// @(#)root/treeplayer:$Id$ // Author: Rene Brun 15/01/2003 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2003, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TFileDrawMap // // // // This class is automatically called by TFile::DrawMap // It draws a canvas showing the internal structure of a ROOT file. // Each key or basket in a file is shown with a fill area drawn // at the byte position of the key/basket in the file. // The Y axis of the canvas shows the number of Kbytes/Mbytes. // The X axis shows the bytes between y(i) and y(i+1). // A color corresponding to the class in the key/basket is automatically // selected using the class unique identifier. // // When moving the mouse in the canvas, the "Event Status" panels // shows the object corresponding to the mouse position. // if the object is a key, it shows the class and object name as well as // the file directory name if the file has sub-directories. // if the object is a basket, it shows: // -the name of the Tree // -the name of the branch // -the basket number // -the entry number in the basket // // Special keys like the StreamerInfo record, the Keys List Record // and the Free Blocks Record are also shown. // // When clicking the right mouse button, a pop-up menu is shown // with its title identifying the picked object and with the items: // -DrawObject: in case of a key, the Draw function of the object is called // in case of a basket, the branch is drawn for all entries // -DumpObject: in case of a key, the Dump function of the object is called // in case of a basket, tree->Show(entry) is called // -InspectObject: the Inspect function is called for the object. // // The normal axis zoom functionality can be used to zoom or unzoom // One can also use the TCanvas context menu SetCanvasSize to make // a larger canvas and use the canvas scroll bars. // // When the class is built, it is possible to identify a subset of the // objects to be shown. For example, to view only the keys with // names starting with "abc", set the argument keys to "abc*". // The default is to view all the objects. // The argument options can also be used (only one option currently) // When the option "same" is given, the new picture is suprimposed. // The option "same" is useful, eg: // to draw all keys with names = "abc" in a first pass // then all keys with names = "uv*" in a second pass, etc. // //Begin_Html /* */ //End_Html // // ============================================================================= #include "TFileDrawMap.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TClass.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TBranch.h" #include "TLeaf.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TVirtualPad.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TBox.h" #include "TKey.h" #include "TRegexp.h" #include "TSystem.h" ClassImp(TFileDrawMap) //______________________________________________________________________________ TFileDrawMap::TFileDrawMap() :TNamed() { // Default TreeFileMap constructor fFile = 0; fFrame = 0; fXsize = 1000; fYsize = 1000; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TFileDrawMap::TFileDrawMap(const TFile *file, const char *keys, Option_t *option) : TNamed("TFileDrawMap","") { // TFileDrawMap normal constructor // see descriptions of arguments above fFile = (TFile*)file; fKeys = keys; fOption = option; fOption.ToLower(); SetBit(kCanDelete); //create histogram used to draw the map frame if (file->GetEND() > 1000000) { fXsize = 1000000; } else { fXsize = 1000; } fFrame = new TH1D("hmapframe","",1000,0,fXsize); fFrame->SetDirectory(0); fFrame->SetBit(TH1::kNoStats); fFrame->SetBit(kCanDelete); fFrame->SetMinimum(0); if (fXsize > 1000) { fFrame->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("MBytes"); } else { fFrame->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("KBytes"); } fFrame->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Bytes"); fYsize = 1 + Int_t(file->GetEND()/fXsize); fFrame->SetMaximum(fYsize); fFrame->GetYaxis()->SetLimits(0,fYsize); //Bool_t show = kFALSE; if (gPad) { gPad->Clear(); //show = gPad->GetCanvas()->GetShowEventStatus(); } Draw(); if (gPad) { //if (!show) gPad->GetCanvas()->ToggleEventStatus(); gPad->Update(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ TFileDrawMap::~TFileDrawMap() { //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Tree destructor*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* //*-* ================= //delete fFrame; //should not be deleted (kCanDelete set) } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFileDrawMap::AnimateTree(const char *branches) { // Show sequence of baskets reads for the list of baskets involved // in the list of branches (separated by ",") // if branches="", the branch pointed by the mouse is taken. // if branches="*", all branches are taken // Example: // AnimateTree("x,y,u"); TString ourbranches( GetName() ); Ssiz_t pos = ourbranches.Index(", basket="); if (pos == kNPOS) return; ourbranches.Remove(pos); pos = ourbranches.Index(", branch="); if (pos == kNPOS) return; ourbranches[pos] = 0; TTree *tree = (TTree*)fFile->Get(ourbranches.Data()); if (!tree) return; TString info; if (strlen(branches) > 0) info = branches; else info = ourbranches.Data()+pos+9; printf("Animating tree, branches=%s\n",info.Data()); // create list of branches Int_t nzip = 0; TBranch *branch; TObjArray list; char *comma; while((comma = strrchr((char*)info.Data(),','))) { *comma = 0; comma++; while (*comma == ' ') comma++; branch = tree->GetBranch(comma); if (branch) { nzip += (Int_t)branch->GetZipBytes(); branch->SetUniqueID(0); list.Add(branch); } } comma = (char*)info.Data(); while (*comma == ' ') comma++; branch = tree->GetBranch(comma); if (branch) { nzip += (Int_t)branch->GetZipBytes(); branch->SetUniqueID(0); list.Add(branch); } Double_t fractionRead = Double_t(nzip)/Double_t(fFile->GetEND()); Int_t nbranches = list.GetEntries(); // loop on all tree entries Int_t nentries = (Int_t)tree->GetEntries(); Int_t sleep = 1; Int_t stime = (Int_t)(100./(nentries*fractionRead)); if (stime < 10) {stime=1; sleep = nentries/400;} gPad->SetDoubleBuffer(0); // turn off double buffer mode gVirtualX->SetDrawMode(TVirtualX::kInvert); // set the drawing mode to XOR mode for (Int_t entry=0;entryGetListOfBaskets()->GetSize(); Int_t basket = TMath::BinarySearch(nbaskets,branch->GetBasketEntry(), (Long64_t) entry); Int_t nbytes = branch->GetBasketBytes()[basket]; Int_t bseek = branch->GetBasketSeek(basket); Int_t entry0 = branch->GetBasketEntry()[basket]; Int_t entryn = branch->GetBasketEntry()[basket+1]; Int_t eseek = (Int_t)(bseek + nbytes*Double_t(entry-entry0)/Double_t(entryn-entry0)); DrawMarker(ib,branch->GetUniqueID()); DrawMarker(ib,eseek); branch->SetUniqueID(eseek); gSystem->ProcessEvents(); if (entry%sleep == 0) gSystem->Sleep(stime); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TFileDrawMap::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py) { // Compute distance from point px,py to this TreeFileMap // Find the closest object to the mouse, save its path in the TFileDrawMap name. Int_t pxmin = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(gPad->GetUxmin()); Int_t pxmax = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(gPad->GetUxmax()); Int_t pymin = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(gPad->GetUymin()); Int_t pymax = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(gPad->GetUymax()); if (px > pxmin && px < pxmax && py > pymax && py < pymin) { SetName(GetObjectInfo(px,py)); return 0; } return fFrame->DistancetoPrimitive(px,py); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFileDrawMap::DrawMarker(Int_t marker, Long64_t eseek) { // Draw marker Int_t iy = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(eseek/fXsize); Int_t ix = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(eseek%fXsize); Int_t d; Int_t mark = marker%4; switch (mark) { case 0 : d = 6; //arrow gVirtualX->DrawLine(ix-3*d,iy,ix,iy); gVirtualX->DrawLine(ix-d,iy+d,ix,iy); gVirtualX->DrawLine(ix-d,iy-d,ix,iy); gVirtualX->DrawLine(ix-d,iy-d,ix-d,iy+d); break; case 1 : d = 5; //up triangle gVirtualX->DrawLine(ix-d,iy-d,ix+d,iy-d); gVirtualX->DrawLine(ix+d,iy-d,ix,iy+d); gVirtualX->DrawLine(ix,iy+d,ix-d,iy-d); break; case 2 : d = 5; //open square gVirtualX->DrawLine(ix-d,iy-d,ix+d,iy-d); gVirtualX->DrawLine(ix+d,iy-d,ix+d,iy+d); gVirtualX->DrawLine(ix+d,iy+d,ix-d,iy+d); gVirtualX->DrawLine(ix-d,iy+d,ix-d,iy-d); break; case 3 : d = 8; //cross gVirtualX->DrawLine(ix-d,iy,ix+d,iy); gVirtualX->DrawLine(ix,iy-d,ix,iy+d); break; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFileDrawMap::DrawObject() { // Draw object at the mouse position TVirtualPad *padsave = gROOT->GetSelectedPad(); if (padsave == gPad) { //must create a new canvas gROOT->MakeDefCanvas(); } else { padsave->cd(); } // case of a TTree char *info = new char[fName.Length()+1]; strlcpy(info,fName.Data(),fName.Length()+1); char *cbasket = (char*)strstr(info,", basket="); if (cbasket) { *cbasket = 0; char *cbranch = (char*)strstr(info,", branch="); if (!cbranch) return; *cbranch = 0; cbranch += 9; TTree *tree = (TTree*)fFile->Get(info); if (tree) tree->Draw(cbranch); return; } // other objects TObject *obj = GetObject(); if (obj) obj->Draw(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFileDrawMap::DumpObject() { // Dump object at the mouse position TObject *obj = GetObject(); if (obj) { obj->Dump(); return; } char *centry = (char*)strstr(GetName(),"entry="); if (!centry) return; Int_t entry = 0; sscanf(centry+6,"%d",&entry); TString info(GetName()); char *colon = (char*)strstr((char*)info.Data(),"::"); if (!colon) return; colon--; *colon = 0; TTree *tree; fFile->GetObject(info.Data(),tree); if (tree) tree->Show(entry); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFileDrawMap::ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py) { // Execute action corresponding to one event fFrame->ExecuteEvent(event,px,py); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TObject *TFileDrawMap::GetObject() { // Retrieve object at the mouse position in memory if (strstr(GetName(),"entry=")) return 0; char *info = new char[fName.Length()+1]; strlcpy(info,fName.Data(),fName.Length()+1); char *colon = strstr(info,"::"); if (!colon) return 0; colon--; *colon = 0; return fFile->Get(info); } //______________________________________________________________________________ char *TFileDrawMap::GetObjectInfo(Int_t px, Int_t py) const { // Redefines TObject::GetObjectInfo. // Displays the keys info in the file corresponding to cursor position px,py // in the canvas status bar info panel static TString info; GetObjectInfoDir(fFile, px, py, info); return (char*)info.Data(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TFileDrawMap::GetObjectInfoDir(TDirectory *dir, Int_t px, Int_t py, TString &info) const { // Redefines TObject::GetObjectInfo. // Displays the keys info in the directory // corresponding to cursor position px,py // Double_t x = gPad->AbsPixeltoX(px); Double_t y = gPad->AbsPixeltoY(py); Int_t iy = (Int_t)y; Long64_t pbyte = (Long64_t)(fXsize*iy+x); Int_t nbytes; Long64_t bseek; TDirectory *dirsav = gDirectory; dir->cd(); TIter next(dir->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *key; while ((key = (TKey*)next())) { TDirectory *curdir = gDirectory; TClass *cl = TClass::GetClass(key->GetClassName()); // a TDirectory ? if (cl && cl == TDirectoryFile::Class()) { curdir->cd(key->GetName()); TDirectory *subdir = gDirectory; Bool_t gotInfo = GetObjectInfoDir(subdir, px, py, info); if (gotInfo) { dirsav->cd(); return kTRUE; } curdir->cd(); continue; } // a TTree ? if (cl && cl->InheritsFrom(TTree::Class())) { TTree *tree = (TTree*)gDirectory->Get(key->GetName()); TIter nextb(tree->GetListOfLeaves()); TLeaf *leaf; while ((leaf = (TLeaf*)nextb())) { TBranch *branch = leaf->GetBranch(); Int_t nbaskets = branch->GetMaxBaskets(); Int_t offsets = branch->GetEntryOffsetLen(); Int_t len = leaf->GetLen(); for (Int_t i=0;iGetBasketSeek(i); if (!bseek) break; nbytes = branch->GetBasketBytes()[i]; if (pbyte >= bseek && pbyte < bseek+nbytes) { Int_t entry = branch->GetBasketEntry()[i]; if (!offsets) entry += (pbyte-bseek)/len; if (curdir == (TDirectory*)fFile) { info.Form("%s%s, branch=%s, basket=%d, entry=%d",curdir->GetPath(),key->GetName(),branch->GetName(),i,entry); } else { info.Form("%s/%s, branch=%s, basket=%d, entry=%d",curdir->GetPath(),key->GetName(),branch->GetName(),i,entry); } return kTRUE; } } } } nbytes = key->GetNbytes(); bseek = key->GetSeekKey(); if (pbyte >= bseek && pbyte < bseek+nbytes) { if (curdir == (TDirectory*)fFile) { info.Form("%s%s ::%s, nbytes=%d",curdir->GetPath(),key->GetName(),key->GetClassName(),nbytes); } else { info.Form("%s/%s ::%s, nbytes=%d",curdir->GetPath(),key->GetName(),key->GetClassName(),nbytes); } dirsav->cd(); return kTRUE; } } // Are we in the Keys list if (pbyte >= dir->GetSeekKeys() && pbyte < dir->GetSeekKeys()+dir->GetNbytesKeys()) { info.Form("%sKeys List, nbytes=%d",dir->GetPath(),dir->GetNbytesKeys()); dirsav->cd(); return kTRUE; } if (dir == (TDirectory*)fFile) { // Are we in the TStreamerInfo if (pbyte >= fFile->GetSeekInfo() && pbyte < fFile->GetSeekInfo()+fFile->GetNbytesInfo()) { info.Form("%sStreamerInfo List, nbytes=%d",dir->GetPath(),fFile->GetNbytesInfo()); dirsav->cd(); return kTRUE; } // Are we in the Free Segments if (pbyte >= fFile->GetSeekFree() && pbyte < fFile->GetSeekFree()+fFile->GetNbytesFree()) { info.Form("%sFree List, nbytes=%d",dir->GetPath(),fFile->GetNbytesFree()); dirsav->cd(); return kTRUE; } } info.Form("(byte=%lld)",pbyte); dirsav->cd(); return kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFileDrawMap::InspectObject() { // Inspect object at the mouse position TObject *obj = GetObject(); if (obj) obj->Inspect(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFileDrawMap::Paint(Option_t *) { // Paint this TFileDrawMap // draw map frame if (!fOption.Contains("same")) { gPad->Clear(); //just in case axis Y has been unzoomed if (fFrame->GetMaximumStored() < -1000) { fFrame->SetMaximum(fYsize+1); fFrame->SetMinimum(0); fFrame->GetYaxis()->SetLimits(0,fYsize+1); } fFrame->Paint("a"); } //draw keys PaintDir(fFile, fKeys.Data()); fFrame->Draw("sameaxis"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFileDrawMap::PaintBox(TBox &box, Long64_t bseek, Int_t nbytes) { // Paint the object at bseek with nbytes using the box object Int_t iy = bseek/fXsize; Int_t ix = bseek%fXsize; Int_t ny = 1+(nbytes+ix)/fXsize; Double_t xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax; for (Int_t j=0;j fXsize) xmax = fXsize; ymin = iy+j; ymax = ymin+1; nbytes -= (Int_t)(xmax-xmin); if (xmax < gPad->GetUxmin()) continue; if (xmin > gPad->GetUxmax()) continue; if (xmin < gPad->GetUxmin()) xmin = gPad->GetUxmin(); if (xmax > gPad->GetUxmax()) xmax = gPad->GetUxmax(); if (ymax < gPad->GetUymin()) continue; if (ymin > gPad->GetUymax()) continue; if (ymin < gPad->GetUymin()) ymin = gPad->GetUymin(); if (ymax > gPad->GetUymax()) ymax = gPad->GetUymax(); //box.TAttFill::Modify(); box.PaintBox(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TFileDrawMap::PaintDir(TDirectory *dir, const char *keys) { // Paint keys in a directory TDirectory *dirsav = gDirectory; TIter next(dir->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *key; Int_t color = 0; TBox box; TRegexp re(keys,kTRUE); while ((key = (TKey*)next())) { Int_t nbytes = key->GetNbytes(); Long64_t bseek = key->GetSeekKey(); TClass *cl = TClass::GetClass(key->GetClassName()); if (cl) { color = (Int_t)(cl->GetUniqueID()%20); } else { color = 1; } box.SetFillColor(color); box.SetFillStyle(1001); TString s = key->GetName(); if (strcmp(fKeys.Data(),key->GetName()) && s.Index(re) == kNPOS) continue; // a TDirectory ? if (cl && cl == TDirectoryFile::Class()) { TDirectory *curdir = gDirectory; gDirectory->cd(key->GetName()); TDirectory *subdir = gDirectory; PaintDir(subdir,"*"); curdir->cd(); } PaintBox(box,bseek,nbytes); // a TTree ? if (cl && cl->InheritsFrom(TTree::Class())) { TTree *tree = (TTree*)gDirectory->Get(key->GetName()); TIter nextb(tree->GetListOfLeaves()); TLeaf *leaf; while ((leaf = (TLeaf*)nextb())) { TBranch *branch = leaf->GetBranch(); color = branch->GetFillColor(); if (color == 0) color = 1; box.SetFillColor(color); Int_t nbaskets = branch->GetMaxBaskets(); for (Int_t i=0;iGetBasketSeek(i); if (!bseek) break; nbytes = branch->GetBasketBytes()[i]; PaintBox(box,bseek,nbytes); } } } } // draw the box for Keys list box.SetFillColor(50); box.SetFillStyle(1001); PaintBox(box,dir->GetSeekKeys(),dir->GetNbytesKeys()); if (dir == (TDirectory*)fFile) { // draw the box for TStreamerInfo box.SetFillColor(6); box.SetFillStyle(3008); PaintBox(box,fFile->GetSeekInfo(),fFile->GetNbytesInfo()); // draw the box for Free Segments box.SetFillColor(1); box.SetFillStyle(1001); PaintBox(box,fFile->GetSeekFree(),fFile->GetNbytesFree()); } dirsav->cd(); }