// @(#)root/table:$Id$ // Author: /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TPolyLineShape #define ROOT_TPolyLineShape #ifndef ROOT_TShape #include "TShape.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TAttMarker #include "TAttMarker.h" #endif class TPoints3DABC; class TVirtualPad; enum EShapeTypes { kNULL=0, kSphere, kBrik}; class TPolyLineShape : public TShape, public TAttMarker { protected: Bool_t fPointFlag; // Flag whether we should paint "points" (option "P") Bool_t fLineFlag; // Flag whether we should connect the points with "line" (option "L") EShapeTypes fShapeType; // shape of the segment connections TShape *fShape; // shape for draw each segment of the polylins TShape *fConnection; // shape to represent the each "end" of the polyline TPoints3DABC *fPoints; // PolyLine itself Float_t fWidthFactor; // factor to calculate the the tube diameters Bool_t fHasDrawn; // flag to avoid multiply plots Bool_t fSmooth; // Make smooth connections Size3D *fSizeX3D; //! the X3D buffer sizes protected: virtual void Create(); virtual Size3D *CreateX3DSize(Bool_t marker=kFALSE); virtual void SetConnection(TShape *connection){ fConnection = connection;} virtual Int_t PointDistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py); public: TPolyLineShape(); TPolyLineShape(TPoints3DABC *points,Option_t* option="P"); virtual ~TPolyLineShape(); virtual Int_t DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py); virtual void Draw(Option_t *opt=""); virtual void ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py); virtual TShape *GetConnection() const { return fConnection;} virtual Color_t GetColorAttribute() const; virtual const char *GetName() const; virtual char *GetObjectInfo(Int_t px, Int_t py) const; virtual Size_t GetSizeAttribute() const; virtual Style_t GetStyleAttribute() const; virtual const char *GetTitle() const; virtual TPoints3DABC *GetMarker() const { return fPoints;} virtual TPoints3DABC *GetPoints() const { return fPoints;} virtual TShape *GetShape() const { return fShape;} virtual Bool_t GetSmooth() const { return fSmooth;} virtual Float_t GetWidthFactor() const { return fWidthFactor;} virtual void PaintNode(Float_t *start,Float_t *end,Option_t *option); virtual void Paint(Option_t *opt); virtual void Paint3d(Option_t *opt); virtual void PaintX3DLine(Option_t *opt=""); virtual void PaintX3DMarker(Option_t *opt=""); static Double_t *Gyrot(Double_t *dirc, Double_t cosang,Double_t sinang, Double_t trans[3][3]); virtual void PaintPoints(Int_t n, Float_t *p=0, Option_t *opt=""); virtual void PaintPolyMarker(Int_t n, Float_t *p=0, Marker_t m=0, Option_t *opt=""); static Float_t Product(Float_t *v1, Float_t *v2,Int_t ndim=3); static Double_t Product(Double_t *v1, Double_t *v2,Int_t ndim=3); virtual Color_t SetColorAttribute(Color_t color); virtual Size_t SetSizeAttribute(Size_t size); virtual Int_t SetConnection(EShapeTypes connection=kBrik); virtual void SetShape(TShape *shape); virtual void SetSmooth(Bool_t smooth=kTRUE){ fSmooth=smooth;} virtual Style_t SetStyleAttribute(Style_t style); virtual void SetWidthFactor(Float_t fact=1.0){fWidthFactor = fact;} //*MENU virtual Int_t Size() const; virtual void Sizeof3D() const; ClassDef(TPolyLineShape,0) // The base class to define an abstract 3D shape of STAR "event" geometry }; #endif