* Project: RooFit *
* Package: RooFitCore *
* @(#)root/roofitcore:$Id$
* Authors: *
* WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu *
* DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu *
* *
* Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California *
* and Stanford University. All rights reserved. *
* *
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, *
* with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms *
* listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) *
// RooSimultaneous facilitates simultaneous fitting of multiple PDFs
// to subsets of a given dataset.
// The class takes an index category, which is interpreted as
// the data subset indicator, and a list of PDFs, each associated
// with a state of the index category. RooSimultaneous always returns
// the value of the PDF that is associated with the current value
// of the index category
// Extended likelihood fitting is supported if all components support
// extended likelihood mode. The expected number of events by a RooSimultaneous
// is that of the component p.d.f. selected by the index category
#include "RooFit.h"
#include "Riostream.h"
#include "TObjString.h"
#include "RooSimultaneous.h"
#include "RooAbsCategoryLValue.h"
#include "RooPlot.h"
#include "RooCurve.h"
#include "RooRealVar.h"
#include "RooAddPdf.h"
#include "RooAbsData.h"
#include "Roo1DTable.h"
#include "RooSimGenContext.h"
#include "RooSimSplitGenContext.h"
#include "RooDataSet.h"
#include "RooCmdConfig.h"
#include "RooNameReg.h"
#include "RooGlobalFunc.h"
#include "RooNameReg.h"
#include "RooMsgService.h"
#include "RooCategory.h"
#include "RooSuperCategory.h"
#include "RooDataHist.h"
#include "RooRandom.h"
#include "RooArgSet.h"
using namespace std ;
RooSimultaneous::RooSimultaneous(const char *name, const char *title,
RooAbsCategoryLValue& inIndexCat) :
_indexCat("indexCat","Index category",this,inIndexCat),
// Constructor with index category. PDFs associated with indexCat
// states can be added after construction with the addPdf() function.
// RooSimultaneous can function without having a PDF associated
// with every single state. The normalization in such cases is taken
// from the number of registered PDFs, but getVal() will assert if
// when called for an unregistered index state.
RooSimultaneous::RooSimultaneous(const char *name, const char *title,
const RooArgList& inPdfList, RooAbsCategoryLValue& inIndexCat) :
_indexCat("indexCat","Index category",this,inIndexCat),
// Constructor from index category and full list of PDFs.
// In this constructor form, a PDF must be supplied for each indexCat state
// to avoid ambiguities. The PDFS are associated in order with the state of the
// index category as listed by the index categories type iterator.
// PDFs may not overlap (i.e. share any variables) with the index category (function)
if (inPdfList.getSize() != inIndexCat.numTypes()) {
coutE(InputArguments) << "RooSimultaneous::ctor(" << GetName()
<< " ERROR: Number PDF list entries must match number of index category states, no PDFs added" << endl ;
return ;
map pdfMap ;
// Iterator over PDFs and index cat states and add each pair
TIterator* pIter = inPdfList.createIterator() ;
TIterator* cIter = inIndexCat.typeIterator() ;
RooAbsPdf* pdf ;
RooCatType* type(0) ;
while ((pdf=(RooAbsPdf*)pIter->Next())) {
type = (RooCatType*) cIter->Next() ;
pdfMap[string(type->GetName())] = pdf ;
delete pIter ;
delete cIter ;
initialize(inIndexCat,pdfMap) ;
RooSimultaneous::RooSimultaneous(const char *name, const char *title,
map pdfMap, RooAbsCategoryLValue& inIndexCat) :
_indexCat("indexCat","Index category",this,inIndexCat),
initialize(inIndexCat,pdfMap) ;
// This class cannot be locally defined in initialize as it cannot be
// used as a template argument in that case
namespace RooSimultaneousAux {
struct CompInfo {
RooAbsPdf* pdf ;
RooSimultaneous* simPdf ;
const RooAbsCategoryLValue* subIndex ;
RooArgSet* subIndexComps ;
} ;
void RooSimultaneous::initialize(RooAbsCategoryLValue& inIndexCat, std::map pdfMap)
// First see if there are any RooSimultaneous input components
Bool_t simComps(kFALSE) ;
for (map::iterator iter=pdfMap.begin() ; iter!=pdfMap.end() ; iter++) {
if (dynamic_cast(iter->second)) {
simComps = kTRUE ;
break ;
// If there are no simultaneous component p.d.f. do simple processing through addPdf()
if (!simComps) {
for (map::iterator iter=pdfMap.begin() ; iter!=pdfMap.end() ; iter++) {
addPdf(*iter->second,iter->first.c_str()) ;
return ;
// Issue info message that we are about to do some rearraning
coutI(InputArguments) << "RooSimultaneous::initialize(" << GetName() << ") INFO: one or more input component of simultaneous p.d.f.s are"
<< " simultaneous p.d.f.s themselves, rewriting composite expressions as one-level simultaneous p.d.f. in terms of"
<< " final constituents and extended index category" << endl ;
RooArgSet allAuxCats ;
map compMap ;
for (map::iterator iter=pdfMap.begin() ; iter!=pdfMap.end() ; iter++) {
RooSimultaneousAux::CompInfo ci ;
ci.pdf = iter->second ;
RooSimultaneous* simComp = dynamic_cast(iter->second) ;
if (simComp) {
ci.simPdf = simComp ;
ci.subIndex = &simComp->indexCat() ;
ci.subIndexComps = simComp->indexCat().isFundamental() ? new RooArgSet(simComp->indexCat()) : simComp->indexCat().getVariables() ;
allAuxCats.add(*(ci.subIndexComps),kTRUE) ;
} else {
ci.simPdf = 0 ;
ci.subIndex = 0 ;
ci.subIndexComps = 0 ;
compMap[iter->first] = ci ;
// Construct the 'superIndex' from the nominal index category and all auxiliary components
RooArgSet allCats(inIndexCat) ;
allCats.add(allAuxCats) ;
string siname = Form("%s_index",GetName()) ;
RooSuperCategory* superIndex = new RooSuperCategory(siname.c_str(),siname.c_str(),allCats) ;
// Now process each of original pdf/state map entries
for (map::iterator citer = compMap.begin() ; citer != compMap.end() ; citer++) {
RooArgSet repliCats(allAuxCats) ;
if (citer->second.subIndexComps) {
repliCats.remove(*citer->second.subIndexComps) ;
delete citer->second.subIndexComps ;
inIndexCat.setLabel(citer->first.c_str()) ;
if (!citer->second.simPdf) {
// Entry is a plain p.d.f. assign it to every state permutation of the repliCats set
RooSuperCategory repliSuperCat("tmp","tmp",repliCats) ;
// Iterator over all states of repliSuperCat
TIterator* titer = repliSuperCat.typeIterator() ;
RooCatType* type ;
while ((type=(RooCatType*)titer->Next())) {
// Set value
repliSuperCat.setLabel(type->GetName()) ;
// Retrieve corresponding label of superIndex
string superLabel = superIndex->getLabel() ;
addPdf(*citer->second.pdf,superLabel.c_str()) ;
cxcoutD(InputArguments) << "RooSimultaneous::initialize(" << GetName()
<< ") assigning pdf " << citer->second.pdf->GetName() << " to super label " << superLabel << endl ;
} else {
// Entry is a simultaneous p.d.f
if (repliCats.getSize()==0) {
// Case 1 -- No replication of components of RooSim component are required
TIterator* titer = citer->second.subIndex->typeIterator() ;
RooCatType* type ;
while ((type=(RooCatType*)titer->Next())) {
const_cast(citer->second.subIndex)->setLabel(type->GetName()) ;
string superLabel = superIndex->getLabel() ;
RooAbsPdf* compPdf = citer->second.simPdf->getPdf(type->GetName()) ;
if (compPdf) {
addPdf(*compPdf,superLabel.c_str()) ;
cxcoutD(InputArguments) << "RooSimultaneous::initialize(" << GetName()
<< ") assigning pdf " << compPdf->GetName() << "(member of " << citer->second.pdf->GetName()
<< ") to super label " << superLabel << endl ;
} else {
coutW(InputArguments) << "RooSimultaneous::initialize(" << GetName() << ") WARNING: No p.d.f. associated with label "
<< type->GetName() << " for component RooSimultaneous p.d.f " << citer->second.pdf->GetName()
<< "which is associated with master index label " << citer->first << endl ;
delete titer ;
} else {
// Case 2 -- Replication of components of RooSim component are required
// Make replication supercat
RooSuperCategory repliSuperCat("tmp","tmp",repliCats) ;
TIterator* triter = repliSuperCat.typeIterator() ;
TIterator* tsiter = citer->second.subIndex->typeIterator() ;
RooCatType* stype, *rtype ;
while ((stype=(RooCatType*)tsiter->Next())) {
const_cast(citer->second.subIndex)->setLabel(stype->GetName()) ;
triter->Reset() ;
while ((rtype=(RooCatType*)triter->Next())) {
repliSuperCat.setLabel(rtype->GetName()) ;
string superLabel = superIndex->getLabel() ;
RooAbsPdf* compPdf = citer->second.simPdf->getPdf(stype->GetName()) ;
if (compPdf) {
addPdf(*compPdf,superLabel.c_str()) ;
cxcoutD(InputArguments) << "RooSimultaneous::initialize(" << GetName()
<< ") assigning pdf " << compPdf->GetName() << "(member of " << citer->second.pdf->GetName()
<< ") to super label " << superLabel << endl ;
} else {
coutW(InputArguments) << "RooSimultaneous::initialize(" << GetName() << ") WARNING: No p.d.f. associated with label "
<< stype->GetName() << " for component RooSimultaneous p.d.f " << citer->second.pdf->GetName()
<< "which is associated with master index label " << citer->first << endl ;
delete tsiter ;
delete triter ;
// Change original master index to super index and take ownership of it
_indexCat.setArg(*superIndex) ;
addOwnedComponents(*superIndex) ;
RooSimultaneous::RooSimultaneous(const RooSimultaneous& other, const char* name) :
// Copy constructor
// Copy proxy list
TIterator* pIter = other._pdfProxyList.MakeIterator() ;
RooRealProxy* proxy ;
while ((proxy=(RooRealProxy*)pIter->Next())) {
_pdfProxyList.Add(new RooRealProxy(proxy->GetName(),this,*proxy)) ;
delete pIter ;
// Destructor
_pdfProxyList.Delete() ;
RooAbsPdf* RooSimultaneous::getPdf(const char* catName) const
// Return the p.d.f associated with the given index category name
RooRealProxy* proxy = (RooRealProxy*) _pdfProxyList.FindObject(catName) ;
return proxy ? ((RooAbsPdf*)proxy->absArg()) : 0 ;
Bool_t RooSimultaneous::addPdf(const RooAbsPdf& pdf, const char* catLabel)
// Associate given PDF with index category state label 'catLabel'.
// The names state must be already defined in the index category
// RooSimultaneous can function without having a PDF associated
// with every single state. The normalization in such cases is taken
// from the number of registered PDFs, but getVal() will assert if
// when called for an unregistered index state.
// PDFs may not overlap (i.e. share any variables) with the index category (function)
// PDFs cannot overlap with the index category
if (pdf.dependsOn(_indexCat.arg())) {
coutE(InputArguments) << "RooSimultaneous::addPdf(" << GetName() << "): ERROR, PDF " << pdf.GetName()
<< " overlaps with index category " << _indexCat.arg().GetName() << endl ;
return kTRUE ;
// Each index state can only have one PDF associated with it
if (_pdfProxyList.FindObject(catLabel)) {
coutE(InputArguments) << "RooSimultaneous::addPdf(" << GetName() << "): ERROR, index state "
<< catLabel << " has already an associated PDF" << endl ;
return kTRUE ;
const RooSimultaneous* simPdf = dynamic_cast(&pdf) ;
if (simPdf) {
coutE(InputArguments) << "RooSimultaneous::addPdf(" << GetName()
<< ") ERROR: you cannot add a RooSimultaneous component to a RooSimultaneous using addPdf()."
<< " Use the constructor with RooArgList if input p.d.f.s or the map instead." << endl ;
return kTRUE ;
} else {
// Create a proxy named after the associated index state
TObject* proxy = new RooRealProxy(catLabel,catLabel,this,(RooAbsPdf&)pdf) ;
_pdfProxyList.Add(proxy) ;
_numPdf += 1 ;
return kFALSE ;
RooAbsPdf::ExtendMode RooSimultaneous::extendMode() const
Bool_t allCanExtend(kTRUE) ;
Bool_t anyMustExtend(kFALSE) ;
for (Int_t i=0 ; i<_numPdf ; i++) {
RooRealProxy* proxy = (RooRealProxy*) _pdfProxyList.FindObject(_indexCat.label()) ;
if (proxy) {
// cout << " now processing pdf " << pdf->GetName() << endl ;
RooAbsPdf* pdf = (RooAbsPdf*) proxy->absArg() ;
if (!pdf->canBeExtended()) {
// cout << "RooSim::extendedMode(" << GetName() << ") component " << pdf->GetName() << " cannot be extended" << endl ;
allCanExtend=kFALSE ;
if (pdf->mustBeExtended()) {
if (anyMustExtend) {
// cout << "RooSim::extendedMode(" << GetName() << ") returning MustBeExtended" << endl ;
return MustBeExtended ;
if (allCanExtend) {
// cout << "RooSim::extendedMode(" << GetName() << ") returning CanBeExtended" << endl ;
return CanBeExtended ;
// cout << "RooSim::extendedMode(" << GetName() << ") returning CanNotBeExtended" << endl ;
return CanNotBeExtended ;
Double_t RooSimultaneous::evaluate() const
// Return the current value:
// the value of the PDF associated with the current index category state
// Retrieve the proxy by index name
RooRealProxy* proxy = (RooRealProxy*) _pdfProxyList.FindObject(_indexCat.label()) ;
//assert(proxy!=0) ;
if (proxy==0) return 0 ;
// Calculate relative weighting factor for sim-pdfs of all extendable components
Double_t catFrac(1) ;
if (canBeExtended()) {
Double_t nEvtCat = ((RooAbsPdf*)(proxy->absArg()))->expectedEvents(_normSet) ;
Double_t nEvtTot(0) ;
TIterator* iter = _pdfProxyList.MakeIterator() ;
RooRealProxy* proxy2 ;
while((proxy2=(RooRealProxy*)iter->Next())) {
nEvtTot += ((RooAbsPdf*)(proxy2->absArg()))->expectedEvents(_normSet) ;
delete iter ;
catFrac=nEvtCat/nEvtTot ;
// Return the selected PDF value, normalized by the number of index states
return ((RooAbsPdf*)(proxy->absArg()))->getVal(_normSet)*catFrac ;
Double_t RooSimultaneous::expectedEvents(const RooArgSet* nset) const
// Return the number of expected events: If the index is in nset,
// then return the sum of the expected events of all components,
// otherwise return the number of expected events of the PDF
// associated with the current index category state
if (nset->contains(_indexCat.arg())) {
Double_t sum(0) ;
TIterator* iter = _pdfProxyList.MakeIterator() ;
RooRealProxy* proxy ;
while((proxy=(RooRealProxy*)iter->Next())) {
sum += ((RooAbsPdf*)(proxy->absArg()))->expectedEvents(nset) ;
delete iter ;
return sum ;
} else {
// Retrieve the proxy by index name
RooRealProxy* proxy = (RooRealProxy*) _pdfProxyList.FindObject(_indexCat.label()) ;
//assert(proxy!=0) ;
if (proxy==0) return 0 ;
// Return the selected PDF value, normalized by the number of index states
return ((RooAbsPdf*)(proxy->absArg()))->expectedEvents(nset);
Int_t RooSimultaneous::getAnalyticalIntegralWN(RooArgSet& allVars, RooArgSet& analVars,
const RooArgSet* normSet, const char* rangeName) const
// Forward determination of analytical integration capabilities to component p.d.f.s
// A unique code is assigned to the combined integration capabilities of all associated
// p.d.f.s
// Declare that we can analytically integrate all requested observables
analVars.add(allVars) ;
// Retrieve (or create) the required partial integral list
Int_t code ;
// Check if this configuration was created before
CacheElem* cache = (CacheElem*) _partIntMgr.getObj(normSet,&analVars,0,RooNameReg::ptr(rangeName)) ;
if (cache) {
code = _partIntMgr.lastIndex() ;
return code+1 ;
cache = new CacheElem ;
// Create the partial integral set for this request
TIterator* iter = _pdfProxyList.MakeIterator() ;
RooRealProxy* proxy ;
while((proxy=(RooRealProxy*)iter->Next())) {
RooAbsReal* pdfInt = proxy->arg().createIntegral(analVars,normSet,0,rangeName) ;
cache->_partIntList.addOwned(*pdfInt) ;
delete iter ;
// Store the partial integral list and return the assigned code ;
code = _partIntMgr.setObj(normSet,&analVars,cache,RooNameReg::ptr(rangeName)) ;
return code+1 ;
Double_t RooSimultaneous::analyticalIntegralWN(Int_t code, const RooArgSet* normSet, const char* /*rangeName*/) const
// Return analytical integration defined by given code
// No integration scenario
if (code==0) {
return getVal(normSet) ;
// Partial integration scenarios, rangeName already encoded in 'code'
CacheElem* cache = (CacheElem*) _partIntMgr.getObjByIndex(code-1) ;
RooRealProxy* proxy = (RooRealProxy*) _pdfProxyList.FindObject(_indexCat.label()) ;
Int_t idx = _pdfProxyList.IndexOf(proxy) ;
return ((RooAbsReal*)cache->_partIntList.at(idx))->getVal(normSet) ;
RooPlot* RooSimultaneous::plotOn(RooPlot *frame, RooLinkedList& cmdList) const
// Back-end for plotOn() implementation on RooSimultaneous which
// needs special handling because a RooSimultaneous PDF cannot
// project out its index category via integration, plotOn() will
// abort if this is requested without providing a projection dataset
// Sanity checks
if (plotSanityChecks(frame)) return frame ;
// Extract projection configuration from command list
RooCmdConfig pc(Form("RooSimultaneous::plotOn(%s)",GetName())) ;
pc.defineString("sliceCatState","SliceCat",0,"",kTRUE) ;
pc.defineDouble("scaleFactor","Normalization",0,1.0) ;
pc.defineInt("scaleType","Normalization",0,RooAbsPdf::Relative) ;
pc.defineObject("sliceCatList","SliceCat",0,0,kTRUE) ;
pc.defineObject("projSet","Project",0) ;
pc.defineObject("sliceSet","SliceVars",0) ;
pc.defineObject("projDataSet","ProjData",0) ;
pc.defineObject("projData","ProjData",1) ;
pc.defineMutex("Project","SliceVars") ;
pc.allowUndefined() ; // there may be commands we don't handle here
// Process and check varargs
pc.process(cmdList) ;
if (!pc.ok(kTRUE)) {
return frame ;
const RooAbsData* projData = (const RooAbsData*) pc.getObject("projData") ;
const RooArgSet* projDataSet = (const RooArgSet*) pc.getObject("projDataSet") ;
const RooArgSet* sliceSetTmp = (const RooArgSet*) pc.getObject("sliceSet") ;
RooArgSet* sliceSet = sliceSetTmp ? ((RooArgSet*) sliceSetTmp->Clone()) : 0 ;
const RooArgSet* projSet = (const RooArgSet*) pc.getObject("projSet") ;
Double_t scaleFactor = pc.getDouble("scaleFactor") ;
ScaleType stype = (ScaleType) pc.getInt("scaleType") ;
// Look for category slice arguments and add them to the master slice list if found
const char* sliceCatState = pc.getString("sliceCatState",0,kTRUE) ;
const RooLinkedList& sliceCatList = pc.getObjectList("sliceCatList") ;
if (sliceCatState) {
// Make the master slice set if it doesnt exist
if (!sliceSet) {
sliceSet = new RooArgSet ;
// Prepare comma separated label list for parsing
char buf[1024] ;
strlcpy(buf,sliceCatState,1024) ;
const char* slabel = strtok(buf,",") ;
// Loop over all categories provided by (multiple) Slice() arguments
TIterator* iter = sliceCatList.MakeIterator() ;
RooCategory* scat ;
while((scat=(RooCategory*)iter->Next())) {
if (slabel) {
// Set the slice position to the value indicate by slabel
scat->setLabel(slabel) ;
// Add the slice category to the master slice set
sliceSet->add(*scat,kFALSE) ;
slabel = strtok(0,",") ;
delete iter ;
// Check if we have a projection dataset
if (!projData) {
coutE(InputArguments) << "RooSimultaneous::plotOn(" << GetName() << ") ERROR: must have a projection dataset for index category" << endl ;
return frame ;
// Make list of variables to be projected
RooArgSet projectedVars ;
if (sliceSet) {
//cout << "frame->getNormVars() = " ; frame->getNormVars()->Print("1") ;
makeProjectionSet(frame->getPlotVar(),frame->getNormVars(),projectedVars,kTRUE) ;
// Take out the sliced variables
TIterator* iter = sliceSet->createIterator() ;
RooAbsArg* sliceArg ;
while((sliceArg=(RooAbsArg*)iter->Next())) {
RooAbsArg* arg = projectedVars.find(sliceArg->GetName()) ;
if (arg) {
projectedVars.remove(*arg) ;
} else {
coutI(Plotting) << "RooAbsReal::plotOn(" << GetName() << ") slice variable "
<< sliceArg->GetName() << " was not projected anyway" << endl ;
delete iter ;
} else if (projSet) {
makeProjectionSet(frame->getPlotVar(),projSet,projectedVars,kFALSE) ;
} else {
makeProjectionSet(frame->getPlotVar(),frame->getNormVars(),projectedVars,kTRUE) ;
Bool_t projIndex(kFALSE) ;
if (!_indexCat.arg().isDerived()) {
// *** Error checking for a fundamental index category ***
//cout << "RooSim::plotOn: index is fundamental" << endl ;
// Check that the provided projection dataset contains our index variable
if (!projData->get()->find(_indexCat.arg().GetName())) {
coutE(Plotting) << "RooSimultaneous::plotOn(" << GetName() << ") ERROR: Projection over index category "
<< "requested, but projection data set doesn't contain index category" << endl ;
return frame ;
if (projectedVars.find(_indexCat.arg().GetName())) {
projIndex=kTRUE ;
} else {
// *** Error checking for a composite index category ***
// Determine if any servers of the index category are in the projectedVars
TIterator* sIter = _indexCat.arg().serverIterator() ;
RooAbsArg* server ;
RooArgSet projIdxServers ;
Bool_t anyServers(kFALSE) ;
while((server=(RooAbsArg*)sIter->Next())) {
if (projectedVars.find(server->GetName())) {
anyServers=kTRUE ;
projIdxServers.add(*server) ;
delete sIter ;
// Check that the projection dataset contains all the
// index category components we're projecting over
// Determine if all projected servers of the index category are in the projection dataset
sIter = projIdxServers.createIterator() ;
Bool_t allServers(kTRUE) ;
while((server=(RooAbsArg*)sIter->Next())) {
if (!projData->get()->find(server->GetName())) {
allServers=kFALSE ;
delete sIter ;
if (!allServers) {
coutE(Plotting) << "RooSimultaneous::plotOn(" << GetName()
<< ") ERROR: Projection dataset doesn't contain complete set of index category dependents" << endl ;
return frame ;
if (anyServers) {
projIndex = kTRUE ;
// Calculate relative weight fractions of components
Roo1DTable* wTable = projData->table(_indexCat.arg()) ;
// If we don't project over the index, just do the regular plotOn
if (!projIndex) {
coutI(Plotting) << "RooSimultaneous::plotOn(" << GetName() << ") plot on " << frame->getPlotVar()->GetName()
<< " represents a slice in the index category (" << _indexCat.arg().GetName() << ")" << endl ;
// Reduce projData: take out fitCat (component) columns and entries that don't match selected slice
// Construct cut string to only select projection data event that match the current slice
const RooAbsData* projDataTmp(projData) ;
if (projData) {
// Make list of categories columns to exclude from projection data
RooArgSet* indexCatComps = _indexCat.arg().getObservables(frame->getNormVars());
// Make cut string to exclude rows from projection data
TString cutString ;
TIterator* compIter = indexCatComps->createIterator() ;
RooAbsCategory* idxComp ;
Bool_t first(kTRUE) ;
while((idxComp=(RooAbsCategory*)compIter->Next())) {
if (!first) {
cutString.Append("&&") ;
} else {
first=kFALSE ;
cutString.Append(Form("%s==%d",idxComp->GetName(),idxComp->getIndex())) ;
delete compIter ;
// Make temporary projData without RooSim index category components
RooArgSet projDataVars(*projData->get()) ;
projDataVars.remove(*indexCatComps,kTRUE,kTRUE) ;
projDataTmp = ((RooAbsData*)projData)->reduce(projDataVars,cutString) ;
delete indexCatComps ;
// Multiply scale factor with fraction of events in current state of index
// RooPlot* retFrame = getPdf(_indexCat.arg().getLabel())->plotOn(frame,drawOptions,
// scaleFactor*wTable->getFrac(_indexCat.arg().getLabel()),
// stype,projDataTmp,projSet) ;
// Override normalization and projection dataset
RooCmdArg tmp1 = RooFit::Normalization(scaleFactor*wTable->getFrac(_indexCat.arg().getLabel()),stype) ;
RooCmdArg tmp2 = RooFit::ProjWData(*projDataSet,*projDataTmp) ;
// WVE -- do not adjust normalization for asymmetry plots
RooLinkedList cmdList2(cmdList) ;
if (!cmdList.find("Asymmetry")) {
cmdList2.Add(&tmp1) ;
cmdList2.Add(&tmp2) ;
// Plot single component
RooPlot* retFrame = getPdf(_indexCat.arg().getLabel())->plotOn(frame,cmdList2) ;
// Delete temporary dataset
if (projDataTmp) {
delete projDataTmp ;
delete wTable ;
delete sliceSet ;
return retFrame ;
// If we project over the index, plot using a temporary RooAddPdf
// using the weights from the data as coefficients
// Make a deep clone of our index category
RooArgSet* idxCloneSet = (RooArgSet*) RooArgSet(_indexCat.arg()).snapshot(kTRUE) ;
RooAbsCategoryLValue* idxCatClone = (RooAbsCategoryLValue*) idxCloneSet->find(_indexCat.arg().GetName()) ;
// Build the list of indexCat components that are sliced
RooArgSet* idxCompSliceSet = _indexCat.arg().getObservables(frame->getNormVars()) ;
idxCompSliceSet->remove(projectedVars,kTRUE,kTRUE) ;
TIterator* idxCompSliceIter = idxCompSliceSet->createIterator() ;
// Make a new expression that is the weighted sum of requested components
RooArgList pdfCompList ;
RooArgList wgtCompList ;
//RooAbsPdf* pdf ;
RooRealProxy* proxy ;
TIterator* pIter = _pdfProxyList.MakeIterator() ;
Double_t sumWeight(0) ;
while((proxy=(RooRealProxy*)pIter->Next())) {
idxCatClone->setLabel(proxy->name()) ;
// Determine if this component is the current slice (if we slice)
Bool_t skip(kFALSE) ;
idxCompSliceIter->Reset() ;
RooAbsCategory* idxSliceComp ;
while((idxSliceComp=(RooAbsCategory*)idxCompSliceIter->Next())) {
RooAbsCategory* idxComp = (RooAbsCategory*) idxCloneSet->find(idxSliceComp->GetName()) ;
if (idxComp->getIndex()!=idxSliceComp->getIndex()) {
skip=kTRUE ;
break ;
if (skip) continue ;
// Instantiate a RRV holding this pdfs weight fraction
RooRealVar *wgtVar = new RooRealVar(proxy->name(),"coef",wTable->getFrac(proxy->name())) ;
wgtCompList.addOwned(*wgtVar) ;
sumWeight += wTable->getFrac(proxy->name()) ;
// Add the PDF to list list
pdfCompList.add(proxy->arg()) ;
TString plotVarName(GetName()) ;
RooAddPdf *plotVar = new RooAddPdf(plotVarName,"weighted sum of RS components",pdfCompList,wgtCompList) ;
// Fix appropriate coefficient normalization in plot function
if (_plotCoefNormSet.getSize()>0) {
plotVar->fixAddCoefNormalization(_plotCoefNormSet) ;
RooAbsData* projDataTmp(0) ;
RooArgSet projSetTmp ;
if (projData) {
// Construct cut string to only select projection data event that match the current slice
TString cutString ;
if (idxCompSliceSet->getSize()>0) {
idxCompSliceIter->Reset() ;
RooAbsCategory* idxSliceComp ;
Bool_t first(kTRUE) ;
while((idxSliceComp=(RooAbsCategory*)idxCompSliceIter->Next())) {
if (!first) {
cutString.Append("&&") ;
} else {
first=kFALSE ;
cutString.Append(Form("%s==%d",idxSliceComp->GetName(),idxSliceComp->getIndex())) ;
// Make temporary projData without RooSim index category components
RooArgSet projDataVars(*projData->get()) ;
RooArgSet* idxCatServers = _indexCat.arg().getObservables(frame->getNormVars()) ;
projDataVars.remove(*idxCatServers,kTRUE,kTRUE) ;
if (idxCompSliceSet->getSize()>0) {
projDataTmp = ((RooAbsData*)projData)->reduce(projDataVars,cutString) ;
} else {
projDataTmp = ((RooAbsData*)projData)->reduce(projDataVars) ;
if (projSet) {
projSetTmp.add(*projSet) ;
delete idxCatServers ;
if (_indexCat.arg().isDerived() && idxCompSliceSet->getSize()>0) {
coutI(Plotting) << "RooSimultaneous::plotOn(" << GetName() << ") plot on " << frame->getPlotVar()->GetName()
<< " represents a slice in index category components " << *idxCompSliceSet << endl ;
RooArgSet* idxCompProjSet = _indexCat.arg().getObservables(frame->getNormVars()) ;
idxCompProjSet->remove(*idxCompSliceSet,kTRUE,kTRUE) ;
if (idxCompProjSet->getSize()>0) {
coutI(Plotting) << "RooSimultaneous::plotOn(" << GetName() << ") plot on " << frame->getPlotVar()->GetName()
<< " averages with data index category components " << *idxCompProjSet << endl ;
delete idxCompProjSet ;
} else {
coutI(Plotting) << "RooSimultaneous::plotOn(" << GetName() << ") plot on " << frame->getPlotVar()->GetName()
<< " averages with data index category (" << _indexCat.arg().GetName() << ")" << endl ;
// Override normalization and projection dataset
RooLinkedList cmdList2(cmdList) ;
RooCmdArg tmp1 = RooFit::Normalization(scaleFactor*sumWeight,stype) ;
RooCmdArg tmp2 = RooFit::ProjWData(*projDataSet,*projDataTmp) ;
// WVE -- do not adjust normalization for asymmetry plots
if (!cmdList.find("Asymmetry")) {
cmdList2.Add(&tmp1) ;
cmdList2.Add(&tmp2) ;
RooPlot* frame2 ;
if (projSetTmp.getSize()>0) {
// Plot temporary function
RooCmdArg tmp3 = RooFit::Project(projSetTmp) ;
cmdList2.Add(&tmp3) ;
frame2 = plotVar->plotOn(frame,cmdList2) ;
} else {
// Plot temporary function
frame2 = plotVar->plotOn(frame,cmdList2) ;
// Cleanup
delete sliceSet ;
delete pIter ;
delete wTable ;
delete idxCloneSet ;
delete idxCompSliceIter ;
delete idxCompSliceSet ;
delete plotVar ;
if (projDataTmp) delete projDataTmp ;
return frame2 ;
RooPlot* RooSimultaneous::plotOn(RooPlot *frame, Option_t* drawOptions, Double_t scaleFactor,
ScaleType stype, const RooAbsData* projData, const RooArgSet* projSet,
Double_t /*precision*/, Bool_t /*shiftToZero*/, const RooArgSet* /*projDataSet*/,
Double_t /*rangeLo*/, Double_t /*rangeHi*/, RooCurve::WingMode /*wmode*/) const
// OBSOLETE -- Retained for backward compatibility
// Make command list
RooLinkedList cmdList ;
cmdList.Add(new RooCmdArg(RooFit::DrawOption(drawOptions))) ;
cmdList.Add(new RooCmdArg(RooFit::Normalization(scaleFactor,stype))) ;
if (projData) cmdList.Add(new RooCmdArg(RooFit::ProjWData(*projData))) ;
if (projSet) cmdList.Add(new RooCmdArg(RooFit::Project(*projSet))) ;
// Call new method
RooPlot* ret = plotOn(frame,cmdList) ;
// Cleanup
cmdList.Delete() ;
return ret ;
void RooSimultaneous::selectNormalization(const RooArgSet* normSet, Bool_t /*force*/)
// Interface function used by test statistics to freeze choice of observables
// for interpretation of fraction coefficients. Needed here because a RooSimultaneous
// works like a RooAddPdf when plotted
_plotCoefNormSet.removeAll() ;
if (normSet) _plotCoefNormSet.add(*normSet) ;
void RooSimultaneous::selectNormalizationRange(const char* normRange2, Bool_t /*force*/)
// Interface function used by test statistics to freeze choice of range
// for interpretation of fraction coefficients. Needed here because a RooSimultaneous
// works like a RooAddPdf when plotted
_plotCoefNormRange = RooNameReg::ptr(normRange2) ;
RooAbsGenContext* RooSimultaneous::autoGenContext(const RooArgSet &vars, const RooDataSet* prototype,
const RooArgSet* auxProto, Bool_t verbose, Bool_t autoBinned, const char* binnedTag) const
const char* idxCatName = _indexCat.arg().GetName() ;
if (vars.find(idxCatName) && prototype==0 && (auxProto==0 || auxProto->getSize()==0) && (autoBinned || (binnedTag && strlen(binnedTag)))) {
// Return special generator config that can also do binned generation for selected states
return new RooSimSplitGenContext(*this,vars,verbose,autoBinned,binnedTag) ;
} else {
// Return regular generator config ;
return genContext(vars,prototype,auxProto,verbose) ;
RooAbsGenContext* RooSimultaneous::genContext(const RooArgSet &vars, const RooDataSet *prototype,
const RooArgSet* auxProto, Bool_t verbose) const
// Return specialized generator contenxt for simultaneous p.d.f.s
const char* idxCatName = _indexCat.arg().GetName() ;
const RooArgSet* protoVars = prototype ? prototype->get() : 0 ;
if (vars.find(idxCatName) || (protoVars && protoVars->find(idxCatName))) {
// Generating index category: return special sim-context
return new RooSimGenContext(*this,vars,prototype,auxProto,verbose) ;
} else if (_indexCat.arg().isDerived()) {
// Generating dependents of a derived index category
// Determine if we none,any or all servers
Bool_t anyServer(kFALSE), allServers(kTRUE) ;
if (prototype) {
TIterator* sIter = _indexCat.arg().serverIterator() ;
RooAbsArg* server ;
while((server=(RooAbsArg*)sIter->Next())) {
if (prototype->get()->find(server->GetName())) {
anyServer=kTRUE ;
} else {
allServers=kFALSE ;
delete sIter ;
} else {
allServers=kTRUE ;
if (allServers) {
// Use simcontext if we have all servers
return new RooSimGenContext(*this,vars,prototype,auxProto,verbose) ;
} else if (!allServers && anyServer) {
// Abort if we have only part of the servers
coutE(Plotting) << "RooSimultaneous::genContext: ERROR: prototype must include either all "
<< " components of the RooSimultaneous index category or none " << endl ;
return 0 ;
// Otherwise make single gencontext for current state
// Not generating index cat: return context for pdf associated with present index state
RooRealProxy* proxy = (RooRealProxy*) _pdfProxyList.FindObject(_indexCat.arg().getLabel()) ;
if (!proxy) {
coutE(InputArguments) << "RooSimultaneous::genContext(" << GetName()
<< ") ERROR: no PDF associated with current state ("
<< _indexCat.arg().GetName() << "=" << _indexCat.arg().getLabel() << ")" << endl ;
return 0 ;
return ((RooAbsPdf*)proxy->absArg())->genContext(vars,prototype,auxProto,verbose) ;
RooDataHist* RooSimultaneous::fillDataHist(RooDataHist *hist,
const RooArgSet* nset,
Double_t scaleFactor,
Bool_t correctForBinVolume,
Bool_t showProgress) const
if (RooAbsReal::fillDataHist (hist, nset, scaleFactor,
correctForBinVolume, showProgress) == 0)
return 0;
Double_t sum = 0;
for (int i=0 ; inumEntries() ; i++) {
hist->get(i) ;
sum += hist->weight();
if (sum != 0) {
for (int i=0 ; inumEntries() ; i++) {
hist->get(i) ;
hist->set (hist->weight() / sum);
return hist;
RooDataSet* RooSimultaneous::generateSimGlobal(const RooArgSet& whatVars, Int_t nEvents)
// Special generator interface for generation of 'global observables' -- for RooStats tools
// Make set with clone of variables (placeholder for output)
RooArgSet* globClone = (RooArgSet*) whatVars.snapshot() ;
RooDataSet* data = new RooDataSet("gensimglobal","gensimglobal",whatVars) ;
// Construct iterator over index types
TIterator* iter = indexCat().typeIterator() ;
for (Int_t i=0 ; iReset() ;
RooCatType* tt ;
while((tt=(RooCatType*) iter->Next())) {
// Get pdf associated with state from simpdf
RooAbsPdf* pdftmp = getPdf(tt->GetName()) ;
// Generate only global variables defined by the pdf associated with this state
RooArgSet* globtmp = pdftmp->getObservables(whatVars) ;
RooDataSet* tmp = pdftmp->generate(*globtmp,1) ;
// Transfer values to output placeholder
*globClone = *tmp->get(0) ;
// Cleanup
delete globtmp ;
delete tmp ;
data->add(*globClone) ;
delete iter ;
delete globClone ;
return data ;