// dummy track class for testing I/o of matric #include "Math/SMatrix.h" typedef double Double32_t; typedef ROOT::Math::SMatrix > SMatrix5D; typedef ROOT::Math::SMatrix > SMatrix5D32; // track class based on SMatrix of double class TrackD { public: TrackD() {} TrackD(const SMatrix5D & cov) : fCov(cov) {} SMatrix5D & CovMatrix() { return fCov; } private: SMatrix5D fCov; }; // track class based on Smatrix of Double32 class TrackD32 { public: TrackD32() {} TrackD32(const SMatrix5D32 & cov) : fCov(cov) {} SMatrix5D & CovMatrix() { return fCov; } private: SMatrix5D32 fCov; };