root [0] TFile f("can.root") root [1] TCanvas* can = (TCanvas*)f.Get("can") root [2] gROOT->SetBatch(1) root [3] can->Draw()
{ int x[10], y[10]; int i; for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {x[i] = 10*i;y[i] = i;} TGraph *gr = new TGraph(10,x,y); gr->Draw("AL"); TPaveLabel *hello = new TPaveLabel(0.2,0.4,0.8,0.6,"Hello World"); hello->Draw(); }
This application is a simplified version of TBrowser and TCanvas for iOS. User can open ROOT's file (application uses TWebFile) and browse file's contents.
RootBrower registers *.root file extension in a system, so for example, attached root files from a mail client can be opened by RootBrowser.
Application has several views. In a top level view, user can see opened files, open new files, close files (long press gesture on a file icon):
Tap gesture on a file's icon will open "File contents" view. This view shows objects and nested directories. For objects small previews are generated. Tapping on a directory's icon will open new view with directory's contents. Simple search is supported (in the current TDirectoryFile).
Tap on a object's preview will open detailed view for this object. Using pinch gesture or double tap, you can zoom in/zoom out pad's contents.
If you have several objects in a file or directory, you can navigate through directory contents by using swipe gesture, scrolling your objects.
It's possible to modify properties of objects the same way you can do it in TCanvas - RootBrowser has an editor. After you press "Edit" button, you can pick histogram, axis, frame, pavestats, etc. in a pad and modify its properties in the editor (selected object is highlihgted in a pad).
At the moment, there are editors for:
Using pan gesture along the selected axis, you can change the axis range - "zoom".
Modified object can be saved locally (in application's directory) and sent as an e-mail attachment ("Save" functionality will be improved soon).