/***************************************************************************** * Project: RooFit * * Package: RooFitCore * * @(#)root/roofitcore:$Id$ * Authors: * * WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu * * DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu * * * * Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California * * and Stanford University. All rights reserved. * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * * with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms * * listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) * *****************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BEGIN_HTML // A RooPlot is a plot frame and a container for graphics objects // within that frame. As a frame, it provides the TH1-style public interface // for settting plot ranges, configuring axes, etc. As a container, it // holds an arbitrary set of objects that might be histograms of data, // curves representing a fit model, or text labels. Use the Draw() // method to draw a frame and the objects it contains. Use the various // add...() methods to add objects to be drawn. In general, the // add...() methods create a private copy of the object you pass them // and return a pointer to this copy. The caller owns the input object // and this class owns the returned object. //

// All RooAbsReal and RooAbsData derived classes implement plotOn() // functions that facilitate to plot themselves on a given RooPlot, e.g. //

// RooPlot *frame = x.frame() ;
// data.plotOn(frame) ;
// pdf.plotOn(frame) ;
// These high level functions also take care of any projections // or other mappings that need to be made to plot a multi-dimensional // object onto a one-dimensional plot. // END_HTML // #include "RooFit.h" #include "TClass.h" #include "TH1D.h" #include "TBrowser.h" #include "TPad.h" #include "RooPlot.h" #include "RooAbsReal.h" #include "RooAbsRealLValue.h" #include "RooPlotable.h" #include "RooArgSet.h" #include "RooCurve.h" #include "RooHist.h" #include "RooMsgService.h" #include "TAttLine.h" #include "TAttFill.h" #include "TAttMarker.h" #include "TAttText.h" #include "TDirectory.h" #include "TDirectoryFile.h" #include "Riostream.h" #include #include using namespace std; ClassImp(RooPlot) ; Bool_t RooPlot::_addDirStatus = kTRUE ; Bool_t RooPlot::addDirectoryStatus() { return _addDirStatus ; } Bool_t RooPlot::setAddDirectoryStatus(Bool_t flag) { Bool_t ret = flag ; _addDirStatus = flag ; return ret ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ RooPlot::RooPlot() : _hist(0), _plotVarClone(0), _plotVarSet(0), _normVars(0), _normObj(0), _dir(0) { // Default constructor // coverity[UNINIT_CTOR] _iterator= _items.MakeIterator() ; if (gDirectory && addDirectoryStatus()) { _dir = gDirectory ; gDirectory->Append(this) ; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ RooPlot::RooPlot(Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax) : _hist(0), _items(), _plotVarClone(0), _plotVarSet(0), _normObj(0), _defYmin(1e-5), _defYmax(1), _dir(0) { // Constructor of RooPlot with range [xmin,xmax] Bool_t histAddDirStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus(); TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE) ; _hist = new TH1D(histName(),"A RooPlot",100,xmin,xmax) ; _hist->Sumw2(kFALSE) ; _hist->GetSumw2()->Set(0) ; TH1::AddDirectory(histAddDirStatus) ; // Create an empty frame with the specified x-axis limits. initialize(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ RooPlot::RooPlot(Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Double_t ymin, Double_t ymax) : _hist(0), _items(), _plotVarClone(0), _plotVarSet(0), _normObj(0), _defYmin(1e-5), _defYmax(0), _dir(0) { // Construct of a two-dimensioanl RooPlot with ranges [xmin,xmax] x [ymin,ymax] Bool_t histAddDirStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus(); TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE) ; _hist = new TH1D(histName(),"A RooPlot",100,xmin,xmax) ; _hist->Sumw2(kFALSE) ; _hist->GetSumw2()->Set(0) ; TH1::AddDirectory(histAddDirStatus) ; SetMinimum(ymin); SetMaximum(ymax); initialize(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ RooPlot::RooPlot(const RooAbsRealLValue &var1, const RooAbsRealLValue &var2) : _hist(0), _items(), _plotVarClone(0), _plotVarSet(0), _normObj(0), _defYmin(1e-5), _defYmax(0), _dir(0) { // Construct a two-dimensional RooPlot with ranges and properties taken // from variables var1 and var2 Bool_t histAddDirStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus(); TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE) ; _hist = new TH1D(histName(),"A RooPlot",100,var1.getMin(),var1.getMax()) ; _hist->Sumw2(kFALSE) ; _hist->GetSumw2()->Set(0) ; TH1::AddDirectory(histAddDirStatus) ; if(!var1.hasMin() || !var1.hasMax()) { coutE(InputArguments) << "RooPlot::RooPlot: cannot create plot for variable without finite limits: " << var1.GetName() << endl; return; } if(!var2.hasMin() || !var2.hasMax()) { coutE(InputArguments) << "RooPlot::RooPlot: cannot create plot for variable without finite limits: " << var1.GetName() << endl; return; } SetMinimum(var2.getMin()); SetMaximum(var2.getMax()); SetXTitle(var1.getTitle(kTRUE)); SetYTitle(var2.getTitle(kTRUE)); initialize(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ RooPlot::RooPlot(const RooAbsRealLValue &var1, const RooAbsRealLValue &var2, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Double_t ymin, Double_t ymax) : _hist(0), _items(), _plotVarClone(0), _plotVarSet(0), _normObj(0), _defYmin(1e-5), _defYmax(0), _dir(0) { // Construct a two-dimensional RooPlot with ranges and properties taken // from variables var1 and var2 but with an overriding range definition // of [xmin,xmax] x [ymin,ymax] Bool_t histAddDirStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus(); TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE) ; _hist = new TH1D(histName(),"A RooPlot",100,xmin,xmax) ; _hist->Sumw2(kFALSE) ; _hist->GetSumw2()->Set(0) ; TH1::AddDirectory(histAddDirStatus) ; SetMinimum(ymin); SetMaximum(ymax); SetXTitle(var1.getTitle(kTRUE)); SetYTitle(var2.getTitle(kTRUE)); initialize(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ RooPlot::RooPlot(const char* name, const char* title, const RooAbsRealLValue &var, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Int_t nbins) : _hist(0), _items(), _plotVarClone(0), _plotVarSet(0), _normObj(0), _defYmin(1e-5), _defYmax(1), _dir(0) { // Create an 1-dimensional with all properties taken from 'var', but // with an explicit range [xmin,xmax] and a default binning of 'nbins' Bool_t histAddDirStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus(); TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE) ; _hist = new TH1D(name,title,nbins,xmin,xmax) ; _hist->Sumw2(kFALSE) ; _hist->GetSumw2()->Set(0) ; TH1::AddDirectory(histAddDirStatus) ; // plotVar can be a composite in case of a RooDataSet::plot, need deepClone _plotVarSet = (RooArgSet*) RooArgSet(var).snapshot() ; _plotVarClone= (RooAbsRealLValue*)_plotVarSet->find(var.GetName()) ; TString xtitle= var.getTitle(kTRUE); SetXTitle(xtitle.Data()); initialize(); _normBinWidth = (xmax-xmin)/nbins ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ RooPlot::RooPlot(const RooAbsRealLValue &var, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Int_t nbins) : _hist(0), _items(), _plotVarClone(0), _plotVarSet(0), _normObj(0), _defYmin(1e-5), _defYmax(1), _dir(0) { // Create an 1-dimensional with all properties taken from 'var', but // with an explicit range [xmin,xmax] and a default binning of 'nbins' Bool_t histAddDirStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus(); TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE) ; _hist = new TH1D(histName(),"RooPlot",nbins,xmin,xmax) ; _hist->Sumw2(kFALSE) ; _hist->GetSumw2()->Set(0) ; TH1::AddDirectory(histAddDirStatus) ; // plotVar can be a composite in case of a RooDataSet::plot, need deepClone _plotVarSet = (RooArgSet*) RooArgSet(var).snapshot() ; _plotVarClone= (RooAbsRealLValue*)_plotVarSet->find(var.GetName()) ; TString xtitle= var.getTitle(kTRUE); SetXTitle(xtitle.Data()); TString title("A RooPlot of \""); title.Append(var.getTitle()); title.Append("\""); SetTitle(title.Data()); initialize(); _normBinWidth = (xmax-xmin)/nbins ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ RooPlot* RooPlot::emptyClone(const char* name) { // Return empty clone of current RooPlot RooPlot* clone = new RooPlot(*_plotVarClone,_hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),_hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(),_hist->GetNbinsX()) ; clone->SetName(name) ; return clone ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void RooPlot::initialize() { // Perform initialization that is common to all constructors. SetName(histName()) ; if (gDirectory && addDirectoryStatus()) { _dir = gDirectory ; gDirectory->Append(this) ; } // We do not have useful stats of our own _hist->SetStats(kFALSE); // Default vertical padding of our enclosed objects setPadFactor(0.05); // We don't know our normalization yet _normNumEvts= 0; _normBinWidth = 0; _normVars= 0; // Create an iterator over our enclosed objects _iterator= _items.MakeIterator(); assert(0 != _iterator); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TString RooPlot::histName() const { // Construct automatic name of internal TH1 if (_plotVarClone) { return TString(Form("frame_%s_%lx",_plotVarClone->GetName(),(ULong_t)this)) ; } else { return TString(Form("frame_%lx",(ULong_t)this)) ; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ RooPlot::~RooPlot() { // Destructor // Delete the items in our container and our iterator. if (_dir) { if (!_dir->TestBit(TDirectoryFile::kCloseDirectory)) { _dir->GetList()->RecursiveRemove(this) ; } } _items.Delete(); delete _iterator; if(_plotVarSet) delete _plotVarSet; if(_normVars) delete _normVars; delete _hist ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void RooPlot::updateNormVars(const RooArgSet &vars) { // Install the given set of observables are reference normalization // variables for this frame. These observables are e.g. later used // to automatically project out observables when plotting functions // on this frame. This function is only effective when called the // first time on a frame if(0 == _normVars) _normVars= (RooArgSet*) vars.snapshot(kTRUE); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Stat_t RooPlot::GetBinContent(Int_t /*i*/) const { // A plot object is a frame without any bin contents of its own so this // method always returns zero. return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Stat_t RooPlot::GetBinContent(Int_t, Int_t) const { // A plot object is a frame without any bin contents of its own so this // method always returns zero. return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Stat_t RooPlot::GetBinContent(Int_t, Int_t, Int_t) const { // A plot object is a frame without any bin contents of its own so this // method always returns zero. return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void RooPlot::addObject(TObject *obj, Option_t *drawOptions, Bool_t invisible) { // Add a generic object to this plot. The specified options will be // used to Draw() this object later. The caller transfers ownership // of the object with this call, and the object will be deleted // when its containing plot object is destroyed. if(0 == obj) { coutE(InputArguments) << fName << "::addObject: called with a null pointer" << endl; return; } DrawOpt opt(drawOptions) ; opt.invisible = invisible ; _items.Add(obj,opt.rawOpt()); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void RooPlot::addTH1(TH1 *hist, Option_t *drawOptions, Bool_t invisible) { // Add a TH1 histogram object to this plot. The specified options // will be used to Draw() this object later. "SAME" will be added to // the options if they are not already present. The caller transfers // ownership of the object with this call, and the object will be // deleted when its containing plot object is destroyed. if(0 == hist) { coutE(InputArguments) << fName << "::addTH1: called with a null pointer" << endl; return; } // check that this histogram is really 1D if(1 != hist->GetDimension()) { coutE(InputArguments) << fName << "::addTH1: cannot plot histogram with " << hist->GetDimension() << " dimensions" << endl; return; } // add option "SAME" if necessary TString options(drawOptions); options.ToUpper(); if(!options.Contains("SAME")) options.Append("SAME"); // update our y-axis label and limits updateYAxis(hist->GetMinimum(),hist->GetMaximum(),hist->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()); // use this histogram's normalization if necessary updateFitRangeNorm(hist); // add the histogram to our list addObject(hist,options.Data(),invisible); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void RooPlot::addPlotable(RooPlotable *plotable, Option_t *drawOptions, Bool_t invisible, Bool_t refreshNorm) { // Add the specified plotable object to our plot. Increase our y-axis // limits to fit this object if necessary. The default lower-limit // is zero unless we are plotting an object that takes on negative values. // This call transfers ownership of the plotable object to this class. // The plotable object will be deleted when this plot object is deleted. // update our y-axis label and limits updateYAxis(plotable->getYAxisMin(),plotable->getYAxisMax(),plotable->getYAxisLabel()); // use this object's normalization if necessary updateFitRangeNorm(plotable,refreshNorm) ; // add this element to our list and remember its drawing option TObject *obj= plotable->crossCast(); if(0 == obj) { coutE(InputArguments) << fName << "::add: cross-cast to TObject failed (nothing added)" << endl; } else { DrawOpt opt(drawOptions) ; opt.invisible = invisible ; _items.Add(obj,opt.rawOpt()); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void RooPlot::updateFitRangeNorm(const TH1* hist) { // Update our plot normalization over our plot variable's fit range, // which will be determined by the first suitable object added to our plot. const TAxis* xa = ((TH1*)hist)->GetXaxis() ; _normBinWidth = (xa->GetXmax()-xa->GetXmin())/hist->GetNbinsX() ; _normNumEvts = hist->GetEntries()/_normBinWidth ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void RooPlot::updateFitRangeNorm(const RooPlotable* rp, Bool_t refreshNorm) { // Update our plot normalization over our plot variable's fit range, // which will be determined by the first suitable object added to our plot. if (_normNumEvts != 0) { // If refresh feature is disabled stop here if (!refreshNorm) return ; Double_t corFac(1.0) ; if (dynamic_cast(rp)) corFac = _normBinWidth/rp->getFitRangeBinW() ; if (fabs(rp->getFitRangeNEvt()/corFac-_normNumEvts)>1e-6) { coutI(Plotting) << "RooPlot::updateFitRangeNorm: New event count of " << rp->getFitRangeNEvt()/corFac << " will supercede previous event count of " << _normNumEvts << " for normalization of PDF projections" << endl ; } // Nominal bin width (i.e event density) is already locked in by previously drawn histogram // scale this histogram to match that density _normNumEvts = rp->getFitRangeNEvt()/corFac ; _normObj = rp ; // cout << "correction factor = " << _normBinWidth << "/" << rp->getFitRangeBinW() << endl ; // cout << "updating numevts to " << _normNumEvts << endl ; } else { _normObj = rp ; _normNumEvts = rp->getFitRangeNEvt() ; if (rp->getFitRangeBinW()) { _normBinWidth = rp->getFitRangeBinW() ; } // cout << "updating numevts to " << _normNumEvts << endl ; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void RooPlot::updateYAxis(Double_t ymin, Double_t ymax, const char *label) { // Update our y-axis limits to accomodate an object whose spread // in y is (ymin,ymax). Use the specified y-axis label if we don't // have one assigned already. // force an implicit lower limit of zero if appropriate if(GetMinimum() == 0 && ymin > 0) ymin= 0; // calculate padded values Double_t ypad= getPadFactor()*(ymax-ymin); ymax+= ypad; if(ymin < 0) ymin-= ypad; // update our limits if necessary if(GetMaximum() < ymax) { _defYmax = ymax ; SetMaximum(ymax); // if we don't do this - Unzoom on y-axis will reset upper bound to 1 _hist->SetBinContent(1,ymax) ; } if(GetMinimum() > ymin) { _defYmin = ymin ; SetMinimum(ymin); } // use the specified y-axis label if we don't have one already if(0 == strlen(_hist->GetYaxis()->GetTitle())) _hist->SetYTitle(label); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void RooPlot::Draw(Option_t *option) { // Draw this plot and all of the elements it contains. The specified options // only apply to the drawing of our frame. The options specified in our add...() // methods will be used to draw each object we contain. TString optArg = option ; optArg.ToLower() ; // This draw options prevents the histogram with one dummy entry // to be drawn if (optArg.Contains("same")) { _hist->Draw("FUNCSAME"); } else { _hist->Draw("FUNC"); } _iterator->Reset(); TObject *obj = 0; while((obj= _iterator->Next())) { DrawOpt opt(_iterator->GetOption()) ; if (!opt.invisible) { obj->Draw(opt.drawOptions); } } _hist->Draw("AXISSAME"); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void RooPlot::printName(ostream& os) const { // Print frame name os << GetName() ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void RooPlot::printTitle(ostream& os) const { // Print frame title os << GetTitle() ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void RooPlot::printClassName(ostream& os) const { // Print frame class name os << IsA()->GetName() ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void RooPlot::printArgs(ostream& os) const { if (_plotVarClone) { os << "[" ; _plotVarClone->printStream(os,kName,kInline) ; os << "]" ; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void RooPlot::printValue(ostream& os) const { // Print frame arguments os << "(" ; _iterator->Reset(); TObject *obj = 0; Bool_t first(kTRUE) ; while((obj= _iterator->Next())) { if (first) { first=kFALSE ; } else { os << "," ; } if(obj->IsA()->InheritsFrom(RooPrintable::Class())) { RooPrintable* po = dynamic_cast(obj) ; // coverity[FORWARD_NULL] po->printStream(os,kClassName|kName,kInline) ; } // is it a TNamed subclass? else { os << obj->ClassName() << "::" << obj->GetName() ; } } os << ")" ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void RooPlot::printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t /*content*/, Bool_t verbose, TString indent) const { // Frame detailed printing TString deeper(indent); deeper.Append(" "); if(0 != _plotVarClone) { os << indent << "RooPlot " << GetName() << " (" << GetTitle() << ") plots variable "; _plotVarClone->printStream(os,kName|kTitle,kSingleLine,""); } else { os << indent << "RooPlot " << GetName() << " (" << GetTitle() << ") has no associated plot variable" << endl ; } os << indent << " Plot frame contains " << _items.GetSize() << " object(s):" << endl; if(verbose) { _iterator->Reset(); TObject *obj = 0; Int_t i=0 ; while((obj= _iterator->Next())) { os << deeper << "[" << i++ << "] (Options=\"" << _iterator->GetOption() << "\") "; // Is this a printable object? if(obj->IsA()->InheritsFrom(RooPrintable::Class())) { RooPrintable* po = dynamic_cast(obj) ; if (po) { po->printStream(os,kName|kClassName|kArgs|kExtras,kSingleLine) ; } } // is it a TNamed subclass? else { os << obj->ClassName() << "::" << obj->GetName() << endl; } } } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ const char* RooPlot::nameOf(Int_t idx) const { // Return the name of the object at slot 'idx' in this RooPlot. // If the given index is out of range, return a null pointer TObject* obj = _items.At(idx) ; if (!obj) { coutE(InputArguments) << "RooPlot::nameOf(" << GetName() << ") index " << idx << " out of range" << endl ; return 0 ; } return obj->GetName() ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TObject* RooPlot::getObject(Int_t idx) const { // Return the name of the object at slot 'idx' in this RooPlot. // If the given index is out of range, return a null pointer TObject* obj = _items.At(idx) ; if (!obj) { coutE(InputArguments) << "RooPlot::getObject(" << GetName() << ") index " << idx << " out of range" << endl ; return 0 ; } return obj ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TAttLine *RooPlot::getAttLine(const char *name) const { // Return a pointer to the line attributes of the named object in this plot, // or zero if the named object does not exist or does not have line attributes. return dynamic_cast(findObject(name)); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TAttFill *RooPlot::getAttFill(const char *name) const { // Return a pointer to the fill attributes of the named object in this plot, // or zero if the named object does not exist or does not have fill attributes. return dynamic_cast(findObject(name)); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TAttMarker *RooPlot::getAttMarker(const char *name) const { // Return a pointer to the marker attributes of the named object in this plot, // or zero if the named object does not exist or does not have marker attributes. return dynamic_cast(findObject(name)); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TAttText *RooPlot::getAttText(const char *name) const { // Return a pointer to the text attributes of the named object in this plot, // or zero if the named object does not exist or does not have text attributes. return dynamic_cast(findObject(name)); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ RooCurve* RooPlot::getCurve(const char* name) const { // Return a RooCurve pointer of the named object in this plot, // or zero if the named object does not exist or is not a RooCurve return dynamic_cast(findObject(name)) ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ RooHist* RooPlot::getHist(const char* name) const { // Return a RooCurve pointer of the named object in this plot, // or zero if the named object does not exist or is not a RooCurve return dynamic_cast(findObject(name)) ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void RooPlot::remove(const char* name, Bool_t deleteToo) { // Remove object with given name, or last object added if no name is given. // If deleteToo is true (default), the object removed from the RooPlot is // also deleted. TObject* obj = findObject(name) ; if (!obj) { if (name) { coutE(InputArguments) << "RooPlot::remove(" << GetName() << ") ERROR: no object found with name " << name << endl ; } else { coutE(InputArguments) << "RooPlot::remove(" << GetName() << ") ERROR: plot frame is empty, cannot remove last object" << endl ; } return ; } _items.Remove(obj) ; if (deleteToo) { delete obj ; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t RooPlot::drawBefore(const char *before, const char *target) { // Change the order in which our contained objects are drawn so that // the target object is drawn just before the specified object. // Returns kFALSE if either object does not exist. return _items.moveBefore(before, target, caller("drawBefore")); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t RooPlot::drawAfter(const char *after, const char *target) { // Change the order in which our contained objects are drawn so that // the target object is drawn just after the specified object. // Returns kFALSE if either object does not exist. return _items.moveAfter(after, target, caller("drawAfter")); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TObject *RooPlot::findObject(const char *name, const TClass* clas) const { // Find the named object in our list of items and return a pointer // to it. Return zero and print a warning message if the named // object cannot be found. If no name is supplied the last object // added is returned. // // Note that the returned pointer is to a // TObject and so will generally need casting. Use the getAtt...() // methods to change the drawing style attributes of a contained // object directly. TObject *obj = 0; TObject *ret = 0; TIterator* iter = _items.MakeIterator() ; while((obj=iter->Next())) { if ((!name || !TString(name).CompareTo(obj->GetName())) && (!clas || (obj->IsA()==clas))) { ret = obj ; } } delete iter ; if (ret==0) { coutE(InputArguments) << "RooPlot::findObject(" << GetName() << ") cannot find object " << (name?name:"") << endl ; } return ret ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TString RooPlot::getDrawOptions(const char *name) const { // Return the Draw() options registered for the named object. Return // an empty string if the named object cannot be found. TObjOptLink *link= _items.findLink(name,caller("getDrawOptions")); DrawOpt opt(0 == link ? "" : link->GetOption()) ; return TString(opt.drawOptions) ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t RooPlot::setDrawOptions(const char *name, TString options) { // Register the specified drawing options for the named object. // Return kFALSE if the named object cannot be found. TObjOptLink *link= _items.findLink(name,caller("setDrawOptions")); if(0 == link) return kFALSE; DrawOpt opt(link->GetOption()) ; strlcpy(opt.drawOptions,options,128) ; link->SetOption(opt.rawOpt()); return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t RooPlot::getInvisible(const char* name) const { // Returns true of object with given name is set to be invisible TObjOptLink *link= _items.findLink(name,caller("getInvisible")); if(0 == link) return kFALSE; return DrawOpt(link->GetOption()).invisible ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void RooPlot::setInvisible(const char* name, Bool_t flag) { // If flag is true object with 'name' is set to be invisible // i.e. it is not drawn when Draw() is called TObjOptLink *link= _items.findLink(name,caller("getInvisible")); DrawOpt opt ; if(link) { opt.initialize(link->GetOption()) ; opt.invisible = flag ; link->SetOption(opt.rawOpt()) ; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TString RooPlot::caller(const char *method) const { // Utility function TString name(fName); if(strlen(method)) { name.Append("::"); name.Append(method); } return name; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void RooPlot::SetMaximum(Double_t maximum) { // Set maximum value of Y axis _hist->SetMaximum(maximum==-1111?_defYmax:maximum) ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void RooPlot::SetMinimum(Double_t minimum) { // Set minimum value of Y axis _hist->SetMinimum(minimum==-1111?_defYmin:minimum) ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t RooPlot::chiSquare(const char* curvename, const char* histname, Int_t nFitParam) const { // Calculate and return reduced chi-squared of curve with given name with respect // to histogram with given name. If nFitParam is non-zero, it is used to reduce the // number of degrees of freedom for a chi^2 for a curve that was fitted to the // data with that number of floating parameters // Find curve object RooCurve* curve = (RooCurve*) findObject(curvename,RooCurve::Class()) ; if (!curve) { coutE(InputArguments) << "RooPlot::chiSquare(" << GetName() << ") cannot find curve" << endl ; return -1. ; } // Find histogram object RooHist* hist = (RooHist*) findObject(histname,RooHist::Class()) ; if (!hist) { coutE(InputArguments) << "RooPlot::chiSquare(" << GetName() << ") cannot find histogram" << endl ; return -1. ; } return curve->chiSquare(*hist,nFitParam) ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ RooHist* RooPlot::residHist(const char* histname, const char* curvename, bool normalize, bool useAverage) const { // Return a RooHist containing the residuals of histogram 'histname' with respect // to curve 'curvename'. If normalize is true the residuals are divided by the error // on the histogram, effectively returning a pull histogram // Find curve object RooCurve* curve = (RooCurve*) findObject(curvename,RooCurve::Class()) ; if (!curve) { coutE(InputArguments) << "RooPlot::residHist(" << GetName() << ") cannot find curve" << endl ; return 0 ; } // Find histogram object RooHist* hist = (RooHist*) findObject(histname,RooHist::Class()) ; if (!hist) { coutE(InputArguments) << "RooPlot::residHist(" << GetName() << ") cannot find histogram" << endl ; return 0 ; } return hist->makeResidHist(*curve,normalize,useAverage) ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void RooPlot::DrawOpt::initialize(const char* inRawOpt) { // Initialize the DrawOpt helper class if (!inRawOpt) { drawOptions[0] = 0 ; invisible=kFALSE ; return ; } strlcpy(drawOptions,inRawOpt,128) ; strtok(drawOptions,":") ; const char* extraOpt = strtok(0,":") ; if (extraOpt) { invisible = (extraOpt[0]=='I') ; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ const char* RooPlot::DrawOpt::rawOpt() const { // Return the raw draw options static char buf[128] ; strlcpy(buf,drawOptions,128) ; if (invisible) { strlcat(buf,":I",128) ; } return buf ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t RooPlot::getFitRangeNEvt(Double_t xlo, Double_t xhi) const { // Return the number of events that is associated with the range [xlo,xhi] // This method is only fully functional for ranges not equal to the full // range if the object that inserted the normalization data provided // a link to an external object that can calculate the event count in // in sub ranges. An error will be printed if this function is used // on sub-ranges while that information is not available Double_t scaleFactor = 1.0 ; if (_normObj) { scaleFactor = _normObj->getFitRangeNEvt(xlo,xhi)/_normObj->getFitRangeNEvt() ; } else { coutW(Plotting) << "RooPlot::getFitRangeNEvt(" << GetName() << ") WARNING: Unable to obtain event count in range " << xlo << " to " << xhi << ", substituting full event count" << endl ; } return getFitRangeNEvt()*scaleFactor ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void RooPlot::SetName(const char *name) { // Set the name of the RooPlot to 'name' if (_dir) _dir->GetList()->Remove(this); TNamed::SetName(name) ; if (_dir) _dir->GetList()->Add(this); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void RooPlot::SetNameTitle(const char *name, const char* title) { // Set the name and title of the RooPlot to 'name' and 'title' if (_dir) _dir->GetList()->Remove(this); TNamed::SetNameTitle(name,title) ; if (_dir) _dir->GetList()->Add(this); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void RooPlot::SetTitle(const char* title) { // Set the title of the RooPlot to 'title' TNamed::SetTitle(title) ; _hist->SetTitle(title) ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t RooPlot::defaultPrintContents(Option_t* /*opt*/) const { // Define default print options, for a given print style return kName|kArgs|kValue ; } TAxis* RooPlot::GetXaxis() const { return _hist->GetXaxis() ; } TAxis* RooPlot::GetYaxis() const { return _hist->GetYaxis() ; } Int_t RooPlot::GetNbinsX() const { return _hist->GetNbinsX() ; } Int_t RooPlot::GetNdivisions(Option_t* axis) const { return _hist->GetNdivisions(axis) ; } Double_t RooPlot::GetMinimum(Double_t minval) const { return _hist->GetMinimum(minval) ; } Double_t RooPlot::GetMaximum(Double_t maxval) const { return _hist->GetMaximum(maxval) ; } void RooPlot::SetAxisColor(Color_t color, Option_t* axis) { _hist->SetAxisColor(color,axis) ; } void RooPlot::SetAxisRange(Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Option_t* axis) { _hist->SetAxisRange(xmin,xmax,axis) ; } void RooPlot::SetBarOffset(Float_t offset) { _hist->SetBarOffset(offset) ; } void RooPlot::SetBarWidth(Float_t width) { _hist->SetBarWidth(width) ; } void RooPlot::SetContour(Int_t nlevels, const Double_t* levels) { _hist->SetContour(nlevels,levels) ; } void RooPlot::SetContourLevel(Int_t level, Double_t value) { _hist->SetContourLevel(level,value) ; } void RooPlot::SetDrawOption(Option_t* option) { _hist->SetDrawOption(option) ; } void RooPlot::SetFillAttributes() { _hist->SetFillAttributes() ; } void RooPlot::SetFillColor(Color_t fcolor) { _hist->SetFillColor(fcolor) ; } void RooPlot::SetFillStyle(Style_t fstyle) { _hist->SetFillStyle(fstyle) ; } void RooPlot::SetLabelColor(Color_t color, Option_t* axis) { _hist->SetLabelColor(color,axis) ; } void RooPlot::SetLabelFont(Style_t font, Option_t* axis) { _hist->SetLabelFont(font,axis) ; } void RooPlot::SetLabelOffset(Float_t offset, Option_t* axis) { _hist->SetLabelOffset(offset,axis) ; } void RooPlot::SetLabelSize(Float_t size, Option_t* axis) { _hist->SetLabelSize(size,axis) ; } void RooPlot::SetLineAttributes() { _hist->SetLineAttributes() ; } void RooPlot::SetLineColor(Color_t lcolor) { _hist->SetLineColor(lcolor) ; } void RooPlot::SetLineStyle(Style_t lstyle) { _hist->SetLineStyle(lstyle) ; } void RooPlot::SetLineWidth(Width_t lwidth) { _hist->SetLineWidth(lwidth) ; } void RooPlot::SetMarkerAttributes() { _hist->SetMarkerAttributes() ; } void RooPlot::SetMarkerColor(Color_t tcolor) { _hist->SetMarkerColor(tcolor) ; } void RooPlot::SetMarkerSize(Size_t msize) { _hist->SetMarkerSize(msize) ; } void RooPlot::SetMarkerStyle(Style_t mstyle) { _hist->SetMarkerStyle(mstyle) ; } void RooPlot::SetNdivisions(Int_t n, Option_t* axis) { _hist->SetNdivisions(n,axis) ; } void RooPlot::SetOption(Option_t* option) { _hist->SetOption(option) ; } void RooPlot::SetStats(Bool_t stats) { _hist->SetStats(stats) ; } void RooPlot::SetTickLength(Float_t length, Option_t* axis) { _hist->SetTickLength(length,axis) ; } void RooPlot::SetTitleFont(Style_t font, Option_t* axis) { _hist->SetTitleFont(font,axis) ; } void RooPlot::SetTitleOffset(Float_t offset, Option_t* axis) { _hist->SetTitleOffset(offset,axis) ; } void RooPlot::SetTitleSize(Float_t size, Option_t* axis) { _hist->SetTitleSize(size,axis) ; } void RooPlot::SetXTitle(const char *title) { _hist->SetXTitle(title) ; } void RooPlot::SetYTitle(const char *title) { _hist->SetYTitle(title) ; } void RooPlot::SetZTitle(const char *title) { _hist->SetZTitle(title) ; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void RooPlot::Browse(TBrowser * /*b*/) { // Plot RooPlot when double-clicked in browser Draw(); gPad->Update(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void RooPlot::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Custom streamer, needed for backward compatibility if (R__b.IsReading()) { TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE) ; UInt_t R__s, R__c; Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c); if (R__v > 1) { R__b.ReadClassBuffer(RooPlot::Class(),this,R__v,R__s,R__c); } else { // backward compatible streamer code here // Version 1 of RooPlot was deriving from TH1 and RooPrintable // Version 2 derives instead from TNamed and RooPrintable _hist = new TH1F(); _hist->TH1::Streamer(R__b); SetName(_hist->GetName()); SetTitle(_hist->GetTitle()); RooPrintable::Streamer(R__b); _items.Streamer(R__b); R__b >> _padFactor; R__b >> _plotVarClone; R__b >> _plotVarSet; R__b >> _normVars; R__b >> _normNumEvts; R__b >> _normBinWidth; R__b >> _defYmin; R__b >> _defYmax; R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, RooPlot::IsA()); } TH1::AddDirectory(kTRUE) ; } else { R__b.WriteClassBuffer(RooPlot::Class(),this); } }