// @(#)root/tmva $Id$ // Author: Rustem Ospanov /********************************************************************************** * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis * * Package: TMVA * * Class : ModulekNN * * Web : http://tmva.sourceforge.net * * * * Description: * * Implementation * * * * Author: * * Rustem Ospanov - U. of Texas at Austin, USA * * * * Copyright (c) 2007: * * CERN, Switzerland * * MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * U. of Texas at Austin, USA * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE * * (http://tmva.sourceforge.net/LICENSE) * **********************************************************************************/ #include "TMVA/ModulekNN.h" // C++ #include #include #include #include #include #include "TMath.h" // TMVA #include "TMVA/MsgLogger.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TMVA::kNN::Event::Event() :fVar(), fWeight(-1.0), fType(-1) { // default constructor } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TMVA::kNN::Event::Event(const VarVec &var, const Double_t weight, const Short_t type) :fVar(var), fWeight(weight), fType(type) { // constructor } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TMVA::kNN::Event::Event(const VarVec &var, const Double_t weight, const Short_t type, const VarVec &tvec) :fVar(var), fTgt(tvec), fWeight(weight), fType(type) { // constructor } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TMVA::kNN::Event::~Event() { // destructor } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TMVA::kNN::VarType TMVA::kNN::Event::GetDist(const Event &other) const { // compute distance const UInt_t nvar = GetNVar(); if (nvar != other.GetNVar()) { std::cerr << "Distance: two events have different dimensions" << std::endl; return -1.0; } VarType sum = 0.0; for (UInt_t ivar = 0; ivar < nvar; ++ivar) { sum += GetDist(other.GetVar(ivar), ivar); } return sum; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TMVA::kNN::Event::SetTargets(const VarVec &tvec) { fTgt = tvec; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const TMVA::kNN::VarVec& TMVA::kNN::Event::GetTargets() const { return fTgt; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const TMVA::kNN::VarVec& TMVA::kNN::Event::GetVars() const { return fVar; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TMVA::kNN::Event::Print() const { // print Print(std::cout); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TMVA::kNN::Event::Print(std::ostream& os) const { // print Int_t dp = os.precision(); os << "Event: "; for (UInt_t ivar = 0; ivar != GetNVar(); ++ivar) { if (ivar == 0) { os << "("; } else { os << ", "; } os << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(5) << std::setprecision(3) << GetVar(ivar); } if (GetNVar() > 0) { os << ")"; } else { os << " no variables"; } os << std::setprecision(dp); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::ostream& TMVA::kNN::operator<<(std::ostream& os, const TMVA::kNN::Event& event) { // streamer event.Print(os); return os; } TRandom3 TMVA::kNN::ModulekNN::fgRndm(1); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TMVA::kNN::ModulekNN::ModulekNN() :fDimn(0), fTree(0), fLogger( new MsgLogger("ModulekNN") ) { // default constructor } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TMVA::kNN::ModulekNN::~ModulekNN() { // destructor if (fTree) { delete fTree; fTree = 0; } delete fLogger; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TMVA::kNN::ModulekNN::Clear() { // clean up fDimn = 0; if (fTree) { delete fTree; fTree = 0; } fVarScale.clear(); fCount.clear(); fEvent.clear(); fVar.clear(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TMVA::kNN::ModulekNN::Add(const Event &event) { // add an event to tree if (fTree) { Log() << kFATAL << " Cannot add event: tree is already built" << Endl; return; } if (fDimn < 1) { fDimn = event.GetNVar(); } else if (fDimn != event.GetNVar()) { Log() << kFATAL << "ModulekNN::Add() - number of dimension does not match previous events" << Endl; return; } fEvent.push_back(event); for (UInt_t ivar = 0; ivar < fDimn; ++ivar) { fVar[ivar].push_back(event.GetVar(ivar)); } std::map::iterator cit = fCount.find(event.GetType()); if (cit == fCount.end()) { fCount[event.GetType()] = 1; } else { ++(cit->second); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bool_t TMVA::kNN::ModulekNN::Fill(const UShort_t odepth, const UInt_t ifrac, const std::string &option) { // fill the tree if (fTree) { Log() << kFATAL << "ModulekNN::Fill - tree has already been created" << Endl; return kFALSE; } // If trim option is set then find class with lowest number of events // and set that as maximum number of events for all other classes. UInt_t min = 0; if (option.find("trim") != std::string::npos) { for (std::map::const_iterator it = fCount.begin(); it != fCount.end(); ++it) { if (min == 0 || min > it->second) { min = it->second; } } Log() << kINFO << " Will trim all event types to " << min << " events" << Endl; fCount.clear(); fVar.clear(); EventVec evec; for (EventVec::const_iterator event = fEvent.begin(); event != fEvent.end(); ++event) { std::map::iterator cit = fCount.find(event->GetType()); if (cit == fCount.end()) { fCount[event->GetType()] = 1; } else if (cit->second < min) { ++(cit->second); } else { continue; } for (UInt_t d = 0; d < fDimn; ++d) { fVar[d].push_back(event->GetVar(d)); } evec.push_back(*event); } Log() << kINFO << " Erased " << fEvent.size() - evec.size() << " events" << Endl; fEvent = evec; } // clear event count fCount.clear(); // sort each variable for all events - needs this before Optimize() and ComputeMetric() for (VarMap::iterator it = fVar.begin(); it != fVar.end(); ++it) { std::sort((it->second).begin(), (it->second).end()); } if (option.find("metric") != std::string::npos && ifrac > 0) { ComputeMetric(ifrac); // sort again each variable for all events - needs this before Optimize() // rescaling has changed variable values for (VarMap::iterator it = fVar.begin(); it != fVar.end(); ++it) { std::sort((it->second).begin(), (it->second).end()); } } // If odepth > 0 then fill first odepth levels // with empty nodes that split separating variable in half for // all child nodes. If odepth = 0 then split variable 0 // at the median (in half) and return it as root node fTree = Optimize(odepth); if (!fTree) { Log() << kFATAL << "ModulekNN::Fill() - failed to create tree" << Endl; return kFALSE; } for (EventVec::const_iterator event = fEvent.begin(); event != fEvent.end(); ++event) { fTree->Add(*event, 0); std::map::iterator cit = fCount.find(event->GetType()); if (cit == fCount.end()) { fCount[event->GetType()] = 1; } else { ++(cit->second); } } for (std::map::const_iterator it = fCount.begin(); it != fCount.end(); ++it) { Log() << kINFO << " Class " << it->first << " has " << std::setw(8) << it->second << " events" << Endl; } return kTRUE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bool_t TMVA::kNN::ModulekNN::Find(Event event, const UInt_t nfind, const std::string &option) const { // find in tree // if tree has been filled then search for nfind closest events // if metic (fVarScale map) is computed then rescale event variables // using previsouly computed width of variable distribution if (!fTree) { Log() << kFATAL << "ModulekNN::Find() - tree has not been filled" << Endl; return kFALSE; } if (fDimn != event.GetNVar()) { Log() << kFATAL << "ModulekNN::Find() - number of dimension does not match training events" << Endl; return kFALSE; } if (nfind < 1) { Log() << kFATAL << "ModulekNN::Find() - requested 0 nearest neighbors" << Endl; return kFALSE; } // if variable widths are computed then rescale variable in this event // to same widths as events in stored kd-tree if (!fVarScale.empty()) { event = Scale(event); } // latest event for k-nearest neighbor search fkNNEvent = event; fkNNList.clear(); if(option.find("weight") != std::string::npos) { // recursive kd-tree search for nfind-nearest neighbors // use event weight to find all nearest events // that have sum of weights >= nfind kNN::Find(fkNNList, fTree, event, Double_t(nfind), 0.0); } else { // recursive kd-tree search for nfind-nearest neighbors // count nodes and do not use event weight kNN::Find(fkNNList, fTree, event, nfind); } return kTRUE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bool_t TMVA::kNN::ModulekNN::Find(const UInt_t nfind, const std::string &option) const { // find in tree if (fCount.empty() || !fTree) { return kFALSE; } static std::map::const_iterator cit = fCount.end(); if (cit == fCount.end()) { cit = fCount.begin(); } const Short_t etype = (cit++)->first; if (option == "flat") { VarVec dvec; for (UInt_t d = 0; d < fDimn; ++d) { VarMap::const_iterator vit = fVar.find(d); if (vit == fVar.end()) { return kFALSE; } const std::vector &vvec = vit->second; if (vvec.empty()) { return kFALSE; } // assume that vector elements of fVar are sorted const VarType min = vvec.front(); const VarType max = vvec.back(); const VarType width = max - min; if (width < 0.0 || width > 0.0) { dvec.push_back(min + width*fgRndm.Rndm()); } else { return kFALSE; } } const Event event(dvec, 1.0, etype); Find(event, nfind); return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TMVA::kNN::Node* TMVA::kNN::ModulekNN::Optimize(const UInt_t odepth) { // Optimize() balances binary tree for first odepth levels // for each depth we split sorted depth % dimension variables // into 2^odepth parts if (fVar.empty() || fDimn != fVar.size()) { Log() << kWARNING << " Cannot build a tree" << Endl; return 0; } const UInt_t size = (fVar.begin()->second).size(); if (size < 1) { Log() << kWARNING << " Cannot build a tree without events" << Endl; return 0; } VarMap::const_iterator it = fVar.begin(); for (; it != fVar.end(); ++it) { if ((it->second).size() != size) { Log() << kWARNING << " # of variables doesn't match between dimensions" << Endl; return 0; } } if (double(fDimn*size) < TMath::Power(2.0, double(odepth))) { Log() << kWARNING << " Optimization depth exceeds number of events" << Endl; return 0; } Log() << kINFO << "Optimizing tree for " << fDimn << " variables with " << size << " values" << Endl; std::vector *> pvec, cvec; it = fVar.find(0); if (it == fVar.end() || (it->second).size() < 2) { Log() << kWARNING << " Missing 0 variable" << Endl; return 0; } const Event pevent(VarVec(fDimn, (it->second)[size/2]), -1.0, -1); Node *tree = new Node(0, pevent, 0); pvec.push_back(tree); for (UInt_t depth = 1; depth < odepth; ++depth) { const UInt_t mod = depth % fDimn; VarMap::const_iterator vit = fVar.find(mod); if (vit == fVar.end()) { Log() << kFATAL << "Missing " << mod << " variable" << Endl; return 0; } const std::vector &dvec = vit->second; if (dvec.size() < 2) { Log() << kFATAL << "Missing " << mod << " variable" << Endl; return 0; } UInt_t ichild = 1; for (std::vector *>::iterator pit = pvec.begin(); pit != pvec.end(); ++pit) { Node *parent = *pit; const VarType lmedian = dvec[size*ichild/(2*pvec.size() + 1)]; ++ichild; const VarType rmedian = dvec[size*ichild/(2*pvec.size() + 1)]; ++ichild; const Event levent(VarVec(fDimn, lmedian), -1.0, -1); const Event revent(VarVec(fDimn, rmedian), -1.0, -1); Node *lchild = new Node(parent, levent, mod); Node *rchild = new Node(parent, revent, mod); parent->SetNodeL(lchild); parent->SetNodeR(rchild); cvec.push_back(lchild); cvec.push_back(rchild); } pvec = cvec; cvec.clear(); } return tree; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TMVA::kNN::ModulekNN::ComputeMetric(const UInt_t ifrac) { // compute scale factor for each variable (dimension) so that // distance is computed uniformely along each dimension // compute width of interval that includes (100 - 2*ifrac)% of events // below, assume that in fVar each vector of values is sorted if (ifrac == 0) { return; } if (ifrac > 100) { Log() << kFATAL << "ModulekNN::ComputeMetric - fraction can not exceed 100%" << Endl; return; } if (!fVarScale.empty()) { Log() << kFATAL << "ModulekNN::ComputeMetric - metric is already computed" << Endl; return; } if (fEvent.size() < 100) { Log() << kFATAL << "ModulekNN::ComputeMetric - number of events is too small" << Endl; return; } const UInt_t lfrac = (100 - ifrac)/2; const UInt_t rfrac = 100 - (100 - ifrac)/2; Log() << kINFO << "Computing scale factor for 1d distributions: " << "(ifrac, bottom, top) = (" << ifrac << "%, " << lfrac << "%, " << rfrac << "%)" << Endl; fVarScale.clear(); for (VarMap::const_iterator vit = fVar.begin(); vit != fVar.end(); ++vit) { const std::vector &dvec = vit->second; std::vector::const_iterator beg_it = dvec.end(); std::vector::const_iterator end_it = dvec.end(); Int_t dist = 0; for (std::vector::const_iterator dit = dvec.begin(); dit != dvec.end(); ++dit, ++dist) { if ((100*dist)/dvec.size() == lfrac && beg_it == dvec.end()) { beg_it = dit; } if ((100*dist)/dvec.size() == rfrac && end_it == dvec.end()) { end_it = dit; } } if (beg_it == dvec.end() || end_it == dvec.end()) { beg_it = dvec.begin(); end_it = dvec.end(); assert(beg_it != end_it && "Empty vector"); --end_it; } const Double_t lpos = *beg_it; const Double_t rpos = *end_it; if (!(lpos < rpos)) { Log() << kFATAL << "ModulekNN::ComputeMetric() - min value is greater than max value" << Endl; continue; } // Rustem: please find a solution that does not use distance (it does not exist on solaris) // Log() << kINFO << "Variable " << vit->first // << " included " << distance(beg_it, end_it) + 1 // << " events: width = " << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(5) << std::setprecision(3) << rpos - lpos // << ", (min, max) = (" << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(5) << std::setprecision(3) << lpos // << ", " << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(5) << std::setprecision(3) << rpos << ")" << Endl; fVarScale[vit->first] = rpos - lpos; } fVar.clear(); for (UInt_t ievent = 0; ievent < fEvent.size(); ++ievent) { fEvent[ievent] = Scale(fEvent[ievent]); for (UInt_t ivar = 0; ivar < fDimn; ++ivar) { fVar[ivar].push_back(fEvent[ievent].GetVar(ivar)); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const TMVA::kNN::Event TMVA::kNN::ModulekNN::Scale(const Event &event) const { // scale each event variable so that rms of variables is approximately 1.0 // this allows comparisons of variables with distinct scales and units if (fVarScale.empty()) { return event; } if (event.GetNVar() != fVarScale.size()) { Log() << kFATAL << "ModulekNN::Scale() - mismatched metric and event size" << Endl; return event; } VarVec vvec(event.GetNVar(), 0.0); for (UInt_t ivar = 0; ivar < event.GetNVar(); ++ivar) { std::map::const_iterator fit = fVarScale.find(ivar); if (fit == fVarScale.end()) { Log() << kFATAL << "ModulekNN::Scale() - failed to find scale for " << ivar << Endl; continue; } if (fit->second > 0.0) { vvec[ivar] = event.GetVar(ivar)/fit->second; } else { Log() << kFATAL << "Variable " << ivar << " has zero width" << Endl; } } return Event(vvec, event.GetWeight(), event.GetType(), event.GetTargets()); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TMVA::kNN::ModulekNN::Print() const { // print Print(std::cout); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TMVA::kNN::ModulekNN::Print(std::ostream &os) const { // print os << "----------------------------------------------------------------------"<< std::endl; os << "Printing knn result" << std::endl; os << fkNNEvent << std::endl; UInt_t count = 0; std::map min, max; os << "Printing " << fkNNList.size() << " nearest neighbors" << std::endl; for (List::const_iterator it = fkNNList.begin(); it != fkNNList.end(); ++it) { os << ++count << ": " << it->second << ": " << it->first->GetEvent() << std::endl; const Event &event = it->first->GetEvent(); for (UShort_t ivar = 0; ivar < event.GetNVar(); ++ivar) { if (min.find(ivar) == min.end()) { min[ivar] = event.GetVar(ivar); } else if (min[ivar] > event.GetVar(ivar)) { min[ivar] = event.GetVar(ivar); } if (max.find(ivar) == max.end()) { max[ivar] = event.GetVar(ivar); } else if (max[ivar] < event.GetVar(ivar)) { max[ivar] = event.GetVar(ivar); } } } if (min.size() == max.size()) { for (std::map::const_iterator mit = min.begin(); mit != min.end(); ++mit) { const Short_t i = mit->first; Log() << kINFO << "(var, min, max) = (" << i << "," << min[i] << ", " << max[i] << ")" << Endl; } } os << "----------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; }