// @(#)root/auth:$Id$ // Author: Gerri Ganis 19/1/2004 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2003, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_DaemonUtils #define ROOT_DaemonUtils ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // DaemonUtils // // // // This file defines wrappers to client utils calls used by server // // authentication daemons. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #ifndef ROOT_TSocket #include "TSocket.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TSeqCollection #include "TSeqCollection.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_NetErrors #include "NetErrors.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_rpddefs #include "rpddefs.h" #endif extern Int_t SrvAuthImpl(TSocket *socket, const char *, const char *, std::string &user, Int_t &meth, Int_t &type, std::string &ctoken, TSeqCollection *); extern Int_t SrvClupImpl(TSeqCollection *); typedef void (*ErrorHandler_t)(int level, const char *msg, int size); namespace ROOT { // Error handlers prototypes ... extern ErrorHandler_t gErrSys; extern ErrorHandler_t gErrFatal; extern ErrorHandler_t gErr; int GetErrno(); void ResetErrno(); void ErrorInit(const char *ident); void ErrorInfo(const char *fmt, ...); void Perror(char *buf, int size); void Error(ErrorHandler_t ErrHand,int code,const char *fmt, ...); void RpdAuthCleanup(const char *sstr, int opt); int RpdCleanupAuthTab(const char *crypttoken); int RpdGenRSAKeys(int); void RpdSetErrorHandler(ErrorHandler_t Err, ErrorHandler_t Sys, ErrorHandler_t Fatal); void RpdSetMethInitFlag(int methinit); int RpdInitSession(int, std::string &, int &, int &, int &, std::string &); void RpdInit(EService serv, int pid, int sproto, unsigned int opts, int rumsk, int sshp, const char *tmpd, const char *asrpp, int login = 0); void SrvSetSocket(TSocket *socket); void NetClose(); int NetParOpen(int port, int size); int NetRecv(char *msg, int max); int NetRecv(char *msg, int len, EMessageTypes &kind); int NetRecv(void *&buf, int &len, EMessageTypes &kind); int NetRecvRaw(void *buf, int len); int NetRecvRaw(int sock, void *buf, int len); int NetSend(int code, EMessageTypes kind); int NetSend(const char *msg, EMessageTypes kind); int NetSend(const void *buf, int len, EMessageTypes kind); int NetSendAck(); int NetSendError(ERootdErrors err); int NetSendRaw(const void *buf, int len); void NetGetRemoteHost(std::string &openhost); int NetGetSockFd(); } #endif