// @(#) root/glite:$Id$ // Author: Anar Manafov 2006-03-20 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************/ /*! \file TGLite.h Interface of the class which defines interface to gLite GRID services. *//* version number: $LastChangedRevision: 1678 $ created by: Anar Manafov 2006-03-20 last changed by: $LastChangedBy: manafov $ $LastChangedDate: 2008-01-21 18:22:14 +0100 (Mon, 21 Jan 2008) $ Copyright (c) 2006-2008 GSI GridTeam. All rights reserved. *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TGLite #define ROOT_TGLite ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TGLite // // // // Class defining interface to gLite GRID services. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef ROOT_TGrid #include "TGrid.h" #endif class TGLite: public TGrid { public: TGLite(const char *_gridurl, const char* /*_uid*/ = NULL, const char* /*_passwd*/ = NULL, const char* /*_options*/ = NULL); virtual ~TGLite(); public: virtual Bool_t IsConnected() const; virtual void Shell(); virtual void Stdout(); virtual void Stderr(); virtual TGridResult* Command(const char* /*command*/, Bool_t /*interactive*/ = kFALSE, UInt_t /*stream*/ = 2); virtual TGridResult* Query(const char *_path, const char *_pattern = NULL, const char* /*conditions*/ = "", const char* /*options*/ = ""); virtual TGridResult* LocateSites(); //--- Catalog Interface virtual TGridResult* Ls(const char *_ldn = "", Option_t* /*options*/ = "", Bool_t /*verbose*/ = kFALSE); virtual const char* Pwd(Bool_t /*verbose*/ = kFALSE); virtual Bool_t Cd(const char *_ldn = "", Bool_t /*verbose*/ = kFALSE); virtual Int_t Mkdir(const char *_ldn = "", Option_t* /*options*/ = "", Bool_t /*verbose*/ = kFALSE); virtual Bool_t Rmdir(const char *_ldn = "", Option_t* /*options*/ = "", Bool_t /*verbose*/ = kFALSE); virtual Bool_t Register(const char *_lfn, const char *_turl , Long_t /*size*/ = -1, const char *_se = 0, const char *_guid = 0, Bool_t /*verbose*/ = kFALSE); virtual Bool_t Rm(const char *_lfn, Option_t* /*option*/ = "", Bool_t /*verbose*/ = kFALSE); //--- Job Submission Interface virtual TGridJob* Submit(const char *_jdl); virtual TGridJDL* GetJDLGenerator(); virtual Bool_t Kill(TGridJob *_gridjob); virtual Bool_t KillById(TString _id); private: std::string fFileCatalog_WrkDir; ClassDef(TGLite, 1) // Interface to gLite Grid services }; #endif