# @(#)root/mathcore:$Id: inc_Math_Makefile.am 21158 2007-12-03 17:01:35Z moneta $ # Author: L. Moneta 2005 # ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in . # # # The following is set, otherwise it would follow GNU conventions. AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign mathdir = $(includedir)/Math SUBDIRS = GenVector math_HEADERS = \ AxisAngle.h \ Boost.h \ BoostX.h \ BoostY.h \ BoostZ.h \ Cartesian2D.h \ Cartesian3D.h \ Cylindrical3D.h \ CylindricalEta3D.h \ DisplacementVector2D.h \ DisplacementVector3D.h \ EulerAngles.h \ LorentzRotation.h \ LorentzVector.h \ Math.h \ Plane3D.h \ Point2D.h \ Point3D.h \ Point2Dfwd.h \ Point3Dfwd.h \ Polar2D.h \ Polar3D.h \ PositionVector2D.h \ PositionVector3D.h \ PtEtaPhiE4D.h \ PtEtaPhiM4D.h \ PxPyPzE4D.h \ PxPyPzM4D.h \ Quaternion.h \ Rotation3D.h \ RotationX.h \ RotationY.h \ RotationZ.h \ RotationZYX.h \ Transform3D.h \ Translation3D.h \ Vector2D.h \ Vector2Dfwd.h \ Vector3D.h \ Vector3Dfwd.h \ Vector4D.h \ Vector4Dfwd.h \ VectorUtil.h \ VectorUtil_Cint.h