// @(#)root/roostats:$Id$ // Author: Kyle Cranmer, Lorenzo Moneta, Gregory Schott, Wouter Verkerke /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef RooStats_ConfidenceBelt #define RooStats_ConfidenceBelt #ifndef ROO_ARG_SET #include "RooArgSet.h" #endif #ifndef ROO_TREE_DATA #include "RooAbsData.h" #endif #ifndef RooStats_ConfInterval #include "RooStats/ConfInterval.h" #endif #include "RooStats/SamplingDistribution.h" #include "TRef.h" #include <vector> #include <map> namespace RooStats { /////////////////////////// class SamplingSummaryLookup : public TObject { typedef std::pair<Double_t, Double_t> AcceptanceCriteria; // defined by Confidence level, leftside tail probability typedef std::map<Int_t, AcceptanceCriteria> LookupTable; // map ( Index, ( CL, leftside tail prob) ) public: SamplingSummaryLookup() {} virtual ~SamplingSummaryLookup() {} void Add(Double_t cl, Double_t leftside){ // add cl,leftside pair to lookup table AcceptanceCriteria tmp(cl, leftside); // should check to see if this is already in the map if(GetLookupIndex(cl,leftside) >=0 ){ std::cout<< "SamplingSummaryLookup::Add, already in lookup table" << std::endl; } else fLookupTable[fLookupTable.size()]= tmp; } Int_t GetLookupIndex(Double_t cl, Double_t leftside){ // get index for cl,leftside pair AcceptanceCriteria tmp(cl, leftside); Double_t tolerance = 1E-6; // some small number to protect floating point comparison. What is better way? LookupTable::iterator it = fLookupTable.begin(); Int_t index = -1; for(; it!= fLookupTable.end(); ++it) { index++; if( TMath::Abs( (*it).second.first - cl ) < tolerance && TMath::Abs( (*it).second.second - leftside ) < tolerance ) break; // exit loop, found } // check that it was found if(index == (Int_t)fLookupTable.size()) index = -1; return index; } Double_t GetConfidenceLevel(Int_t index){ if(index<0 || index>(Int_t)fLookupTable.size()) { std::cout << "SamplingSummaryLookup::GetConfidenceLevel, index not in lookup table" << std::endl; return -1; } return fLookupTable[index].first; } Double_t GetLeftSideTailFraction(Int_t index){ if(index<0 || index>(Int_t)fLookupTable.size()) { std::cout << "SamplingSummaryLookup::GetLeftSideTailFraction, index not in lookup table" << std::endl; return -1; } return fLookupTable[index].second; } private: LookupTable fLookupTable; // map ( Index, ( CL, leftside tail prob) ) protected: ClassDef(SamplingSummaryLookup,1) // A simple class used by ConfidenceBelt }; /////////////////////////// class AcceptanceRegion : public TObject{ public: AcceptanceRegion() : fLookupIndex(0), fLowerLimit(0), fUpperLimit(0) {} virtual ~AcceptanceRegion() {} AcceptanceRegion(Int_t lu, Double_t ll, Double_t ul){ fLookupIndex = lu; fLowerLimit = ll; fUpperLimit = ul; } Int_t GetLookupIndex(){return fLookupIndex;} Double_t GetLowerLimit(){return fLowerLimit;} Double_t GetUpperLimit(){return fUpperLimit;} private: Int_t fLookupIndex; // want a small footprint reference to the RooArgSet for particular parameter point Double_t fLowerLimit; // lower limit on test statistic Double_t fUpperLimit; // upper limit on test statistic protected: ClassDef(AcceptanceRegion,1) // A simple class for acceptance regions used for ConfidenceBelt }; /////////////////////////// class SamplingSummary : public TObject { public: SamplingSummary() : fParameterPointIndex(0) {} virtual ~SamplingSummary() {} SamplingSummary(AcceptanceRegion& ar) : fParameterPointIndex(0) { AddAcceptanceRegion(ar); } Int_t GetParameterPointIndex(){return fParameterPointIndex;} SamplingDistribution* GetSamplingDistribution(){ return (SamplingDistribution*) fSamplingDistribution.GetObject(); // dereference TRef } AcceptanceRegion& GetAcceptanceRegion(Int_t index=0){return fAcceptanceRegions[index];} void AddAcceptanceRegion(AcceptanceRegion& ar){ Int_t index = ar.GetLookupIndex(); if( fAcceptanceRegions.count(index) !=0) { std::cout << "SamplingSummary::AddAcceptanceRegion, need to implement merging protocol" << std::endl; } else { fAcceptanceRegions[index]=ar; } } private: Int_t fParameterPointIndex; // want a small footprint reference to the RooArgSet for particular parameter point TRef fSamplingDistribution; // persistent pointer to a SamplingDistribution std::map<Int_t, AcceptanceRegion> fAcceptanceRegions; protected: ClassDef(SamplingSummary,1) // A summary of acceptance regions for confidence belt }; ///////////////////////////////////////// class ConfidenceBelt : public TNamed { private: SamplingSummaryLookup fSamplingSummaryLookup; std::vector<SamplingSummary> fSamplingSummaries; // composite of several AcceptanceRegions RooAbsData* fParameterPoints; // either a histogram (RooDataHist) or a tree (RooDataSet) public: // constructors,destructors ConfidenceBelt(); ConfidenceBelt(const char* name); ConfidenceBelt(const char* name, const char* title); ConfidenceBelt(const char* name, RooAbsData&); ConfidenceBelt(const char* name, const char* title, RooAbsData&); virtual ~ConfidenceBelt(); // add after creating a region void AddAcceptanceRegion(RooArgSet&, AcceptanceRegion region, Double_t cl=-1., Double_t leftside=-1.); // add without creating a region, more useful for clients void AddAcceptanceRegion(RooArgSet& point, Int_t dataSetIndex, Double_t lower, Double_t upper, Double_t cl=-1., Double_t leftside=-1.); AcceptanceRegion* GetAcceptanceRegion(RooArgSet&, Double_t cl=-1., Double_t leftside=-1.); Double_t GetAcceptanceRegionMin(RooArgSet&, Double_t cl=-1., Double_t leftside=-1.); Double_t GetAcceptanceRegionMax(RooArgSet&, Double_t cl=-1., Double_t leftside=-1.); std::vector<Double_t> ConfidenceLevels() const ; // Method to return lower limit on a given parameter // Double_t LowerLimit(RooRealVar& param) ; // could provide, but misleading? // Double_t UpperLimit(RooRealVar& param) ; // could provide, but misleading? // do we want it to return list of parameters virtual RooArgSet* GetParameters() const; // check if parameters are correct. (dummy implementation to start) Bool_t CheckParameters(RooArgSet&) const ; protected: ClassDef(ConfidenceBelt,1) // A confidence belt for the Neyman Construction }; } #endif