# @(#)root/mathcore:$Id$ # Author: L. Moneta 2005 # ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in . # # # The following is set, otherwise it would follow GNU conventions. AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign mathdir = $(includedir)/Math math_HEADERS = \ Chebyshev.h \ Derivator.h \ DistFuncMathMore.h \ GSLFunctionAdapter.h \ GSLIntegrator.h \ GSLMCIntegrator.h \ GSLMinimizer1D.h \ GSLMinimizer.h \ GSLNLSMinimizer.h \ GSLRndmEngines.h \ GSLRootFinder.h \ GSLRootFinderDeriv.h \ GSLRootHelper.h \ GSLSimAnMinimizer.h \ GSLSimAnnealing.h \ IntegrationTypes.h \ InterpolationTypes.h \ Interpolator.h \ KelvinFunctions.h \ MCIntegrationTypes.h \ MCParameters.h \ NumGradFunction.h \ ParamFunction.h \ Polynomial.h \ QuantFuncMathMore.h \ Random.h \ RootFinder.h \ RootFinderAlgorithms.h \ SpecFuncMathMore.h \ VavilovAccurateCdf.h \ VavilovAccurate.h \ VavilovAccurate.h \ VavilovAccuratePdf.h \ VavilovAccurateQuantile.h \ VavilovFast.h \ Vavilov.h # add mathcore files math_HEADERS += \ AdaptiveIntegratorMultiDim.h \ AllIntegrationTypes.h \ DistFunc.h \ DistFuncMathCore.h \ Error.h \ FitMethodFunction.h \ Functor.h \ IFunction.h \ IFunctionfwd.h \ IParamFunction.h \ IParamFunctionfwd.h \ Integrator.h \ IntegratorMultiDim.h \ Math.h \ Minimizer.h \ OneDimFunctionAdapter.h \ PdfFunc.h \ PdfFuncMathCore.h \ ProbFunc.h \ ProbFuncMathCore.h \ QuantFunc.h \ QuantFuncMathCore.h \ SpecFunc.h \ SpecFuncMathCore.h \ Util.h \ VirtualIntegrator.h \ WrappedFunction.h \ WrappedParamFunction.h #SUBDIRS = GenVector