New tutorial macros available
A set of seventeen new tutorial macros has been added to $ROOTSYS/tutorials/roofit
- rf01_basics.C - Basic fitting, plotting and event generation
- rf02_composite.C - How to construct composite p.d.fs (sig plus bkg etc)
- rf03_multidim.C - How to construct multi-dimensional p.d.f.s
- rf04_composition.C - Using composition techniques to adjust p.d.f building blocks
- rf05_conditional.C - Construction of productions with conditional p.d.f.s
- rf06_convolution.C - Convolution of p.d.fs f(x) (X) g(x)
- rf07_bphysics.C - B physics p.d.f.s with analytical convolution
- rf08_intminuit.C - Interactive MINUIT demonstration
- rf09_constraints.C - How to specify and use parameter constraints in fits
- rf10_ranges.C - Working with sub ranges in observables in fitting and plotting
- rf11_plotbinning.C - Variable and other non-uniform binnign specifications
- rf12_mcstudy.C - Managing toy Monte Carlo studie
- rf13_wspacewrite.C - Creating and persisting workspaces
- rf14_wspaceread.C - Reading and using workspaces
- rf15_simwstool.C - Automated tools for building of simulateneous p.d.f.s
- rf16_normandint.C - Normalization, integration and cumulative distribution functions (1d)
- rf16_normandint2d.C - Normalization, integration and cumulative distribution functions (1d)
Update of class documentation
The documentation in the code itself that is extracted by THtml to construct
the online class documentation has been updated for all classes. Now all classes
have (again) a short class description, as well as a (short) description of each member function
and most data members. An update to the users manual is foreseen shortly after the 5.20
A new feature has been added that allows to persist source code of RooFit classes that
are not in ROOT distribution inside a RooWorkspace to facilitate sharing
of custom code with others. To import code of custom classes call
after importing the objects themselves into the workspace. For all classes
that are compiled with ACliC RooWorkspace can automatically find the source
code using the ROOT TClass interface. For custom classes that are compiled
externally and loaded into ROOT as shared library it might be necessary to
provide the location of the source files manually using the static RooWorkspace
member functions addClassDeclImportDir() and addClassImplImportDir().
When a TFile with a RooWorkspace containing source code is opened in a ROOT
session that does not have the class code already loaded for the classes
contained in the workspace, the code in the workspace is written to file,
compiled and loaded into the ROOT session on the fly.
The code repository of RooWorkspace is designed to handle classes that
have either their own implementation and header file, or are part of a group
of classes that share a common header and implementation file. More complicated
structuring of source code into files is not supported.
Also new accessors have been added for discrete-valued functions catfunc()
and stored category functions are now also printed under their own heading in Print()
Parameterized ranges
It is now possible to use RooAbsReal derived functions as range definition for variables
to construct ranges that vary as function of another variable. For example
RooRealVar x("x","x",-10,10) ; // variable with fixed range [-10,10]
RooRealVar y("y","y",0,20) ; // variable with fixed range [-10,10]
RooFormulaVar x_lo("x_lo","y-20",y) ;
RooFormulaVar x_hi("x_hi","sin(y)*5",y) ;
x.setRange(x_lo,x_hi) ; // Change x to have variable range depending on y
It is also possible to define parameterized named ranges in the same way
x.setRange("signalRegion",x_lo,x_hi) ;
There are no fundamental limits to the complexity of the parameterized ranges
that can be defined as long as the problem is uniquely defined. For example, given three observables
x, y and z, one can define a parameterized named range 'R' of x in terms of y and of y in terms of z
and ask to calculate the three dimensional integral of any function or p.d.f in terms of (x,y,z)
over that range 'R' and it will be calculated correctly, taking recursive range dependencies into
account. A definition of a range 'R' on the other hand where the bounds of x depend on y and
the bounds of y depend on x is not allowed, and an error message will be printed to complain about
the ambiguity of the problem definition. Integrals over non-rectangular regions are created the
same way as integrals over rectangular regions using the RooAbsReal::createIntegral() function, the
chosen mode of operation depends on the shape of the requestion integration range.
Note that in general integration over non (hyper)rectangular regions will be more computationally
intensive as only a subset of the observables can be integrated analytically (all of those that do not
have parameterized ranges plus those that have parameterized ranges but are not involved in the
parameterization of others (e.g. x and y in the example above)
Running integrals and Cumulative distribution functions
It is now possible to create running integrals from any RooAbsReal function and
to create cumulative distribution functions from any RooAbsPdf using the following
// Create int[xlo,x] f(x') dx' from f(x)
RooAbsReal* runInt = func.createRunningIntegral(x) ;
// Create int[xlo,x] f(x') dx' from p.d.f f(x) normalized over x
RooAbsReal* cdf = pdf.createCdf(x) ;
// Create int[xlo,x] f(x',y) dx' from p.d.f f(x,y) normalized over (x,y)
RooAbsReal* cdf = pdf.createCdf(x,y) ;
As with the similarly styled function createIntegral running integrals and c.d.f. can be created
over any number of observables, e.g createCdf(RooArgSet(x,y,z)) will create a three-dimensional
cumulative distribution function. C.d.f and running integrals that are calculated from p.d.fs that have
support for analytical integration are constructed from an appropriately reconnected RooRealIntegral.
If numeric integration is required, the c.d.f or running integral is calculated by a dedicated class
RooRunningIntegral that precalculates results for all observable values, which is more efficient
in most use cases. Cumulative distributions functions that are calculated numerically are handled slightly differently
that standard running integrals: their values is constructed to converge to exactly zero at the lower bound
and exactly 1 at the upper bound so that algorithms that make use of that property of c.d.f can do so reliably.
Constraints management
New tools have been added to simplify studies with fits involving (external) constraints on parameters.
The general philosophy is that constraints on parameters can be represented as probability density functions
and can thus be modeled by RooAbsPdf classes (e.g. a RooGaussian for a simple Gaussian constraint on a parameter).
There are two modes of operation: you can add parameter constraints to your problem definition by multiplying
the constraint p.d.f.s with your 'master' p.d.f. or you specify them externally in each operation. The
first mode of operation keeps all information in your master p.d.f and may make the logistics of non-trivial
fitting problems easier. It works as follows: first you define your regular p.d.f, then you define your
constraint p.d.f and you multiply them with RooProdPdf.
// Construct constraint
RooGaussian fconstraint("fconstraint","fconstraint",f,RooConst(0.8),RooConst(0.1)) ;
// Multiply constraint with p.d.f
RooProdPdf pdfc("pdfc","p.d.f with constraint",RooArgSet(p.d.f,fconstraint)) ;
If your top level p.d.f is already a RooProdPdf it also fine to multiply all terms together in one go.
Constraints do not need to be specified a the top-level RooProdPdf, constraint p.d.f.s in any component
RooProdPdf lower in the expression tree are used as well. Constraints are not used by default in fitting
if present in a p.d.f. To activate the use of a constraint in fitting, use the Constrain() argument in fitTo()
// Fit with internal constraint
RooFitResult* r2 = pdfc.fitTo(*d,Constrain(f)) ;
This will instruct RooAbsPdf::fitTo() to included any constraint p.d.f on parameter f in the
definition of the likelihood. It is possible to add multiple constraints on the same parameter
to the 'master' p.d.f. If so, all constraints on a given parameter will be added to the likelihood.
The RooMCStudy class has been extended to accept the Constrain() argument as well in its constructor.
If specified it will do two things: 1) it will pass the constrain argument to the fitting pass of
the toy study and 2) it will modify the generation step into a two-step procedure: for each toy
in the study it will first sample a value of each constrained parameter from the joint constraints
p.d.f and it will then generate the observables for that experiment with the thus obtained parameter values.
In this mode of operation the parameter values for each toy may thus be different. The actual parameter
for each toy can be obtained with the newly added RooMCStudy::genParDataSet() member function. The calculation
of the pull values for each parameter has been modified accordingly.
Alternatively, it is possible to specify constraints to both RooAbsPdf::fitTo() and the RooMCStudy constructor
using the ExternalConstraint() named argument to supply constraint p.d.f.s that are not part of the 'master'
p.d.f but rather an ad-hoc supplied external constraint. The argument supplied to ExternalConstraint() should
be (a set of) constraint p.d.f(s), rather than (a set of) parameters for which internal constraint p.d.f.s should
be picked up.
New operator class RooLinearMorph
A new numeric operator class RooLinearMorph has been added that provides a continuous
transformation between two p.d.f.s shapes in terms of a linear parameter alpha. The algorithm
for histograms is described in the paper by Alex Read in NUM A 425 (1999) 357-369
'Linear interpolation of histograms'. The implementation in RooLinearMorph is for
continuous functions.
// Observable and sampling binning to be used by RooLinearMorph ("cache")
RooRealVar x("x","x",-20,20) ;
x.setBins(1000,"cache") ;
// End point shapes : a gaussian on one end, a polynomial on the other
RooGaussian f1("f1","f1",x,RooConst(-10),RooConst(2)) ;
RooPolynomial f2("f2","f2",x,RooArgSet(RooConst(-0.03),RooConst(-0.001))) ;
// Interpolation parameter: rlm=f1 at alpha=0, rlm=f2 at alpha=1
RooRealVar alpha("alpha","alpha",0,1.0) ;
RooLinearMorph rlm("rlm","rlm",g1,g2,x,alpha) ;
// Plot halfway shape
RooPlot* frame = x.frame() ;
rlm.plotOn(frame) ;
In short the algorithm works as follows: for both f1(x) and f2(x), the cumulative distribution
functions F1(x) and F2(x) are calculated. One finds takes a value 'y' of both c.d.fs and
determines the corresponding x values x1,x2 at which F1(x1)=F2(x2)=y. The value of the interpolated
p.d.f fbar(x) is then calculated as fbar(alpha*x1+(1-alpha)*x2) = f1(x1)*f2(x2) / ( alpha*f2(x2) +
(1-alpha)*f1(x1) ). Given that it is not easily possible to calculate the value of RooLinearMorph
at a given value of x, the value for all values of x are calculated in one by (through a scan over y)
and stored in a cache. NB: The range of the interpolation parameter does not need to be [0,1], it can
be anything.
New workspace tool RooSimWSTool
A new tool to clone and customize p.d.f.s into a RooSimultaneous p.d.f has been added. This new
tool succeeds the original RooSimPdfBuilder tool which had a similar functionality but
has a much cleaner interface, partly thanks to its use of the RooWorkspace class for both input
of prototype p.d.fs and output of built p.d.f.s
The simplest use case to to take a workspace p.d.f as prototype and 'split' a parameter of that p.d.f
into two specialized parameters depending on a category in the dataset.
For example, given a Gaussian p.d.f G(x,m,s) we want to construct a G_a(x,m_a,s) and a G_b(x,m_b,s)
with different mean parameters to be fit to a dataset with observables
(x,c) where c is a category with states 'a' and 'b'.
Using RooSimWSTool one can create a simultaneous p.d.f from G_a and G_b
from G with the following command
RooSimWSTool wst(wspace) ;"G_sim","G",SplitParam("m","c")) ;
From this simple example one can go to builds of arbitrary complexity
by specifying multiple SplitParam arguments on multiple parameters
involving multiple splitting categories. Splits can also be performed
in the product multiple categories, e.g.
SplitParam("m","c,d")) ;
splits parameter m in the product of states of c and d. Another possibility
is the 'constrained' split which clones the parameter for all but one state
and insert a formula specialization in a chosen state that evaluates
to 1 - sum_i(a_i) where a_i are all other specializations. For example,
given a category c with state "A","B","C","D" the specification
will result in parameters m_A,m_B,m_C and a formula expression m_D
that evaluates to (1-(m_A+m_B+m_C)). Constrained split can also be
specified in product of categories. In that case the name of the
remainder state follows the syntax {State1;State2} where State1
and State2 are the state names of the two spitting categories. Additional
functionality exists to work with multiple prototype p.d.f.s simultaneously.
Improved infrastructure for caching p.d.f and functions
The infrastructure that exists for caching p.d.f.s, i.e. p.d.f that precalculate their value
for all observable values at one and cache those in a histogram that is returned as p.d.f shape
(with optional interpolation), has been expanded. This infrastructure comprises RooAbsCached
the base class for all caching p.d.fs, RooAbsSelfCachedPdf a base class for end-user
caching p.d.f implementations that simply cache the result of evaluate() and RooCachedPdf
that can wrap and cache any input p.d.f specified in its constructor.
By default a p.d.f is sampled and cached in all observables in any
given use context, with no need to specify what those are in advance.
The internal code has also been changed such that all cache
histograms now store pre-normalized p.d.f, which is more efficient
than 'raw' p.d.f histograms that are explicitly post-normalized
through integration. Multiple different use cases (e.g. definitions
of what are observables vs parameters) can be cached
simultaneously. Now it is also possible to specify that p.d.f.s
should be sampled and cached in one or more parameter dimensionsal
in addition to the automatically determined set of observables.
as well.
Also a complete new line of classes with similar functionality has been added inheriting from RooAbsReal.
These are RooAbsCachedReal,RooAbsSelfCachedReal and RooCachedReal. A newly
added class RooHistFunc presents these shapes and is capable of handling negative entries.
New PDF error handling structure
New infrastructure has been put into place to propagate and process p.d.f evaluation errors during fitting.
Previously evaluation errors were marked with a zero p.d.f value and propagated as a special condition
in RooAddPdf, RooProdPdf etc to result in a zero top-level p.d.f value that was caught by the RooFit minuit
interface as a special condition. Summary information on the value of the parameters and the observables
was printed for the first 10 occurrences of such conditions.
Now, each p.d.f component that generates an error
in its evaluation logs the error into a separate facility during fitting and the the RooFit minuit interface
polls this error logging facility for problems. This allows much more detailed and accurate warning messages
during the minimization phase. The level of verbosity of this new error facility can be controlled with
a new
PrintEvalErrors(Int_t code)
argument to fitTo().
- With code of -1, no errors are printed at all.
- With a
code of zero, one line is printed for each p.d.f component with problems summarizing the number of times
problems occured during the likelihood evaluation.
[#0] WARNING:Minization -- RooFitGlue: Minimized function has error status.
Returning maximum FCN so far (-1e+30) to force MIGRAD to back out of this region. Error log follows
Parameter values: m=-7.397
RooGaussian::gx[ x=x mean=m sigma=sx ] has 3 errors
- A code greater than zero will generate even more detail and
print the details of each evaluation error as provided by the p.d.f (zero value, not-a-number, normalization zero etc..)
and show the observable values at which this error occurred. At most N detailed messages per p.d.f component
are shown where N is the integral value of the 'code' argument.
[#0] WARNING:Minization -- RooFitGlue: Minimized function has error status.
Returning maximum FCN so far (-1e+30) to force MIGRAD to back out of this region. Error log follows
Parameter values: m=-7.397
RooGaussian::gx[ x=x mean=m sigma=sx ]
getLogVal() top-level p.d.f evaluates to zero or negative number @ x=x=9.09989, mean=m=-7.39713, sigma=sx=0.1
getLogVal() top-level p.d.f evaluates to zero or negative number @ x=x=6.04652, mean=m=-7.39713, sigma=sx=0.1
getLogVal() top-level p.d.f evaluates to zero or negative number @ x=x=2.48563, mean=m=-7.39713, sigma=sx=0.1
The new-style error logging is active whenever MINUIT is operating on such a p.d.f. The default value for N is 3.
Outside the MINUIT context the evaluation error each evualuation error will generate a separate message through
Other new features
- The RooAddPdf constructor has been augmented with an additional boolean argument that allows to
interpret the supplied fraction parameters as recursive fractions rather than plain fractions.
If activated, an example RooAddPdf with three input p.d.f. A,B,C and two fractions fA and fB will
result in the expression
fA*A + (1-fA)(fB*B + 1-fB*C) rather than fA*A + fB*B + (1-fA-fB)*C
Recursive fraction have the advantage that all fraction can be defined to be in the range [0-1]
without resulting in configuration where the sum of all fractions exceeds 1.
- The low-level object printing interface printToStream() has been deprecated in favor of a new
printStream() method which allows much greater control over the information printed.
The printing of almost all RooFit objects has been reworked to present a more uniform look and feel.
The standard one-line result of the high-level Print() method without option now looks like
// Variable
x.Print() ;
RooRealVar::x = 0 L(-10 - 10)
// Function or p.d.f
gx.Print() ;
RooGaussian::gx[ x=x mean=m sigma=sx ] = 1
// Dataset
d.Print() ;
RooDataSet::gData[x,y] = 1000 entries
// RooPlot
frame.Print() ;
framex[x] = (RooHist::h_gData,RooCurve::g_Int[y]_Norm[x,y]_Comp[g])
Inside class RooPlot the default name of contained curves and histograms has been
reworked in something more self descriptive as is shown in the above example. A usual,
a user supplied name can always be set by supplying the Name(const char*) argument
to plotOn()
Verbose printing with "v" options is mostly unchanged except for RooPlot. In addition
printing with the "s" option will show the 'old' standard printing mode, option "t" will show
tree structure printing (only for RooAbsArg), and option "1" will invoke inline printing, i.e
a one-line description without a trailing endl.
- Data weighted projections of p.d.fs using the ProjWData() argument in RooAbsPdf::plotOn() are now calculated
with a new classes that derives from RooAbsOptTestStatistic and can thus implement the same evaluation
optimizations as are done for RooNLLVar and RooChi2Var. Specifically it is now possible to calculate projections
involving ProjWData() in parallel on multi-core hosts by adding the NumCPU(Int_t) argument to plotOn().
- A new utility function has been added to allow cloning of entire tree expressions of
RooAbsArg objects, such as a composite p.d.f including component p.d.fs and
all its variables:
RooAbsArg* clonedTree = pdf.cloneTree() ;
All cloned leaf and branch nodes are owned by the returned head node of the expression.
- Assorted minor fixes