// @(#)root/guibuilder:$Id$ // Author: Valeriy Onuchin 12/09/04 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TGuiBldNameFrame #define ROOT_TGuiBldNameFrame ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TGuiBldNameFrame - frame sdisplaying the class name of frame // // and the name of frame // // // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef ROOT_TGFrame #include "TGFrame.h" #endif class TGLabel; class TGTextEntry; class TGuiBldEditor; class TGuiBldEditor; class TRootGuiBuilder; class TGListTree; class TGFrame; class TGCanvas; class TGListTreeItem; class TGuiBldDragManager; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TGuiBldNameFrame : public TGCompositeFrame { private: TGLabel *fLabel; // label of frame class name TGTextEntry *fFrameName; // name of the frame TGuiBldEditor *fEditor; // pointer to main editor TGCompositeFrame *fTitleFrame; // frame saying that it's "Name Frame" TRootGuiBuilder *fBuilder; // pointer to builder TGuiBldDragManager *fManager; // main manager TGListTree *fListTree; // list tree containing frames hierarchy TGCanvas *fCanvas; protected: void DoRedraw(); public: TGuiBldNameFrame(const TGWindow *p, TGuiBldEditor *editor); virtual ~TGuiBldNameFrame() { } void ChangeSelected(TGFrame *frame); Bool_t CheckItems(TGCompositeFrame *main); TGListTreeItem *FindItemByName(TGListTree *tree, const char* name, TGListTreeItem *item = 0); TGCompositeFrame *GetMdi(TGFrame *frame); void MapItems(TGCompositeFrame *main); void RemoveFrame(TGFrame *frame); void Reset(); void SelectFrameByItem(TGListTreeItem* item, Int_t i = 0); void UpdateName(); ClassDef(TGuiBldNameFrame, 0) // frame name editor }; #endif