// @(#)root/quadp:$Id$ // Author: Eddy Offermann May 2004 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************* * Parts of this file are copied from the OOQP distribution and * * are subject to the following license: * * * * COPYRIGHT 2001 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO * * * * The copyright holder hereby grants you royalty-free rights to use, * * reproduce, prepare derivative works, and to redistribute this software* * to others, provided that any changes are clearly documented. This * * software was authored by: * * * * E. MICHAEL GERTZ gertz@mcs.anl.gov * * Mathematics and Computer Science Division * * Argonne National Laboratory * * 9700 S. Cass Avenue * * Argonne, IL 60439-4844 * * * * STEPHEN J. WRIGHT swright@cs.wisc.edu * * Computer Sciences Department * * University of Wisconsin * * 1210 West Dayton Street * * Madison, WI 53706 FAX: (608)262-9777 * * * * Any questions or comments may be directed to one of the authors. * * * * ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY (ANL), WITH FACILITIES IN THE STATES OF * * ILLINOIS AND IDAHO, IS OWNED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, AND * * OPERATED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO UNDER PROVISION OF A CONTRACT * * WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TMehrotraSolver // // // // Derived class of TQpSolverBase implementing the original Mehrotra // // predictor-corrector algorithm // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "Riostream.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TMehrotraSolver.h" ClassImp(TMehrotraSolver) //______________________________________________________________________________ TMehrotraSolver::TMehrotraSolver() { // Default constructor fPrintlevel = 0; fTsig = 0.0; fStep = 0; fFactory = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TMehrotraSolver::TMehrotraSolver(TQpProbBase *of,TQpDataBase *prob,Int_t verbose) { // Constructor fFactory = of; fStep = fFactory->MakeVariables(prob); fPrintlevel = verbose; fTsig = 3.0; // the usual value for the centering exponent (tau) } //______________________________________________________________________________ TMehrotraSolver::TMehrotraSolver(const TMehrotraSolver &another) : TQpSolverBase(another) { // Copy constructor *this = another; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TMehrotraSolver::Solve(TQpDataBase *prob,TQpVar *iterate,TQpResidual *resid) { // Solve the quadratic programming problem as formulated through prob, store // the final solution in iterate->fX . Monitor the residuals during the iterations // through resid . The status is returned as defined in TQpSolverBase::ETerminationCode . Int_t status_code; Double_t alpha = 1; Double_t sigma = 1; fDnorm = prob->DataNorm(); // initialization of (x,y,z) and factorization routine. fSys = fFactory->MakeLinSys(prob); this->Start(fFactory,iterate,prob,resid,fStep); fIter = 0; Double_t mu = iterate->GetMu(); Int_t done = 0; do { fIter++; // evaluate residuals and update algorithm status: resid->CalcResids(prob,iterate); // termination test: status_code = this->DoStatus(prob,iterate,resid,fIter,mu,0); if (status_code != kNOT_FINISHED ) break; if (fPrintlevel >= 10) this->DoMonitor(prob,iterate,resid,alpha,sigma,fIter,mu,status_code,0); // *** Predictor step *** resid->Set_r3_xz_alpha(iterate,0.0); fSys->Factor(prob,iterate); fSys->Solve(prob,iterate,resid,fStep); fStep->Negate(); alpha = iterate->StepBound(fStep); // calculate centering parameter Double_t muaff = iterate->MuStep(fStep,alpha); sigma = TMath::Power(muaff/mu,fTsig); // *** Corrector step *** // form right hand side of linear system: resid->Add_r3_xz_alpha(fStep,-sigma*mu ); fSys->Solve(prob,iterate,resid,fStep); fStep->Negate(); // We've finally decided on a step direction, now calculate the // length using Mehrotra's heuristic. alpha = this->FinalStepLength(iterate,fStep); // alternatively, just use a crude step scaling factor. //alpha = 0.995 * iterate->StepBound(fStep); // actually take the step and calculate the new mu iterate->Saxpy(fStep,alpha); mu = iterate->GetMu(); } while(!done); resid->CalcResids(prob,iterate); if (fPrintlevel >= 10) this->DoMonitor(prob,iterate,resid,alpha,sigma,fIter,mu,status_code,1); return status_code; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TMehrotraSolver::DefMonitor(TQpDataBase * /* data */,TQpVar * /* vars */, TQpResidual *resids, Double_t alpha,Double_t /* sigma */,Int_t i,Double_t mu, Int_t status_code,Int_t level) { // Print information about the optimization process and monitor the convergence // status of thye algorithm switch (level) { case 0 : case 1: { cout << endl << "Duality Gap: " << resids->GetDualityGap() << endl; if (i > 1) { cout << " alpha = " << alpha << endl; } cout << " *** Iteration " << i << " *** " << endl; cout << " mu = " << mu << " relative residual norm = " << resids->GetResidualNorm()/fDnorm << endl; if (level == 1) { // Termination has been detected by the status check; print // appropriate message switch (status_code) { case kSUCCESSFUL_TERMINATION: cout << endl << " *** SUCCESSFUL TERMINATION ***" << endl; break; case kMAX_ITS_EXCEEDED: cout << endl << " *** MAXIMUM ITERATIONS REACHED *** " << endl; break; case kINFEASIBLE: cout << endl << " *** TERMINATION: PROBABLY INFEASIBLE *** " << endl; break; case kUNKNOWN: cout << endl << " *** TERMINATION: STATUS UNKNOWN *** " << endl; break; } } } break; // end case 0: case 1: } // end switch(level) } //______________________________________________________________________________ TMehrotraSolver::~TMehrotraSolver() { // Deconstructor delete fStep; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TMehrotraSolver &TMehrotraSolver::operator=(const TMehrotraSolver &source) { // Assignment operator if (this != &source) { TQpSolverBase::operator=(source); fPrintlevel = source.fPrintlevel; fTsig = source.fTsig; if (fStep) delete fStep; fStep = new TQpVar(*source.fStep); fFactory = source.fFactory; } return *this; }