* Project: RooFit *
* Package: RooFitCore *
* @(#)root/roofitcore:$Id$
* Authors: *
* WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu *
* *
* Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California *
* and Stanford University. All rights reserved. *
* *
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, *
* with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms *
* listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) *
// The RooWorkspace is a persistable container for RooFit projects. A workspace
// can contain and own variables, p.d.f.s, functions and datasets. All objects
// that live in the workspace are owned by the workspace. The import() method
// enforces consistency of objects upon insertion into the workspace (e.g. no
// duplicate object with the same name are allowed) and makes sure all objects
// in the workspace are connected to each other. Easy accessor methods like
// pdf(), var() and data() allow to refer to the contents of the workspace by
// object name. The entire RooWorkspace can be saved into a ROOT TFile and organises
// the consistent streaming of its contents without duplication.
// If a RooWorkspace contains custom classes, i.e. classes not in the
// ROOT distribution, portability of workspaces can be enhanced by
// storing the source code of those classes in the workspace as well.
// This process is also organized by the workspace through the
// importClassCode() method.
#include "RooFit.h"
#include "RooWorkspace.h"
#include "RooAbsPdf.h"
#include "RooRealVar.h"
#include "RooCategory.h"
#include "RooAbsData.h"
#include "RooCmdConfig.h"
#include "RooMsgService.h"
#include "RooConstVar.h"
#include "RooResolutionModel.h"
#include "RooPlot.h"
#include "RooRandom.h"
#include "TInterpreter.h"
#include "TClassTable.h"
#include "TBaseClass.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TRegexp.h"
#include "RooFactoryWSTool.h"
#include "RooAbsStudy.h"
#include "RooTObjWrap.h"
#include "RooAbsOptTestStatistic.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TH1.h"