# @(#)root/mathcore:$Id$ # Author: L. Moneta 2005 # ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in . # # The following is set; otherwise it would follow GNU conventions. AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign # The convenience library to be built. lib_LTLIBRARIES = libMathMore.la libMathMore_la_SOURCES = \ Chebyshev.cxx \ complex_quartic.h \ Derivator.cxx \ GSL1DMinimizerWrapper.h \ GSLChebSeries.h \ GSLDerivator.cxx \ GSLDerivator.h \ GSLError.h \ GSLFunctionWrapper.h \ GSLIntegrationWorkspace.h \ GSLIntegrator.cxx \ GSLInterpolator.cxx \ GSLInterpolator.h \ GSLMCIntegrationWorkspace.h \ GSLMCIntegrator.cxx \ GSLMinimizer1D.cxx \ GSLMinimizer.cxx \ GSLMonteFunctionAdapter.h \ GSLMonteFunctionWrapper.h \ GSLMultiFit.h \ GSLMultiFitFunctionAdapter.h \ GSLMultiFitFunctionWrapper.h \ GSLMultiMinFunctionAdapter.h \ GSLMultiMinFunctionWrapper.h \ GSLMultiMinimizer.h \ GSLNLSMinimizer.cxx \ GSLRndmEngines.cxx \ GSLRngWrapper.h \ GSLRootFdFSolver.h \ GSLRootFinder.cxx \ GSLRootFinderDeriv.cxx \ GSLRootFSolver.h \ GSLRootHelper.cxx \ GSLSimAnMinimizer.cxx \ GSLSimAnnealing.cxx \ Interpolator.cxx \ KelvinFunctions.cxx \ Polynomial.cxx \ QuantFuncMathMore.cxx \ RootFinderAlgorithms.cxx \ SpecFuncMathMore.cxx #add mathcore files #include also Factory.cxx to ccreate GSL minimizers libMathMore_la_SOURCES += \ AdaptiveIntegratorMultiDim.cxx \ BrentMethods.cxx \ BrentMinimizer1D.cxx \ BrentRootFinder.cxx \ Factory.cxx \ Integrator.cxx \ GaussIntegrator.cxx \ GaussLegendreIntegrator.cxx \ PdfFuncMathCore.cxx \ ProbFuncMathCore.cxx \ QuantFuncMathCore.cxx \ RichardsonDerivator.cxx \ RootFinder.cxx \ SpecFuncCephes.h \ SpecFuncCephes.cxx \ SpecFuncCephesInv.cxx \ SpecFuncMathCore.cxx \ Vavilov.cxx \ VavilovAccurate.cxx \ VavilovAccuratePdf.cxx \ VavilovAccurateCdf.cxx \ VavilovAccurateQuantile.cxx \ VavilovFast.cxx INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/inc if GSLEXIST INCLUDES += @GSL_CXXFLAGS@ else # use local version of GSL (and link static one) INCLUDES += $(top_srcdir)/src/gsl-1.5/ GSL_LOCAL_LIB = $(top_srcdir)/src/gsl-1.5/.libs/libgsl.a libMathMore_la_LIBADD = $(SUBLIBS) $(GSL_LOCAL_LIB) endif libMathMore_la_LDFLAGS = @GSL_LDFLAGS@