# @(#)root/mathcore:$Id: src_Makefile.am 21185 2007-12-04 14:56:12Z moneta $ # Author: L. Moneta 2005 # ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in . # # The following is set; otherwise it would follow GNU conventions. AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign # The convenience library to be built. lib_LTLIBRARIES = libGenVector.la libGenVector_la_SOURCES = \ 3DConversions.cxx \ 3DDistances.cxx \ AxisAngle.cxx \ AxisAngleXother.cxx \ BitReproducible.cxx \ Boost.cxx \ BoostX.cxx \ BoostY.cxx \ BoostZ.cxx \ EulerAngles.cxx \ GenVector_exception.cxx \ LorentzRotation.cxx \ Plane3D.cxx \ Quaternion.cxx \ QuaternionXaxial.cxx \ Rotation3D.cxx \ Rotation3DxAxial.cxx \ RotationZYX.cxx \ Transform3D.cxx \ Translation3D.cxx \ VectorUtil.cxx INCLUDES = \ -I$(top_srcdir)/inc