// @(#) root/glite:$Id$ // Author: Anar Manafov 2006-03-20 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************/ /*! \file TGLite.cxx Implementation of the class which defines interface to gLite GRID services. */ /* version number: $LastChangedRevision: 1688 $ created by: Anar Manafov 2006-03-20 last changed by: $LastChangedBy: manafov $ $LastChangedDate: 2008-01-23 13:42:32 +0100 (Wed, 23 Jan 2008) $ Copyright (c) 2006-2008 GSI GridTeam. All rights reserved. *************************************************************************/ //*-- Last Update : $LastChangedDate: 2008-01-23 13:42:32 +0100 (Wed, 23 Jan 2008) $ by $LastChangedBy: manafov $ //*-- Author : Anar Manafov (A.Manafov@gsi.de) 2006-03-20 //*-- Copyright: Copyright (c) 2006-2008 GSI GridTeam. All rights reserved. // glite-api-wrapper #include // ROOT #include "TMap.h" #include "TObjString.h" // ROOT RGLite #include "TGLiteResult.h" #include "TGLiteJob.h" #include "TGLite.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* BEGIN_HTML The TGLite class defines an interface to gLite GRID services. This class is a part of RGlite plug-in developed at GSI, Darmstadt.
The RGLite plug-in uses glite-api-wrapper library (GAW) to perform Grid operations and provides the following features:


  1. Requirements
  2. Configuration
  3. Usage
    1. Job operations
    2. File Catalog operations


  1. gLite UI 3.1
  2. glite-api-wrapper library
  3. A Grid proxy (in order to perform gLite operations RGLite requires a Grid proxy, users therefore should create the Grid proxy before using the plug-in. One can create the Grid proxy with help of voms-proxy-init command, for example)


Since RGLite plug-in is based on glite-api-wrapper library one should use GAW configuration file for tuning RGLite options up. Please refer to a GAW Trac for more information.


Be advised that the call of TGrid::Connect("glite") should be the very first one. It initializes RGLite plug-in and assigns a global variable gGrid with a pointer to the RGLite plug-in object. The plug-in on his side will initialize a GAW singleton and the TGrid::Connect("glite") call therefore can be performed only once. If you successfully "connected" to gLite, you can call other methods of TGrid interface. Please see the following examples.

Job operations

// loading RGLite plug-in
// submitting Grid job
TGridJob *job = gGrid->Submit("JDLs/simple.jdl");
// getting status object
TGridJobStatus *status = job->GetJobStatus();
// getting status of the job.
TGridJobStatus::EGridJobStatus st( status->GetStatus() );
// when the st is TGridJobStatus::kDONE you can retrieve job's output

File Catalog operations

Cd, Pwd, Ls
// loading RGLite plug-in
// current Catalog directory
cout << "Working Directory is " << gGrid->Pwd() << endl;
// listing the current directory
TGridResult* result = gGrid->Ls();
// changing the current directory to "dech"
// listing only file names
TGridResult * res = gGrid->Ls();
Int_t i = 0;
while ( res->GetFileName( i ) )
   cout << "File: " << res->GetFileName( i++ ) << endl;
Mkdir, Rmdir
// loading RGLite plug-in
// changing the current directory to "/grid/dech"
// using Mkdir to create a new directory
Bool_t b = gGrid->Mkdir("root_test2");
// listing the current directory
TGridResult* result = gGrid->Ls();
// full file information
// removing the directory
b = gGrid->Rmdir("root_test2");
END_HTML */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ClassImp(TGLite) using namespace std; using namespace glite_api_wrapper; using namespace LFCHelper; using namespace MiscCommon; template void add_map_element(TMap *_map, const string &_key, const _T &_value) { ostringstream ss; ss << _value; TObjString * key(new TObjString(_key.c_str())); TObjString *value(new TObjString(ss.str().c_str())); _map->Add(dynamic_cast(key), dynamic_cast(value)); } struct SAddRepInfo: public binary_function { bool operator()(first_argument_type _rep, second_argument_type m_Map) const { ostringstream strSFN; strSFN << "sfn" << _rep.id; stringstream strHost; strHost << "host" << _rep.id; add_map_element(m_Map, strSFN.str(), _rep.sfn); add_map_element(m_Map, strHost.str(), _rep.host); return true; } }; struct SAddMapElementFunc: public binary_function { bool operator()(first_argument_type _lfc_info, second_argument_type _Result) const { TMap * map = new TMap(); add_map_element(map, "fileid", _lfc_info.m_nFileID); add_map_element(map, "name", _lfc_info.m_sName); add_map_element(map, "size", _lfc_info.m_nSize); add_map_element(map, "guid", _lfc_info. m_sGUID); add_map_element(map, "rep_count", _lfc_info.m_LFCRepInfoVector.size()); // Add replication info for_each(_lfc_info.m_LFCRepInfoVector.begin(), _lfc_info.m_LFCRepInfoVector.end(), bind2nd(SAddRepInfo(), map)); _Result->Add(map); return true; } }; //______________________________________________________________________________ TGLite::TGLite(const char */*_gridurl*/, const char* /*uid*/, const char* /*passwd*/, const char* /*options*/) { // Initializing the RGLite plug-in and making a connection to gLite UI. // INPUT: // _gridurl [in] - must be a "glite" string. // NOTE: // The other parameters are unsupported. if (!CGLiteAPIWrapper::Instance().Init()) { gGrid = this; fPort = 0; // Will be used in TGLite::IsConnected Info("TGLite", "gLite API Wrapper engine has been successfully initialized."); } else { // failed to connect to gLite fPort = -1; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGLite::~TGLite() { // Destructor } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TGLite::IsConnected() const { // Use this method to find out whether the RGLite plug-in is connected to gLite UI or not. // RETURN: // kTRUE if connected and kFALSE otherwise. return (-1 == fPort ? kFALSE : kTRUE); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGLite::Shell() { // Not implemented for RGLite MayNotUse("Shell"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGLite::Stdout() { // Not implemented for RGLite MayNotUse("Stdout"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGLite::Stderr() { // Not implemented for RGLite MayNotUse("Stderr"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGridResult* TGLite::Command(const char* /*command*/, Bool_t /*interactive*/, UInt_t /*stream*/) { // Not implemented for RGLite MayNotUse("Command"); return NULL; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGridResult* TGLite::Query(const char *_path, const char *_pattern /*= NULL*/, const char* /*conditions*/, const char* /*options*/) { // A File Catalog method. Querying a File Catalog. // INPUT: // _path [in] - a File Catalog directory which query will be executed on. // _pattern [in] - a POSIX regular expression pattern. // If a NULL value provided the default pattern will be used, // which is ".*" - match any. // NOTE: // The third and the forth parameters are unsupported. // RETURN: // A TGridResult object, which holds the result of the query. if (!_path) return NULL; // TODO: msg me! // Call for a Catalog manager CCatalogManager * pCatalog(&CGLiteAPIWrapper::Instance().GetCatalogManager()); if (!pCatalog) return NULL; // TODO: Log me! LFCFileInfoVector_t container; gaw_lfc_ls ls; ls.m_dir = _path; if (_pattern) ls.m_pattern = _pattern; try { pCatalog->Run(ls, &container); } catch (const exception &e) { Error("Query", "Exception: %s", e.what()); return NULL; } // Creating ROOT containers to store the resultset TGLiteResult *result = new TGLiteResult(); for_each(container.begin(), container.end(), bind2nd(SAddMapElementFunc(), result)); return result; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGridResult* TGLite::LocateSites() { // Not implemented for RGLite MayNotUse("LocalSites"); return NULL; } //______________________________________________________________________________ //--- Catalog Interface TGridResult* TGLite::Ls(const char *_ldn, Option_t* /*options*/, Bool_t /*verbose*/) { // A File Catalog method. Listing content of the current working directory. // INPUT: // _ldn [in] - a logical name of the directory to list. // NOTE: // The other parameters are unsupported. // RETURN: // A TGridResult object, which holds the result of the listing. // The method returns NULL in case of if an error occurred. if (!_ldn) return NULL; // TODO: report error // Call for a Catalog manager CCatalogManager * pCatalog(&CGLiteAPIWrapper::Instance().GetCatalogManager()); if (!pCatalog) return NULL; // TODO: Log me! LFCFileInfoVector_t container; gaw_lfc_ls ls; ls.m_dir = _ldn; try { pCatalog->Run(ls, &container); } catch (const exception &e) { Error("Ls", "Exception: %s", e.what()); return NULL; } // Creating a ROOT container to store the resultset TGLiteResult *result = new TGLiteResult(); for_each(container.begin(), container.end(), bind2nd(SAddMapElementFunc(), result)); return result; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char* TGLite::Pwd(Bool_t /*verbose*/) { // A File Catalog method. Retrieving a name of the current working directory. // NOTE: // The parameter is unsupported. // RETURN: // a logical name of the new current working directory. // Call for a Catalog manager CCatalogManager *pCatalog(&CGLiteAPIWrapper::Instance().GetCatalogManager()); if (!pCatalog) return NULL; // TODO: Log me! gaw_lfc_pwd pwd; try { pCatalog->Run(pwd, &fFileCatalog_WrkDir); } catch (const exception &e) { Error("Pwd", "Exception: %s", e.what()); return NULL; } return fFileCatalog_WrkDir.c_str(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TGLite::Cd(const char *_ldn, Bool_t /*verbose*/) { // A File Catalog method. Changing the current working directory. // INPUT: // _ldn [in] - a logical name of the destination directory // NOTE: // The other parameter is unsupported. // RETURN: // kTRUE if succeeded and kFALSE otherwise. if (!_ldn) return kFALSE; // Call for a Catalog manager CCatalogManager * pCatalog(&CGLiteAPIWrapper::Instance().GetCatalogManager()); if (!pCatalog) return kFALSE; // TODO: Log me! gaw_lfc_cwd cwd; cwd.m_dir = _ldn; try { pCatalog->Run(cwd); } catch (const exception &e) { Error("Cd", "Exception: %s", e.what()); return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TGLite::Mkdir(const char *_ldn, Option_t* /*options*/, Bool_t /*verbose*/) { // A File Catalog method. Create a new directory on the name server. // INPUT: // _ldn [in] - a logical name of the directory to create. // NOTE: // The other parameters are unsupported. // RETURN: // kTRUE if succeeded and kFALSE otherwise. if (!_ldn) return kFALSE; // Call for a Catalog manager // TODO: implement *options* in order to use mkdir with "mode" and "guid" CCatalogManager *pCatalog(&CGLiteAPIWrapper::Instance().GetCatalogManager()); if (!pCatalog) return kFALSE; // TODO: Log me! gaw_lfc_mkdir mkdir; mkdir.m_dir = _ldn; try { pCatalog->Run(mkdir); } catch (const exception &e) { Error("Mkdir", "Exception: %s", e.what()); return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TGLite::Rmdir(const char *_ldn, Option_t* /*options*/, Bool_t /*verbose*/) { // A File Catalog method, it removes a directory from the name server if it is an empty one. // INPUT: // _ldn [in] - a logical name of the directory to remove. // NOTE: // The other parameters are unsupported. // RETURN: // kTRUE if succeeded and kFALSE otherwise. if (!_ldn) return kFALSE; // Call for a Catalog manager CCatalogManager * pCatalog(&CGLiteAPIWrapper::Instance().GetCatalogManager()); if (!pCatalog) return kFALSE; // TODO: Log me! gaw_lfc_rmdir rmdir; rmdir.m_dir = _ldn; try { pCatalog->Run(rmdir); } catch (const exception &e) { Error("Rmdir", "Exception: %s", e.what()); return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TGLite::Register(const char *_lfn, const char *_turl , Long_t /*size*/, const char *_se, const char *_guid, Bool_t /*verbose*/) { // A File Catalog method, it creates a new LFC file in the name server and registering a replication. // INPUT: // _lfn [in] - a logical file name of the file to create. // _turl [in] - Storage File Name - is either the Site URL or // the Physical File Name for the replica. // _se [in] - either the Storage Element fully qualified hostname or the disk server. // _guid [in] - a GUID for the new file. // NOTE: // The other parameters are unsupported. // RETURN: // kTRUE if succeeded and kFALSE otherwise. // Call for a Catalog manager CCatalogManager *pCatalog(&CGLiteAPIWrapper::Instance().GetCatalogManager()); if (!pCatalog) return kFALSE; // TODO: Log me! gaw_lfc_register reg; reg.m_file_name = _lfn; reg.m_guid = _guid; reg.m_SE_server = _se; reg.m_sfn = _turl; try { pCatalog->Run(reg); } catch (const exception &e) { Error("Register", "Exception: %s", e.what()); return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TGLite::Rm(const char *_lfn, Option_t* /*option*/, Bool_t /*verbose*/) { // A File Catalog method, it removes an LFC file entry from the name server. // The methods deletes all replicas from the file. // INPUT: // _lfn [in] - a logical name of the file to remove. // NOTE: // The other parameters are unsupported. // RETURN: // kTRUE if succeeded and kFALSE otherwise. if (!_lfn) return kFALSE; // Call for a Catalog manager // TODO: Implement "-f" option, which will force to remove all replicas from the file, // otherwise file will be deleted only if no replicas exist // Currently "-f" is by default. Now Rm deletes all file's replicas and the file itself from catalog namespace. CCatalogManager * pCatalog(&CGLiteAPIWrapper::Instance().GetCatalogManager()); if (!pCatalog) return kFALSE; // TODO: Log me! gaw_lfc_rm rm; rm.m_file_name = _lfn; try { pCatalog->Run(rm); } catch (const exception &e) { Error("Rm", "Exception: %s", e.what()); return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ //--- Job Submission Interface TGridJob* TGLite::Submit(const char *_jdl) { // A Grid Job operations method, it processes a job submission. // INPUT: // _jdl [in] - a name of the job description file (JDL). The JDL file path can contain environment variables and a "~" (home) symbol. // RETURN: // a TGridJob object, which represents the newly submitted job. // The method returns NULL in case if an error occurred. if (!_jdl) return NULL; // TODO: msg me! try { // Call for a job submission CGLiteAPIWrapper::Instance().GetJobManager().DelegationCredential(); string strVer; CGLiteAPIWrapper::Instance().GetJobManager().GetVersion(&strVer); Info("Submit", "GAW Job Manager uses WMProxy version: %s", strVer.c_str()); string sJobID; CGLiteAPIWrapper::Instance().GetJobManager().JobSubmit(_jdl, &sJobID); Info("Submit", "Job successfully submitted. Job ID \"%s\"", sJobID.c_str()); return dynamic_cast(new TGLiteJob(sJobID.c_str())); } catch (const exception &e) { Error("Submit", "Exception: %s", e.what()); return NULL; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGridJDL* TGLite::GetJDLGenerator() { // Not implemented for RGLite. MayNotUse("GetJDLGenerator"); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TGLite::Kill(TGridJob *_gridjob) { // A Grid Job operations method, it cancels a given gLite job. // INPUT: // _gridjob [in] - a TGridJob object. // RETURN: // kTRUE if succeeded and kFALSE otherwise. if (!_gridjob) return kFALSE; return _gridjob->Cancel(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TGLite::KillById(TString _id) { // A Grid Job operations method, it cancels a gLite job by the given id. // INPUT: // _id [in] - a gLite job ID. // RETURN: // kTRUE if succeeded and kFALSE otherwise. TGLiteJob gridjob(_id); return gridjob.Cancel(); }