNormalized(); // Print summary cout << "Moments of Distribution:\n" << " - Mean = " << cnt_r_h->GetMean() << " +- " << cnt_r_h->GetMeanError() << "\n" << " - RMS = " << cnt_r_h->GetRMS() << " +- " << cnt_r_h->GetRMSError() << "\n" << " - Skewness = " << cnt_r_h->GetSkewness() << "\n" << " - Kurtosis = " << cnt_r_h->GetKurtosis() << "\n"; }