// @(#)root/proofd:$Id$ // Author: Gerardo Ganis June 2007 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // XrdProofWorker // // // // Authors: G. Ganis, CERN, 2007 // // // // Class with information about a potential worker. // // A list of instances of this class is built using the config file or // // or the information collected from the resource discoverers. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include "XrdProofdAux.h" #include "XrdProofWorker.h" #include "XrdProofdProofServ.h" #include "XrdClient/XrdClientUrlInfo.hh" #include "XpdSysDNS.h" #include "XProofProtocol.h" // Tracing utilities #include "XrdProofdTrace.h" //______________________________________________________________________________ XrdProofWorker::XrdProofWorker(const char *str) : fExport(256), fType('W'), fPort(-1), fPerfIdx(100), fActive(1) { // Constructor from a config file-like string fMutex = new XrdSysRecMutex; // Make sure we got something to parse if (!str || strlen(str) <= 0) return; // The actual work is done by Reset() Reset(str); } //__________________________________________________________________________ XrdProofWorker::~XrdProofWorker() { // Destructor SafeDel(fMutex); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void XrdProofWorker::Reset(const char *str) { // Set content from a config file-like string XPDLOC(NMGR, "Worker::Reset") // Reinit vars fExport = ""; fType = 'W'; fHost = ""; fPort = XPD_DEF_PORT; fPerfIdx = 100; fImage = ""; fWorkDir = ""; fMsd = ""; fId = ""; // Make sure we got something to parse if (!str || strlen(str) <= 0) return; // Tokenize the string XrdOucString s(str); // First token is the type XrdOucString tok; XrdOucString typestr = "master|submaster|worker|slave"; int from = s.tokenize(tok, 0, ' '); if (from == STR_NPOS || typestr.find(tok) == STR_NPOS) return; if (tok == "submaster") fType = 'S'; else if (tok == "master") fType = 'M'; // Next token is the user@host:port string, make sure it is a full qualified host name if ((from = s.tokenize(tok, from, ' ')) == STR_NPOS) return; XrdClientUrlInfo ui(tok.c_str()); // Take the user name, if specified fUser = ui.User; char *err; char *fullHostName = XrdSysDNS::getHostName((char *)ui.Host.c_str(), &err); if (!fullHostName || !strcmp(fullHostName, "")) { TRACE(XERR, "DNS could not resolve '" << ui.Host << "'"); return; } fHost = fullHostName; SafeFree(fullHostName); // Take the port, if specified fPort = (ui.Port > 0) ? ui.Port : fPort; // and then the remaining options while ((from = s.tokenize(tok, from, ' ')) != STR_NPOS) { if (tok.beginswith("workdir=")) { // Working dir tok.replace("workdir=", ""); fWorkDir = tok; } else if (tok.beginswith("image=")) { // Image tok.replace("image=", ""); fImage = tok; } else if (tok.beginswith("msd=")) { // Mass storage domain tok.replace("msd=", ""); fMsd = tok; } else if (tok.beginswith("port=")) { // Port tok.replace("port=", ""); fPort = strtol(tok.c_str(), (char **)0, 10); } else if (tok.beginswith("perf=")) { // Performance index tok.replace("perf=", ""); fPerfIdx = strtol(tok.c_str(), (char **)0, 10); } else if (!tok.beginswith("repeat=")) { // Unknown TRACE(XERR, "ignoring unknown option '" << tok << "'"); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ bool XrdProofWorker::Matches(const char *host) { // Check compatibility of host with this instance. // return 1 if compatible. return ((fHost.matches(host)) ? 1 : 0); } //______________________________________________________________________________ bool XrdProofWorker::Matches(XrdProofWorker *wrk) { // Set content from a config file-like string // Check if 'wrk' is on the same node that 'this'; used to find the unique // worker nodes. // return 1 if the node is the same. if (wrk) { // Check Host names if (wrk->fHost == fHost) { // Check ports int pa = (fPort > 0) ? fPort : XPD_DEF_PORT; int pb = (wrk->fPort > 0) ? wrk->fPort : XPD_DEF_PORT; if (pa == pb) return 1; } } // They do not match return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *XrdProofWorker::Export(const char *ord) { // Export current content in a form understood by parsing algorithms // inside the PROOF session, i.e. // ||||-|||| XPDLOC(NMGR, "Worker::Export") fExport = fType; // Add user@host fExport += '|' ; if (fUser.length() > 0) { fExport += fUser; fExport += "@"; } fExport += fHost; // Add port if (fPort > 0) { fExport += '|' ; fExport += fPort; } else fExport += "|-"; // Ordinal only if passed as argument if (ord && strlen(ord) > 0) { // Add ordinal fExport += '|' ; fExport += ord; } else { // No ordinal at this level fExport += "|-"; } // ID at this level fExport += "|-"; // Add performance index fExport += '|' ; fExport += fPerfIdx; // Add image if (fImage.length() > 0) { fExport += '|' ; fExport += fImage; } else fExport += "|-"; // Add workdir if (fWorkDir.length() > 0) { fExport += '|' ; fExport += fWorkDir; } else fExport += "|-"; // Add mass storage domain if (fMsd.length() > 0) { fExport += '|' ; fExport += fMsd; } else fExport += "|-"; // We are done TRACE(DBG, "sending: " << fExport); return fExport.c_str(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ int XrdProofWorker::GetNActiveSessions() { // Calculate the number of workers existing on this node which are // currently running. // TODO: optimally, one could contact the packetizer and count the // opened files. int myRunning = 0; std::list::iterator iter; XrdSysMutexHelper mhp(fMutex); for (iter = fProofServs.begin(); iter != fProofServs.end(); ++iter) { if (*iter) { if ((*iter)->Status() == kXPD_running) myRunning++; } } return myRunning; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void XrdProofWorker::MergeProofServs(const XrdProofWorker &other) { // Merge session objects from the other worker object in order to merge all // the objects in only one. This was added to support hybrid satatically and // dinamically Bonjour workers discovery. std::list::const_iterator iter; XrdSysMutexHelper mhp(fMutex); for (iter = other.fProofServs.begin(); iter != other.fProofServs.end(); ++iter) { this->fProofServs.push_back(*iter); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void XrdProofWorker::Sort(std::list *lst, bool (*f)(XrdProofWorker *&lhs, XrdProofWorker *&rhs)) { // Sort ascendingly the list according to the comparing algorithm defined // by 'f'; 'f' should return 'true' if 'rhs' > 'lhs'. // This is implemented because on Solaris where std::list::sort() does not // support an alternative comparison algorithm. // Check argument if (!lst) return; // If empty or just one element, nothing to do if (lst->size() < 2) return; // Fill a temp array with the current status XrdProofWorker **ta = new XrdProofWorker *[lst->size() - 1]; std::list::iterator i = lst->begin(); i++; // skip master int n = 0; for (; i != lst->end(); ++i) ta[n++] = *i; // Now start the loops XrdProofWorker *tmp = 0; bool notyet = 1; int jold = 0; while (notyet) { int j = jold; while (j < n - 1) { if (f(ta[j], ta[j+1])) break; j++; } if (j >= n - 1) { notyet = 0; } else { jold = j + 1; XPDSWAP(ta[j], ta[j+1], tmp); int k = j; while (k > 0) { if (!f(ta[k], ta[k-1])) { XPDSWAP(ta[k], ta[k-1], tmp); } else { break; } k--; } } } // Empty the original list XrdProofWorker *mst = lst->front(); lst->clear(); lst->push_back(mst); // Fill it again while (n--) lst->push_back(ta[n]); // Clean up delete[] ta; }