// @(#)root/proofd:$Id$ // Author: G. Ganis June 2005 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_XrdProofdProtocol #define ROOT_XrdProofdProtocol ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // XrdProofdProtocol // // // // Authors: G. Ganis, CERN, 2005 // // // // XrdProtocol implementation to coordinate 'proofserv' applications. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include // Version index: start from 1001 (0x3E9) to distinguish from 'proofd' // To be increment when non-backward compatible changes are introduced // 1001 (0x3E9) -> 1002 (0x3EA) : support for flexible env setting // 1002 (0x3EA) -> 1003 (0x3EB) : many new features // 1003 (0x3EB) -> 1004 (0x3EC) : restructuring // 1004 (0x3EC) -> 1005 (0x3ED) : deeper restructuring // 1005 (0x3ED) -> 1006 (0x3EE) : support for ls,rm,stat,md5sum, getfile, ... // 1006 (0x3EE) -> 1007 (0x3EF) : introduce kQueryMssUrl #define XPROOFD_VERSBIN 0x000003EF #define XPROOFD_VERSION "0.7" #include "XpdSysPthread.h" #include "Xrd/XrdLink.hh" #include "Xrd/XrdProtocol.hh" #include "XrdOuc/XrdOucString.hh" #include "XrdSec/XrdSecInterface.hh" #include "XpdObject.h" #include "XProofProtocol.h" class XrdBuffer; class XrdProofdClient; class XrdProofdManager; class XrdProofdResponse; class XrdProofdProofServ; class XrdSrvBuffer; class XrdProofdProtocol : XrdProtocol { public: XrdProofdProtocol(XrdProtocol_Config *pi = 0); virtual ~XrdProofdProtocol() {} // Never gets destroyed void DoIt() {} XrdProtocol *Match(XrdLink *lp); int Process(XrdLink *lp); void Recycle(XrdLink *lp, int x, const char *y); int Stats(char *buff, int blen, int do_sync); static int Configure(char *parms, XrdProtocol_Config *pi); // Buffer / Data handlers int GetData(const char *dtype, char *buff, int blen); static XrdBuffer *GetBuff(int quantum, XrdBuffer *argp = 0); static void ReleaseBuff(XrdBuffer *argp); static int MaxBuffsz() { return fgMaxBuffsz; } // Maximum buffer size we can have // Getters inline kXR_int32 CID() const { return fCID; } inline XrdProofdClient *Client() const { return fPClient; } inline const char *GroupIn() const { return fGroupIn.c_str(); } inline const char *UserIn() const { return fUserIn.c_str(); } inline int ConnType() const { return fConnType; } inline const char *TraceID() const { return fTraceID.c_str(); } inline bool Internal() { return (fConnType == kXPD_Internal) ? 1 : 0; } inline bool IsCtrlC() { XrdSysMutexHelper mhp(fCtrlcMutex); bool rc = fIsCtrlC; fIsCtrlC = 0; return rc; } inline int Pid() const { return fPid; } inline void ResetCtrlC() { XrdSysMutexHelper mhp(fCtrlcMutex); fIsCtrlC = 0; } inline char Status() const { return fStatus; } inline short int ProofProtocol() const { return fProofProtocol; } inline bool SuperUser() const { return fSuperUser; } XrdProofdResponse *Response(kXR_unt16 rid); inline XPClientRequest *Request() const { return (XPClientRequest *)&fRequest; } inline XrdBuffer *Argp() const { return fArgp; } inline XrdLink *Link() const { return fLink; } inline XrdSecProtocol *AuthProt() const { return fAuthProt; } // Setters inline void SetAdminPath(const char *p) { XrdSysMutexHelper mhp(fMutex); fAdminPath = p; } inline void SetAuthEntity(XrdSecEntity *se = 0) { fSecEntity.tident = fLink->ID; fSecClient = (se) ? se : &fSecEntity; } inline void SetAuthProt(XrdSecProtocol *p) { fAuthProt = p; } inline void SetClient(XrdProofdClient *c) { fPClient = c; } inline void SetClntCapVer(unsigned char c) { fClntCapVer = c; } inline void SetCID(kXR_int32 cid) { fCID = cid; } inline void SetConnType(int ct) { fConnType = ct; } inline void SetGroupIn(const char *gin) { fGroupIn = gin; } inline void SetTraceID() { if (fLink) XPDFORM(fTraceID, "%s: ", fLink->ID); } inline void SetPid(int pid) { fPid = pid; } inline void SetProofProtocol(short int pp) { fProofProtocol = pp; } inline void SetStatus(char s) { fStatus = s; } inline void SetSuperUser(bool su = 1) { fSuperUser = su; } inline void SetUserIn(const char *uin) { fUserIn = uin; } static XrdProofdManager *Mgr() { return fgMgr; } static int EUidAtStartup() { return fgEUidAtStartup; } private: XrdProofdResponse *GetNewResponse(kXR_unt16 rid); int Interrupt(); int Ping(); int Process2(); void Reset(); int SendData(XrdProofdProofServ *xps, kXR_int32 sid = -1, XrdSrvBuffer **buf = 0, bool sb = 0); int SendDataN(XrdProofdProofServ *xps, XrdSrvBuffer **buf = 0, bool sb = 0); int SendMsg(); int CtrlC(); int StartRootd(XrdLink *lp, XrdOucString &emsg); void TouchAdminPath(); int Urgent(); // // Protocol variables XpdObject fProtLink; XrdBuffer *fArgp; XrdLink *fLink; int fPid; // Remote ID of the connected process char fStatus; unsigned char fClntCapVer; short int fProofProtocol; // PROOF protocol version run by client bool fSuperUser; // TRUE for privileged clients (admins) XrdOucString fUserIn; // Incoming user name (can be different from the fPClient one) XrdOucString fGroupIn; // Explicit group request from incoming user XrdProofdClient *fPClient; // Our reference XrdProofdClient XrdOucString fAdminPath; // Admin path for this client XrdOucString fTraceID; // Tracing ID XrdSecEntity *fSecClient; XrdSecProtocol *fAuthProt; XrdSecEntity fSecEntity; kXR_int32 fConnType; // Type of connection: Clnt-Mst, Mst-Mst, Mst-Wrk kXR_int32 fCID; // Reference ID of this client XrdSysRecMutex fMutex; // Local mutex XrdSysRecMutex fCtrlcMutex; // CtrlC mutex bool fIsCtrlC; // True is CtrlC was raised; int fStdErrFD; // // These depend on the logical connection XPClientRequest fRequest; // handle client requests std::vector fResponses; // One per each logical connection // // Static area: general protocol managing section // static bool fgConfigDone; static int fgCount; static XpdObjectQ fgProtStack; static XrdBuffManager *fgBPool; // Buffer manager static int fgMaxBuffsz; // Maximum buffer size we can have static XrdSysRecMutex fgBMutex; // Buffer management mutex static XrdSysError fgEDest; // Error message handler static XrdSysLogger *fgLogger; // Error logger static int fgEUidAtStartup; // Effective uid at startup // // Static area: protocol configuration section static int fgReadWait; static XrdProofdManager *fgMgr; // Cluster manager static void PostSession(int on, const char *u, const char *g, XrdProofdProofServ *xps); }; #define XPD_SETRESP(p, x) \ kXR_unt16 rid; \ memcpy((void *)&rid, (const void *)&(p->Request()->header.streamid[0]), 2); \ XrdProofdResponse *response = p->Response(rid); \ if (!response) { \ TRACEP(p, XERR, x << ": could not get Response instance for requid:"<< rid); \ return rc; \ } #define XPD_SETRESPV(p, x) \ kXR_unt16 rid; \ memcpy((void *)&rid, (const void *)&(p->Request()->header.streamid[0]), 2); \ XrdProofdResponse *response = p->Response(rid); \ if (!response) { \ TRACEP(p, XERR, x << ": could not get Response instance for requid:"<< rid); \ return; \ } #define XPD_CLNT_VERSION_OK(p,v) (v < 0 || (p && p->ProofProtocol() >= v)) #endif